When Is Jesus Coming?


"Yet these "fools" invented the internet so you can spew your BS!!.
These fools? brought about electricity so you can sit on YOUR ASS!! and write stupidity.
These fools!! are the scientist that made the technology posible so we can communicate with this medium!!. SO WHO'S THE FOOL NOW!!?."

Joeman said:
According to my Jewish friends, If Jesus comes again, he will be a reformed Jew. Reformed Judaism based on fulfilling the purpose of the law was what he was trying to accomplish. He wasn't trying to be an object of worship. I think the Jewish Christian group which was lead by James the Just was the real Christianity. However, it was destroyed by the Romans when they flattened Jerusalem around 70 A.D. The form of Christianity today is just one really big cult.
That actually sounds pretty accurate. Cause Jesus never intended to be worshiped. Besides that, the Book of James (I assume you are talking about that James) is one of the best and most insightful books in the Bible.
TruthSeeker: That actually sounds pretty accurate. Cause Jesus never intended to be worshiped. Besides that, the Book of James (I assume you are talking about that James) is one of the best and most insightful books in the Bible.
M*W: I have a question, and I'm not making a joke: Who wrote the Book of James?
Oh! ok ;).

You know for the search of truth, everyone seems to go at it alone in away. Some accepting one religion over another version of "truth" others totally refuse religious rhetoric, become atheists, or agnostics, satanists, humanist. But they never stop searching for what truh may be. I on the other hand the only "truth" that I can openly relate to is my own existence. All others versions of "truth" are questionable, I don't worry how I got here, I accept that I am here. I don't wonder much of how space came into existence. I accept that it exists, and that the search for some explanation is futile, and a waist of intelectual time. Though I've "observed" withing my short 42 years of life what man has been able to accomplish, dispite it's rhetoric religious notions. However one truth comes out of all this. Freedom of religion in this nation enabled it to bring, technological wonders and advancement in science as the world has never seen, in such a relative short period of historical time.

Medicine Woman said:
TruthSeeker: That actually sounds pretty accurate. Cause Jesus never intended to be worshiped. Besides that, the Book of James (I assume you are talking about that James) is one of the best and most insightful books in the Bible.
M*W: I have a question, and I'm not making a joke: Who wrote the Book of James?
Well... I honestly don't know. :eek:
I suppose it was James. Either way, it is still one of the best and most insightful books in the Bible.
TruthSeeker: Well... I honestly don't know. :eek:
I suppose it was James. Either way, it is still one of the best and most insightful books in the Bible.
M*W: Well, TruthSeeker, if it was the brother of Jesus, then I would expect it to be truthful. I can honestly say that the writings of Paul, the antichrist, were lies. I would hope that the writing of James was true. This is what I believe.
James is spoken of by Jesus in non-canonical literature as the "successor" of Jesus on earth.

Ironically, the Church omitted this literature in favor of venerating Peter.

I saw some article on it, I'll see if I can post it for you.
Medicine Woman said:
TruthSeeker: Well... I honestly don't know. :eek:
I suppose it was James. Either way, it is still one of the best and most insightful books in the Bible.
M*W: Well, TruthSeeker, if it was the brother of Jesus, then I would expect it to be truthful. I can honestly say that the writings of Paul, the antichrist, were lies. I would hope that the writing of James was true. This is what I believe.
Sure. But I would like to point out that there were two James. One was the brother of Jesus and the other I think was another apostle. So... I'm not sure which one was it.

I think there is also a "Gospel of James". I'm not sure tough, but it would be one of the "forbidden" gospels. But I certainly agree with some of what you say.
Hey §outh§tar! What do you mean by "I want to believe"?
Have you read my last private message, btw...?
Sorry Lori, I forgot all about this thread.

Well, a rather large sized post to digest so let's get cracking..

and I think what you just said is a load.

What part? The bit where I said homosexuality was not a personal choice they make? Are you saying these people sit down and say "I want to be gay"?

And nowhere in the old testament does it say that homosexuals are "worse sinners"..."bigger sinners"...how in the hell do you even say that?

Ummm, I didn't say that. I said that god shows his contempt for queers in the OT. I didn't say they were bigger sinners than anyone.

No, he's permanent...forever...the real deal. It's as different as night and day.

If you say so.

Specifically, I have always been profoundly bored and lonely...no matter what.

Of course, and that's why you have god. Being lonely is a major part of becoming religious.

Lonely because before I was born I knew god...but upon birth forgot, I guess as everyone does.

Before birth? Have you been watching the sci-fi channel again? Honestly though, this god dude is more shady than a used car salesman. All this forgetting, and remembering.. it's really quite obscene.

but...I had an imaginary friend. His name was Joey Spagota.

And now you have another imaginary friend named jesus.

I would comment on your whole 'amazingly romantic' scenario but when I got to the bottom I noticed you saying you haven't even met the guy which kinda threw it off for me. We'll talk on this after halloween, unless you get arrested.

My whole life I've said, "This is it? You mean to tell me that THIS is it? You've got to be kidding? What a sick joke." I've been bored and disappointed...generally...systemically.

That's quite a shame really considering all the beauty and joy life has to offer.

I've recently discovered that I've been pretty obsessive/compulsive.

No shit. Here you are drooling over a guy who doesn't even know you exist, talking of marriage and what not. I'd call that somewhat obsessive.

But it sounds as if your brain is your god.

That would be self worship. Your brain is you, you are your brain.

Science is the how, not the why

And the 'how' is never "god". Questioning the why serves little purpose when thats just how it goes.

"Why oh why did my son drop dead?", "why oh why do I never win the lottery?"

That is the way things go, it doesn't require any divine presence.

o, is that the measure of a man then? What is his purpose then in relation to it?

Typical religious mindset.. Why must there be purpose? The ants have no god or heaven, so ask them what their purpose is - and then apply it to yourself. We eat, we shit, we reproduce... For some reason you guys just can't cope with a "no purpose" answer.

What does that mean for mentally retarded people or those with brain damage?

It means they're f***ed. On the other hand, you could just ask god why he decided to make these people mentally retarded.

What does that mean for geniuses?

Not a great deal. Sure, they might help man progress technologically - but it's all for nothing if they're sterile.

What is the meaning of life? Why are we here?

1) Reproduction

2) Because we're closer to the sun than Jupiter.

And one day very soon, "out of the blue", he's gonna come here and get me...and all of the people that thought I was crazy are gonna shit their pants when he does.

Or he doesn't arrive and you're still crazy. If he doesn't are you willing to be medically examined? Willing to accept that perhaps it's all a fantasy/delusion and get over it - or will you make as many exucses to everyone, mainly yourself, just so you don't end up a quivering wreck?

And what I want to know from you is this...when he does, then will you believe?


A) It would require evidence and proof - which is pretty impossible to obtain considering I'm half way round the world.

B) It wouldn't specifically mean all that much. Rock stars find and bonk random women - you could pester the guy until he does and then by chance he decides he likes you - but then spends the rest of his life calling you a nutbag for thinking he's your long lost imaginary friend.

C) A rockstars name being John, is not sign of the existence of a scrawny suicidal jew.

I've got plenty of people to talk to...including myself. I get lots of love and consideration from people...I really couldn't ask for more.

Sure you could, a minute ago you were telling me how lonely you have felt, and that people are just not good enough. You wouldn't be in this predicament if you did have more.

I'm not like that....I've asked. That's why I know and you don't.

I've asked, hell - I ask all the time now. I've even made a computer programme to ask for me. Every 30 seconds it loops and asks whether anyone's out there. Aside from a radio signal from Mars, it's found absolute bugger all.

Jesus carried my cross for me...that's the whole point...it's gone...I gave it to him, and he took it from me and he loved me...healed me...and restored me.

All due respect, but I think that makes you weak. A man should 'carry his own cross'. It makes him a better person.

I am sincerely so sorry about the death of your son.

Shit happens. If I were a religious man I would understand it better. I'd know that because he was my first son, he was actually gods property - but being a non-religious man, that cheapo excuse just doesn't wash. I must say the medical reasons seem a lot closer to the mark.

Well, like I said, the details can get complicated, but generally, my cross always had to do with sex. Sexual relationships and everything to do with them and the consequences of them. Always my downfall...what brought me to my knees...looking for the truth. I had an abortion when I was 24. There were other things as well...a culmonation of things but...that was the ONE VERY SPECIFIC THING...that was the one thing that made me HAVE TO KNOW...I had to know...I had to know the truth....it made me seek the truth. But the journey has been a long one, with many little steps along the way...that one though, was the biggest step...maybe the first step even. Before that I had just been dancing around...entertaining myself with the idea of it...intellectualizing it...mental masturbation...ew...I said masturbation.

See. Ok, my calculations were slightly off, but it shows the point. It's always about unresolved issues. Sure, you'll say "but they're resolved thanks to jesus" - but that's the whole point. Of course they are, and that's why you hear these voices and believe in these beings. It's just like you would have said they were resolved during a past alcoholic binge - although alcohol differs slightly to religious belief/voices. At the end of the day, it all boils down to the same thing.

Your subconcious has an issue which your concious mind covers over with a blanket. The blanket comes in many guises - food, alcohol, god, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

Yes, as a matter of fact I KNOW that my brain would intentionally hurt me. My brain has believed destructive and deadly lies that have hurt me, and hurt others, my whole life.

Such as?

There was no where else to go...no where else to look.

That's apparent.

Also turns out that my brain didn't have the know how to conquer my addiction.

See below...

god kind of meshed us together...or crossed our brainwaves...or did something...so that I ended up feeling not one hint of a withdrawal symptom whatsoever. And I was a die hard smoker dude...chain smoker...my feet didn't even hit the bedroom floor in the morning before I had one lit...22 years of at least a pack a day.

A.k.a "the brain". You couldn't find a way to stop, your brain found one for you - god. Doesn't mean god exists, but it's one of the lengths your brain will go to, to save itself.

As I said earlier, it's people in dire shit that find god. It's simply a last ditch method of the brain, if nothing before it did any good. It's very systematic.. drink, drugs, sex, binge eating, god. It all comes from the same source.

god made it so that my addictions were given to this guy to bear

Addictions are seen as a sin. In this case then, we can see that god forced sins upon someone else. Who knows, perhaps none of us has actually sinned, we've just been forced to.

Perhaps if I went and raped some woman, I could claim it was because god took it from someone else and gave it to me. You could say "but you didn't have to", but I would have to if I couldn't bear that which I had been given, even though the thought wouldn't have even crossed my mind had he not have bothered giving it to me in the first place.

For someone who doesn't believe in god, you sure are pissed off at him.

Which one?

Oh, your particular god... Not in the slightest, because it doesn't exist other than in the realms of your brain. I'm just debating and conversing on your claims.

Our sin does not condemn us as a punishment. There is no punishment because jesus took it on for us...the atonement.

Whoopee doo.. It makes crime seem that much more acceptable.

Parenting is not always about protecting. Protecting them from harm...yes. But protecting them from knowledge...from understanding...from truth.

I couldn't agree more, which is exactly why I resent people who try to instill religion into their childs brain at an early age.

and I haven't even met the man face to face yet!

Neither has anyone else..

Oh wait, oh no.. oh yes, oh no... Damn this book is so bloody contradictory. :D

But I know, in theory, that I will live forever, and it won't be in this shitty world, but in an eternal kingdom of purity, peace, love, and joy.

It just sounds so boring. There's only so much ass kissing I could muster. After 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years it would just become bland.

Dude...there is cake ok?

No there isn't.

And in the near future I'm gonna show you my cake and you'll see it with your own two eyes, and you're gonna want a bite too.

Near future? I'm not quite that depressed.

Are you trying to be funny? Ok buster, you're cut off.

No I was being serious.. When I was drinking I took on this healthy spiritual glow. People thought I was jesus.. then they found out it was just liver failure.. :D

I'm not dead. I'm more alive than I've ever been. There is evidence of that.

Sure, but some things kill us slowly without us even knowing it's happening.

It's not schizophrenia

The magic statement.. gotta love it :D

It's as real as the man that's coming to get me...my friend...my rock star...my superman...my prince charming...my hero. And when he does, then what will you have to say?

Not long to go now heh? Let's wait and see.

I don't know when jesus is coming

As long as he doesn't jump the queue, who cares?
SnakeLord said:
What part? The bit where I said homosexuality was not a personal choice they make? Are you saying these people sit down and say "I want to be gay"?

Are those the only two alternatives that your brain could muster? To not be gay, or to...out of the clear blue sky...sit down and proclaim "I want to be gay" for no reason? You could probably stand to put a little more thought into it Snake...my sentiments regarding much of this post actually. To say that people are born inherently gay is like saying that I was born with an inherent attraction to uneducated rednecks, or that one of my good friends was born with an inherent attraction to big bald black guys...it's ridiculous. The FACT is that there are a bevy of different reasons...a different conglomerate of reasons for each person...that determines who he/she is sexually attracted to and why. They can be physical, emotional, intellectual, and/or environmental. You don't have to be a psychologist to figure that out.

Ummm, I didn't say that. I said that god shows his contempt for queers in the OT. I didn't say they were bigger sinners than anyone.

God doesn't have contempt for anyone. God hates sin, not sinners. If he hated sinners, he would hate all of us...equally. The reason that he hates sin is because he loves us, and the wages of sin are death. He loves us, and doesn't want us to suffer and die from sin. That's why he sent his son, and that's why his kingdom will be without sin. And that's why his kingdom will be eternal.

Of course, and that's why you have god. Being lonely is a major part of becoming religious.

More specifically, I am born again...which is much different from the general definition of being "religious". As I explained before...I guess you weren't paying attention...I wasn't lonely in the flesh, but in the spirit. If I were lonely in the flesh...then I would have joined a church, and become "religious"...or a country club, or a cult, or a singles organization, or perhaps become a bar fly at a local pub. But lonely in the spirit, I sought the truth...and I sought a relationship with God, and became born again. I do not belong to A church...I belong to THE church...which I'm supposing, based upon your answer, that you have no idea what the difference is between A church and THE church.

Before birth? Have you been watching the sci-fi channel again? Honestly though, this god dude is more shady than a used car salesman. All this forgetting, and remembering.. it's really quite obscene.

And now you have another imaginary friend named jesus.

That's the best you could come up with? Hm...sorry to hear that. Yea, before birth into the veil of the flesh. The flesh is a veil because of sin. Because it was altered genetically (the fall) to hinder our spiritual relationship with god....to know of sin...for our flesh to desire sin...it's a huge distraction from spiritual truth...like a genetically encoded lie. And just because my relationship with God is a spiritual one, does not mean that it is imaginary. Which for you to say, is really close-minded.

I would comment on your whole 'amazingly romantic' scenario but when I got to the bottom I noticed you saying you haven't even met the guy which kinda threw it off for me. We'll talk on this after halloween, unless you get arrested.

23 more days and counting...why in the world would I get arrested?

That's quite a shame really considering all the beauty and joy life has to offer.

Yea...beauty and joy out the ying yang...too bad that it's often smeared with pain, suffering, sickness, violence, and death, huh? Hey, perhaps that's why you're trying to drown yourself in alcohol. Otherwise, wouldn't you be missing out on all of that beauty and joy due to incoherence and blurred vision?

No shit. Here you are drooling over a guy who doesn't even know you exist, talking of marriage and what not. I'd call that somewhat obsessive.

I have yet to drool. He knows damn well I exist. And I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed with him...I would go farther than that and say that I'm absolutely consumed by him. I was referring to my personality in general as obsessive complusive...meaning that with me, it's generally all or nothing. I've seen people that are much worse than I am regarding this mental problem...scewed perception. It's like a strive for perfection, and if you have any doubt that you can reach it, you don't try at all. And if you believe that you can reach it, you only frustrate the hell out of yourself, cause there aint no such thing as perfection in this world, or in this flesh.

That would be self worship. Your brain is you, you are your brain.

Speak for yourself...I have been shown that I am much more than that by god himself.

And the 'how' is never "god". Questioning the why serves little purpose when thats just how it goes.

"Why oh why did my son drop dead?", "why oh why do I never win the lottery?"

That is the way things go, it doesn't require any divine presence.

Typical religious mindset.. Why must there be purpose? The ants have no god or heaven, so ask them what their purpose is - and then apply it to yourself. We eat, we shit, we reproduce... For some reason you guys just can't cope with a "no purpose" answer.

Wow, how sad...no wonder you drink. Or maybe it's that which has blurred your vision. For something must be, if you can look around at all of the wonder of this world and find no meaning. So it's all one huge coincedence huh? Dude, you are in some major, major denial. Blind men have more vision than you do. Are you trying to protect yourself from something when you hide your eyes? You're actually not doing yourself any favors.

It means they're f***ed. On the other hand, you could just ask god why he decided to make these people mentally retarded.

No they aren't f'd...that is only your perception...because you equate all importance with the function of the brain. The fact is that quality of life is relative, and not dependent upon IQ...and everyone can find meaning and purpose in this life regardless of their brain function...according to god. Everyone's life has just as much meaning and importance as everyone else's...just in different ways.

Not a great deal. Sure, they might help man progress technologically - but it's all for nothing if they're sterile.

1) Reproduction

2) Because we're closer to the sun than Jupiter.

So would it be fair to say that if one is sterile, or for some reason will not reproduce that they should just shoot themselves in the head because they have no purpose in life? Just taking up valuable space and consuming valuable resources that should be spent on those who do reproduce and their offspring? That's nice. So maybe you can answer this question then...why is it that those humans with a lower IQ and level of education have more children than those with a higher IQ and level of education? And why is it that the "intelligent" and "advanced" societies can't seem to function without 99 different types of birth control and an absolute reliance on it...practically a worship of it? I mean, if reproduction is the meaning of life, and your brain is all good and all knowing, like you attest, then why is it that the more intellectual a society is, the more barriers to reproduction it perpetuates? The more intellectual a society is, the more reproduction is looked down upon as a negative thing...a hindrance...meanial and non-intellectual...having babies is for stupid people. Seems to be a contradiction doesn't it?

Or he doesn't arrive and you're still crazy. If he doesn't are you willing to be medically examined? Willing to accept that perhaps it's all a fantasy/delusion and get over it - or will you make as many exucses to everyone, mainly yourself, just so you don't end up a quivering wreck?

If he doesn't show up...ever...then I will be the first to admit that I am completely and over the top delusional....just in regards to THIS ONE THING...which I have no idea how you or anyone else can reconcile. Certainly in your field you know that it is not common for a person to be completely sane, and rational, and logical, and have absolutely no problems functioning and assimilating generally, and for their entire lives...but then have this one over the top delusion that has to do with one very specific thing. It's just not logical. And the fact is that no matter what happens, I'll be fine...I'm better than I ever have been...better than most as I see it...thats not gonna change. Besides...the hypothetical that you are suggesting is ridiculous...he's on his way...and I KNOW that, like I KNOW god is real, and jesus was him come to earth in the flesh.


A) It would require evidence and proof - which is pretty impossible to obtain considering I'm half way round the world.

B) It wouldn't specifically mean all that much. Rock stars find and bonk random women - you could pester the guy until he does and then by chance he decides he likes you - but then spends the rest of his life calling you a nutbag for thinking he's your long lost imaginary friend.

C) A rockstars name being John, is not sign of the existence of a scrawny suicidal jew.

There will be proof, and you will know...I told you that he is famous. He is famous around the world. The proof IS that I have in no way pestered this man...as I told you before, we have had no communication in the flesh whatsoever...neither spoken nor written nor physical...I've never even seen his band in concert. Would you please try to pay attention? Oh, and his name is not John...I said that he WAS John, who wrote the book of John, 1John, 2John, 3John, and the book of revelations, in a past life. In this life he has a different name.

Jesus was not scrawny to your knowledge...and he was not suicidal. I'm tempted to say that you're an idiot...but I'll just say that you're not very well educated regarding the scriptures are you? For someone who attests them so vehemently, you would think that you would at least familiarize yourself with their meaning...but maybe that's just me?????

Sure you could, a minute ago you were telling me how lonely you have felt, and that people are just not good enough. You wouldn't be in this predicament if you did have more.

BS...my whole point is that my flesh was NOT lonely...not at all, and has never been. I have been blessed with abundant love of family and friends. The point is that it was my spirit that was lonely, not my flesh. And that loneliness is only satisfied of the spirit. As far as Mr. Rockstar is concerned...he is a special kind of love...that a family member or a friend can not substitute for...that intimacy that comes with only one particular kind of relationship...a marriage. And yes...I have been lonely for that kind of love my whole life...even when I was married...shit...especially when I was married...because I married the wrong man.

I've asked, hell - I ask all the time now. I've even made a computer programme to ask for me. Every 30 seconds it loops and asks whether anyone's out there. Aside from a radio signal from Mars, it's found absolute bugger all.

Nothing could be more obvious than the fact that you do not want to know the truth. For if you did, you would. It's law...seek and you shall find...knock and the door will be opened. What a scam you have going...to continually attest to seeking, yet in the wrong place...and then shrugging your shoulders and saying, "Well, I tried!?!" Who are you trying to fool? Yourself? You don't fool me. I know better...I've lived it.

All due respect, but I think that makes you weak. A man should 'carry his own cross'. It makes him a better person.

Oh really? Soooo, how's that workin' for ya? And all due respect...you wouldn't know if you even had the strength to carry your cross if you did, because your hands are full of something else all of the time. Constantly having to put the cross down to pick up something else right? Listen, the whole point is that I'm talking about a strength that does not come from the flesh...that does not come from humanity, but through it...and from the holy spirit...it is superhuman, and it heals. You want to break your back carrying that cross around...fine...I'd much rather be free.

See. Ok, my calculations were slightly off, but it shows the point. It's always about unresolved issues. Sure, you'll say "but they're resolved thanks to jesus" - but that's the whole point. Of course they are, and that's why you hear these voices and believe in these beings. It's just like you would have said they were resolved during a past alcoholic binge - although alcohol differs slightly to religious belief/voices. At the end of the day, it all boils down to the same thing.

No, I would NEVER have said that they were resolved during a past alcoholic binge...I would have at least been honest enough to admit that the fact that they were unresolved was the reason FOR my past alcoholic binge. Did I mention that I've been sober and happier than ever for going on seven months now?

Your subconcious has an issue which your concious mind covers over with a blanket. The blanket comes in many guises - food, alcohol, god, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

Hm...so your subconscious outsmarts you like this alot huh? Too bad...it always seemed pretty obvious to me...I mean, to my conscious. Food, alcohol, sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and even organized religion can be used as a distraction...but that's all. You would have to be pretty oblivious...in some deep denial...to think that these things solved your problems or resolved your issues...they only serve to distract you from the fact that you have one...for a minute. God, on the other hand...the truth that he gives you in love...actually does resolve the issue. Some people actually like their issues...they identify with them...wallow in them...some people don't want to know the truth...some people don't want to heal...some people just don't want to let it go. It's because of lies that their flesh tells them...and that they choose to believe.

Well, for starters...that having an abortion was the right thing to do. Yea, why not start with that one.

A.k.a "the brain". You couldn't find a way to stop, your brain found one for you - god. Doesn't mean god exists, but it's one of the lengths your brain will go to, to save itself.

As I said earlier, it's people in dire shit that find god. It's simply a last ditch method of the brain, if nothing before it did any good. It's very systematic.. drink, drugs, sex, binge eating, god. It all comes from the same source.

Yea, and my brain is somehow gonna find a way to make this rock star appear on my front porch and come and validate and attest to everything that I've been telling people for the last seven months. Riiiiiiiiiight.

Addictions are seen as a sin. In this case then, we can see that god forced sins upon someone else. Who knows, perhaps none of us has actually sinned, we've just been forced to.

Perhaps if I went and raped some woman, I could claim it was because god took it from someone else and gave it to me. You could say "but you didn't have to", but I would have to if I couldn't bear that which I had been given, even though the thought wouldn't have even crossed my mind had he not have bothered giving it to me in the first place.

Yea, good luck with that excuse for rape...you're really not all that brite are you? Fact is that yea, god gave my sin to this man to bear...my addictions. He did this because I did not have the strength to overcome them on my own, but this man did have the strength. He didn't have to do it this way...but there were other reasons...his plan and his methods are complicated, yet perfect. The man did not sin...he did not succomb to the addictions...which is one reason why god did it this way...he overcame the addictions, not gave in to them...duh.

Whoopee doo.. It makes crime seem that much more acceptable.

Um...what in the hell is wrong with you? Speak for yourself...it's not acceptable to me.

Neither has anyone else..

Oh wait, oh no.. oh yes, oh no... Damn this book is so bloody contradictory.

Dude...I was talking about the rock star...

It just sounds so boring. There's only so much ass kissing I could muster. After 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years it would just become bland.

See what I mean? Some people don't want to heal...some don't want love, peace, and joy. Some people just want to wallow in their misery like pigs in slop.

No there isn't.

Yes there is...yum. How about pumpkin pie? I'm gonna make some for Halloween...for my rock star. :)

Near future? I'm not quite that depressed.

Depressed or not, there are only 23 more days til Halloween.

No I was being serious.. When I was drinking I took on this healthy spiritual glow. People thought I was jesus.. then they found out it was just liver failure.. :D

Sure, but some things kill us slowly without us even knowing it's happening.

You mean like drugs?!?!?!!?

The magic statement.. gotta love it :D

It's not magic either.

Not long to go now heh? Let's wait and see.

23 of the longest days of my life.

As long as he doesn't jump the queue, who cares?

I sure as hell care, that's who...and one day, you will too.

Sorry if I seemed snippy in that last post...I don't like that I did. It's just that a lot of your arguements/responses/explanations offered seem to only be sound based upon the premise that I'm an idiot. I mean, many of the things that you suggest that I think/believe/intend are not logical....quite stupid and shallow actually, and I guess it pissed me off a tad...my bad. When I first read it, my initial reply was gonna be...



Love, Lori"

It just hardly even seemed worthy of a response. You're not taking me very seriously you know? I know...pride is a sin...so...I'm sorry.

Still love ya,

Southstar's origninal post was really good. So good in fact, that nobody who believes in Jesus has taken a gander at a time frame with the exception of Preacher x who admits to guessing.

does anybody have an answer that they can document or,

explain why something so paramount to Christanity is unknowable to its followers?

It is a very straightfoward question.
Are those the only two alternatives that your brain could muster? To not be gay, or to...out of the clear blue sky...sit down and proclaim "I want to be gay" for no reason? You could probably stand to put a little more thought into it Snake...my sentiments regarding much of this post actually. To say that people are born inherently gay is like saying that I was born with an inherent attraction to uneducated rednecks, or that one of my good friends was born with an inherent attraction to big bald black guys...it's ridiculous. The FACT is that there are a bevy of different reasons...a different conglomerate of reasons for each person...that determines who he/she is sexually attracted to and why. They can be physical, emotional, intellectual, and/or environmental. You don't have to be a psychologist to figure that out.

I'll take that as a 'yes' shall I? I didn't confine it and say they were "born" gay, I merely said it was "not a personal choice". They did not sit down and say "oh, you know, I've heard it's popular to be gay this summer, I'll give it a try".

When you do make choices, those choices are clearly influenced by many external means - so techincally you're not responsible for anything. You don't choose the music you like, you don't choose the food you like, and you don't choose the kind of guy you want to date.

The words "choice" and "free will" are thrown around so often, but given the context have very little worth.

In short: You do not choose to be you.

I tell you what.. let's go through some Mark Twain..

No matter how hard you try, you cannot get a butterfly to kill. No matter how hard you try, you cannot stop a tiger from killing. That is it's nature.

There is no sin ever committed, people are merely being who they are. It is unavoidable.

Do me favour when you get the time... Read this: Here

God hates sin, not sinners.

He shouldn't have invented it then. Why make something that you already know is going to happen constantly - to such a degree whereby you end up annihilating every living thing on an entire planet and letting the rest of your beloved children burn for eternity - while "hating" that which you have devised? It's simple stupidity.

I guess you weren't paying attention...I wasn't lonely in the flesh, but in the spirit.

Well I'm sorry to say it, but that doesn't actually mean anything. Ok, some people feel the need to 'believe' they are two. A physical side, and a wafty, float through the sky once you're dead, side - but that just isn't the case. Your sentence has no meaning.

I belong to THE church...which I'm supposing, based upon your answer, that you have no idea what the difference is between A church and THE church.

It's pretty much the same as your flesh/spirit banter.

That's the best you could come up with?

Oh c'mon, have you even read your quote? What response do you want?

Yea, before birth into the veil of the flesh. The flesh is a veil because of sin. Because it was altered genetically (the fall) to hinder our spiritual relationship with god....to know of sin...for our flesh to desire sin...it's a huge distraction from spiritual truth...like a genetically encoded lie. And just because my relationship with God is a spiritual one, does not mean that it is imaginary. Which for you to say, is really close-minded.

I don't have a witty enough retort for this tripe. My apologies.

However, you're right on one part - It doesn't mean it's imaginary. I hereby give you the opportunity right now to present your evidence, present your proof.

Further to that, I feel the whole "closed minded" speech is a little overused. I could now claim you're closed minded because you don't acknowledge that you might actually just be a lunatic or that leprechauns might exist etc. It's the reason I never use the phrase during debate.

However, that is easily rectified by producing proof of said claims - then there need be no questions, denials or refusals to accept particular beliefs. That challenge is on your side, and yet to date not one person has managed.

Yea...beauty and joy out the ying yang...too bad that it's often smeared with pain, suffering, sickness, violence, and death, huh?

But that is what comes from a natural existence. There is no need for it in a supernatural existence - but when governed by an imperfect system - these things will happen. While god is no explanation for testicle cancer, down syndrome, multiple sclerosis, appendictis or a billion other serious issues - a natural system is. The best your kind can usually manage is "god is testing these individuals". It's the "heaven entrance exam", and its nothing short of hysterically stupid. Seriously, what is more 'realistic',

"Your appendix exploded because it got blocked by such and such, became inflamed and infected"


"Your appendix exploded because god wants to test you're a cool dude worthy enough to bow down and worship him"?

Hey, perhaps that's why you're trying to drown yourself in alcohol. Otherwise, wouldn't you be missing out on all of that beauty and joy due to incoherence and blurred vision?

Actually that was six years ago, and that was only because my son had dropped dead. Grieving is a process, and very often alcohol will be a factor in it. In my case it was.

And I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed with him...I would go farther than that and say that I'm absolutely consumed by him.

My point exactly. And of course you wouldn't say you're obsessed.

Speak for yourself

Damn right. And until there's evidence to show we're all led by the cloud crawler, it will not change.

Wow, how sad...no wonder you drink.

I don't. I did six years ago, but that was because my son had just dropped dead. Sue me.

So it's all one huge coincedence huh?

Luck of the draw. I guess Jupiter pulled the short straw.

Dude, you are in some major, major denial. Blind men have more vision than you do. Are you trying to protect yourself from something when you hide your eyes?

When I look up, I see clouds. When you look up, you see a monster with sharp teeth, or a smiley face, or a pointing hand.

That's all there is to it.

On the other hand, I guess god could have just created me not to believe in god.

Whatever you're happy with.

Everyone's life has just as much meaning and importance as everyone else's...just in different ways.

You didn't answer the question though. Why does god make people mentally retarded?

So would it be fair to say that if one is sterile, or for some reason will not reproduce that they should just shoot themselves in the head because they have no purpose in life?

No. I was talking at a deeper level. You can do whatever you want to do. You can be a nun and stay bonk free, you can be a monk and shave your head or you can be a goat farmer.. It's inconsequential.

why is it that those humans with a lower IQ and level of education have more children than those with a higher IQ and level of education?

Is that mere guesswork or you do you have some statistic to back that up? Do they do an IQ vs pregnancy statistic?

Either way there would be many reasons - of which society is a major factor. A well educated woman would be more concentrated on career whereas the less educated woman would become a house wife and have kids as a matter of course.

Using your above, we could state that the more educated people end up as single, lonely people, or having kids that they cannot relate to due to the huge age difference - which then leads to their child relating more to education/careers than 'love', whereas the less educated have more companionship and understand their kids better - meaning their children will have a better understanding of values such as love, friendship and so forth which would take more precedence than education/career. This goes in a massive loop and the children end up the same as their parents.

And why is it that the "intelligent" and "advanced" societies can't seem to function without 99 different types of birth control and an absolute reliance on it...practically a worship of it?

I wouldn't quite go that far at all, but there are times when we don't want, or are not ready for kids - and some guys just can't hold their sperm :D

I mean, if reproduction is the meaning of life, and your brain is all good and all knowing, like you attest, then why is it that the more intellectual a society is, the more barriers to reproduction it perpetuates?

Are you saying that intellectual people don't have kids? I wasn't trying to imply that you need to have sixty thousand children, one is usually sufficient - but I have not seen one statistical survey that says smart people don't reproduce. Contraception merely prevents having children when you're not ready/ do not want to, it has no bearing on whether you ever reproduce.

having babies is for stupid people

Speak for yourself.. that's clearly not the way it is.

If he doesn't show up...ever...then I will be the first to admit that I am completely and over the top delusional....

And there's the escape clause: "...ever..."

That word by itself shows you'll be dead and buried and it still wouldn't be under question in your own mind.

Certainly in your field you know that it is not common for a person to be completely sane, and rational, and logical, and have absolutely no problems functioning and assimilating generally, and for their entire lives...but then have this one over the top delusion that has to do with one very specific thing

Sure, but there's the problem. Nobody is completely sane. We all have our little quirks, and things that to us seem perfectly normal, but merely from our own perspective.

It's like these people who are into serious bondage. Personally I don't see the value of beating someone while fucking them. There are people that do, and while none of us have the right to call them insane, it does show that "normality" and "sanity" are subjective.

Sure, there are people who have quite clearly crossed the line, but where does that line end? How do you differentiate between a man who hears voices from his dead relatives, to you hearing voices from sky beings? At the end of the day, is there really a difference? Don't think this man feels any different to you. He would say exactly the same things you would - and you're both certain you're sane. In essence, you simply get away with it because there's a lot more of you - and because it's a key foundation of society.

If there had have been an educated psychiatrist back in the days when the bible was written, 'god belief' would now be non-existant. Instead, it's been taught from generation to generation so much that it's become a standard part of society. That doesn't make it sane.

And of course, having an over the top delusion, would depend entirely on state of mind - which can change instantly depending upon circumstance.

The proof IS that I have in no way pestered this man...as I told you before, we have had no communication in the flesh whatsoever...neither spoken nor written nor physical...I've never even seen his band in concert.

That's the part I wouldn't be able to obtain proof for. It's one thing you telling me you've never seen him, it's another thing altogether proving that statement. It's not that in this instance I specifically doubt what you're saying, it's just as an overall, "say so" doesn't cut it.

Oh, and his name is not John...I said that he WAS John, who wrote the book of John, 1John, 2John, 3John, and the book of revelations, in a past life. In this life he has a different name.

He was John? Here's the problem with that:

David Koresh was Jesus.

Tell me.. how quickly would you dismiss that notion?

There's your answer.

Jesus was not scrawny to your knowledge...and he was not suicidal. I'm tempted to say that you're an idiot...but I'll just say that you're not very well educated regarding the scriptures are you?

I apologise, I was poking fun. Seeings as there's no evidence that such a person even existed, saying he was scrawny or suicidal is somewhat presumptuous. Book aside, I can get a certain "understanding" from all the idols of jesus scattered about the place - from house doorways to peoples necklaces. From churches to the supposedly real "shroud". In each instance he's a scrawny dude dead on a plank of wood. If that's not what he looks like, why make them, wear them, put them on your walls? Might aswell just hang a picture of Odin above your fireplace and say it's the virgin Mary.

my whole point is that my flesh was NOT lonely...not at all, and has never been. I have been blessed with abundant love of family and friends. The point is that it was my spirit that was lonely, not my flesh.

I covered this earlier, but your statement has no actual meaning. Your flesh does not think, does not have emotion, does not have the luxury of getting lonely. As for the "spirit", it's just a puffed up word for brain. Everything you feel, think, do comes from exactly the same place - so no matter if you say "flesh" or "spirit"m you're referring to one thing alone.

We're not two entities melded into one, and there is absolutely not one miniscule pinprick of evidence to suggest the existence of spirits, souls or anything even close to it.

Nothing could be more obvious than the fact that you do not want to know the truth. For if you did, you would. It's law...seek and you shall find...knock and the door will be opened. What a scam you have going...to continually attest to seeking, yet in the wrong place...and then shrugging your shoulders and saying, "Well, I tried!?!" Who are you trying to fool? Yourself? You don't fool me. I know better...I've lived it.

It is my search for truth that leads me to study and science books. Looking at the clouds just doesn't compare.

However, I must confess that god isn't much of a concern for me. My daughter is the one of importance, and the only one worthy of my worship. Luckily she doesn't have to search for me, I'm there for her whether she seeks or not. I wont condemn her to hell if she refuses to accept me as her father, nor would I hide in the shadows like a prison escapee. That's what makes me a better parent than god.

Oh really? Soooo, how's that workin' for ya?

Honestly? I see it as making me a stronger and more rounded individual. It's like a man who's losing his hair, so he constantly wears a baseball cap - hiding from who he is. The minute he accepts his burden, he becomes much better for it. Frodo would never have been written about if he had have given the ring to Jesus.

Food, alcohol, sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and even organized religion can be used as a distraction...but that's all. You would have to be pretty oblivious...in some deep denial...to think that these things solved your problems or resolved your issues...they only serve to distract you from the fact that you have one...for a minute

Yeah, but while you're distracted, the problem is solved because..... you're distracted. It's not a permanent solution, and nor will it ever be, but it's the swiftest way to remove the problem from vision. As for "for a minute": Some people's 'distractions' can last an entire lifetime. In one way or another, they generally do.

Actually solving the problems outright is vast and seriously complex, so the distraction works out more beneficial in the short term. Once again this comes in many guises - including religion, organised or unorganised.

I must admit it brought a smile to my face seeing you replace the 'god' with "organised religion", and then move on with:

God, on the other hand..

Of course it's easier to understand the distraction, once you're no longer distracted.

Well, for starters...that having an abortion was the right thing to do. Yea, why not start with that one.

Ok, it's a good place to start. Now, tell me.. Did your brain just come out with a "yes, do it"? Did you not sit down for a while and "consult" with yourself looking at all angles, and hearing your 'good and bad' conscience battle the issue?

Sure, we don't always make the right choices, or more to the point - at a later date the choices we did make don't seem so valid, we are not perfect after all..

However, at the time a decision has to be made - and if there are no external influences, you will do what you feel is best at that time.

Yea, and my brain is somehow gonna find a way to make this rock star appear on my front porch and come and validate and attest to everything that I've been telling people for the last seven months. Riiiiiiiiiight.

Given that it hasn't actually happened (yet), you're in little position to say "Riiiiiiiiight". Save that for when, and if, it does happen.

Yea, good luck with that excuse for rape...you're really not all that brite are you?

Do you mean 'bright'?

The man did not sin...he did not succomb to the addictions...which is one reason why god did it this way...he overcame the addictions, not gave in to them...duh.

Sure, but then god might have given those addictions to you from someone else beforehand and back throughout time to day 1. Why not just bin the whole 'sin' thing if he's just gonna pass it round like a paedophile with candy in order to get rid of it? It's not like he actually needs to test people, being omniscient and all.

Um...what in the hell is wrong with you? Speak for yourself...it's not acceptable to me.

To use an old quote: "When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me."
Emo Philips.

Dude...I was talking about the rock star...

K. Apologies.

See what I mean? Some people don't want to heal...some don't want love, peace, and joy. Some people just want to wallow in their misery like pigs in slop.

Why does it always come across that "your type" think the rest of us are miserable, and living a life without joy, love and peace? True, I do get kind of upset when someone threatens me with hellfire unless I accept their beliefs, or crash lands a plane into my house for not believing in the same entity they do - but in general I'm really quite happy. Astoundingly so.

If I do have an off day, all I need to do is look at my daughter and I'm the happiest person on the planet. I don't need clouds for comfort, but when I see her smile, her laugh, her happiness - then I'm happy. The thing is, she doesn't even know what the word 'god' means.. there is no supernatural entity in her life - and yet I have never seen anyone smile so much.

Yes there is...yum. How about pumpkin pie? I'm gonna make some for Halloween...for my rock star.

Aren't you supposed to put pumpkins out for all the witches? I suppose it depends what book you read, the bible just says to stone them to death. I guess it's all down to personal opinion. I'd just question whether they even exist.

I sure as hell care, that's who...and one day, you will too.

No I wont.
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Sorry if I seemed snippy in that last post...I don't like that I did. It's just that a lot of your arguements/responses/explanations offered seem to only be sound based upon the premise that I'm an idiot.

Don't worry about it. It's the way I write - Not my personal choice, it's just my nature.
robtex said:
Southstar's origninal post was really good. So good in fact, that nobody who believes in Jesus has taken a gander at a time frame with the exception of Preacher x who admits to guessing.

does anybody have an answer that they can document or,

explain why something so paramount to Christanity is unknowable to its followers?

It is a very straightfoward question.

Especially intriguing that no Christian (even those who have been debating with me in other threads in this same forum) has even dared to respond. This effectively shatters the entire Christian religion and I DARE ANY CHRISTIAN to address the post.
TruthSeeker said:
Hey §outh§tar! What do you mean by "I want to believe"?
Have you read my last private message, btw...?

I want to believe there is something better for me and I am not simply a mass of cells following the impartial course of the universe. It boils down to hope, I s'pose.
TruthSeeker said:
I think the basic issue is how he will come back.
He said:

Luke 17:20-21
"20 Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed;
21 nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or, 'There it is!' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst."

Oh. And I should add that translating from greek to english can be tricky and many things can be lost in the translation process...

Btw... as long as you love, you will be a Christian... ;)

1 John 4:7
"7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."

The issue is NOT how Jesus will come back. As I have shown, EVEN HE indicated a time frame to his audience and apostles many times during his audience. To say that many things are lost in translation is to discredit the ENTIRE New Testament, since this assumption applies equally to anything of antiquity translated to a newer language. I think I also addressed that verse in Luke in the original post, or at least its equivalent in Matthew, Mark or maybe John. If not tell me and I'll address it again.

See here in the meantime for a better understanding of the term: