Where do you go?

No christianity (or any other religious theory) is not a viable alternative. Its just an idealistic delusion to protect ourselves from the inevitable truth of non-existance and rotting flesh. If death equates to no consciousness, no ego, no thought, feeling, experience...just plain old non-existence then believing in some theory of afterlife will not change this. All we know for sure, all that is observable is this:


Everything else is just supposition.
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chris, u are a religious forum moderator, and u want to rid the world of an evil monstrosity called christianity...you're joking!
why don't u just admit your limitations, and move on. i couldn't ever take u seriously again at this rate- or until u do.
I would not want my children to fear death. I would not want my children to fear the natural process of life which includes death. I would not turn my childs head away from a decomposing animal but would prefer to explain the process.
Ah Jesus, yes well, I believed jesus once lived and is now dead as a door nail and has as much chance of returning as Elvis Preslely or Jim Morrison (would prefer the return of the latter). I believe he attempted to reform HIS religion. I think Christians should admit that thjer religion is a consequence of Paul and Jesus would not recognize it if even if he could return. I do not believe Jesus to be a messiah, son of god, lord of man, just a conscientious religious observer who attempted to end corruption in his own religious community. All of Christian doctrine is part history, part poetry and mostly myth. I am not a believer.
Yes Firingseeds I would. And why should I not? Why would I not? Why would I pass on a belief system I don't believe myself? I would want my children to live in a world of intellectual openess. As far as religions go I have the least respect for Christianity, so why would I pass on a belief in Jesus as Messiah?

What I would teach my children is 'nevermind the Bollocks'!

the moment u tell your children what u have told me, then u will have already defeated your goal of intellectual honesty- oopps, 'openess.'
u presented a good case.

no, chris, u were stating that god didn't exist.
Yet I didn’t state that did I?

quote: 'no one turns to god, they turn to the idea of god.
God is an imaginative fantasy, and no one has been able to show any different.

one can't turn to something that does not exist.'
A simple truth.

that's pretty strait forward,
Agreed. A fantasy is something that exists only in your mind. Turning to a fantasy is like trying to drive to work in an imaginary car.

u are responsible for every kid that believes u.
Why is that? I am not a preacher, I am not here to indoctrinate, I am not authoritarian. These are all traits of religious thought control, typically practiced by Christianity. Everyone is an individual and must learn through many sources. If others find what I say as somehow inspirational then fine, but they must be able to see this for themselves if it is to be of real value for them. The only advice I would give is to learn to think for yourself or become no more than a sheep.

u are a religious forum moderator, and u want to rid the world of an evil monstrosity called christianity...you're joking!
Why is this any different to the Christian evangelists who want everyone in the world to be Christian, and where they think Christianity is the ultimate good?

The indoctrination of so many gullible people into believing a fantasy is true so that they change their lives accordingly has to be one of the greatest evils mankind has ever faced. To brainwash people into believing that death is somehow good and a gateway to paradise is the most irresponsible action imaginable.

To discover new knowledge and to understand existing knowledge takes real effort and hard work. There is no short cut. You might know this if you have ever studied for a difficult exam. But religions say they have all the answers and there is no need to work hard, just simply believe what we say. And the often lazy nature of people and especially the weak minded and the gullible swallow this perceived and false easy way out in their billions.

So yes I do very much indeed believe that Christianity is something to be destroyed and fiercely opposed at every opportunity.

why don't u just admit your limitations, and move on.
What limitations? The limitation of thinking for myself, the limitation of wanting to find truth, the limitation of refusing to be brainwashed. You are joking right?

It would seem your idea of wisdom is to buckle under to a 2000+ year old antiquated set of rules suitable for the ignorant and superstitious and attempt to indoctrinate others. Why can’t you see this for yourself, and understand these massive limitations you have gullibly accepted, and learn to think for yourself and you move on?

i couldn't ever take u seriously again at this rate- or until u do.
Why, because I refuse to submit to your brainwashing. But why do you think I would care whether you take me seriously or not? Is this a secret admission on your part that some of my statements are hitting you where it counts, and that you can actually think for yourself? That would be good.

Take care

hi. ahh, tho i don't agree with u, i accept what ya saying. i'm bible trained, and it works for me, tho i accept, it doesn't work for everybody. i am just relating from a dynamic- hope in jesus christ- and u relate to the negative- no hope in jesus christ. one speaks of life, the other- no life but this life. i still water the garden, for u never know, the seed of truth may sprout. and, yes, my garden gets watered occasionally, that way i can sift out the weeds.
cheers- look after yaself.
when i die i'm going no-where, except perhaps the crematorium (wouldn't it be sweet to be shot into the sun? that way you would get as far dispersed into the universe as possible). i have stated before and i will state again, living eternally would suck balls- the ultimate boredom of it all!! besides, heaven is a human made cliche. if people can't see that then poor them, the only place everyone is going after death is un-living (my idea).

nick h

To the athiests out there, i was wondering, what do you believe happens to you when you die? If you believe that you simply stop living, "that's it", then doesnt Christianity seem like a viable alternative?
no, heaven holds no appeal to me. also, in your latter posts, you display the sort of christian person i come across all to often, the sort of person that are probably the scurge of christianity. if there is one thing that puts me off christianity it's people like you.

His name's Jesus, that's the point
jesus may have lived, but not as christians believe he did. the notion of an all powerful god having to sacrifice his only son is a contradiction of your god to begin with (don't get me started on the contradictions in christianity, they're so profuse and damning christian people ignore them. so there's no point in posting them here anyway).

Well, i cant help you, if you've already made the decision to push God as far away as possible, than thats your problem. It's really sad that i wont see you in heaven though, you seem like a really nice person.
i know this was directed at cris, but people can't push away something they don't believe in. i've never had god to push away, as i've stated many times before i didn't know anything of god till i was about 10, the idea was so foreign to me (and the actions of those presenting their god so disgusting) i decided i would make a decision about god when i was more sure in myself- i don't know about anyone else, but i was vulnerable to outside influences till i was about 15. however i have made my decision now, without any unwanted help.


ahh, folks, i booked plot in heaven, already.
how do you know? isn't that sort of assumption arrogant?

the only brainwash is the one where parents indoctrine their kids from a young age to believe something they otherwise might have not believed if they were given the oppourtunity.

and boy you are rude (not to say arrogant too).

you talk about what people are teaching they're kids? what a jackass. no-one is going to tell you how to raise your kids, stop being a condescending prick. if you want to teach your kids something that will narrow their perception of the world around them and teach them intolrance, be my guest, but you have no right what-so-ever to tell anyone else how they should raise their family. or what they should tell their kids for that matter.

hi. ahh, tho i don't agree with u, i accept what ya saying. i'm bible trained, and it works for me, tho i accept, it doesn't work for everybody. i am just relating from a dynamic- hope in jesus christ- and u relate to the negative- no hope in jesus christ. one speaks of life, the other- no life but this life. i still water the garden, for u never know, the seed of truth may sprout. and, yes, my garden gets watered occasionally, that way i can sift out the weeds
once again not directed at me, but how does cris or anyone else here have no hope in jesus when for us, he was not a god or miracle performer in the first place? there is no negative focus here, the only negative that has been drawn from jesus is the wars fought in his name, the persecution performed against those who don't believe because of misplaced faith in him, the destruction of cultures because of missionaries believing they were spreading a word worth hearing from him. i have no negative focus yet you assume i do. you assume WAY to much.
Originally posted by Cris

What’s your proof? The hard truth is that the concept of God is only a human imaginative fantasy.

And your proof is?

What's the proof that God does not exist?

Most people have gaping holes because they have never been taught to think clearly and have little to no education in philosophical issues. Without knowledge and education people turn to anything and what they find easily are the widespread superstitions in the form of religions like Christianity that readily prey on such uneducated or confused minds.

I suppose that these "uneducated/confused" minds would include Newton, Pascal, Copernicus, and Einstein, who ALL acknowledged the existence of God. Surely even you would not impugn the education and thought of these intellectual giants.

It takes effort to think for oneself and Christians are specifically taught not to think for themselves.

I do believe that Luther thought for himself when he began the Reformation.

There is every reason to conclude that when we die we cease to exist. Perhaps the best evidence is that of the billions of dead people not one has ever been seen alive again after dying.

Perhaps the reason we dont see them is that they HAVE gone to heaven or hell.
well, i enjoyed your post, atheroy.
now i wanna' get cheeky, if that's alrite with u?
jesus died for our sins. why? because he was the only one able to overcome the scrounge of the earth- satan. he did this by defeating satan on the cross, and overcoming the torah- or law. and he did this, not so much as for us, maybe, but as for his father, whom he serves. thru this great sacfifice of lord jesus, he is now able to make intercession for us before his father, as his father has called jesus his own righteousness.
with me so far?
people talk about the bible as being warnings etc and etc. true, but also try to see the bible as statement of fact. god has not made it easy, but, remember, he was not easy on his own son. god is god, not a man, and god is also holy, that no unrighteous man can draw near him. it is in the name of lord jesus that one may be considered, or declared righteous- as i said already, becoz' of his great sacrifice on the cross.
now, that's not so hard, is it? there are many versions, or variations, to this story- some better than others- and this has been one of them.
now, u may not want to live forever, atheroy, but it isn't really your choice, just as u have no real choices in this life, either. u are born, u live, u die- so much for choices.
god is the potter, we are but the clay.
I'd rather be the clay that walks out of the room and decides his own life, then the clay that is washed down the sink when god cleans under his fingernails.

God or no god, doesn't matter. If god is so self-centered as to keep people from eternal bliss because they don't believe in what looks to be a fairy tale, then I don't want to spend eternity in his little communistic heaven.
I really shouldn't do this but...

Firingseeds your own book states tha Jesus came to uphold the law not overcome it. All of this rubbish you spew is Pauls doing, whom by the way didn't even know Jesus.

I am just relating from a dynamic- hope in jesus christ- and u relate to the negative- no hope in jesus christ. one speaks of life, the other- no life but this life.
OK but what if you are wrong?

There are 4200 registered religions. Christianity is just one but has some 33,000 separate cults and sects all with differing beliefs on how to interpret the Christ concept. And Christianity only represents a third of the world population. Religious beliefs flourish because the human imagination is so rich and there is no reality on which to guide such ideas.

I have to believe that if there were a god or a reincarnation method, karma perhaps, then it would be just and fair. The idea of a vindictive and vengeful god seems quite silly. If there was something that could be called a soul that could survive death then I’d expect to be judged appropriately. So I really don’t have any concerns in that area.

But if these things have no truth, and I’m pretty certain they do not, then the expectation of eternal life ends when you die. That is a gamble that I am not prepared to accept while I have the ability to take action. What saddens me the most is that those who accept religion are putting all their eggs in one basket when they could also be helping to look for “additional” physical solutions.

Having struggled with the potential truth of Christianity and religion for some 15 years I decided there simply wasn’t anything sufficiently convincing to simply sit back and hope for the best. That was in the early 80s. Once all the rules, rituals, ceremonies, commandments, and moral issues, etc, are considered then the fundamental common factor in all main religions is the solution to death. All those other factors are just the smokescreen blurring the real issue. My conclusion at that time was that if we can solve the death issue then religions really are redundant.

And that has led me to anti-aging research, nanotechnology, and ultimately minduploading. Bio research was not my field but computing was/is, and hence my move from the UK to Silicon Valley where I manage a research team for a major computer maker.