where is the evidence for alien visitation?

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cowardly weasel
you wriggle like an eel


spurious monkey goes down to the local bar, stands around for 2 minutes then takes off
time passes
spurious insists he was there that night
i say he was not

now spurious
prove to me beyond a doubt, with hard evidence, your presence at the bar

*the scenario is fixed. it cannot be modified.
Mind you...going to a bar is not an extraordinary thing.

Being abducted by aliens is.

Yoy need some extraordinary evidence.

Most people will believe that I went to a bar when I tell them. They know I am a drunk and this scenario is highly probable.

Not so with abductions.
the scenario cannot be modified
cameras are thrown out as it is its presence is not a statistical neccessity

you have no hard evidence

you rely on anecdotal evidence
you assume impartiality
you ask us to believe

you were not there
you are a liar and a charlatan working some angle to make a quick buck

i rather work with the simplest possible event
a ufo sighting
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Are you trying to say that aliens would never pay for their beer with a credit card when they go to a bar? Always cash?

That aliens never undertake any actions when impartial witnesses are around.

That aliens never walk into view of surveilance cameras?

That aliens never just drop dead and leave a body behind?

That aliens never leave a chewing gum wrapper made on the planet XRTITZ118 behind?

That aliens always put the toilet seat down after they have visited the toilet?

Where is your proof for the extraordinarity and perfection of aliens?
prove with hard evidence, your presence at the bar

can you?
a simple yes or no would suffice
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I can prove it obviously.

I give a urine sample.

I give a stool sample.

I give a blood sample.

I give a stomach content sample.

I let them swipe underneath my fingernails, my tongue...i let them swipe my shoes...i let them swipe everything.

Then they go to the bar. They record everything...

Then they match the beer found in my stomach with the beer on tap there. The beer I said I had ordered. They found a certain metal contamination lvl unique for this sample of beer. Due to old pipes. Moreover, the tap beer is contaminated with a unique set of bacterial fauna.

Then they match fibers underneath my shoes with fibers belonging to the carpet I was standing on when I ordered my beer.

Moreover, I had dipped my index finger in 35 sulphur isotope before I went into the bar. The geiger counter goes crazy all over the bar. And it goes crazy at the flusher of the toilet I said I touched.

Bloody hell...they now have enough evidence to put me away for ever.
spuriousmonkey said:
Are you trying to say that aliens would never pay for their beer with a credit card when they go to a bar? Always cash?

That aliens never undertake any actions when impartial witnesses are around.

That aliens never walk into view of surveilance cameras?

That aliens never just drop dead and leave a body behind?

That aliens never leave a chewing gum wrapper made on the planet XRTITZ118 behind?

That aliens always put the toilet seat down after they have visited the toilet?

i make no claims as needlessly anthropomorphizing behaviours would be very presumptuous and illogical

why do you?

spuriousmonkey said:
Where is your proof for the extraordinarity and perfection of aliens?

yikes. what a pathetic little strawman
What...we need to prove your extraordinarty claims??? You make the claims. The burden of proof lies with you. We don't have to prove the negative. Proving negatives is impossible.
spuriousmonkey said:

I can prove it obviously.

I give a urine sample.

I give a stool sample.

I give a blood sample.

I give a stomach content sample.

I let them swipe underneath my fingernails, my tongue...i let them swipe my shoes...i let them swipe everything.

Then they go to the bar. They record everything...

Then they match the beer found in my stomach with the beer on tap there. The beer I said I had ordered. They found a certain metal contamination lvl unique for this sample of beer. Due to old pipes. Moreover, the tap beer is contaminated with a unique set of bacterial fauna.

Then they match fibers underneath my shoes with fibers belonging to the carpet I was standing on when I ordered my beer.

Moreover, I had dipped my index finger in 35 sulphur isotope before I went into the bar. The geiger counter goes crazy all over the bar. And it goes crazy at the flusher of the toilet I said I touched.

Bloody hell...they now have enough evidence to put me away for ever.

this is desperation at its best
we are working with the 2nd scenario

it cannot be modified
no implausible scenarios

are you really a scientist?

*janitors usually clean up
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spuriousmonkey said:
What...we need to prove your extraordinarty claims??? You make the claims. The burden of proof lies with you. We don't have to prove the negative. Proving negatives is impossible.

show me what i claim. provide links

i can prove a negative

my cat is not in your room

go on
look around

*eleven is not equal to four
*the sumerians did not watch nbc news
spuriousmonkey said:
I think it is the burden of this so called surgeon to provide the possibilty for skeptical scientists to research this so called physical evidence (i.e send it by fedex to the nearest expert in question or if this person doesn't trust fedex bring it in person).

me::well....i am getting near the scene on the docu. ...who could ya trust? i have alredy explained the massive cover up.......if i remember right--shit i must have false memory syndrome...wait wait , where am i. is is KANSAS.....? oh i remembe now....achem continuuing. yes, i remember surgeon saying this: he has solid evidence. all you gotta do is go.whats te problem? and bodsy wuldthik yu dont WANT to know. isthis true? yues or no?

You can't expect people to fly all over the place because someone says they have evidence. That isn't the common practice in science. That's just pathetic if that is what is holding back the examination of 'real' physical evidence. It is grasping at straws.

me::what do athropologists do?

Hei duendy. I have physical evidence of aliens in a shoebox. Buy a ticket right now and visit me ASAP.

Would you bother to come?

i aint the one demanding solid evidence now am i.......what ya like?
and utilize yur imagination...or hypothesis....say you had had an experience when drivng. you see a bright UFO. you feel some love vibes comeing from it...then schuuum, your driving. you've lost an HOUR!.............what are you going o do then? are you going to share this experience?
orrrr, go and see a shrink?
what wouldyou do?
play with me
JDawg said:
Since when does having a PhD prevent you from being a complete lunatic?

absolutely nothing it would seem
i mean, just look at dr spurious

he relies on anecdotal evidence
he assumes impartial and rational witnesses
he ask us to believe

all this while insisting that hard evidence is the only criteria for proving an event actually occurred

he fails to understand that there are numerous instances where the most mundane events can be verified only by anecdotal evidence.

now place an alien in this bar
it departs leaving behind no physical traces


anecdotal evidence is not acceptable
humans are irrational
belief is just that....a belief......grounded in nothing except a fertile imagination
I provided a plausible scenario. I gave perfectly good scientific ways to determine if I had been in the bar. Some were more extreme than the others but all were reproducible tests and tests that could have been done by an impartial outsider.

You Sir are in denial, and I am not refering to the egyptian river.

I did everything you wanted and still you want me to jump higher. Obviously this isn't going to end because we all know that you have no firm ground to stand on. You are sinking away in a tar pit and all you can do is shoot down the messenger. Believe me (on authority of my PhD if you require so) when I say that everybody can see right through you.

It's just another (s)troll at the forum lakeside for you.
spuriousmonkey said:
Obviously you are not demanding evidence. Otherwise you wouldn't be an UFO believer.
of course i am.......(rolls ears.....listenup..i listen to a family. a mum, her gran, and two prepubescent boys. ok? they tell me about the amazing experience they have just had. i am LOOKIN and LISTENING..to teir words, their mannerism, emotions, body language....all at. THAT skill you seem to not take into consideration. YOUR focus is seemingly not including that, but is a narrowing on 'solid evidence'. Till then you wold treat that family as common liars or mentally ill wouldn't you?
yes or no? this is a court of law!
spuriousmonkey said:
I provided a plausible scenario. I gave perfectly good scientific ways to determine if I had been in the bar. Some were more extreme than the others but all were reproducible tests and tests that could have been done by an impartial outsider.

You Sir are in denial, and I am not refering to the egyptian river.

I did everything you wanted and still you want me to jump higher. Obviously this isn't going to end because we all know that you have no firm ground to stand on. You are sinking away in a tar pit and all you can do is shoot down the messenger. Believe me (on authority of my PhD if you require so) when I say that everybody can see right through you.

It's just another (s)troll at the forum lakeside for you.

actually it is you who is not willing to work within the entirely plausible constraints provided knowing that if you did, you will not have a leg to stand on

it could be as simple as merely stepping outside your house for a fleeting second.
your neighbors saw you
prove you stepped out with hard evidence

to assign a forensic team to verify this excursion borders on the insane and a probable exercise in futiilty

this is not asking you to jump higher
rather it is similar to a lot of other instances that could be imagined in which hard evidence of events is simply not present nor could it be retrieved

i have no doubt, with your typically disingenuous manner, you will attempt to verify this excursion by measuring the disturbance recorded in the quantum flux and present that as hard evidence

you are not doing as i asked. that is very obvious

Then they match the beer found in my stomach with the beer on tap there. The beer I said I had ordered. They found a certain metal contamination lvl unique for this sample of beer. Due to old pipes. Moreover, the tap beer is contaminated with a unique set of bacterial fauna.

you do not have a drink. you walk in and walk out. go back, read and attempt to focus

Then they match fibers underneath my shoes with fibers belonging to the carpet I was standing on when I ordered my beer.

i indicated that time passes. the carpet would have been vaccumed at least once.

you place a total and unwarranted reliance on the forensic team to come up with a match. fibers from the carpet are assumed, unrealistically and miraculously to be affixed to your shoes indefinitely.

Moreover, I had dipped my index finger in 35 sulphur isotope before I went into the bar. The geiger counter goes crazy all over the bar. And it goes crazy at the flusher of the toilet I said I touched.

this extreme example merely indicates your desperation, disingenuity and a refusal to consider the scenario and concept behind it in an honest manner

i will not shoot you spurious
that would be merciful

simply seeing thru me is never good enough and is wholly inadequate
make the rebuttals
denounce me as the charlatan

go on boy!

again...you fail to understand that there are numerous instances where the occurence of events can be verified only by anecdotal evidence.

people get convicted by this
people walk due to a lack of this

how hard is that to understand?

now all you have to fall back on is your "extraordinary evidence"
well tell me dr spurious phd monkey, what is this "extraordinary?" how does it contrast with "ordinary"

give me logical reasons as to why life forms that have a probable existence offworld require hard evidence if sighted here?

thru what mechanism do previously impartial and professional witnesses get transformed into unreliable ones?

is it when anomalies are reported?

is that when you crackpots come out of the woodwork yowling with religious fervor and fanaticism demanding that these heretics be burnt at the stake?

is it from a sense of biblical uniqueness that these rabid and vehement protestations stem from?

i think so
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