Who here is fearful their children will become atheist/theist/Scientologist/Mormonist

Religion is such a useful tool for teaching family values.

So are nursery rhymes and Sesame Street.

I don't want my children to be crazy drug using liberals.

Do you have any evidence at all that "liberals" are more likely to be crazy or use drugs, compared to your fine upstanding conservative types?

I thought not.
Why will they be atheists? I'm loving your predicting the future power over here and the evidence you're showing...oh wait

Religious BS? Ha, says the scientologist!
Oh the joy .... may Xenu's blessing follow Ron Hubbard (PBUH) into the next life where he will be reborn as Kadark's son :p

Wow, you get stupider every time I have the displeasure of talking to you. Why are you so certain my kids (if I have any) will be atheists? Chances are, they won't be. There isn't a single atheist in my family, despite the fact that we're free to believe whatever we like. If my kids turn out to be anything like their father, they themselves will want to learn about their religion, history, and culture. Do you think I was taught religion by my parents? No. I researched it by myself, due to my yearning for knowledge. I learned to read a foreign language by myself at the age of twelve, all because of my motivation to read the Qur'an in its original language. I memorized pages of prayers in a language I had never before spoken, driven only by my personal thirst for religious knowledge. So, Michael, don't tell me that my kids will think of religion to be bullshit. Everything I know of religion is the result of my own hard work and will - not my parents' lectures. If you raise your children in the right environment, and introduce your religion to them in the way it's meant to be introduced, they will be religious, and they will be completely sincere about it.
You're too easy.

Some people are more inclined to learn about truth than about fiction.

M*W: I don't know that much about Scientology, but why do you think it "kills families?" From what little I've read, Scientology builds up the individual ego, so I can see where that would be a problem. Who can live with a person with a big ego?

You do need to get more information MW. Several reasons. Have a look at a BBC Panorama documentary called "Scientology and Me". It shows how Scientology people are pulled away from their families and told not to interact with them.

I write in a popular blog, and I swear, two days ago, I had a mom email me. Really really distraught. I live in South Africa.. this woman was also from South Africa, but several years ago her son had being sent to Clearwater in the US. She has not heard from him since then. She is trying to find an organisation that will help her get her son back.

Scientologists are informed to break all ties with non-scientology people ( disconnects) or SP`s (Suppresive person... which is anyone critical in the slightest of scientology).. also see my next link I will be posting in this section.

I refuse to see anymore Tom Cruise movies, because he came out as a public nutcase. Same goes for Nicolas Cage. His recent movie is the biggest flop in five-years. I thought Scientology was supposed to improve its members lives! Lisa Marie Presley is another one.

I even have a recent convert to Scientology in my own family (a nephew).

I thought it was interesting that you said Scientology "kills families." Please explain.

Say goodbye to him. Seriously. The deeper he gets, the more the chance is he will never be seen again by his family. Seriously watch that documentary I mention.. it shows what families have gone through with this cult.

Scientology has a "Disconnect Policy" which they help enforce with their "Fair game" tenents.

This google result brought up a lot of results: http://www.google.co.za/search?rlz=...ome&ie=UTF-8&q=scientology+breaks+up+families

Also contact Mark Bunker on Youtube, he has done a lot of work on their cult.
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If my kids(when i have them) become scientolgists they will either recant or be disowned. I don't mind religion but Scientology isn't a religion its a scam to make money.
MW.. here is that email I got from that concerned mother:

donve to legal
show details Aug 31 (9 days ago)


Hi there
Do you know of any exit counsellors/organisations in South Africa that assist in getting Scientology members out of the cult? My son has been in the US, at the Clearwater Florida headquarters, I haven't seen him since he left the country in 2005. My only contact over the last few years has been a few phone calls. I'm desperate. Any leads will be appreciated.
I look forward to hearing from you
Donvé ****, Cape Town
MW.. here is that email I got from that concerned mother:

donve to legal
show details Aug 31 (9 days ago)


Hi there
Do you know of any exit counsellors/organisations in South Africa that assist in getting Scientology members out of the cult? My son has been in the US, at the Clearwater Florida headquarters, I haven't seen him since he left the country in 2005. My only contact over the last few years has been a few phone calls. I'm desperate. Any leads will be appreciated.
I look forward to hearing from you
Donvé ****, Cape Town
Oh the joy .... may Xenu's blessing follow Ron Hubbard (PBUH) into the next life where he will be reborn as Kadark's son :p

You're too easy.

Some people are more inclined to learn about truth than about fiction.


I'm sure you, Michael, of all people, know what the "truth" is. :rolleyes:

You're such an idiot.

So are nursery rhymes and Sesame Street.
They teach the morals, sure, but religion is a useful tool for coming up with them.

Do you have any evidence at all that "liberals" are more likely to be crazy or use drugs, compared to your fine upstanding conservative types?

I thought not.

Most of them probably are.
Anyone? Seems quite irrational to me.

I like the question but I despise what you said:

Seems quite irrational to me

Yes. How on earth is fear irrational. Why is it irrational to be fearful that my child will be something that incites my fear. Why is it irrational to be fearful that I am fearful my child will be something I fear for him to be. Why is it fearful to be fearful of fear.

I swear to God. I would hate it if my child was preaching atheism at lunch tables or something. That is not irrational to hold. I would also hate it if I sat down for a minute and thought my son will become something bad. "Bad" is kind of hard to describe. I hope you understand what I mean. Good always is the best. I would hope my child would (well, not like I have the idea.. well I do have a girl who is already pregnant so I guess I do have the idea of what it's like to consider that.: ) not going to go forward into an outrageous position. It is best to keep things neutral or at least safe. Being "anything", example being dedicated to a cause, straight forward in their positions. I don't want to see anything overly dramatic. I would hope they retain a good stance, a stance which does not contain anything irrational as you call it.

Irrational would consist of holding obscene beliefe systems at early ages,

Irrational would consist of holding beliefs which do not match reality such as:

An atheistic position dedicated to atheism in which case that atheism fails to present an accurate stance in the position of truth.

What this "position of truth" actually in fact is is something which is wholy dependant upon him or her self. And I do hope that you would consider before you call people who call their sons or daughters fearful irrational hopless dumb bastards.

There isn't a single atheist in my family, despite the fact that we're free to believe whatever we like.

Until you threaten to disown them if they change their beliefs from your beliefs.

If you raise your children in the right environment, and introduce your religion to them in the way it's meant to be introduced, they will be religious, and they will be completely sincere about it.

Threatening to disown them is the "right environment?"
I'm sure you, Michael, of all people, know what the "truth" is. :rolleyes:

You're such an idiot.

Actually, you're not an idiot, Kadark. You have decent taste in video games, but, when it comes to religion you are somewhat brainwashed. not completely mind you.

Did you read the thread on the Syria-Aramaic reading of the Qur'an? What did you think? It's fitting better and better with the facts. I used to think that Mohammad was a Messianic Jew (and that still may be the case) but it seems more and more likely the if Mohammad had lived, he was a conservative Christian as well as he probably thought he was a Prophet. I wonder, supposing this is the truth, would you be happier living knowing it or just continuing to believe a fairytale about winged fairy creatures flying through split moons - that's really the main difference between you and I. I moved past those sorts of fantasies in my mid 20s. Perhaps you will too by your mid 20s?

If your truly interested in finding out the truth, then, you should read more archeology and use that to interpret your religious mythos.
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I would be more fearful of them marrying someone with a different religion and their spouse or their family trying to pressure them into something.

Right now we don't talk much about religion in our house. It is not something I am overly concerned with right now. I have more important things to keep my mind busy like the getting through the teenage yrs and other issues like smoking, sex, drugs.

I am more concerned that they turn out to be good individuals with morals and respect for other ppl, not a bunch of hooligans.
Religion is an excellent way to ensure that they come out to be good people with morals and respect for others. How many respectful atheists have you met?
Are you saying religious ppl aren't corrupt? liars? They are all outstanding citizens?

So far my boys are really good. They have great manners and have never been in any serious trouble ever.
This is without any religious influences on them.