Who here is fearful their children will become atheist/theist/Scientologist/Mormonist

I'm most fearful that my children will have blind faith in anything. I do my best to teach them to question, question, question, make a decision, then question some more. I'm not afraid of them becoming anything in particular, though if they become members of hate groups of some kind, I'd find this disconcerting.
Mr. Hamtastic, if you question, question, question your religion, you'd be an atheist.
Norsefire-Not at all. I do question my religion. Everyday. God is no less for being questioned. I believe God gave us free will because he wants us to choose to believe in him. Thus, I am a theist, albeit a thinking one. :)
If we approach God with the scientific method, we can conclude that there is no reason to believe in one.
Religion is not meant to prove science, nor vice versa. Science answers alot of specific "how" questions. Philosophy, Religion answer "why" questions. Applying the scientific method to God is much like trying to measure freedom with a protractor. It's silly.
Religion is not meant to prove science, nor vice versa. Science answers alot of specific "how" questions. Philosophy, Religion answer "why" questions. Applying the scientific method to God is much like trying to measure freedom with a protractor. It's silly.

The "why" answers are based on claims; claims have to be proven (or disproven). For instance, the claim that God exists.
I will encourage my children to find their own belief system, as I did, and support their choices as well as I can.
I have to be honest, though, if my child elects to be a member of a religion I will feel like a failure.

can you imagine if they became scientologists? I would just die!
So why is science? It has no distinct survival purpose, we'd be just as survivable if we wore animal skins and lived nomadically.
So why is science? It has no distinct survival purpose, we'd be just as survivable if we wore animal skins and lived nomadically.
Science does have a purpose, one that we fulfill by merely existing. Understanding the natural world.
So: Why is science? Because we exist. That seems nonsensical to me. A nonanswer. Do you have a better one?