Who designed the designer?

I cannot believe you do not underst
You may have to accept that Jan is working only with 2000 year old scriptures and superstition so he may indeed have trouble with expressions etc of today.
I find restating the issue is useful as is restating the issue at every opportunity thereafter for the next four weeks...
You may have to accept that Jan is working only with 2000 year old scriptures and superstition so he may indeed have trouble with expressions etc of today.
I find restating the issue is useful as is restating the issue at every opportunity thereafter for the next four weeks...
I may have to accept that Jan is playing games.

Jan you may like this.
I wrote it after a true friend passed away.

You have a body you have a soul,
You have a job, you have a role.
It must get done, thats why we are here...
What job is this? Are we told?
Would you listen?
Would you set your goal?....

The job gets done, our body dies, our role played out our soul it flies, to another time, and place in space...
With no more pain our souls unite with lessons learnt before their flight.
We reach our grace with knowledge won from our human race,
Whats left undone? What is your role, Get it done and set free your soul...

Jan you may like this.
I wrote it after a true friend passed away.

You have a body you have a soul,
You have a job, you have a role.
It must get done, thats why we are here...
What job is this? Are we told?
Would you listen?
Would you set your goal?....

The job gets done, our body dies, our role played out our soul it flies, to another time, and place in space...
With no more pain our souls unite with lessons learnt before their flight.
We reach our grace with knowledge won from our human race,
Whats left undone? What is your role, Get it done and set free your soul...


The Soul choses the path of material experience
What did you look at?
Same stuff you did.
Again, I don't know what you're looking at.
Answer it, or come of it.
The behavior of your God, as reported and referred to by you. The Laws as you see them and describe them. Your typed posts on this forum.
This then became the question:
How did you get fooled into thinking this: "It is man that transgresses the laws, not God."? All you had to do was look, and see otherwise.
Same stuff you did.

I don't remember talking about stuff I looked at.
What stuff was that?

The behavior of your God, as reported and referred to by you.

I don't recall reporting, or referring to anything like that, at least in this thread.
Can you at least point me to a post number?

How did you get fooled into thinking this: "It is man that transgresses the laws, not God."? All you had to do was look, and see otherwise.

It was you assumption that I was fooled into thinking about what I said, that made me ask, and despite going in a full circle, you are still scared to discuss it with me.

Look. Don't bother to respond if you're too frightened to enter into a discussion. There's no point.
If you do respond, then respond to my questions, or simply add something that provokes more interest.
