Where do you go?


What's the proof that God does not exist?
And that is your answer to why he does exist huh? So you accept that there is nothing to show that a god exists then right? Otherwise you would have given a real answer, right?

I suppose that these "uneducated/confused" minds would include Newton, Pascal, Copernicus, and Einstein, who ALL acknowledged the existence of God.
I said most people, and besides Einstein was an atheist in Christian terms. His god was that of Spinoza, i.e. nature. But really it is unfair to judge the views of past thinkers who were ignorant of modern physics and evolution and especially in times when to say anything in public against religion would be a personal disaster.

But Pascal did create Pascal’s wager which has been significantly ridiculed since but he also wrote -

Men never do evil so completely or cheerfully
As when they do it from religious conviction.

Surely even you would not impugn the education and thought of these intellectual giants.
But of course since, apart from Einstein, they did not have all the modern facts. Who knows what they might have thought or stated in these more enlightened times.

I do believe that Luther thought for himself when he began the Reformation.
Did he? It would seem he was thoroughly indoctrinated by the existing system but certainly helped it evolve somewhat. But then he did have a good education. But he never questioned the underlying basis of his religion.

Perhaps the reason we dont see them is that they HAVE gone to heaven or hell.
Or more likely nowhere which seems more likely than the fantasy that you propose.
firingseeds, be as cheeky as you want, i don't see any real change from normal,

you miss my point from before. an all powerful god (your god) who is all powerful (notice my emphasis on all powerful) scrafices his only son (admitedly it wasn't much of a sacrifice though was it?) when he doesn't have to, because he's all powerful.

jesus died for our sins. why? because he was the only one able to overcome the scrounge of the earth- satan.
you actually believe this don't you? an all powerful god can't deal with satan but a man can. yup, no-where is this statement contradictive.

thru this great sacfifice of lord jesus, he is now able to make intercession for us before his father, as his father has called jesus his own righteousness.
so an all powerful and forgiving god needs a son to sacrifice himself to even listen to the humans he created, which are supposedly his glory. contradiction?

people talk about the bible as being warnings etc and etc. true, but also try to see the bible as statement of fact. god has not made it easy, but, remember, he was not easy on his own son
yeah, god is obviously the prick here. if the bible is a statment of fact then christianity is someones literary work of fiction. it can't be fact. it has no basis in the reality we live in. it was written contemporary to it's time, not contemporary to all of time. big difference when we are talking about an all powerful and knowledgeable god.

god is god, not a man, and god is also holy, that no unrighteous man can draw near him. it is in the name of lord jesus that one may be considered, or declared righteous- as i said already, becoz' of his great sacrifice on the cross.
god in your case is a made up fairy tale (i won't argue that there isn't a god, but your god i will). don't you see that what you are writing is just things we've made up? so you've obviously declared yourself righteous seeing you've already got a place in heaven, arrogance? or do you have exclusive talking rights to god?
remember that christs sacrifice wasn't a sacrifice- he came down to earth then went back up to heaven. wow, that is such a big sacrifice.

now, u may not want to live forever, atheroy, but it isn't really your choice, just as u have no real choices in this life, either. u are born, u live, u die- so much for choices.
yeah it is, i could choose to die right now but why the hell would i want to do that? i have every choice in the world i want. because i live in this universe's natural bounds does not mean i don't have any choice in it.

god is the potter, we are but the clay.
your belief. if he is, he is an extremly retarded potter.

jesus is the law.
he lived, he died. how different is that to anyone else? what law is to be ascertained from that?
Originally posted by Cris

And that is your answer to why he does exist huh? So you accept that there is nothing to show that a god exists then right? Otherwise you would have given a real answer, right?

By the same token you accept that there is nothing to show that god doesn't exist. I was simply answering one of your questions with a question. You stated in one of your earlier posts that it is a hard truth that God does not exist. To which I ask you: have you looked everywhere? Have you covered every inch of the universe and not found God? To say you have is quite an egotistical thing to say.

A "real" answer: to say that the universe as we know it was created by accident or chance with no divine intervention is like saying an explosion in an ink and paper factory produces the works of Shakespeare.
No carnal mind has the right or authority to draw up moral standards without some divine intervention. No human being(not Hammurabi, not Moses, etc) could have implanted the consience that lies within us all, though some choose not to listen to it.
The prophecies of the Bible of Jesus, etc. were written hundreds of years before them actually manifesting themselves.

I said most people, and besides Einstein was an atheist in Christian terms. His god was that of Spinoza, i.e. nature. But really it is unfair to judge the views of past thinkers who were ignorant of modern physics and evolution

If evolution were as obvious as the scientific world would have you believed, then they would have realized it just as they did other things.

when to say anything in public against religion would be a personal disaster.

Many who had ideas contrary to popular belief would have written them down and probably would have had them published at the time of or after their death. Did these guys do that?

But Pascal did create Pascal’s wager which has been significantly ridiculed since but he also wrote -

Men never do evil so completely or cheerfully
As when they do it from religious conviction.

I agree. Things like the inquisition, the Crusades, and the like occur when religion is taken out of context(find me one verse in the Bible that condones torture).

Did he? It would seem he was thoroughly indoctrinated by the existing system but certainly helped it evolve somewhat. But then he did have a good education. But he never questioned the underlying basis of his religion.

That is so far wrong it's not even funny. Around his time, it was believed that good works(esp. giving money) could be used to buy your way to heaven. Luther came along and, citing scripture such as Rom. 4:4-5, said that it is by faith and grace the we are saved. That turned the church upside down. Also, Luther was the first one to translate the Bible into a Lamen's tongue, German. Why? So the people could read it for themselves and discover that they didn't need a priest to be the bridge betw. them and God, that their money giving didn't save them. You don't think that shook the church up a bit?

Or more likely nowhere which seems more likely than the fantasy that you propose.

How so? How is it more likely that we just poof and dissapear? We all have two parts of us: our physical body and our soul/ mind. Now matter can't just dissapear, it is just transformed to another form. So our physical body returns to dust which leaves our soul. It makes sense that it go to another place in another form.
From a philosophical standpoint, don't you guys talk about the inequalties of life? Wouldn't it seem fair that after this life, we all go a place where the wrongs of life are righted. So can you really avoid postulating the existence of a Heaven and a Hell?

might have a job. good! now where were we? ahh, chris...i liked what u said...it seemed fair and moderate- and interesting. it doesn't really matter what everybody say's about christianity etc. i usually look at the individual concerned, rather than what they claim to represent. i thought it appropiate that u would wish to be judged on your own works. i don't believe u have to be religious to be considered good- the only provision being, will the lord accept u the person. god- and his word- is rather too complicated for the average joe-blow, and i don't believe it matters what joe-blow actually thinks, becoz' it's really not his concern. ( call him window dressing:D ..oopps, sorry, atheroy.)
i believe that god has presented this earth- and it's fullness- to jesus; and the people to participate in his kingdom. and, to which, i don't think man can ever imagine god's full purpose for mankind, becoz' as yet, this is still a work in progress.
the flaws in religion are not the flaws of the bible. a flawed soul will become fully stuck on the darker mind of things, whereas the more enlightened soul, will look more to the charitable. the teachings, tho not making sense to joe-blow, will refine the character accordingly, and produce, finally, a working model of real depth...that is the prize of faith.
for who knows the spiritual potential of man, but his own creator.
Originally posted by jcarl
From a philosophical standpoint, don't you guys talk about the inequalties of life? Wouldn't it seem fair that after this life, we all go a place where the wrongs of life are righted. So can you really avoid postulating the existence of a Heaven and a Hell?
i think none can avoid afterlife, honestly, if they blame God for the inequalities and contradictions and thereby rejecting him as non-existant. it is an incomplete, illogical argument to deny God for these reasons while not taking the after life part as an integral part of the whole inequality issue. Heaven & Hell part may not be what we see it is. God must be having his own ways there rather than as per our believes on after-life.

go read some zen. my favorite...don't mistake the finger pointing at the moon to be the moon itself.
Heaven & Hell part may not be what we see it is. God must be having his own ways there rather than as per our believes on after-life.
Why wouldn't it be the same as what we believe? What leads you to believe that it's different? What would be the motive behind telling us something that is different from what it really is?

hi...hi nick, nice thread...atheroy, by god placing his son on the firing line makes void any attempt by man to claim unrighteous judgement. this is hypothetical: man dies, wakes up 2000 years later. does this man know the difference between 3 days and 2000 years? ( don't shoot me on that one, alrite. )
anyway, to my point. jesus went by faith, atheroy- he could have ran away- as he was a man on earth; but, praise the lord, he was his father's son. don't u get it, atheroy? jesus was proved, too. he also was put to the test. god is not man, and he will do whatsoever pleases him, for that is the law of god. same as with dogbreeders, if a dog is flawed, it then means absolutely nothing to them. they may pretend that it does, but in reality, it doesn't. thank god, that he is a loving god. if his word was the ark today, he could plead, plead, plead, plead, plead, but his ark would be rejected by the 5 senses- the animal that is man.
have a good one.
thank you firingseeds...you also give the uncompromising word of Christ.:cool:
Originally posted by jcarl
Why wouldn't it be the same as what we believe?
i said it might be different.
What leads you to believe that it's different?
Well, that depends on what you believe as Heaven and Hell. as per the popular believe these concepts don't seem to justify the actions of God. What is the purpose of purgatory if you believe in that.? and also tell me about Hell and Heaven as you believe.
What would be the motive behind telling us something that is different from what it really is?
i don't get. motive of whom.? mine or bible or God or Jesus.?
whether Jesus told anything about Hell and Heaven.? pl quote them if so.
Originally posted by everneo

Well, that depends on what you believe as Heaven and Hell. as per the popular believe these concepts don't seem to justify the actions of God. What is the purpose of purgatory if you believe in that.? and also tell me about Hell and Heaven as you believe.

Purgatory doesn't exist; when you die you go to either heaven or Hell. If you believe that Christ died on the cross for your sins, that he paid your debt which you couldn't pay back, then you go to heaven. Those who reject Christ and his deliverance are sent to Hell, simple as that.

Justify the actions of God? I take that to meaning that the concept of an all loving God sending people to eternal damnation. The answer is simple: God doesn't send anyone to Hell, nor does he send anybody to Heaven; they go on their own free will.

i don't get. motive of whom.? mine or bible or God or Jesus.?
whether Jesus told anything about Hell and Heaven.? pl quote them if so.
What would be the motive of God ultimately(the bible is God's word)

As far as Heaven and Hell go--to give an all too brief overview--Jesus describes Hell in Mark 9: 48, tells how and who will get in in Luke 12:47, and shows the contrast of Heaven and Hell in the example of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)
Originally posted by jcarl
Purgatory doesn't exist; when you die you go to either heaven or Hell.
There should be some sort of judgement before deciding destinations. a petty thief and a murderer will not be judged equally. Are there different classes in Hell (and Heaven) ? if not there should be periods of punishment terms.

If you believe that Christ died on the cross for your sins, that he paid your debt which you couldn't pay back, then you go to heaven. Those who reject Christ and his deliverance are sent to Hell, simple as that.
i don't think it could be as simple as that. a life time sinner repents at his twilight moments and transfers his sins on Jesus and going to heaven whereas another man lived a virtuous life and did good but never thought about Jesus ending up in hell for few sins does not speak well of either Jesus or God.

Justify the actions of God? I take that to meaning that the concept of an all loving God sending people to eternal damnation. The answer is simple: God doesn't send anyone to Hell, nor does he send anybody to Heaven; they go on their own free will.
The stake here is eternal damnation, as you beleive it to be Hell. free will is a gift not a trap. if its a trap then God would not seem to be a good guy. i don't think God would be such palyful sadist. It could be either (i) the hell is not eternal damnation (but a temporary separation from God) OR (ii) satan is allowed to get his quota of souls through free will lottery, in that case God and satan are partners in heaven:hell profit sharing business. i believe in the first.;)

What would be the motive of God ultimately
i don't know.

As far as Heaven and Hell go--to give an all too brief overview--Jesus describes Hell in Mark 9: 48, tells how and who will get in in Luke 12:47, and shows the contrast of Heaven and Hell in the example of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)
Its more of a seperation. whether it is eternal or God would show mercy in between is not known. it would not be known to us for reason. that does not mean that Hell is an eternal damnation.
everno, and this is where your mistaken! Hell is forever! Hell is eternal! " He will go ou to deceieve the nations at the four corneres of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle' their number is like the sand of the sea. They invaded the breadth of the erth and surrounded the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city. But fire came down from heaven and consumed them. The Devil who had led them astry was thrown into the pool of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet were. There they will be tormented day and night forever and ever"(RV 20,7-11) As you see, Satans followers will be tortured forever and ever. IF you do not follow God, you follow Satan, for "So because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth." You need to know that hell is forever. It is important!

By the same token you accept that there is nothing to show that god doesn't exist.
In the same way as there is nothing to support the non-existence of any imaginative fantasy that has no factual basis. Why chase dreams?

I was simply answering one of your questions with a question. You stated in one of your earlier posts that it is a hard truth that God does not exist.
No I didn’t. I’ll restate the statement again for you.

The hard truth is that the concept of God is only a human imaginative fantasy.

Unless you can show proof that a god exists then all you have is a fantasy. The only way to prove me wrong is to prove the existence of God.

To which I ask you: have you looked everywhere? Have you covered every inch of the universe and not found God? To say you have is quite an egotistical thing to say.
Good job I haven’t claimed that then. Your argument is very old and has been discussed here many times. Your attempt at a counterpoint is a desperate attempt to avoid admitting that your beliefs are no more than fantasies and that you are living a lie.

A "real" answer: to say that the universe as we know it was created by accident or chance with no divine intervention is like saying an explosion in an ink and paper factory produces the works of Shakespeare.
Then don’t claim such things. Why do you assume that the universe had a beginning? What evidence is there that at some point the universe didn’t exist and needed to be created. Until you can answer these questions then the need for a creator is redundant.

No carnal mind has the right or authority to draw up moral standards without some divine intervention.
Of course we do. Humans wrote the bible that many say has a good moral code that humans have been following for centuries. It has been so successful that some say it must have been inspired by a god. However, as we have already shown, God is only a fantasy.

No human being(not Hammurabi, not Moses, etc) could have implanted the consience that lies within us all, though some choose not to listen to it.
Most neuroscientists and psychologists would disagree with you. What makes you such an expert on the human brain that you can dismiss its functioning so easily? What is your proof that the brain isn’t the root of conscience? Isn’t the truth that we do not fully understand the human brain and when irrational and gullible ignorant people desperately want an answer they have always turned to superstition, just as you are doing now?

If evolution were as obvious as the scientific world would have you believed, then they would have realized it just as they did other things.
Now I understand that you live in a fantasy world, as you have demonstrated above, but you shouldn’t assume that everyone else does. Darwin wrote his book “the origin of species” based on colossal amounts of evidence, and he was a devout Christian before that time. And this tends to support my assertion that had those other earlier thinkers had access to the same data then perhaps they would have reached different conclusions to their own.

Many who had ideas contrary to popular belief would have written them down and probably would have had them published at the time of or after their death. Did these guys do that?
And risk them being discovered and then being tortured and/or ridiculed? But you seem to be giving these thinkers the power of hindsight; that they thought that the status quo might change. Most people write things for their own benefit not for generations to come. Your hypothetical is not credible.

Things like the inquisition, the Crusades, and the like occur when religion is taken out of context(find me one verse in the Bible that condones torture).
But the bible is so ambiguous in so many places that people genuinely and faithfully interpret it many ways. Why else would there be some 33,000 different cults and sects within Christianity? It is curious that a so-called God inspired book, designed to bring truth to mankind, should end up being the cause of so much confusion and chaos. The bible is perhaps the best evidence that it wasn’t inspired by a god.

That is so far wrong it's not even funny. Around his time, it was believed that good works(esp. giving money) could be used to buy your way to heaven. Luther came along and, citing scripture such as Rom. 4:4-5, said that it is by faith and grace the we are saved. That turned the church upside down. Also, Luther was the first one to translate the Bible into a Lamen's tongue, German. Why? So the people could read it for themselves and discover that they didn't need a priest to be the bridge betw. them and God, that their money giving didn't save them. You don't think that shook the church up a bit?
I agree and I’m not disputing that; he caused the Church to evolve, as I said. But you are missing the bigger picture since you are seeing everything from a narrow Christian perspective only. He still accepted the basic tenets of Christianity, the existence of a god and a savior, those things he never questioned. All he did essentially was cause Church doctrine to change.

How so? How is it more likely that we just poof and dissapear?
Because of the overwhelming evidence from billions of deaths that no one ever appears again once they are dead.

We all have two parts of us: our physical body and our soul/ mind.
You are asserting that as if it were true. It is only a fantasy. Can you prove otherwise?

Now matter can't just dissapear, it is just transformed to another form.
Close enough.

So our physical body returns to dust which leaves our soul.
A baseless assertion. Prove it.

It makes sense that it go to another place in another form.
Even if it existed, you still have a non sequitur. If it was dependent on the physical body, like a parasite then it might simply dissipate into the atmosphere. For an afterlife to have any sense then the soul must remain intact. So far, your analogy indicates that the soul would disintegrate just like a physical body, leaving nothing behind.

From a philosophical standpoint, don't you guys talk about the inequalties of life?

Wouldn't it seem fair that after this life, we all go a place where the wrongs of life are righted.
Who says life is fair?

So can you really avoid postulating the existence of a Heaven and a Hell?
Only if you choose fantasy over reality.
Cris, what your asking for impossible. God wont reveal him self to God commanded us not to put the lord to the test. "blessed are the ones who dont see but believe" Jesus said something along those lines. To you it may be a fairy tail fantasy myth thing..but us christians feel God's presence.

Now I have a question to you chris, am I a robot typing this?
To Firirngseeds who wrote: lucy go read some zen. my favorite...don't mistake the finger pointing at the moon to be the moon itself.

I have read Zen. Perhaps you should not confuse your wishful thinking with reality itself.

Why can you not admit that the only thing you know for sure is that death=nonexistance? Your after life explanations could be replaced with dozens of others yet there is no proof of any. Your belief in the after life is simply comforting to you and that is fine, but that does not make it fact.

One of my favorite quotes concerning afterlife has been expressed by U.G Krishnamurti:

Q: Is there life after death?

U.G: Anything I say would not be of much interest to people. When people ask me whether there is any such thing as reincarnation, my answer is that there is reincarnation for those who believe in it, and there is no reincarnation for those who do not believe in it. It is not a clever answer because it is the belief which is important. If you ask a fundamental question, "Is there any such thing as reincarnation as the other laws in nature like gravity?" my answer would be negative, a definite "No." It is not as much part of nature as gravity is. But if you want to believe that it is so, it is a different matter. The belief in reincarnation is born out of the demand that something will continue after your so-called death. It is the same mechanism which wants to know what will happen after death. For exactly the same reason you are asking the question, "Is there any meaning, is there any purpose in life?" For some reason that mechanism, that movement of thought, does not want to come to an end. You have seen people dying there. So, the belief that there is a center here, that there is a spirit here, that there is a soul here, is what is responsible for that belief that there must be something beyond. But if you want to know if there is anything beyond, you have to die now. When the question or belief about that comes to an end, death will take place here right now. Clinical death will take place. Then the question whether there is an afterlife would not at all arise, because the living organism has no way of knowing that it is alive.

Q: But the body is transient, and we all aspire for some kind of immortality. Naturally we turn to higher philosophy, religion, the spiritual. Surely, if we ...

U.G.: It is the body which is immortal. It only changes its form after clinical death, remaining within the flow of life in new shapes. The body is not concerned with "the afterlife" or any kind of permanency. It struggles to survive and multiply NOW. The fictitious "beyond", created by thought out of fear, is really the demand for more of the same, in modified form. This demand for repetition of the same thing over and over again is the demand for permanence. Such permanence is foreign to the body. Thought's demand for permanence is choking the body and distorting perception. Thought sees itself as not just the protector of its own continuity, but also of the body's continuity. Both are utterly false."

Agent Smith: Perhaps you should read The Robot Is Dreaming:
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Agent Smith,

Cris, what your asking for impossible. God wont reveal him self to God commanded us not to put the lord to the test. "blessed are the ones who dont see but believe" Jesus said something along those lines.
LOL. Did you ever see the Wizard of Oz? You mustn’t look behind the curtain because you will see the fraud. The myth-makers knew they had no substance so of course they added such phrases. And such tactics work well on the gullible.

In all aspects of human society where deliberate deception is concerned there is always secrecy, lies, and fraud. There is no reason to hide truth. If God really existed why does he hide from anyone who shows an ability to be curious? It is either because he is hiding a fraud or he simply doesn’t exist.

To you it may be a fairy tail fantasy myth thing..but us christians feel God's presence.
Technically what you have is a psychotic delusion. While the sensations can be real they are entirely self-induced. There are many aspects to life where one can feel excitement and often one may experience an epiphany. Associating these emotional sensations to an external supernatural influence is simply baseless.

Now I have a question to you chris, am I a robot typing this?
From Webster: Robot:

1 a : a machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or talking) of a human being; also: a similar but fictional machine whose lack of capacity for human emotions is often emphasized.

1 b : an efficient insensitive person who functions automatically.

2: a device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks.

3: a mechanism guided by automatic controls.

I’d say you fit number 3 quite well, a biological device that is guided by automatic controls derived from Christian rote indoctrination and programming. Even your name implies you have been programmed to behave without independent thought.
(find me one verse in the Bible that condones torture).

"And Gideon said, Therefore when the LORD hath delivered Zebah and Zalmunna into mine hand, then I will tear your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness and with briers."
Judges 8:7

Obviously, God has no problem with having his chosen people kill, rape and torture whomsoever they please.

As to the question, you rot.
Okay cris, first thing when I siad "feel Gods presence" I didnt mean it like a physiclal sensation or even an emotional one. Since you do not believe in God you dont know of this. I known people who were helped after prayers to God. Put any excuse you want, say that it was a coincidence if you want or that it was her belief that relieved them , but through their testimony, It was the work of God. Ive even experienced that myself. To you of course it will be "baseless" and "irrelevent" because their is no concrete scientific 100% evidence to back this up and to feel the presence of a supernatural being is being psycho.

Lol Your smart but just like a politician, you never answear the question directly you kind of circumnavigate around the question and give some undefinate ambigious answear.