Where do you go?


hi chris, u still fightin' god?
Your question makes no sense. How can someone fight something that doesn’t exist?

The real fight is against those institutions like Christianity that endanger the human race by brainwashing innocent people with the narcotic of irrational superstition.
Originally posted by nick_h
To the athiests out there, i was wondering, what do you believe happens to you when you die? If you believe that you simply stop living, "that's it", then doesnt Christianity seem like a viable alternative?
(First, welcome to sciforums, nick_h! In answer to your questions, why would anyone want to believe in a lie for any possible comfort? I fail to see where believing in a lie could possibly bring anyone comfort! That's like saying, 'I know I have cancer, but I'm going to put this band-aid on these lumps for comfort.')
A plot in heaven?

originally posted by firingseeds
hi chris, u still fightin' god? ahh, folks, i booked plot in heaven, already. cheers
(seeds, what makes you think Cris is "fightin' god?" I don't see a fight going on here. If you see a fight between Cris and god, then that's only your wishful thinking.)

(Secondly, exactly what do you mean when you say you "booked plot in heaven...?" I did not know that heaven had "plots." Cemeteries have "plots," but I'm surprised to find out heaven has them, too! But, oh, your definitions and my definitions of heaven aren't the same, are they? It sounds as if you're confused about life in the hereafter. Is this part of your Xian teaching? There are no "plots" in heaven! Atheists don't "fight" god! How can one fight one who is not there? If you choose to be an Xian, perhaps you should go back and re-learn some of its teachings, because the way you describe fundamental aspects of Xianity do not reflect mainstream Xianity. Better yet, since Xianity seems to be extremely confusing to you, why don't you start reading and learning the truth? The truth might just set you free from the falsehoods you believe!)
Re: Re: Re: Where do you go?

Originally posted by nick_h
The hard truth is that there is a God, and if you have faith in him, you will go somewhere other than a cold hole in the ground when you die.
(The hard truth is that a pure energy that has always existed in the universe and cannot be added to or taken away from, is what you call God. This One Spirit of God indwells in all creation. Because the human race is the most intelligent creation on Planet Earth, it is the human race that carries this pure energy across the planet and into the universe. If you have faith in YOURSELF and faith in your fellow human beings, because we all share the One Spirit of God, you will realize that there is no death to the Spirit, there is only a transition of the spirit out of the body when the body stops functioning. There is no such thing as death. There is no death to the Spirit of God of which we all are a part. The cold hole in the ground is only for the worn out Earthsuit which the spirit discards when it doesn't need it any longer.)
Maybe the reason people turn to God is because they need to be comforted, and want something to fill the gaping hole in their life, but when they start to learn, and grow as a Christian, they realise that it is hard truth... not just a comforting fantasy, and thats what keeps them there.
(The reason people turn to God is because they don't have faith in themselves as comfort. They reach "outward" to fill those gaping holes in their lives, when the fulfillment is already eternally there within them! The One Spirit of God, the pure energy field that encompassas all creation, has been with us ad infinitum! Xianity and X, the Rabbi, had absolutely NOTHING to do with the eternal living Spirit of God! Although, this is what X, the Rabbi, tried to teach his followers. The "comfort" one is seeking resides within themselves. They need look no further. The Kingdom of God is WITHIN!)

maths was a metaphor to your earlier statement about your view of clear, educated, reasoning. u are arrogantly over-riding other powers of reasoning, in which we have already discussed.
the plot....medicine woman? well, it didn't come out of a book, if that's what u asking.
u and your concepts...man. u could do really well by accepting what is before u, instead of trying to make them fit your idea's of what who should be etc.
wake up.
in right of reply...profile: mw...old catholic bag, who thinks she's some kind of spiritual- or new age- guru, or something. i rate her about two and a half out of ten, and this only because she is showing some small, small, glimpses of potential:p
Accepting what is before me

Originally posted by firingseeds
the plot....medicine woman? well, it didn't come out of a book, if that's what u asking. u and your concepts...man. u could do really well by accepting what is before u, instead of trying to make them fit your idea's of what who should be etc. wake up.
(seeds, you made the statement that you've got a "plot in heaven." You could mean this literally or figuratively, or it could be the difference in semantics between your English and mine. What do you mean by having a "plot in heaven?" If it didn't come "out of a book," then I have no reference. If you're talking about "everlasting life," then I can address that definition. Just make yourself clear! As far as me accepting what is before me, what makes you think I haven't accepted what is before me? Just because that's NOT what's before YOU, doesn't mean that it's not BEFORE ME! It just means that your are closed-minded and unwilling to accept a concept that is beyond your understanding. I am what I choose to be. The One Spirit of God creates me! I am not alone in these concepts. Being on this website has shown me that there are others out there who believe what I believe. Spirituality within the human race is growing. What you believe will eventually die out as it will be proven to not have existed in the first place. Personally, I don't care what you believe. What you claim to believe is a lie. It doesn't change me in any way that you believe a lie, although it does sadden me to see people who believe in fantasies because they're afraid of the truth! Open up your eyes! It is you who are asleep! Open up your mind and see the big picture. You're only looking at a dimwitted man-made fantasy that will offer you nothing! But, since you can't see the big picture, how would you know enough about my concept of God to even comment?
medicine woman, i am before u, not your idea's on what i should be, or how i should relate to your structures. u tell me to go back and relearn xianity, so's i can be in your little shell of things, i suppose...and u call yourself liberal. i don't mind your views, but do defend the good name of my lord and saviour, jesus christ. if u were really liberated, u would not deny an absolute.
Get a Life!

Originally posted by firingseeds
medicine woman, i am before u, not your idea's on what i should be, or how i should relate to your structures.
(firingseeds, I don't care what you are. In the greater scheme of things, you are nothing to me. You don't need to be concerned about relating to my "structures," because you would never be able to understand them.)
u tell me to go back and relearn xianity, so's i can be in your little shell of things, i suppose...and u call yourself liberal.
(You can do whatever you like. You made a few comments that appeared to be anti-X, so I suggested you relearn Xianity before you comment inappropriately about that particular religion. Personally, I do not care. I am NOT an XIAN! Furthermore, I don't want you in anything of mine. And where in the hell did I call myself a "liberal?" I am anything BUT a "liberal!" You can call yourself whatever you like, but DON'T lie and call me what I am NOT!)
i don't mind your views, but do defend the good name of my lord and saviour, jesus christ.
(I would prefer that you don't even read my posts, but to answer your question, how do you possibly think I can "defend" your "lord and savior, jesus christ," when I don't believe he was your's or anybody else's savior?
if u were really liberated, u would not deny an absolute.
(I told you I am not "liberal." I don't know what kind of sick mind you have to think I'm "liberal." If I were "liberal," then I would say everybody has their own personal god or gods. I'd never say that because I know what I believe. Just because you don't understand what I believe doesn't phase me in the least. You've read what I've said, and you still don't believe. That's your loss, buddy, not mine. It is you who are "liberal," to believe in a fantasy based on a lie.

u state something doesn't exist,
Have I? Where?

it doesn't, right?
There are many things that people imagine that do not exist in reality.

Did you have anything specific in mind?

I have certainly said that the concept of a god or gods is based on human imagination and that no one has yet been able to show they exist or could exist in reality.
A ship full of holes?

Originally posted by firingseeds
Medicine woman, if u were a ship, u would be full of holes. as u wish..i won't read anymore of your posts.
(If I were a ship full of holes, the Spirit of God would more easily flow through me. You've missed the whole point. We are not ships, we are human beings. True, a ship full of holes can sink, but your analogy doesn't apply to the movement of the Spirit of God. We are vessels who carry the One Spirit of God on the face of the Earth. We don't die. We live for eternity. We may shed our Earthsuit when our physical life is done, but there is no death to the Spirit. Good-bye.)

u should read your own postings. u also stated, 'one cannot turn to something that does not exist'. that statement was an absolute. if u also were a ship, u would sink, too.:D
medicine woman...a ship with holes in it means weakness in comprehension, flawed deduction, and poor reasoning power. always room for improvement...:D
medicine woman

medicine woman. fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom. with wisdom comes knowledge, and with knowledge, comes understanding. jesus decides your fate, mw. and, yes, the gospel does refer to spiritual annihilation.
love u. ( i'm glad u can't clip my ear :) )

u should read your own postings. u also stated, 'one cannot turn to something that does not exist'. that statement was an absolute.
I am usually very careful about what I say. That statement is a simple truth. You appear to be reading more into it than there is.
no, chris, u were stating that god didn't exist.
quote: 'no one turns to god, they turn to the idea of god. one can't turn to something that does not exist.'
that's pretty strait forward, chris.
u are getting knocked over- along with mw- becoz' u are trapped in what u claim to despise in christian, or religious, folk...dogma.
Firingseeds, dear boy, you speak such foolishness. “fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom” what utter gibberish. Your statement is the antithesis of what a benevolent god should be. You demonstrate the total stupidity of Christianity, that something good must be feared. As has been the case for 2000 years, Christianity isn’t about love or compassion but about terror and tyranny. An evil in this world that should be driven out as quickly as we can.

With wisdom comes knowledge,
And yet again my poor ignorant friend, wisdom never stands alone. Knowledge always comes first. Wisdom is knowing how to use the knowledge.

and with knowledge, comes understanding.
And to complete your drowning misery to complete the set and add yet another statement that demonstrates the opposite of truth. Knowledge is obtained when you understand the issues, wisdom arrives perhaps when you have put it altogether. But many never do, just like you.

jesus decides your fate,
An interesting myth that can be very safely dismissed as a primitive curiosity.

Firingseeds, your ship has truly sunk. Let me know when you see some sense and I’ll send a rescue party.