Where do you go?

Agent Smith,

Okay cris, first thing when I siad "feel Gods presence" I didnt mean it like a physiclal sensation or even an emotional one. Since you do not believe in God you dont know of this.
But I did believe in God for a number of years. What you describe is a delusion.

I known people who were helped after prayers to God. Put any excuse you want, say that it was a coincidence if you want or that it was her belief that relieved them , but through their testimony, It was the work of God. Ive even experienced that myself.
This is called the placebo effect. It is very real. It has also been shown that people who have optimistic attitudes tend to live longer than those who are more pessimistic. Whether you believe in a God, leprechauns, or a meditation technique, the key element seems to be a positive belief. Our bodies respond to our thoughts, emotions, and actions. –


So what is more credible, the rather mundane proven healing powers of psychosomatic effects, or the intervention of an incredibly powerful superbeing who has taken a personal interest in a minor biological creature?

To you of course it will be "baseless" and "irrelevent" because their is no concrete scientific 100% evidence to back this up and to feel the presence of a supernatural being is being psycho.
The effects are real, you have simply mistaken the true cause, and prefer to fantasize instead.

Lol Your smart but just like a politician, you never answear the question directly you kind of circumnavigate around the question and give some undefinate ambigious answear.
Are you sure? Isn’t it more like I tend to give answers that make you feel uncomfortable and force you to question your own entrenched irrational beliefs?
Originally posted by Jcarl
I suppose that these "uneducated/confused" minds would include Newton, Pascal, Copernicus, and Einstein, who ALL acknowledged the existence of God. Surely even you would not impugn the education and thought of these intellectual giants.
Originally posted by Cris

I said most people, and besides Einstein was an atheist in Christian terms. His god was that of Spinoza, i.e. nature. But really it is unfair to judge the views of past thinkers who were ignorant of modern physics and evolution and especially in times when to say anything in public against religion would be a personal disaster.

I'm positive Einstein was Jewish.
to lucy,whom made my eyes cross-eyed- where's my club!
where on earth did u get that guy from? what did he tell u the least thing enlightening? ..i gotta scratch my head?

Einstein was Born in Germany in 1879, he acquired Swiss citizenship in 1901, and became an American citizen in 1940.

His parents were non-observant Jews.

A few quotes –

Since our inner experiences consist of reproductions and combinations of sensory impressions, the concept of a soul without a body seems to me to be empty and devoid of meaning. [Letter of 5 February 1921]

What I cannot understand is how there could possibly be a God who would reward or punish his subjects or who could induce us to develop our will in our daily life. I cannot then believe in this concept of an anthropomorphic God who has the powers of interfering with these natural laws. [The Private Albert Einstein]

But the scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation. The future, to him, is every whit as necessary and determined as the past. There is nothing divine about morality, it is a purely human affair. [The World As I See It]

An individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension, nor do I wish it otherwise; such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls. [The World as I See It]

If this being is omnipotent, then every occurrence, including every human action, every human thought, and every human feeling and aspiration is also His work; how is it possible to think of holding men responsible for their deeds and thoughts before such an almighty Being? In giving out punishment and rewards He would to a certain extent be passing judgment on Himself. How can this be combined with the goodness and righteousness ascribed to Him?
[Out of My Later Years]

Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the actions of people. For this reason, a research scientist will hardly be inclined to believe that events could be influenced by a prayer, i.e. by a wish addressed to a supernatural Being. [Einstein - The Human Side]

I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. [Telegram of 1929, in Hoffman and Dukas]
Firingseeds I never said he 'enlightened' me, I just noted I liked his explanation which simply is this: It is not important what you believe to be true about an afterlife, believe whatever you want as everyone needs to believe somthing. But that will not change the fact that at the moment death ones cognition has ceased so does the body. We decompose, feed the worms and exist no more...just like jesus
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lucy, lucy, lucy...all u have done there is put one man's view over another. a simple gospel has been given u, and u go on about it being delusional.
lucy...the authority on delusion.
ps...i didn't even find that guy interesting...and people pay big money to listen to that crap.
Firingseeds I am not a Christian nor adhere to any religious doctrine whatsoever I am sure you know exactly where you can shove your gospel.

U.G's books have been transcribed for free over the net so I cannot imagine who is making money. But it is irrelevant what you think since I neither find you interesting.

Good day sir. Go peddle you fantasies no someone gullible enough to listen.

...hey, i'm beginning to wonder 'bout those poor kids, boy. look at all these influences they be subject to. man! anyway, ya can't say we havn't seen the best out of ya.
u ever tried asking god to show u the truth?..he may answer u.
( silly old bag )
Nick_h I think this is one of the biggest problems to have been created by 'Darwinian' thinking. People who beleive this is all there is (this life) become fixated with a fear of death, and thus as their world starts to come to an end they do drastic things, because they beleive that when they die there is nothing else; they try to grasp as much of this life as they can before their life comes to an end.

i think i know what your problem is. i think u want to serve god but u don't know how. u don't respect the institutions, but really u are still looking. i think, in your heart, u are geared to serve, and your denials are just a reaction against that.
...i reckon i know how to help u, too.
Originally posted by Cris

In the same way as there is nothing to support the non-existence of any imaginative fantasy that has no factual basis. Why chase dreams?

Fine, let it be a dream to you. Just hope for your own sake that you're right.

No I didn’t. I’ll restate the statement again for you.

The hard truth is that the concept of God is only a human imaginative fantasy.

To say something doesn't exist and is a fantasy is to be redundant.

Good job I haven’t claimed that then. Your argument is very old and has been discussed here many times. Your attempt at a counterpoint is a desperate attempt to avoid admitting that your beliefs are no more than fantasies and that you are living a lie.

But you say that God doesn't exist; so either you assume that or you have looked everywhere and not found him.

Then don’t claim such things. Why do you assume that the universe had a beginning? What evidence is there that at some point the universe didn’t exist and needed to be created. Until you can answer these questions then the need for a creator is redundant.

Doesn't one of the laws of thermodynamics say that all matter loses available energy? IF that's so, then the universe itself is running out of energy. Which then means it can't sustain itself. If it can't sustain itself, then it cannot be infinite. Thus it must've had a creator.

Of course we do. Humans wrote the bible that many say has a good moral code that humans have been following for centuries. It has been so successful that some say it must have been inspired by a god. However, as we have already shown, God is only a fantasy.

You've given your opinion that God is a fantasy. There is a difference between opining and showing

Most neuroscientists and psychologists would disagree with you.

Elaborate please.

What makes you such an expert on the human brain that you can dismiss its functioning so easily? What is your proof that the brain isn’t the root of conscience?

The brain and the body as a whole show that some divine intervention. I find it hard to believe that the mechanics of the body that work so perfectly together came from anything but an intelligent designer.

Isn’t the truth that we do not fully understand the human brain and when irrational and gullible ignorant people desperately want an answer they have always turned to superstition, just as you are doing now?

Let it be a superstition. To you it will never be anything more than that.

And risk them being discovered and then being tortured and/or ridiculed?

After they're dead?

But the bible is so ambiguous in so many places that people genuinely and faithfully interpret it many ways. Why else would there be some 33,000 different cults and sects within Christianity?

Doesn't mean that they're right in their interpretation. For every part of the Bible, one can only get a correct interpretation if you consider the author's intent and to whom he is writing.

It is curious that a so-called God inspired book, designed to bring truth to mankind, should end up being the cause of so much confusion and chaos. The bible is perhaps the best evidence that it wasn’t inspired by a god.

Is it a show that God didn't inspire it, or that Satan inspired some of the interpretations thereof? But you believe what want.

I agree and I’m not disputing that; he caused the Church to evolve, as I said. But you are missing the bigger picture since you are seeing everything from a narrow Christian perspective only. He still accepted the basic tenets of Christianity, the existence of a god and a savior, those things he never questioned. All he did essentially was cause Church doctrine to change.

He changed the doctrine of how people get saved; that is major.

Because of the overwhelming evidence from billions of deaths that no one ever appears again once they are dead.

As I've said before, we don't see them maybe because they go to a place where we don't/can't see them.

You are asserting that as if it were true. It is only a fantasy. Can you prove otherwise?

You are asserting that God is a fantasy; Can you prove that it's fantasy?

A baseless assertion. Prove it.

Are you saying that the soul doesn't exist? Does it die at physical death? Why should a soul, something unphysical, be held to physical standards?

Even if it existed, you still have a non sequitur. If it was dependent on the physical body, like a parasite then it might simply dissipate into the atmosphere. For an afterlife to have any sense then the soul must remain intact.

The soul would remain one part; it would just pull a trick out of the Transformer playbook and change to another form.

Who says life is fair?

Not talking about this life but the after life, where you are rewarded/ punished for your deeds on this Earth.
Real life--afterlife?

Originally posted by jcarl
Not talking about this life but the after life, where you are rewarded/punished for your deeds on this Earth.
(jcarl, spiritually speaking, there is no such thing as death. There is a transition of the body from functioning to not functioning, but there is no change in the soul. The soul was the same before the body was born, the soul occupies the body for a lifetime, and the soul discards the body once its through with it, and then the soul just remains a part of the Whole Spirit of God that is the "afterlife." You are mistaken, however, that it is during the "afterlife" when one receives the ultimate reward or is punished eternally for the deeds one did on this Earth. It is during the lifetime of the body when one atones for one's past lives. There is no punishment to be dealt in the spiritual form. That is what life is for! It is unfortunate that we only use some 4-10% of our brains during our lifetime, so life is a struggle (a personal Jihad, if you will). Life in the spirit doesn't punish us, that's when we have 100% use of our brain capacity. Xians are waiting for the everafter, but the most important thing is don't waste today. The most important thing anyone can do in this life is "FORGIVE." Forgiveness is the healer of all. It removes the burdens of your soul in this life, and clears the way for a smoothe transition to the next life (embodiment). Again, there is NO punishment of the soul. That's another Xian lie.)

i think i know what your problem is. i think u want to serve god but u don't know how. u don't respect the institutions, but really u are still looking. i think, in your heart, u are geared to serve, and your denials are just a reaction against that.
...i reckon i know how to help u, too.
Spoken like a true completely indoctrinated evangelist, who is incapable of perceiving any alternate viewpoint. No you are not remotely close.

Ideas like Christianity that sponsor a personal god concept are simple nonsense. I have no doubt they are entirely worthless. Also I have little doubt that man will evolve intelligence far beyond anything we can imagine. I suspect we will achieve knowledge and understanding along with perhaps other alien species where such combined abilities might appear godlike?

It is not that I have any doubts about a Christian god being false but rather my imagination goes far beyond the fantasies and infantile postures of the Christian absurdity and its intellectual gutter.

so u were denying god all those years u were searching for him? u changed your mind from then. let me know when u ready to 'CHANGE' your mind again. by the way...notice 'change your mind', chris..well, let me tell u, if u are controlled by some other spiritual force, u ain't got a mind....and u wouldn't even know it- u would just think u have. take that as advice.
u can't tell me u havn't had good words from many witness'es, so u really can't see the wood for the trees. yes, man will advance, but for lord jesus, and not for themselves.
so u were denying god all those years u were searching for him? u changed your mind from then. let me know when u ready to 'CHANGE' your mind again. by the way...notice 'change your mind', chris..well, let me tell u, if u are controlled by some other spiritual force, u ain't got a mind....and u wouldn't even know it- u would just think u have. take that as advice.
wow, you actually manage to take no notice of what cris is saying at all. very special indeed.

Fine, let it be a dream to you.
Without any factual basis for gods or souls they are dreams to everyone. Clearly I am not included, since I do not dream such things.

To say something doesn't exist and is a fantasy is to be redundant.
I’m not saying something does not exist, I’m saying it is a fantasy until someone show that it exists. Until then it only makes sense to assume it does not exist.

But you say that God doesn't exist;
No I haven’t.

so either you assume that or you have looked everywhere and not found him.
What I have shown is that God is a fantasy idea, a fiction. Whether such things can exist or not is another matter.

Doesn't one of the laws of thermodynamics say that all matter loses available energy?
You are close, but the rule only applies to a closed system. If the universe is infinite then the concept of closed has no meaning and the law cannot apply.

IF that's so, then the universe itself is running out of energy. Which then means it can't sustain itself. If it can't sustain itself, then it cannot be infinite. Thus it must've had a creator.
All based on an invalid first assumption and an apparent misunderstanding of the laws of thermodynamics.

However, the discussion on entropy is currently rampant with many theories raging for how the universe was formed, whether there is a single big bang or an infinite number of them, whether entropy actually exists or can be reversed, or even whether the laws of thermodynamics are correct or can apply to such a scenario.

So I think it is premature for you to claim that your scenario is correct and hence justify the existence of a god, but then I might not be correct either.

You've given your opinion that God is a fantasy. There is a difference between opining and showing.
But it isn’t opinion, it is fact. The only way you can prove me wrong is to show that a god exists. Until then the story of gods are just fiction. It is identical to claiming that Sherlock Holmes is a real character, but until someone presents him in the flesh then he remains fictional, the same applies to the stories about gods.

Most neuroscientists and psychologists would disagree with you.

Elaborate please.
I could list some articles I guess but I have read many now where the issue of consciousness has been seen as an entirely materialistic challenge. I.e. it is simply complex rather than impossible due to a non-physical component. I don’t think that with your perspective that you would read them.

The brain and the body as a whole show that some divine intervention.
What is your proof?

I find it hard to believe that the mechanics of the body that work so perfectly together came from anything but an intelligent designer.
There is no evidence that anything complex has ever been designed by an intelligent designer, everything we know has evolved. How do you justify your statement?

Let it be a superstition. To you it will never be anything more than that.
Unless you can present proof of course. You have no worthwhile argument unless you have some factual basis for your claims.

Doesn't mean that they're right in their interpretation. For every part of the Bible, one can only get a correct interpretation if you consider the author's intent and to whom he is writing.
OK but none of the many authors of the bible are known, let alone what they intended by their writings. The world and the environment of 2000 years ago is extremely different to imagine. There are many parts to the bible that I have read that could easily be interpreted many ways and seemingly within context. This is not a big issue since it is very obvious why so many sects exist. For example parts of the Baptist movement take the creation story and Adam and Eve literally whereas Catholicism officially supports evolution. These are two extremely major differences in interpreting the bible. So which of these two sects were inspired by Satan?

Is it a show that God didn't inspire it, or that Satan inspired some of the interpretations thereof? But you believe what want.
It simply isn’t easy to understand. Most lay people end up requesting expert guidance. Surely the most powerful being in the universe could have created a guide that was easy to understand by even the simplest of minds had he so wished. It is a mess because it has no factual basis and it was written at a time when knowledge of the universe and cultures were very different to the present.

He changed the doctrine of how people get saved; that is major.
Fine, but the concept, once examined was not that complex, but there were others who were also voicing similar ideas. In chaos theory I believe this is called a cusp point and is common throughout history where the conditions are right a seemingly dramatic epiphany will occur and usually triggered by a key player.

You are asserting that as if it were true. It is only a fantasy. Can you prove otherwise?

You are asserting that God is a fantasy; Can you prove that it's fantasy?
Certainly. There is no proof that a god exists. The ideas for a god are therefore fantasies. If an alleged object cannot be observed or detected then its concept can only exist in the human mind. This is a fantasy.

From Webster: Fantasy: - a creation of the imaginative faculty whether expressed or merely conceived.

Are you saying that the soul doesn't exist?
There is no reason to believe that it does exist. And every clinical reason to believe it does not.

Does it die at physical death?
There is no reason for it to exist in the first place so the question is redundant.

Why should a soul, something unphysical, be held to physical standards?
Because there are no unphysical standards, or any indication that anything unphysical can exist or has ever existed.

The soul would remain one part; it would just pull a trick out of the Transformer playbook and change to another form.

Not talking about this life but the after life, where you are rewarded/ punished for your deeds on this Earth.
So a couple of quotes from Einstein again –

An individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension, nor do I wish it otherwise; such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls. [The World as I See It]

If this being is omnipotent, then every occurrence, including every human action, every human thought, and every human feeling and aspiration is also His work; how is it possible to think of holding men responsible for their deeds and thoughts before such an almighty Being? In giving out punishment and rewards He would to a certain extent be passing judgment on Himself. How can this be combined with the goodness and righteousness ascribed to Him?
[Out of My Later Years]
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so u were denying god all those years u were searching for him?
I don’t believe I have ever been searching for God. I was indoctrinated into Christianity from the age of 4 and took part in religious services throughout my school life. God was never presented to me as an option but as something to be taken for granted. There was never any question that he did not exist, and hence no need of a search, he was always there. Neither did I ever have any problems forming an image of God or Jesus in my mind as real beings; I can still recall those images now. It took me probably some 25 additional years to entirely reverse the damage of that early childhood indoctrination and brainwashing.

u changed your mind from then.
No it wasn’t a change of mind. It was the action of being able to think clearly and logically, free of the influence of external coercion, i.e. I learnt to think for myself.

let me know when u ready to 'CHANGE' your mind again. by the way...notice 'change your mind',
The only way you could convince me of your position is to use reason and that requires clear and unambiguous proof.

chris..well, let me tell u, if u are controlled by some other spiritual force, u ain't got a mind....and u wouldn't even know it- u would just think u have. take that as advice.
This is just another empty baseless assertion wasting space on my screen.

You should consider that if evil intelligent supernatural forces do exist then convincing you that death is a good thing and that paradise exists on the other side, when it doesn’t, is exactly what they would do. What you have been indoctrinated to believe as the ultimate good, Jesus, may well be the ultimate evil but you can’t see that because your mind has been totally twisted by evil itself.

Think about it – death is good and you will be in a heavenly paradise once you die. The phrase “if it seems too good to be true then it certainly isn’t”. The truth seems to be that when you die you rot and decay, and that is the true evil that you are being lured into believing is good. Do you not see how gullible you have become?

Like a spider to its victim, come into my parlor and sleep gently and everything will be perfect when you awake, as she begins to eat you alive.

u can't tell me u havn't had good words from many witness'es,
I’m not sure of your point here. Many of my friends are quite religious.

so u really can't see the wood for the trees.

yes, man will advance, but for lord jesus, and not for themselves.
Unfortunately you will never see any advancements because your gullibility and belief in fantasies will lead you happily to your final end in a few decades if not sooner.

Give up your insane beliefs and join the rational world of people who have learnt to think for themselves. It is not too late, you can still be saved from the evil of religion.

chris, i give u about two out of ten for that. u only kidding yaself. i mean, u hang out talkin' 'bout god all day, then u broadside him. doesn't that tell u anything?
many of my assumptions are based on what u write, and then u go about denying yourself. a cube, chris, is perfect, without flaws.
the witness'es remain still, while u are hissing to and fro. chris, if i didn't believe in god, i would find some other subject that interested me. i can't see denying god as being much of a crusade, to tell ya the truth. u are just playing shadow to the rock. people like to be near god's spiritual essense, but are then driven by their own madness- for want of a better word
perception tells me- again- all u wanna do is find god, but pride keeps u in the closet.
submission is the key, chris....the key to faith. pride is not.
( i'm being very gentle here, by the way. )

u hang out talkin' 'bout god all day, then u broadside him. doesn't that tell u anything?
Yup, I’m not too bright. I really enjoy science but I don’t know enough to debate with real scientists. Science takes real work and study. Religion on the other hand is so outrageously silly and the religionists so obviously dumb that debating here is like shooting fish in a barrel, I simply can’t lose.

many of my assumptions are based on what u write,
You are an irrational religionist, your assumptions are therefore seriously suspect and can’t possibly have any real value.

and then u go about denying yourself.
I agree I should deny myself some of the food I eat; I’m beginning to gain some weight.

a cube, chris, is perfect, without flaws.
So is a circle. Shouldn’t you be in the math forum with these ideas?

the witness'es remain still, while u are hissing to and fro.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

chris, if i didn't believe in god, i would find some other subject that interested me. i can't see denying god as being much of a crusade,
Your attempt at logic is as hopeless as usual. Using your logic anti-war protesters should perhaps go away from issues of war and, what, play monopoly?

Religion is a threat to my future survival and that of my family and children. It needs to be opposed and its effects and power need to be severely curtailed. If I can learn more about the attitudes of people like yourself by debating here then I will improve my ability to oppose the institutions that you represent. However, you aren’t much of a challenge but you are fun to play with.

people like to be near god's spiritual essense,
Dream on.

but are then driven by their own madness- for want of a better word
I have no idea what you are talking about.

perception tells me- again- all u wanna do is find god, but pride keeps u in the closet.
Looks like your perceptions are as hopeless as your attempts at logic.

submission is the key, chris....the key to faith. pride is not.
I prefer freedom and truth, neither of which are available through religious belief.

( i'm being very gentle here, by the way. )
I think your attempts to convert me are simply wonderful. Keep going.


i'm not trying to convert u; just trying to wake u up, mate. god is the most interesting, most complicated subject there is. u are totally oblivious to the spiritual world- to your own inner being- not knowing that earth etc is just a pinprick in god's kingdom. in which he rules, bytheway, over millions and millions. the info i just supplied, is based on the gospel, in case u wondering.
this is all creation, chris, including yaself. there is only certain paths u can follow, u can't do anything else. u can't be somethin' ya not. u can try, but it doesn't work. u have no control over karma apart from producing good fruit, which helps on a rainy day. living as a natural is the saddest time...i well remember. if ya happy, u should enjoy, but i can't see how an opponent of the lord is ever happy..as they well know.