Who here is fearful their children will become atheist/theist/Scientologist/Mormonist

That seems like just a thing in the movies, but seriously the preachers daughter or the kids with the notoriously hard parents are always the loosest.
So how many ppl do you think REALLY abide to their religion? or their kids for that matter? Or do they just going around preaching about their religion but they don't really follow it.
M*W: I think most of them claim to be religious or a member of a particular religious organization, but they think that is the more PC way to identify themselves. Most Americans probably claim to be christian, but it's a facade that is fading into the sunset.
Shockingly, I have met one, exactly one, person who claimed christianity, then showed otherwise. I have met many christians who are an embarassment to the rest of us. I've met some who have struck me down with awe in their depth of faith. I'm afraid that it is not a facade that is fading. I'm afraid that you are just closed to other ideas that are not your own. Where I see a church full of believers, you see a church full of people acting. I hurt for you, MW.
Well I guess that answered that :p

Don't get antsy. The only reason I didn't reply to your post is because I was banned at the time.

I wonder, supposing this is the truth, would you be happier living knowing it or just continuing to believe a fairytale about winged fairy creatures flying through split moons - that's really the main difference between you and I.

Well, in order for me to even consider such a scenario, you'd have to convince me somehow that Muhammad was either a "Messianic Jew" or a "conservative Christian", using the "archaeological sources" you so frequently quote.

I moved past those sorts of fantasies in my mid 20s. Perhaps you will too by your mid 20s?

I doubt it. My beliefs are reinforced with life experience; the closest I came to resolutely eschewing these so-called "fantasies" was during my adolescence.

If your truly interested in finding out the truth, then, you should read more archeology and use that to interpret your religious mythos.

I would never be arrogant enough to claim I know the "truth". If you were to ask me who, of the two of us, was closer to reaching such a concept, I'd choose myself.

But hey, that's just my opinion ...
