Who here is fearful their children will become atheist/theist/Scientologist/Mormonist

When I create a brood - something I am greatly looking forward to. I am going to push my children into becoming polytheists :) I will take them on walks into the mountains and we will worship the local water and mountain gods and goddesses. If they find this beleif ridiculous later in life and decide to become atheists, then that's their choice.
My kid is most likely an atheist out of laziness. How good is that? :)
They need me more than I need them.

The choice is theirs, is it not?

When you're an old man, you might find things differently.

Just accept your kids WILL be atheists. That's a FACT. It's going to happen. They don't want to worship some mumbo jumbo religous BS. No way.

They'll probably pretend they believe, just to make you happy, but in reality (without you ever knowing) they will be laughing at you with their friends. You will be the butt of their jokes.

Poor Kadark....
When you're an old man, you might find things differently.

Just accept your kids WILL be atheists. That's a FACT. It's going to happen. They don't want to worship some mumbo jumbo religous BS. No way.

They'll probably pretend they believe, just to make you happy, but in reality (without you ever knowing) they will be laughing at you with their friends. You will be the butt of their jokes.

Poor Kadark....

Wow, you get stupider every time I have the displeasure of talking to you. Why are you so certain my kids (if I have any) will be atheists? Chances are, they won't be. There isn't a single atheist in my family, despite the fact that we're free to believe whatever we like. If my kids turn out to be anything like their father, they themselves will want to learn about their religion, history, and culture. Do you think I was taught religion by my parents? No. I researched it by myself, due to my yearning for knowledge. I learned to read a foreign language by myself at the age of twelve, all because of my motivation to read the Qur'an in its original language. I memorized pages of prayers in a language I had never before spoken, driven only by my personal thirst for religious knowledge. So, Michael, don't tell me that my kids will think of religion to be bullshit. Everything I know of religion is the result of my own hard work and will - not my parents' lectures. If you raise your children in the right environment, and introduce your religion to them in the way it's meant to be introduced, they will be religious, and they will be completely sincere about it.

Don't let me hear you talk such nonsense in the future.

When you're an old man, you might find things differently.

Just accept your kids WILL be atheists. That's a FACT. It's going to happen. They don't want to worship some mumbo jumbo religous BS. No way.

They'll probably pretend they believe, just to make you happy, but in reality (without you ever knowing) they will be laughing at you with their friends. You will be the butt of their jokes.

Poor Kadark....

Why will they be atheists? I'm loving your predicting the future power over here and the evidence you're showing...oh wait

Religious BS? Ha, says the scientologist!
Wow, you get stupider every time I have the displeasure of talking to you. Why are you so certain my kids (if I have any) will be atheists? Chances are, they won't be. There isn't a single atheist in my family, despite the fact that we're free to believe whatever we like. If my kids turn out to be anything like their father, they themselves will want to learn about their religion, history, and culture. Do you think I was taught religion by my parents? No. I researched it by myself, due to my yearning for knowledge. I learned to read a foreign language by myself at the age of twelve, all because of my motivation to read the Qur'an in its original language. I memorized pages of prayers in a language I had never before spoken, driven only by my personal thirst for religious knowledge. So, Michael, don't tell me that my kids will think of religion to be bullshit. Everything I know of religion is the result of my own hard work and will - not my parents' lectures. If you raise your children in the right environment, and introduce your religion to them in the way it's meant to be introduced, they will be religious, and they will be completely sincere about it.

Don't let me hear you talk such nonsense in the future.


Car, dark.
I'd probably feel like that if my children were atheist.


I really don't get the whole "my children must be believe in this or that or I'll be a failure as a parent" thing. Your children will be who they are. If they are theists, they are theists. If they are atheists, they are atheists. It is their choice and their path. All that should matter is that they are not arseholes but caring and fine individuals.. As a parent who is an atheist, I really do not care if my children become theists or atheists. It is entirely their choice and I refuse to allow anyone to pressure them either way. I care most about their happiness, their health and trying to bring them up to be fine, thinking and respectful individuals who aren't arseholes.
Religion is such a useful tool for teaching family values. I don't want my children to be crazy drug using liberals.
If I ever have kids God-willing, I'm not afraid they will become any of those things. I will teach my kids Aristotle, Physics and Metaphysics, and the a priori scientific law of cause and effect. Thus my kids will know there was a First Cause that caused the Big Bang.

I will also teach my kids Kant and Heisenberg.

"The use of these concepts, including space, time and causality, is in fact the condition for observing atomic events and is, in this sense of the word, 'a priori'." -- Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy

"When we make an experiment we have to assume a causal chain of events that leads from the atomic event through the apparatus finally to the eye of the observer; if this causal chain was not assumed, nothing could be known about the atomic event." -- Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy

I really don't get the whole "my children must be believe in this or that or I'll be a failure as a parent" thing. Your children will be who they are.

Because I want them to be critical thinkers who do not buy into groupthink, aplogies and justifcation.
I want my child to be happy - that's most important.
I would just as disappointed in myself, though, if my child were someone who was a political party loyalist.
Wow, you get stupider every time I have the displeasure of talking to you. Why are you so certain my kids (if I have any) will be atheists? Chances are, they won't be. There isn't a single atheist in my family, despite the fact that we're free to believe whatever we like. If my kids turn out to be anything like their father, they themselves will want to learn about their religion, history, and culture. Do you think I was taught religion by my parents? No. I researched it by myself, due to my yearning for knowledge. I learned to read a foreign language by myself at the age of twelve, all because of my motivation to read the Qur'an in its original language. I memorized pages of prayers in a language I had never before spoken, driven only by my personal thirst for religious knowledge. So, Michael, don't tell me that my kids will think of religion to be bullshit. Everything I know of religion is the result of my own hard work and will - not my parents' lectures. If you raise your children in the right environment, and introduce your religion to them in the way it's meant to be introduced, they will be religious, and they will be completely sincere about it.

Don't let me hear you talk such nonsense in the future.


Hmmm... obviously we searched in different places, Kadark, I basically found my atheistic lack of belief in the same way you found your theism