where is the evidence for alien visitation?

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Gustav said:
you are saying nothing
just stating the obvious

invest this alien with 25th century mental capacity
then extrapolate

The obvious usually has a high truth content.
Our mental capacity didn't change in 100.000 years. Why would it change in 400 years?

Gustav said:
is there a neccesity that alien lifeforms follow the same evolutionary path and timeline as terrrestial ones?

It's just the obvious again.
spuriousmonkey said:
The obvious usually has a high truth content.
Our mental capacity didn't change in 100.000 years. Why would it change in 400 years?

It's just the obvious again.

you intended mental capacity to indicate technological prowess
which begs the question, do you posit limitations?
if so, what are these?

obvious again?
sorry, just answer the question
no need to be cryptic
It seems in our technological era the only requirements that exist to operate machinery of any technological level are:

level 1 technology:
1. Distinguish between the 'start' (usually green) and 'stop' (usually red) button.

level 2 technology:
1. distinguish between the 'start' and 'stop' button and a 'modulator of activity' button or slider.

Ironically nobody in the 'space shuttle' seems to push a 'start' button anymore. A team of highly trained monkeys does that for them some distance away (in case the space vessel blows up).

However most technology can be operated with some knowledge of lvl1 and 2 operation doctrine.
spuriousmonkey said:
It seems in our technological era the only requirements that exist to operate machinery of any technological level are:

level 1 technology:
1. Distinguish between the 'start' (usually green) and 'stop' (usually red) button.

level 2 technology:
1. distinguish between the 'start' and 'stop' button and a 'modulator of activity' button or slider.

Ironically nobody in the 'space shuttle' seems to push a 'start' button anymore. A team of highly trained monkeys does that for them some distance away (in case the space vessel blows up).

However most technology can be operated with some knowledge of lvl1 and 2 operation doctrine.

i must strongly object

the first step......the fundamental objectives of any emancipatory strategy or movement must be to demystify and prafintialate the production of scientific knowledge, to tear down the artificial barriers that separate "scientists'' from "monkeys''

realistically, this task must start with the younger generation, through a profound mutation and tranformation of the educational system. The teachings of doctrinal science and mathematics must be purged of its authoritarian and elitist attributes, the content of these must be enriched by incorporating the insights of the feminist, fags, multiculturalist, racist and ecological critiques

then and only then can we merge multidimensional and nonlinear logic of fuzzy systems theories with alien psychologies thus making possible the utilization of pure tronium as a super efficent conductory propellant
Light said:
Thank you, Mr. Anon, for your thoughts. And no apology needed....

...That shouldn't be surprising, though, because the topic has pretty well been beaten to death. :)

.... Indeed, indeed it has - and the hell of it is, the bugger doing it is still talking... ;)

I'm pleased to hear the imposition wasn't out of place on my part though, and thank you for saying, it's just I detest seeing people going to the bother of being even minded, polite and civilised only to be greeted with the sorts of responces they're getting straight in the neck - about the last thing people need to be feeling about entering into a discussion about anything is: really, what is the point? Granted, 9 times out of every 10 regarding this particular subject, that invariably proves the case, but knowing that beforehand and being game for it anyway deserves some indication that ones effort is actually appreciated, and it was.

Now run - run for your life!

spuriousmonkey said:
May I add to this that the human species (with our sort of mental capacity) can barely lift a specimen of its own species into Lower Earth Orbit (LEO).

To extrapolate this capacity to have trouble lifting a single specimen of the species to LEO to make it highly improbable that a alien species with similar mental capacity can bridge the immense gap between stars to play hide and seek with the local species actually exists.

troll, flame, confounder!,
i defy anyone to show me that this is indeed the case i ..... >cough!<.... >cough!<.... Oh, my dear fellow, do excuse me. Must have caught a bit of wank in the back of my throat there, lot of it flying around these days don'cha know...

Now, where were we? Ah, yes. Droll, very droll.... ;)

JDawg said:
I am aware of the Drake Equation, but I'm not exactly sold on it. For the reasons you stated--it makes the assumption that intelligent life is necessary. I am not sure what to think on this subject, but I only know of one intelligent life form, and there are many life forms on this planet. So to say that there must be intelligence elsewhere is something I will not do. So far, the evidence points to intelligence being the exception rather than the rule.

No, I quite agree, but in it's defence Drake doesn't insist that whatever life may exist out there entirely must be any particular outcome in the main - rather it runs a statistical likelihood of some form of comparable outcome based on the numbers Drake generates for the likelihood of life in general terms arising elsewhere.

The entire formulae is designed to generate probabilities, not definitives - rather wittily done actually, it was originated purely as a result of a series of number crunchers in senior management demanding some form of viable rationale for justifying finite technical resources being allocated to a search akin to that of a needle in a billion, billion hay stacks.

Actually crunching the math, the one thing non of SETI's early detractors even bothered to contemplate, effectively shot the principal objections straight in the foot.

You would think this to be true, and I suppose that it would seem true, but I can't imagine there being a way to calculate distances as variables of probability for intelligent life in the universe. We haven't seen any yet, so what is to say where it is in relation to us? I know we can sort of judge based on our own experience (ie.: the type of star we have, the type of planet we have, the placement of our planet in relation of our sun) but I imagine there are a few near us which would fit those needs.

Maybe I'm wrong.

As I say, Drake only generates probabilities, likelihoods of outcomes, not definitives. In the broadest possible terms, taking into account the size of our Galaxy alone and the number of stars it contains spread across that broadest possible spectrum Drake yields high probable outcomes in regards to the matter of life in general terms being likely to exist elsewhere out there.

From within that subset Drake produces probabilities of the development of higher forms of life based on the age of the Galaxy and the probabilities regarding the beginnings of life in general.

It doesn't either state or dictate that simply because a star of our given magnitude and type can form and are common that what happened here automatically will happen - this is one of the great misnomers regarding Drake that tends to get exaggerated out of all possible proportion by your average ET is out there nut...

Someone, probably arseface, retorted regarding the matter of faster than light travel being part and parcel of the whole interstellar travel thing on a viable basis that a star just a few light years away has a Jupiter class planet orbiting it at an inner planet radius - not sure quite which part of Jupiter Class Planet the ignorant dick in question doesn't understand, but indeed, simply because planetary formation can go the way it did here around the kind of star we have, doesn't mean its going to happen each and every time.

Equally, for those systems which do and do form "Earth like" planets, weather life actually ever begins on them, Drake doesn't at all dictate that it must, simply its crunches out probabilities based of the number of stars in the Galaxy as a whole and only in the broadest possible terms.

Like any probability based mathematics, the more criteria and the more specific nature of those criteria one adds to the expected outcome, likelihoods of that specific outcome decrease.

You're right, and Norval is the poster boy for this sad state of affairs. Crater chains don't happen naturally ever according to our old friend. Rather, every single instance is ancient warfare between alien races in the cosmos. Yes, this is much more likely...

... Well, Norval is a person of very singular beliefs. The only important thing remains that you don't think for an instant that any such thing remains likely to begin with.

The issues and concerns people who hold a belief in the existence and presence of Extraterrestrials can only possibly hold true, not because people believe these things to be possible, but that Extraterrestrials agree.

Its like the difference between God and Religion - Religion is not God, only mans belief in God. The two simply aren't, and fundamentally, can't actually be the same thing, but people of belief simply don't delineate between their belief and what it is they believe in - they just simply see them as being part and parcel of the same thing.

At the end of the day, nature is what it actually is - not what people think, feel, hope or believe it to be, but what it is - and the only possible way to understand it is to study nature, to see it.

People of belief tend to see their own belief very, very clearly, sometimes more preeminently than anything else - but nature isn't belief, it simply is what it is.

The trick is seeing.

As long as you're not feeling your mind in anyway swayed by such notions to the contrary, chances are you'll probably get some sort of mileage out of your life...
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Mr Anonymous said:
.... Indeed, indeed it has - and the hell of it is, the bugger doing it is still talking... ;)

Mr Anonymous: Doctor, do you ever get that . . . not-so-fresh feeling? That feeling of helplesness and impotence?

Doctor: But of course!

Mr Anonymous: So how do you deal with it?

Doctor: Four words: Put. The. Douche. Down. And pick up a pair of scented panties by Melon . . .. Every bitch wants to feel fresh and clean. Melons have an all-natural powder-fresh scent that lasts for up to fifteen washes. They're also seamless, so you can't see them underneath those tight little things you insist on wearing.

Mr Anonymous: (brightening) Oh! I'm ordering the thong!

i shall demonstrate the fundamental disconnect b/w fantasy and reality as experienced by mr craponymous

Mr Anonymous said:
.... Indeed, indeed it has.........

here, for the umpteenth time, the tard insists the topic is over . there is nothing more to say

Mr Anonymous said:
Now, where were we? Ah, yes........

without pausing for a breath, the tard then goes on to expound and drone interminably about statistical probabilities

i sense this....that it seems to me the 'sceptics' herer are te ones most hostile.....and throwin shit (ie., shit talk).....and references to 'logical mis-behaviour such as spelling etc.......and 'pathological references in ze negative'......i wonder why?

is it fear...?

i say this cause of course i notice feeings in myself. for example.....the abduction thang has always put te livin shit up me.......remember readin Communion years back. the tougt of beings doing what they want wit you--sombunal--like you area lab rat typ of ting. no control...the restriction o movement, as i am a bit claustrophobic...etc isssss fearful. BE honest...?
so....when i became to reseach about also the possibility of MAN-made UFOs, i noticed this: that te few who do d not also embrace the ET idea....AHDi found mySELF wanting to not do neither......! you wit me? i was in effect wanting a comfort zone

i remember watching the docu i have been on about a bit mervily..not knowing how i old repond. But watching that family recount their experence really opend me up to te possibility....HOWEVER. it still could be a man-made thing......we are exploring. we aren't at i-know station
Dear Duendy,

if someone labels you as being disingenuous you would at least expect them to spell it properly.

I hate to be the victim of an ad hominem attack with spelling errors in it.

I feel very distressed in a sense if you label me as being aggressive or hostile while merely pointing out an error in an already dubious attack on my PhD and especially on my character.

your truly in tears,

Dr spuriousmonkey
spuriousmonkey said:

I say, steady on old man. Gustav.... >Gulp!< Gustav's actually forming whole sentences - my God man, think of the leap in evolutionary terms that alone represents.

If it carries on at this rate it he may actually develop a whole thought to to go with it! Think of the implications man!!! :eek:
That's actually the first charming and actually cogent thing you've expressed in 12 whole pages....
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