When Is Jesus Coming?

§outh§tar said:

You claim to not base your beliefs in Jesus on the Bible. Firstly, it is unarguable that without the Bible, you would never have been reborn in Jesus. Then, you proceed to quote from the Bible's recordings of Jesus and Nicodemus' conversation as well as the verse on 'seeking and finding'. If your belief is not based on the reports of the Bible, then why do you speak from it? Also what then do you base your belief on, if you did not come to know Jesus through the reports of the Bible. Remember this too: Jesus quoted from the OT and believed in the Noachian flood and as I have shown, claimed that He would return in His audience' lifetime.

well, of course, i had "heard" of the bible before i was born again. i wasn't born and raised in the wilderness after all. when i was young, i went to church with my grandma...to appease the fam...got really turned off by what i saw within organized religion...really turned off. i went through a time when i intellectually debated the whole god existance/jesus or no jesus thing. quite a long time actually. i've studied most of the major religions...not in depth, but enough to get the basic premise and move on. i'm not a dumb ass you know. honors student all through school...quite intelligent when it comes to math/science/law...as long as its not creative/artistic crap. anyway, i concluded that the majority of religions are primarily the same...that is, the dogma's tend to perpetuate the same manifestation of behavior in the people that follow them...even though the theories behind the dogma's...the explanation of why...may be very different. after all, there's only so much you can do with the truth right? gee, love is good...hate is bad....duh. but no other religion claims what jesus claims...not even close. to be god come to earth in the flesh...the ultimate sacrifice...the atonement for all of humanity's sin...the saviour of all of humanity...an eternal life through rebirth in the spirit? no, you don't hear any of that in other religions. in most other religions, the individual themselves is responsible for their own enlightenment/self-actualization...by following rules...by adopting certain behaviors...meditation/prayer. there are other spirits though...other than the holy spirit. and there are therefore other spiritual encounters. other sources of "enlightenment". the bible speaks of those spirits...even has a test for them so you can determine their identity.

and i did not say that i didn't believe what it says in the bible, or that i thought it was false, or that it wasn't the word of god. shit, i've had the bible come to life in my hands. i've had the bible become my life before my very eyes. in ways that are so far out that it's absolutely blown my mind. i have received revelation from the bible that have made sense out of the most seemingly trivial things and the most devastating things in my life. and i have received revelation regarding end times prophecy...divine interpretation of the book of revelations primarily...parts of it...through my life...things that i have lived through...an absolute miracle...ongoing. it's blown my mind...it's turned my life absolutely upside down...in such an awesome way.

the thing is...that would have never happened to me if i was not born again in the holy spirit. i had read the bible before, and for as much as i had gotten out of it, i may as well have been reading the back of a cereal box. the bible itself does not advocate using it as a source without the divine counsel of the holy spirit. it was written by the holy spirit, through men...and it should be read by men, through the counsel of the holy spirit. i hate using this word, but the bible is almost like a "magic" book. it means so many things to so many people...to everyone there is a deep and personal meaning. it is "layered" in that one piece of scripture...one story...can have different levels of meaning...a historical record of an event...a metaphorical lesson to be learned...an analogy that can give meaning to a current or personal event in your life...or quite possibly a detailed explanation of your life.

here's the thing...i didn't come to christ because of anything it said in the bible. i sought the truth given a variety of sources of doctrine...i sought the truth from a god that i wasn't even sure existed. but when i did it, i did it with sincerity and humilty, and with an open heart...willing to accept the truth whatever it was. and i did this because i was humble enough, and intelligent enough at the same time to realize that i could not deduct the truth on my own...using books and intellect. i could theorize...i could propose...i could assume....i could "think". but i didn't want any of those things...i wanted to KNOW. because i could not BELIEVE what i did not KNOW. now i know.

and i'm not sure that you are understanding what i mean regarding your definition of generation, and the aspect of reincarnation. think of the definition of the word generation as it pertains to technology, as opposed to the individual piece of hardware that may manifest the technology. and what about reincarnation? for example, i happen to know that the apostle john, who wrote the book of john, 2nd, and 3rd, and the book of revelations is at this very moment alive and well and breathing on this earth. you guys think i'm delusional now? just wait until i tell you that he's a hotty rock star...an absolutely amazing singer/lyricist for my favorite band...and one day real soon...we're gonna get it on? oops, well i guess the cat's out of the bag now huh. and i'm dead f'ing serious. lol. so, what does that do to your arguement? what does that do to your definition of generation? think outside the box. well, my whole point is to stop thinking and start praying...if you really want to know the truth about god and about jesus, then which is better...to read a book about them, or to meet them in person? the source is not the bible...the source is he who wrote the bible.

Love, Lori
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Quote Lori
it's what i
suppose people would call a telepathic communication?

Stop right there no need to read any further!!. You need to visit a psychologist, or a psychiatrist, you are going dillusional.

Next thing you hear might be to crash into building with airplanes. :rolleyes:


You think that everyone who has had spiritual encounters, or believes in a spiritual realm, or in a dimension/dimensions that are as yet unknown to our scientists, is delusional? Wow, that must be pretty scary for you. To be surrounded in this world by so many delusional people....you must be terrified, you poor little thing.

Love, Lori
Ok thanks for the reply. I'd like to start by just getting a few things out the way:

1) My apologies for assuming you were male. I am now led to believe that you are actually female, or a male that's gay.. but I'll conclude you're a female because we all know homos go to hell. :D

2) I noticed in your post that a couple of times you questioned whether I wanted to know or not. Let me assure you that I never ask a question if I don't want to hear an answer.

3) Are we old pals? It's just I noticed the "snakeypoo", which I would only usually expect from long lost friends of mine. I didn't realise it was that easy for people to bond and start using pet names. Guess the internet has opened a whole new brave world.

Now for the more serious matters. I might aswell ask the most pertinent question first, and it is most likely you'll take it the wrong way - But that is not what I'm after. The question is a sincere one with no ill intentions. Here it is:

Have you ever considered that you might suffer from a mental illness such as schizophrenia?

Unfortunately the question is also somewhat pointless given that people with schizophrenia do not just say "yes I'm schizophrenic". To themselves, they're perfectly normal.

This is why it's such a hard thing to call - because it is always "internal", and the only answers ever given are that god/jesus is "heard without ears" and "felt" - both of which show that they come from within, and imply that they are created within - by yourself. It would undoubtedly be interesting to test brain patterns etc when people such as yourself have these... conversations.

But to perhaps rephrase to help you answer.. What is it that distinguishes your "feelings" and "voices" as undeniably real vs someone who hears completely different voices telling him to shoot people or that he used to be Tutankhamun - all completely real to him just as yours are to you?

I'd also like to ask that knowing other people also 'hear' voices, or have discussions with other entities, do you look upon them as speaking with undeniable validity if they describe their particular entity to you? So for instance; I tell you I hear the voice of Lee Harvey Oswald telling me to go and shoot the president. Would you believe outright that Lee is actually speaking to me or that I suffer from some kind of mental illness, and then ask me what I'm asking you now?

If your answer is the latter, how do you think, (if it's of any importance), you can convince other people that the voices you hear are indeed real?

Now, if I may, I'd like to use a few of your quotes for direct response..

people only use the term conscious in order to deny god.

By that same token we could state that people only use the term god to deny conscience, (conscious is when you're awake and aware).

Is there a reason that the scientific side does not suffice? To me it's like a recipe...

A recipe is fine, but without ingredients and a final product - the recipe is inherently worthless.

Science allows us to not only view the recipe, but to get the ingredients and to even bake the cake. Once the cake has been baked we can even go so far as to eat the cake.

Religion does not have room for cake baking. With religion all you have and all you ever get is the recipe. No ingredients, no cake, no eating.

I hope you understand my analogy, and what I'm getting at. Of course with brain issues science still has a long way to go, but there are pieces that are understood - certain ingredients have been gathered. So tell me in this instance why a scientific explanation has less weight than a religious one.

he can't lie...even to exaggerate or to joke.

I find this part very interesting. Might I ask how you know he can't lie? Did he tell you he can't lie? And if that's the case, how do you know he wasn't lying when he said he can't lie? If he didn't say he can't lie, how do you know he can't lie?

Personally, and I suppose it's something only us humans are capable of, but I find there are times when 'lying' is appropriate. I don't really mean bigass in your face kind of lies, but subtle lies that do more good than harm. For instance, a man will most likely hear the question; "do I look fat in this?" from his partner several times in his life.

You could say "yes" and cause her some permanent self-image problems, and even if you added "but I love you anyway", it will not help - or you could "lie" and say "no you don't". In this instance she would feel more comfortable within herself and wouldn't make you sleep on the sofa.

While this might not be the best possible example I could come up with, it's aim is to show that sometimes lying can be of benefit. It's been used a lot during wars when some unfortunate soldier has had half his head shot off. They comfort the guy and help his 'passing' go more peacefully through lying.

so it's good to know that he has a sense of humor. he's definitely not the prude that church people try to make him out to be either....he's definitely not a prude at all...quite the opposite actually.

We all know he has a sense of humour.. all you have to do is read the bible to figure that out.

he has told me things that i would have no way of knowing. he has told me things that i thought were absolutely crazy when he said them, and yet turned out to be true well after the fact. he has told me things that i had absolutely no understanding of when he said them...left me confused, like "dude, what are you talking about?"...rolling my eyes...shrugging my shoulders..."whatever?!?"...and then much later...those things came to pass, and only then did i understand what he meant when he said them.

Tarot cards and fortune telling provide the same. It's not mystical, I have even done tarot for people myself - and they have come back saying I was 100% accurate even though I made it up as I went along based upon my observations of that person. You can tell a lot about a person you don't even know from so many different things such as how they speak, the colour of their clothes, how well manicured their nails are.. Hell, you name it and it provides a 'clue' to how life is and will be.

Now imagine that voice as originating from yourself. Whether you'd accept it or not, you know more about you than anyone else does. Of course, we rarely "look" at ourselves, so when that information is provided it most certainly would seem mystical- But the information is in there.

By the way, Im not outright denying what you're saying, but I am keen on providing possible alternative answers and suggestions. There's nothing wrong with exploring all angles.

do you know how it is that you can tell someone is in a room with you, even though you can't see them or hear them?

The stimuli that inform us of certain things isn't always readily apparent, and I'm sure wrong on many occasions. It's like goose bumps - that are a long since redundant personal warning system that erect the hair folicles at times of fear/cold. Of course that's useless to us considering we do not have sufficient hair for it to work properly. Goose bumps are only really worthwhile to something apelike. However, we still have the function - and some times it will be 'correct'. Of course we need to take into account the various other methods employed by the brain.. Simple things like a very faint whiff of perfume, or a dent in the carpet where a footprint has recently been - or a thousand other things that we do not consciously register, but the brain detects nonetheless.

Now admittedly I am very tired, but I have certainly enjoyed your post, and will certainly continue if you feel the discussion is worth it, once I am awake. I do also look forward to any responses you may give concerning the above, and just hope you take none of it the wrong way.


Enjoy your day.

[edit] Apologies if there's any typos/errors within this post. It's long, I'm tired, and I'm only human.
§outh§tar said:
It was actually aimed more at Christians and people like Lori7, who accept the message of the Bible that Jesus is God and yet ignore this overwhelming evidence from the NT that He was a failed prophet, along with his disciples.
Failed? Now thats a first time for me. What do you think are his earthly and ultimate goals and how did he failed on them?

§outh§tar said:
It's a chance for them to come to the truth that they can't go on accepting part of Jesus' claims and yet pretend that His failed prophecies don't exist.

failed prophecies? ooh please tell me what they are!
You think that everyone who has had spiritual encounters, or believes in a spiritual realm, or in a dimension/dimensions that are as yet unknown to our scientists, is delusional?

No! not to the point they start "hearing" god talk to them, or start speaking in tongues. Hearing voices in your head and talking in tongues are symtoms of mild schizophrenia. And that is fact.

So people around me, believe all sorts of weird shiet, however the dillusion starts when they "hear voices", or claim to have relationship with an entity they don't even know it's real, or it even exists.

You don't have "evidence" other than what you "feel" and when you claim you hear "voices" it's mental dillusion.

Telepathic communications with an entity is nothing more than a dillusion of your own mind, Telepath is part of pseudo science, up there with psychic powers and the such crap people believe.

Wow, that must be pretty scary for you. To be surrounded in this world by so many delusional people....you must be terrified, you poor little thing.

Not scary Lori, but sad, sad that so many people believe in crap, that was believed when we were still ingnorant. Sad that people such as yourself only want to hold on to the bicameral mentality of brutes and still yearn to hear voices, sad, Lori only sad for the pathetic desease of the mind (Mysticism).

not to really detour from the topic, but I wanted to comment on something you had said Godless
up there with psychic powers and the such crap people believe.

a friend of mine had an uncle who was brutally murdered. he had been missing for quite sometime before his body had been found. the police were investigating but not really making any progress. the wife of the man who had been murdered hired a psychic, who the police had worked with on many occasions, in hopes to solve this murder. the wife took the psychic to where the body was found. immediately she started seeing things in her mind and started telling the wife what happened, who was there, how many was there, and who had killed her husband. the police followed up on everything this psychic had said and indeed the psychic was correct and the man they arrested confessed. so either this woman got really lucky with EVERYTHING she had described regarding the murder or she truly does possess psychic abilities-needless to say the wife of the deceased didn't see her ability to solve this case as "crap".
snakelord said:
Ah yes, another one of the "god who never changes", changes.

The Bible is what the law is written on. But the law itself is alive, and living things are constantly changing. God's law is, of course, Eternal. But as a man changes along his life, so does the scripture in his heart. Yet he remains the same man. Man is not fully aware of God's law, the law of heaven can't fit in a book. That is why Jesus sent us the Holy spirit, which will reveal the whole truth about God.

"There were many other things that Jesus did; if all were written down, the world itself, I suppose, would not hold all the books that would have to be written." (John 21: 25)

snakelord said:
The 'story' of the nephilim comes from earlier Sumerian texts about the Anunnaki. However, in the original they were not 'gods' in the sense that many would understand the word, but were long-living, (but mortal), aliens.

The main point is that you can't say "there was", as if stating a fact - when all you have to base the notion upon is because of something you read. If it was like that, you'd also have to state every other sentence ever written by anyone was true.

I'm saying "there was", because I believe in it-- it is "my truth". We always tell about our own truth, in many cases we do not bother to explain. Because it is hard to always state the obvious, that "religious people believe this", for example. It does not matter, even if what I tell would be the absolute truth, all people would still have their own truth, and only those who are like me will understand what I say. Because, what I say is true "for me". One who is of absolute truth, will listen the truth, and many religious and atheists claim that they speak of this. There is a truth in the Bible which almost all people understand. It is this: "Love others as yourself". This I believe to be an absolute truth. But since "I" believe that, it is/becomes "my absolute truth".

Everyone who is of the truth, will recognise the truth. Just like the one who is good, is the one who recognises the good. I don't know THE truth, but only my own. So I speak of it alone.

snakelord said:
And what did they do exactly? Don't tell me... they flew on broomsticks and turned people into frogs ...

"Religious people have no humour."

There are many things said about "witches", and many of them are true. But there are two kinds of them. The first is the human kind. "They have" special "powers", like powers to move things without "touching" them, but actually it is "themselves", their subconscious, which acts above the normal. Although, if we have the power to move things with our mind, may not make us "witches". It's just an old word trying to explain these phenomenons.

We don't think it as a great miracle when lifting our hand, for example, but it is by the same power which we can lift objects without touching them. There is a kind of substance, that becomes apparent when directing your will for something.

Also, I don't count out that these witches used "black magic" to seal a person inside a frog's body. Black magic means "power" which is used "incorrectly", for personal gain at the expense of others. The word magic is there because people did not understand what it was, so they thought it was a supernatural. "Supernatural" is only what we don't know, but in reality, everything is "natural", (of course) and we are even able to understand it.

Now then, everyone has "powers", natural powers, like the physical power in our body, or the power of words. These are the very same "magic" as the witches used, only that they had better knowledge of themselves. No power is bad, it depends on how it is used. The physical power becomes evil when you hit an innocent person. It becomes good if we use it to build something useful. Words have the power to heal and the power to destroy. When a word can heal, then it is right to use this word, and it is evil to not use it. When a word can destroy, then it is right to not use this word, and it is evil to use it.

Every act in its right place and at its right time is "divine", and the opposite is "satanic". I use the word divine, because doing the right thing serves the divine law, and the opposite serves the material law. Matter is not evil, only when man obeys its law, so that the law of the matter, which is called "satan", becomes alive through this person. It becomes evil, because matter is divine when it "obeys" the material law, when it is as matter and in matter. Matter is supposed to be "dead".

Now, there are another kind of "witches", which originate from a person's subconsciousness. They look like "shadows", they seem like darkness, because they suck all light into them, like black holes. The "broomstick" which they "have" is actually more like a "wire". The wire is the witches will power, where ever the wire points, there "will" the witch go. These "witches" are always evil, but there are similar "creatures" in our subconsciousness that are good. I call them by familiar names, but they are just two different forces. These witches also tend to cause diseases. Most people do not see witches because they have not opened up for the "heavenly" truths, but only for material truth.

People don't want to call witches and angels real, because they are within. But then we would have to deny all our other feelings also, like love and hate. And everyone knows that "love" is "real". You don't see it with your eyes, but you see what it does. It is like that with "God".


"All very wonderful, but entirely irrelevant to anything. Lori said he has a personal relationship with jesus, I would like him to provide further details of 'his' relationship with jesus. Do you understand yet, or need I repeat myself another five times?"

I understood it the very first time you said it. I just wanted to talk about something else. As I said before, 'I am not Lori'. Of course, it might have been insanely stupid of me to keep talking about "nothing". But I believe that "nothing is worthless" and everything has a meaning in it. Then again, I know nothing.

snakelord said:
Maths was never your strong point heh?

In just one sentence you completely contradicted yourself. You said there's ONE, even going so far as to use capitals, and then with your very next breath said there's also 2 others.

1 + 2 does not = 1, no matter which way you try to look at it.

Hee hee. I don't really believe in mathematics in this case, I'm not talking about that kind of things. The "2 others" do not have an absolute existence for themselves, but they are dependant on God, and they are the same as God. The trinity is not "real", it's just a way to explain God. God is the only existence. These "others" are the same as God, as God is everything, and thus it is inside everything, even in man. In reality there is nothing except God, but because we are thinking beings we use parabels and numbers when trying to describe things.

Some things may sound illogical, but they are not, because I'm talking about something beoynd this world. There are two opposites everywhere in nature, like hot and cold, male and female, up and down. But these things do not have an absolute existence by themselves. For when we go up a hill, the hill forms to down and reversed. So up and down do not exist, here the truth is "gravity". There is always one "pole" which gives and one that takes/receives. None of these two really exist, except in the material world. This world is fallen/separated from unity, from oneness, and thus all things strive to come back to the origin. There is an attraction between all the two forces. Humans want to be whole also. Man seeks to be one, to be in paradise with God. But because he identifies himself with his body, he seeks this complementary half from outside, in another person, manifesting the opposite pole. This is also why we usually feel that we have always known the person we love. Or we feel a familiriaty. Because we have always known God, we were with him in paradise once, and still this paradise is inside of us, which is our own undiscovered self! This is also why our bodies want to eat, because they seek completion, they want to be one. Nature takes advantage of this attraction, this strive back to God, for procreation and self preservation. Man thinks that he is his body, so he becomes One (the same) with his body. Then he is deceived by nature to believe that food and sex is a way for completion, for eternal happiness. But the material world will not satisfy man forever, because the happiness of this world just lasts for a while, and he is after all a spiritual creature, not a material.

I know what I know, because I've been there. I've not always believed in God, and I have not been born to a religion, and I have not been taught. Only when man finds God by himself, by his free will, then his faith will be stay and be great. Many who are born to a religion risk of losing faith, because "the truth" in the religions may not match their own.

And yes, truly, everyone should believe in themselves and go their own way. I do not want anyone to follow me, only if your thoughts follow mine, only then. Just as God never wanted you to follow him, just because he is your father, and knows everything. But we have free will to choose which ever path we want, and yet everyone of you will rejoice (come together) in the same truth.
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These nuts self proclaiming that they have psychic powers, have a keen sense of observation, other than that they got nothing else. Where were the psychic before 9-11? were were the psychics before Pearl Harbor? Really these people are self proclaimed that they have abilities, none-have ever proven a god-damn thing in a purely scientific research lab, they have not been able to guess the color of the other room, what an individual is thinking, or what number will the Lotto hit next.

I cannot nor will not speak for all the self proclaimed psychics out there. Why? Because I dont know them all nor have had any chance to witness their ability. I'm not so naive as to think there aren't some even many who are a farce. But, I'm not so close minded that when cases such as my friends uncle happens- that I realize there is no other logical explanation.

The one I can talk about is the one that helped my friends uncle. My friend kept me up to date as it happened and when it all went down. Nobody even suspected the person that killed her uncle. Further, the psychic had told them that there were two other men who were there that tied her uncle up. Did she pull that shit out of her butt? I mean everything she said was right on.

I said some of these people have a good sense of observation, she might of noticed some small details at the scene the cops overlooked, if it were true that these self-proclaimed psychics can literally find anyone, the cops would run to these people every single time, this is not the case. Out of thounsands of cases, perhaps one or two comes under the "psychic" to help the cops, out of that which may equal a very limited number of times only very few ever get found. Your friend was lucky, the person found the body. Thousands of clients are still waiting for some wacky psychic to find their loved ones. Why do you suppose that is?.
Because they are full of shiet!!!!!!

Godless said:

I said some of these people have a good sense of observation, she might of noticed some small details at the scene the cops overlooked

ohhhh you mean when she was able to tell them the percise location of where this man was killed- which was 30 miles away from where the body was dumped?

Look, I'm not going to sit here and claim anything but that which my friend experienced. You most certainly have a right to your opinion- and I'll be the first to say you have that right.

Stay Cool

a friend of mine had an uncle who was brutally murdered.

Humans have a rather funny habit. It is this:

Someone tells his friend something that he heard. That person then relates the story to someone else stating that it happened to their friend and so on down the line.

It's a very common activity, and one that is that cause of urban legends and similar things. It's very hard to just take people at face value, and even more so when that person is an unknown person on the other side of the world.

Your post failed to include any actual details but simply made claim to an event happening and some super psychic fixing it all. Tell me, does this pyschic have a name? I would certainly like to do some research. I wont ask for details regarding your supposed friend or uncle but a general area of where this murder happened would also be handy.

Thanks in advance.


The Bible is what the law is written on. But the law itself is alive, and living things are constantly changing. God's law is, of course, Eternal. But as a man changes along his life, so does the scripture in his heart. Yet he remains the same man. Man is not fully aware of God's law, the law of heaven can't fit in a book. That is why Jesus sent us the Holy spirit, which will reveal the whole truth about God.

We're not talking about man changing, or that the laws are so many they don't fit in a book, and when you get to heaven you'll have to sit there reading something the size of 100 encyclopedia britannica's just to be allowed access.

I'm talking about the god who never changes, changing - such as wanting sacrifices and then not wanting sacrifices.

Ok there are also humans that will 'change the laws'.. for instance, this god who said that males need to be circumcised is now ignored because people think they're free to pick and choose which of gods laws they need obey. The same can be said of eating pig, which god was clearly against. How long is it before christianity decides "thou shalt not kill", is just as worthless?

Don't get me wrong, I don't blame them. You see, as time passes the bible becomes more and more out of date. While some things will most certainly last longer, the majority don't. I mean I haven't seen anyone taking their naughty sons to town to stone them to death anymore, nor would you impregnate your brothers wife if your brother dies.

Perhaps we need some further writing, like the New New Testament. In it, can be added all the more modern acts of god and laws of god. Such as the bubonic plague. I never understood why when someone says 'the ten plagues' - everyone says "god" but when someone says 'bubonic plague' everyone says "rats". I mean is it not pertinent to state that god was pissed with europeans and decided to annihilate the sinners with a plague? So why don't people recognise it as an act of god? This is why I feel we need a new new testament. Perhaps the devil possessed people can be those who 'believe' in evolution, and the taxmen that jesus hated so much can be todays inland revenue.

It would undoubtedly save a lot of the problems mankind faces when reading the bible, and who knows, maybe the date of the end days could be changed so it says in our generation, as opposed to the generation of those 2000 years gone.

Maybe god can even change his speech about leprosy and going to see the priest if you're unclean - to a more potent modern day disease and to go see a doctor instead.

Now, you did say "gods law is eternal", but I would like to ask which parts. We've already established that the law of circumcision obviously isn't eternal, such as many other laws we could look through. The modern day religious establishment embellishes breaking the 'old' laws of god - I mean whats with female priests, and gay priests? Last I knew, god said homos were an abomination, so why are these people in 'gods house'?

So if you could kindly clarify which specific parts are eternal, I'd be very grateful.

I'm saying "there was", because I believe in it-- it is "my truth"

So in short, what you're saying is you can't be bothered to study. You read one sentence in a book, call it your own personal little truth - and don't look beyond that? What methods have you employed to determine the validity of that which you believe to be truth?

There are many things said about "witches", and many of them are true. But there are two kinds of them. The first is the human kind. "They have" special "powers", like powers to move things without "touching" them, but actually it is "themselves", their subconscious, which acts above the normal. Although, if we have the power to move things with our mind, may not make us "witches". It's just an old word trying to explain these phenomenons.

It is rather difficult to engage in a normal conversation with a fanatic, and that is most certainly how you come across. Instead of walking down the street and seeing buildings, trees and cars - you see deamons, witches and goblins. You're living in a fantasy world where "reality" means nothing and "super powers" mean everything.

We don't think it as a great miracle when lifting our hand, for example, but it is by the same power which we can lift objects without touching them. There is a kind of substance, that becomes apparent when directing your will for something.

If you cannot understand the difference between lifting your hand and lifting an external object with your mind, then you are beyond lost.

To be honest, the rest of this part of your post is not worth responding to. To be honest it's something I would expect to hear from a 6/7 year old. I am not insulting your age, merely pointing out that fantasies such as witches, tooth fairies, and santa claus are usually confined to young people. You conclude with: "Most people do not see witches because they have not opened up for the "heavenly" truths, but only for material truth", which is no different to saying that an adult can't see the tooth fairy because his mind no longer believes. It's grade A insanity.

But tell me, where do you draw the line? Do you believe in the minotaur? goblins? vampires? aliens? Tell me where you draw the line, and why you draw the line there.

Hee hee. I don't really believe in mathematics in this case

I really don't know what to say. You dont believe in mathematics here, but happily believe in witches and telekinesis.

That is my very point, you're a fanatic - who cannot discern reality from fantasy.

The "2 others" do not have an absolute existence for themselves, but they are dependant on God, and they are the same as God.

If they, ("they" instantly shows more than one), are the same as god, then they are not dependant on god, but dependant on themselves because they're god. You have no way around this whatsoever.

All you've done is spoken about god in multiples with the "them", "they", and of course using the number 2 - which by very definition means more than 1.

If "they" are god, then you only need ever say god, and not recognise 3 entirely different entities by name, and numbers.

The trinity is not "real"

No shit.

it's just a way to explain God

No, it's a way for christianity to explain the 'extra' gods they decided to add to the back end of the jewish religion.

These "others" are the same as God, as God is everything, and thus it is inside everything, even in man.

I was expecting this, the king of all lame excuses.

There are two opposites everywhere in nature, like hot and cold, male and female, up and down.

That's a very simplistic way of viewing the world, and one of the reasons I was never a fan of Yin and Yang. Life is a gradient... There's hot and cold, but there's also freezing, warm, temperate.. and then theres humid, dry, and so on. With male and female there is also hermaphroditic and the other one I forget the name of. With up and down there's also level.

But these things do not have an absolute existence by themselves. For when we go up a hill, the hill forms to down and reversed. So up and down do not exist

Wtf? What are you blithering on about? AGYSJKBDBGHHJSVVASG. That's all I have to say on this amazingly astoundingly funny statement.

Man seeks to be one, to be in paradise with God. But because he identifies himself with his body, he seeks this complementary half from outside, in another person, manifesting the opposite pole.

It has nothing to do with god, or paradise - but to do with genetic reproduction - to ensure survival. If man really wanted to get back to god and paradise you'd see us all jumping off cliffs. The natural course of life is to try and survive here, on earth - forget paradise. We do exactly the same as the animals for exactly the same reasons.

Frogs bonk. They don't bonk to get back to god or paradise. Neither do we.

This is also why our bodies want to eat, because they seek completion, they want to be one.

We eat to obtain energy so we don't drop dead and bugger off to god and paradise. It would seem the reality is completely the opposite to your notion. If we sought god and paradise - we wouldn't bloody eat, but just curl up in a corner and wait for it to happen. We eat to survive - to stay here away from god and paradise. But tell me, considering animals don't go to heaven/don't have souls/don't care about jesus.. why do they eat? Are they seeking "oneness" or "completion"?

Frog: "Man I gotta eat that fly... I wanna go to paradise!" :bugeye:

Then he is deceived by nature to believe that food and sex is a way for completion, for eternal happiness.

So as a religious man, surely you wont be "deceived by nature". As you seemingly understand it well, why don't you just stop eating? I mean c'mon, you're saying that food doesn't bring completion so why do it? Stop now.

I know what I know, because I've been there. I've not always believed in God, and I have not been born to a religion, and I have not been taught. Only when man finds God by himself, by his free will, then his faith will be stay and be great. Many who are born to a religion risk of losing faith, because "the truth" in the religions may not match their own.

Don't stop there, tell me how you found god. What were the circumstances at the time of your finding?

just because he is your father

Speak for yourself. My father is a man named Ian.
SnakeLord said:
Ok thanks for the reply. I'd like to start by just getting a few things out the way:

1) My apologies for assuming you were male. I am now led to believe that you are actually female, or a male that's gay.. but I'll conclude you're a female because we all know homos go to hell. :D

God loves fags...despite what you may have heard from the southern baptists and all of the other hypocrit church people. When those blind men end up in hell, if there's any justice, they'll end up being repeatedly butt raped by some demon, all the while the demon taunting, "you're gay, see, you're gay...you like it, you f'ing faggot."

Wow, sometimes I'm so harsh, I scare myself. Lets just say, some churchies have a LOT to learn. There, that's better.

2) I noticed in your post that a couple of times you questioned whether I wanted to know or not. Let me assure you that I never ask a question if I don't want to hear an answer.

I only said that because, at the end of your post, you spoke for me...rather, assumed my answer to your question already...like you already had it all figured out. So my response is this...if you already know the answer, then why ask the question? Perhaps I misunderstood.

3) Are we old pals? It's just I noticed the "snakeypoo", which I would only usually expect from long lost friends of mine. I didn't realise it was that easy for people to bond and start using pet names. Guess the internet has opened a whole new brave world.

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, Snakelord, Sir. It's just that your name is so ominous...just trying to lighten it up a bit. Just trying to be funny/affectionate...a verbal show of warmth. Its just a habit I have. I call people pookey and muffin-butt and stupid shit like that all the time. My bad...

Now for the more serious matters. I might aswell ask the most pertinent question first, and it is most likely you'll take it the wrong way - But that is not what I'm after. The question is a sincere one with no ill intentions. Here it is:

Have you ever considered that you might suffer from a mental illness such as schizophrenia?

Unfortunately the question is also somewhat pointless given that people with schizophrenia do not just say "yes I'm schizophrenic". To themselves, they're perfectly normal.

This is why it's such a hard thing to call - because it is always "internal", and the only answers ever given are that god/jesus is "heard without ears" and "felt" - both of which show that they come from within, and imply that they are created within - by yourself. It would undoubtedly be interesting to test brain patterns etc when people such as yourself have these... conversations.

But to perhaps rephrase to help you answer.. What is it that distinguishes your "feelings" and "voices" as undeniably real vs someone who hears completely different voices telling him to shoot people or that he used to be Tutankhamun - all completely real to him just as yours are to you?

I'd also like to ask that knowing other people also 'hear' voices, or have discussions with other entities, do you look upon them as speaking with undeniable validity if they describe their particular entity to you? So for instance; I tell you I hear the voice of Lee Harvey Oswald telling me to go and shoot the president. Would you believe outright that Lee is actually speaking to me or that I suffer from some kind of mental illness, and then ask me what I'm asking you now?

Yes, I'm schizophrenic. Didn't expect that huh? To elaborate...I would imagine that if I were to walk into a psychiatrists office and tell them that I hear god speak to me...he told me this and he told me that. You should hear some of the off the wall stuff he's told me as of late...having to do with this "miracle" that I've experienced...the doctor would have no alternative but to diagnose me as schizophrenic. My "symptoms" would fit the diagnosis.

But here's the thing...and this has recently been shown to me through evidence in my own personal life...through someone very close to me who has been in and out of mental hospitals...suicidal...currently on anti-psychotic meds and applying for soc sec benefits...I know that it is not the flesh and things of this world that we struggle against in this life...but it is spirits, and principalities in the air. Isn't that something like what the bible calls it? I'm not a very accomplished bible thumper, forgive me...but I know, because it's been shown to me without a doubt through this other person, that people who do have schizophrenia ARE hearing voices in their head...the voices of spirits.

You say that just because the reception is from within...and not accomplished through the flesh, being your ears...that the message originates from within as well. That is not correct...and you have no reason to make that assumption. Your spirit resides in your body...it is internal. So it stands to reason that a spiritual communication would be received internally, through the spirit. I'm not saying that I understand the science behind it...I don't. I'm just saying that neither do you, and neither does anyone else. And I'm sure it is because when this communication happens, the person is immediately labeled schizophrenic and put on drugs and locked up in some hospital where they can be ignored for the rest of their lives.

I will tell you this. When I told my parents about this miracle that happened to me...the details of it...alien abduction, the mark of the beast, nephilim, immortality of the flesh, the antichrist, the false prophet, rock stars, john the apostle reincarnated, astral projection, lucid dreaming, the angel and the little scroll, the woman and the dragon, the morning star, and all of this revelations propecy revealed...they took me to the doctor, and spent $2000 on a head MRI for me. If you can imagine...I'm a 37 year old woman, with both parents in the exam room with me and the doctor...hovering with grave concern. They thought that I had a brain tumor or something...they were really scared. I didn't mean to scare them...didn't want to. You know, as over the top as it all is....I can barely get my own head around it...I actually expected them to believe me. Why? Because I've never given them a reason not to. They've known me my whole life...they know I'm not insane or anything close to it. That's actually why they assumed a brain tumor rather than some mental disorder....cause they know....it's apparent...if you know me...you know that I'm not crazy.

I mean, it would be odd...that all of a sudden, after 37 years of anything but...that I'm delusional. And not regarding anything else but this one particular thing. If I were to go to a shrink, he would say, as my parents have noted as well, that in regards to EVERYTHING ELSE, I'm completely rational and logical. And in regards to ONLY THIS ONE VERY SPECIFIC THING, I am completely over the top delusional. That is odd isn't it? I mean, for someone to be delusional, it seems that they would be so in regards to many things, if not most things...that it would be more systemic.

And then you must look at other things about me and about my life...and I will refer to these things as fruit...as that is what the bible refers to them as. I have never, ever been healthier, happier, and more at peace than I am now, and that is a direct result of my "voice"...and of my "miracle". All of the manifestations of his counsel have been what society and myself would deem to be positive...extremely positive. Actually, you would have to say that he has taken what used to be "insane" about me, and healed me. It's just that those things that I would call insane are actually well accepted behaviors in today's society, whereas hearing gods voice is apparently not. But in my life I have stuggled with binge eating, and been overweight...until god explained to me how crazy that was, and showed me that I didn't have to be that way anymore, and how. Now I'm 5'5" and about 120 and healthy as a horse...I haven't struggled with eating for about 5 years now...it's gone. I also used to be quite the slut. I slept around a lot in my life...I guess I never could find a good reason not to...even though it left me feeling very unfulfilled at best, and proved to be very destructive...deadly, at worst. Until he gave me a good reason not to. He gave me hope for something a lot better...and now I have that...now I know that. I've been celibate for 3 1/2 years now...and god has recently given me a husband...and I'm soon to meet him in the flesh for the first time. As part of this miracle that I've experienced, I have also been healed of every addiction that I've ever had...caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and drugs. After over 20 years of being addicted to , and/or abusing all of the above. I wasn't an alcoholic that would have gone through a physical withdrawal from alcohol, but I was emotionally addicted to an altered state of mind...I never did like sobriety all that much. My drug of choice was always pot. I looooooooooooooooooooved pot. I was however physically addicted to nicotine...severly...and caffeine, which is not so severe, but still worth mentioning. I had not one withdrawal symptom....not one. I could never have done this myself...never...and I didn't.

And so anyway, you look at the fruit of the spirit who's voice I hear and it is good...it's all good. No more eating disorders, no more drug addictions, I'm taking very good care of myself now, exercising and eating healthy, where I never did before, no more sleeping around, and I've got a husband on the way...and arranged marriage by god if you will. How cool is that? And so people look at these changes and how profound they are and how good they are and what can they say? They shrug their shoulders and say it's all good...but some of them still don't believe in how it's happened...they think I've done this myself. And that notion my friends, is absolutely insane...there is no way in hell I could have done this myself...no way in this world...absolutely not....no way.

But then back to those who are locked up in the mental wards...my close friend who is suicidal, and on drugs, and basically unable to function in society because of these voices. Now that, on the other hand is some really, really rotten fruit. Rotten spirits. So I believe that those who are diagnosed as schizophrenics really do hear voices in their heads....the voices of demons. You can tell by their fruit, and by what they say to the person that leads to the fruit. My friend tells me that he hears these voices...a voice. It convinces him that there is some vast conspiracy against him, and basically that everyone is out to get him. That people are spying on him...watching him through his television...shit like that. It tells him that he should just make everyone happy and go ahead and kill himself...and he's been close. This person is my ex-husband, so I know him very well. It's not been this bad all of his life...he goes through spells where he kind of slips through the donut hole, and then comes back and seems just fine. He has also become very good at hiding it, so that he can maintain functionality, and an image of sanity. But recently, as soon as this miracle of mine began, he began getting worse and worse and worse, until he ended up back in the hospital for the third time. It was just recently...right before the behaviour got worse this last time...that he admitted to me to hearing these voices for the first time, and I've known him for about 10 years. The reason that I know who these voices are is because of things that he has said to me during this time. One time, he called me on the phone and said some things to me that were specific to this miracle that I was experiencing...very specific. And they were things that he could not have possibly known. I hadn't said anything about it to him, hadn't seen him...he had no exposure to it whatsoever...not though a friend or mutual acquaintance. Basically, he knew things about what I was experiencing that he had absolutely no way of knowing...that were impossible for him to know. When I got off the phone with him was the time that I was telling you that I was so scared that I was practically convulsing and went to my knees to pray and god yelled at me to get up. What my ex had said to me...it wasn't my ex talking...what was said to me was what scared me more than I've ever been scared in my life.

So yea, to conclude, I think I'm schizophrenic...in a good way. I do not under any circumstances think that I'm the only one who hears a voice. People that don't even believe in spirits call their conscious a small voice...that voice inside of you. I'm not special and what I hear and how I hear it is not unusual in any way. If the fruit of the spirit is good, the spirit is good. If the fruit of the spirit is bad, the spirit is bad. It's pretty obvious.

If your answer is the latter, how do you think, (if it's of any importance), you can convince other people that the voices you hear are indeed real?

No, I think that people believe what they want to believe, regardless of evidence. But I do know that there will be evidence provided of this miracle that I keep talking about. When this man that is involved and I finally get together...evidence will be brought forth. But that in no way means that people will believe.

By that same token we could state that people only use the term god to deny conscience, (conscious is when you're awake and aware).

Is there a reason that the scientific side does not suffice? To me it's like a recipe...

A recipe is fine, but without ingredients and a final product - the recipe is inherently worthless.

Science allows us to not only view the recipe, but to get the ingredients and to even bake the cake. Once the cake has been baked we can even go so far as to eat the cake.

Religion does not have room for cake baking. With religion all you have and all you ever get is the recipe. No ingredients, no cake, no eating.

I hope you understand my analogy, and what I'm getting at. Of course with brain issues science still has a long way to go, but there are pieces that are understood - certain ingredients have been gathered. So tell me in this instance why a scientific explanation has less weight than a religious one.

This is how I see it. Science is the how, and religion is the why. They are in no way mutually exclusive. And I think that you would have to concur, based upon all that I have attested that god has done for me...healed me...restored me...that I am having my cake, and eating it too. And to be real honest with you...I have no interest in the recipe for the cake...I'm not the baker. God is the baker, and I trust him with all of my heart...with my entire life, and the life of my flesh. He feeds me well, and he takes good care of me. The cake is the bomb shit...not only does it taste really good, it's also really good for me...I can see, and others can see, it's health benefits as manifested in my body and my life. That doesn't mean that there isn't a recipe...I'm sure that there is. I'm just saying I could really care less what it is...I trust the baker, based upon his integrity, and the quality of his product. I know this baker very well.

I find this part very interesting. Might I ask how you know he can't lie? Did he tell you he can't lie? And if that's the case, how do you know he wasn't lying when he said he can't lie? If he didn't say he can't lie, how do you know he can't lie?

Personally, and I suppose it's something only us humans are capable of, but I find there are times when 'lying' is appropriate. I don't really mean bigass in your face kind of lies, but subtle lies that do more good than harm. For instance, a man will most likely hear the question; "do I look fat in this?" from his partner several times in his life.

You could say "yes" and cause her some permanent self-image problems, and even if you added "but I love you anyway", it will not help - or you could "lie" and say "no you don't". In this instance she would feel more comfortable within herself and wouldn't make you sleep on the sofa.

While this might not be the best possible example I could come up with, it's aim is to show that sometimes lying can be of benefit. It's been used a lot during wars when some unfortunate soldier has had half his head shot off. They comfort the guy and help his 'passing' go more peacefully through lying.

Well, I can not say for certain that he CAN'T lie. I would suppose that being god, he could do whatever he wanted. I'm saying though, that based upon my experience with him, it just seems that lying it entirely outside of his nature. That is in something that is completely foreign to his nature...and in a rather emphatic way. As I said, he doesn't even exagerate in the slightest detail...even knowing that I would "get" what he was saying...he is still completely literal. I just think that lying is completely outside of his nature.

We all know he has a sense of humour.. all you have to do is read the bible to figure that out.

Yea, you're a regular comedian yourself.

Tarot cards and fortune telling provide the same. It's not mystical, I have even done tarot for people myself - and they have come back saying I was 100% accurate even though I made it up as I went along based upon my observations of that person. You can tell a lot about a person you don't even know from so many different things such as how they speak, the colour of their clothes, how well manicured their nails are.. Hell, you name it and it provides a 'clue' to how life is and will be.

Now imagine that voice as originating from yourself. Whether you'd accept it or not, you know more about you than anyone else does. Of course, we rarely "look" at ourselves, so when that information is provided it most certainly would seem mystical- But the information is in there.

By the way, Im not outright denying what you're saying, but I am keen on providing possible alternative answers and suggestions. There's nothing wrong with exploring all angles.

You don't understand man...some of the things that he has said to me are so far out that they've initially scared me. Often times confused me. And sometimes dumbfounded me. We have this standing joke, god and I. He tells me that he wants me to do something, and I say "You've GOT to be kidding", and he says, "You know I don't kid", and then we both laugh. There are also things that he's told me that I had no way of knowing or understanding, and yet, over time, they were proven to me to be true...through manifestation in my life...through experience in real life. There are things that he has explained to me...things about myself, about others, about life, and this world...about himself...that I would never have deducted on my own. If I could have deducted them on my own, then I would have. And if I did deduct these things on my own, then why would I attribute the knowledge to god? Why would I say that god told me this and that when he didn't? What would possibly be my motivation in doing so? Don't you think that it would be more probable that I would want to take credit for the knowledge and the good things that it's brought about in my life for myself? That way, I could appear to be strong and capable and smart right? Why would I attribute knowledge to god? And where would the knowledge come from? Doesn't knowledge HAVE to have a source? I'm telling you, I haven't read the bible enough, or understood it, or even remembered what it said enough to cite that as a source for any understanding that I've received. So what is the source of my knowledge then? It's not inherent. It's not magic.

The stimuli that inform us of certain things isn't always readily apparent, and I'm sure wrong on many occasions. It's like goose bumps - that are a long since redundant personal warning system that erect the hair folicles at times of fear/cold. Of course that's useless to us considering we do not have sufficient hair for it to work properly. Goose bumps are only really worthwhile to something apelike. However, we still have the function - and some times it will be 'correct'. Of course we need to take into account the various other methods employed by the brain.. Simple things like a very faint whiff of perfume, or a dent in the carpet where a footprint has recently been - or a thousand other things that we do not consciously register, but the brain detects nonetheless.

I'm not talking about goosebumps, or smelling anything, or hearing anything, or seeing anything. To reiterate, I saw nothing with my eyes, heard nothing with my ears, and felt nothing with my skin. This was not a physical knowledge or interaction or experience in any way shape or form...there was no physical stimuli present. But his presence did in fact solicit a profound physical response from me...tears...lots and lots of tears...tears of immense relief.

Wow, that was long...now I'm tired. :eek:

Love, Lori
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snakelord said:
Ok there are also humans that will 'change the laws'.. for instance, this god who said that males need to be circumcised is now ignored because people think they're free to pick and choose which of gods laws they need obey. The same can be said of eating pig, which god was clearly against. How long is it before christianity decides "thou shalt not kill", is just as worthless?

You did not understand my parabel. If it would be good for males to be circumcised, then he would have been circumcised in the earthly mothers womb. Because the laws of nature are also part of God's law. But it is circumcision in the spirit which counts. Those who kill can not be christians, if they were christians, they would follow Jesus and they would do the same things that he did.

We have a free will, and God himself has said that we can do whatever we want, we don't have to follow his law. But if we would, for example, not believe in the law of gravity, we might jump down from a cliff and get killed. It is like this with those who do not follow the law of God. But truly, there are those who are not aware of God's law and they still obey it, even though they call themselves atheists.

snakelord said:
I mean I haven't seen anyone taking their naughty sons to town to stone them to death anymore, nor would you impregnate your brothers wife if your brother dies.

Yes, it is because Jesus brought us the new testament, which is the new words of God, to this new generation, who are able to understand more about the law of God.

snakelord said:
Perhaps the devil possessed people can be those who 'believe' in evolution, and the taxmen that jesus hated so much can be todays inland revenue.

It is we ourselves who decide if we are "devil possessed", or if we do the right thing. Jesus did not hate anyone, actually he took one taxman (Matteus) as his diciple. I have said it before, nothing is really good or bad, it is what we think of it. We can not say that all christians are bad, or all tax collectors, or all those who believe in evolution. This is just "racism". There are good and bad people in all of these "categories". It is obvious, but sometimes people seems to forget it. There are many who hate "muslims", just because there are terorrists who call themselves muslims. And they think that these terrorists really are muslims, and believe in the Qur'an.

snakelord said:
Now, you did say "gods law is eternal", but I would like to ask which parts. We've already established that the law of circumcision obviously isn't eternal, such as many other laws we could look through. The modern day religious establishment embellishes breaking the 'old' laws of god - I mean whats with female priests, and gay priests? Last I knew, god said homos were an abomination, so why are these people in 'gods house'?

So if you could kindly clarify which specific parts are eternal, I'd be very grateful.

God's law means that, if we go against it, we will "die", or suffer. If we work against the law of gravity when we build a house, it will never be finished. But we must learn to work with the law. The old testament, which the people have written, have said that homosexuality is an abomination, but Jesus Himself has never said it. There are errors, which man himself has put in the Bible. Then again, homosexual people and animals have been on earth always, and is it not God which really makes us what makes us what we are? Certainly, he would not go against his own law.

I have said it before, you yourself decide which parts are true. I am not you, and I do not know what is true for you. All people are able to recognise the truth, because the truth is inside us all. Belive in yourself, believe... ho-ho-hoo.

snakelord said:
So in short, what you're saying is you can't be bothered to study. You read one sentence in a book, call it your own personal little truth - and don't look beyond that? What methods have you employed to determine the validity of that which you believe to be truth?

Jesus said: "I am the way, life and truth." What I believe, might not be THE truth, but it is what I believe, and that is what is matters, that we believe in ourselves. And that we do what feels right for us.

snakelord said:
You're living in a fantasy world where "reality" means nothing and "super powers" mean everything.

I do not believe in the supernatural, but only in reality - The natural and rational things. The supernatural becomes natural, when we have become aware of what it really is.

snakelord said:
To be honest, the rest of this part of your post is not worth responding to. To be honest it's something I would expect to hear from a 6/7 year old. I am not insulting your age, merely pointing out that fantasies such as witches, tooth fairies, and santa claus are usually confined to young people. You conclude with: "Most people do not see witches because they have not opened up for the "heavenly" truths, but only for material truth", which is no different to saying that an adult can't see the tooth fairy because his mind no longer believes. It's grade A insanity.

Are you calling young people stupid and insane? Are fantasies not real? Fantasies are thoughts and feelings and they are as real as everything else. Adults are always so weird! They think they're so wise and grown-up when they don't believe in santa and tooth fairies! They're only grown up in their bodies, and they believe in them! But they're not adult in spirit!

snakelord said:
But tell me, where do you draw the line? Do you believe in the minotaur? goblins? vampires? aliens? Tell me where you draw the line, and why you draw the line there.

I don't know. I only believe in what I understand. I propably don't see them like you do. Otherwise I could not believe in them. I draw the line when something is against the law of God. Like the killing of innocent persons. That is where I stop believing, because it is so "inhuman", there is no love in that.

snakelord said:
That is my very point, you're a fanatic - who cannot discern reality from fantasy.

Is a fanatic someone who can't discern reality from fantasy? I'm not that. It's easy for me to know what is real and not. Everyone can do that. It's so easy!

snakelord said:
If "they" are god, then you only need ever say god, and not recognise 3 entirely different entities by name, and numbers.

God has different abilities and manifestations. Other things have that too, but God is different, so we need to "create" three different things from God which explains it better. To do that is the best way to explain it.

snakelord said:
No, it's a way for christianity to explain the 'extra' gods they decided to add to the back end of the jewish religion.

Yeah, it could be!

snakelord said:
It has nothing to do with god, or paradise - but to do with genetic reproduction - to ensure survival. If man really wanted to get back to god and paradise you'd see us all jumping off cliffs. The natural course of life is to try and survive here, on earth - forget paradise. We do exactly the same as the animals for exactly the same reasons.

But WHY does all creatures want/need to survive? What's the point of surviving? It is so important that many would kill just to protect oneself. Do you think that jumping off a cliff will get us to paradise? How could anyone believe that? We won't survive here on earth, it will all end sometime. I know that our bodies do just what the animals do.

Frogs bonk. They don't bonk to get back to god or paradise. Neither do we.

Yes they do. Don't you see it? There is an attraction between all things, like magnets. They "want" to become one. They want to "be" something. But why do you think it is so? Why is there an opposite for everything, a complementary half? Like hot and cold, like man and woman.

snakelord said:
We eat to obtain energy so we don't drop dead and bugger off to god and paradise. It would seem the reality is completely the opposite to your notion.

Our bodies eat to survive, but we do it because of the other reason. If we would not let our bodies eat, we would never be able to stay alive here on earth, and fullfil the mission he gave us. I have said it before. The divine is always opposite from the material. You, and what you see, are two different things. You are not what you see, you are what you are. Number 3 is number 3. Number 3 is that "when we see it". But when I paint the number 3 in someones head here (so that he does not see it), he becomes it, and the number 3 is reversed. That is why the divine is always the opposite from the material. To be something, means divinity. To see something, means separation, because you, and what you see, are two different things.

snakelord said:
But tell me, considering animals don't go to heaven/don't have souls/don't care about jesus.. why do they eat? Are they seeking "oneness" or "completion"?

But animals already obey the law of God, on the animal level. They do what the father has told them to do. How else could so little creatures like certain termites, which have no eyes, how could they co-operate in such perfect harmony, which seems incredible even to us? What is this incredible "instinct"? What is it, really?

Everything in this world has been separated from oneness. So even "magnets", which certainly are not living, seek completion. They don't have understanding to know this, like animals, they don't know that they are actually seeking for God. Animals, like we, eat to survive. But this instinct comes from deeper, and the nature takes "advantage" of this (the seeking of oneness), so that the creatures and their race may stay alive. The nature wants the creatures to live so long that they are able to understand God, and become one with it. So that at last, they would "melt" into God, after their death. But truly I tell you, it is possible to become allknowing, and to be in paradise, already here on "earth".

Certainly, black holes are matter which have become one with the "gravity", with their complementary half. The gravity of a star does not come from the star itself, it is this attraction, which is in everything, which has it's origin in God. This whole world is separated (it "is" 2), because it is of matter (energy), that is why everything is seeking its complementary half. Oneness, which is God, cannot be separated, it is THE perfection. So God did not separate himself to 2, when he created the world. Instead he sent two mirror images of himself. These are the opposite forces which are everywhere in the material world. I have told it before, but these 2 forces are not "real", they don't have their own existence, but they are dependant of God, which is "like" between two mirrors, which reflect him to eternity.

Whatever we see is visible only because it has been separated from its other half. There is always one half which is invisible, but it still exists. Like if I would have an empty paper here. Now then, there is nothing drawn or written here. But still, whatever, could be drawn and written there. So this everything is in this case invisible, and this nothing, includes everything!

Now look, I'll paint a red apple here. This apple was here already before i painted it. It's just that the red apple rested with its complementary half, so it was not visible! I'll tell this again: When I speak, the "silence" is "invisible". And when I'm silent, the speech is invisible. (the speech is separated from silence and reversed) Like in these parabels, it must be like this with everything. Nothing can be if it's not "separated". When hot water is mixed with cold water, they melt together, they become identical, unified! So the hot and cold both becomes invisible, and a new "Child" (or "God") is "born" from the unification of the 2 poles.

The whole world is like the tree of knowledge. God however, the creator, is no entity, fallen from Unity. But God is the unity itself. He is "above" all that, which is separated, and he rests not his Life on some complementary half, but He rests in "himself" as a complete perfection. He is "nothing", where "everything" comes from, and expresses themselves. But in him, "nothing" and "everything" IS and inseparable divine oneness.

So it is never possible to find God here on earth, because he has no other half, there is actually nothing which he could be compared to, so that he could become "visible". God can only "be" You...

This world is only possible because the Lifetree, God, gives his life streaming in its veins. Just like the one which stands between two mirrors, makes the two images possible. He gives them "Life", an existence!

Yes, we are all eating from the tree of knowledge. We became one with the fruits which we ate from it. For the saying is true: You become what you eat. Now we are here. Which ever comes first, the death, or the one who collects the good fruits.

snakelord said:
Frog: "Man I gotta eat that fly... I wanna go to paradise!"

Man, you're making fun of it! But it is still the truth.

snakelord said:
So as a religious man, surely you wont be "deceived by nature". As you seemingly understand it well, why don't you just stop eating? I mean c'mon, you're saying that food doesn't bring completion so why do it? Stop now.

I'm talking about the spiritual completion. I eat to bring completion to my body. Only if I give it wrong kind of food (or too much or too little), so that I use the food to bring happiness or sorrow to "myself", then the body has become the same as "I". Food is not meant to bring happiness or completion to oneself, but only to the body.

snakelord said:
Don't stop there, tell me how you found god. What were the circumstances at the time of your finding?


Now you will might explain this with psychology. And you might explain it just as I did, but you might use different words so that it sounds much different.

snakelord said:
Speak for yourself. My father is a man named Ian.

I have said it before: I always speak for myself alone.
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I find this intersting. I have always had 2 things for the final day.

One: Not even the angels or even Jesus knows when it will be. Only God knows. And persoanly, I doubt he would not have anyone tell us when it is...

Two: It is said to live like it is the last. Jesus tells us that it will be comming unkowningly, like a thief. He tells the story about two in the field one is left the other is taken. Some say that you are taken to heven some say you stay and those taken are put into hell. That part dont matter which way, but when it comes...we will ALL know. I heared about a man who convinced tons of people that the end is near (about 1855 was the year) and they sold all their things in preparation to this. Obviously he was wrong. Then again he claimed that he solved his error and it is now (1860, 5 years later) people once again sold everything for him.

I encourage that people do not listen to those who claim to "know" when the final days are. Only God knows.
You know, I love a long post. You can never really "get into the mood" with these 3 liners that hardly merit a response or time to think of a response. Before I start however, I would like to inform you that it's my birthday tomorrow, so I'm throwing the vodka down like tomorrow is the second coming - (although I'll probably just sleep when the second coming does actually arrive). While I will most certainly try to keep the post typo and rudeness free, I'm playing it by ear so cannot guarantee anything. Anyway, let's get started.

God loves fags...

There's not really a lot I can say here that would be of any true value. However, I always did wonder why god would have a problem with 'fags' considering the fact that he'd actually made them that way. I'm sure some of the more uneducated posters here would claim it's a personal choice, but from an educated point of view, homosexuality is not a decision one makes, it's the way they are. Of course got does share his contempt for queers in the OT, as well as many other things - but we both know nobody gives a shit about the OT anymore.

I only said that because, at the end of your post, you spoke for me...rather, assumed my answer to your question already...like you already had it all figured out.

I try not to do that, and in this instance I don't really think I did all that much. However, (yes, "however" is my favourite word :D ), it is a part of my nature. I can be like that with everything from reading a book where my brain is already working out the end, to a game of chess where I'm always 10 moves ahead. The thing is, when you spend enough time, talking to enough people, you can generally work out what they're going to say and when they're going to say it. We're not all that "unique" when it comes down to it.

However, (there it is again), if it comes across as being rude, I'll most certainly try and avoid it.

So my response is this...if you already know the answer, then why ask the question?

Knowing what someone is going to say doesn't mean it's not worth hearing what they have to say.

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you

It didn't offend me, but merely reminded me of a girl I used to be really friendly with. She constantly called me Snakeypoo - and it just came as a bit of a surprise to hear someone else say it.

Snakelord, Sir.


It's just that your name is so ominous

I can assure you it has nothing to do with the snake from the G of E :D I have always had snakes as pets, and one day one sneaked into my bag and took a trip to work with me, where it then proceeded to scare the shit out of everyone in the vicinity. From that moment forth I became known as Snakeman. Eventually I got into Ultima Online and modified it to SnakeLord to suit the game style.

.I would imagine that if I were to walk into a psychiatrists office and tell them that I hear god speak to me...he told me this and he told me that. You should hear some of the off the wall stuff he's told me as of late...having to do with this "miracle" that I've experienced...the doctor would have no alternative but to diagnose me as schizophrenic. My "symptoms" would fit the diagnosis.

This just so happens to be "my area", and personally I find it doubtful that I would scribe you off as schizo and put you in a big building full of pills. Of course this will differ from country to country, but there are many things we need to consider and evaluate.

Later on in your post you mention drinks, many sexual partners, drugs etc. god is only one step away from these, and personally I would prefer the issue resolved than constantly, how can we say... "sideswiped" by these temporary methods. yes, even god constitutes a temporary resolution. The real question is "why" you do these things. It would be wrong of me to go too indepth here, because this is a public forum. However, there are reasons your life has been one of "escape", and reasons that your doctor is either unable, or unwilling to work out. While I wont get into it right here, you can always pm me, email me or phone me.

Let's take a very brief trip - nothing open or too personal - but just a slight one to one about life.

Do me a favour and sit back, breathe, (the most stupid of things to say considering we're always breathing) and just try to stay completely thought free but alert. You and I both know we can already attribute the drinking, sex, drugs and voices to something specific - but I would like you to try and mentally acknowledge it and "see" it. It's painful yes, but important.

The funny thing is - although I asked, you seem to be completely devoid of any mental illness. Even you mentioned it when you spoke of your parents saying they would never consider you as mentally ill. From a professional standpoint, neither do I.

I really don't have much to work with as it currently stands, but I would certainly like to progress from here. What I can currently gather from your post is this..

The "unresolved issue/s" has led to drug abuse, alcohol abuse, pleasure sex with an "unfulfilling" result and binge eating. You also mentioned that it's been "20 years" of abuse, and given your age of 37, we can make an estimate that this "issue" happened during your mid teens, (17).

Feel free to pm me, but you most certainly come across as "normal" and not someone who would willingly adopt a religious attitude - and indeed come across as someone who doesn't want to adopt a religious attitude but is merely looking for another escape route.

Ok.. you might not be normal. You might be a loopy fruitcake psycho killer - but I'm working with very little information here, and the best I can do is analyze what you type. Now I know this isn't the forum for it, But I would like to ask you one question.

First... clear your head. Make it empty.

You're walking along a path. What's around you?

Please, answer the question with as much detail as possible and without giving it thought.

If you're curious as to what I'm upto, it's the same as those "personality profiles", but without so much box ticking

Again feel free to pm me with the answer, although not everyone would really understand it anyway.

For a bit of personal information... Ever since I was born, I had an ability to pick up on words and phrases. When I was eight years old I won a writing competition for over 16's, and although that has slipped incredibly in the past six years due to the death of my son, it has always been an integral part of who I am. So many people miss the 'subtle' parts that they can't see the real issue. The biggest "victim" of this is ourselves. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to give advice, and how hard it is to listen to our own advice? Aside from that, I have always understood people. From body language that says more than talk, to resolving deep and often unknown issues that lie within our subconcious. I will not profess that I can play piano, or that I can paint masterpieces, or indeed that I can even paint the walls of my house. When it comes to understanding people however, I was born for it. It is also the main reason I supply an answer before I ask the question - and although that's something I try to avoid, it is a part of my persona.

You might be wondering why I am telling you all of this. There are two reasons really. The first is the vodka, the second is because I feel it paramount for our future discussions.

As a sidenote, I told you that schizophrenic people never say "i'm schizophrenic". Work it out from there.

Isn't that something like what the bible calls it? I'm not a very accomplished bible thumper, forgive me...but I know, because it's been shown to me without a doubt through this other person, that people who do have schizophrenia ARE hearing voices in their head...the voices of spirits

It's usually something that people are "afraid" to admit to, but can I ask if you ever talk to yourself? Before you answer, I'd like to say that I do.. and when I do, (which is usually to "back myself up" on a diagnosis), it does usually seem "audible". Do me a favour right now.. Sit back, clear your mind, and talk to yourself. Doesn't that seem audible to you? Are you aware, that all that audible feeling is, is a bunch of electrical impulses, That you're not actually hearing anything? And even when you are hearing something, it still amounts to little more than electrical impulses?

If you can see it in this way, even the voice of jesus amounts to nothing other than electrical impulse. Ok, the 'voice' might make you physically jump - but do not forget physically jumping is also nothing more than an electrical impulse. The system is far from perfect, which you'll know if you've ever had a spasm or suffer from a twitch.

If we look at it from this perspective, we now need to ask why you are receiving these impulses. Is it something mystical from space or is it perhaps something that is answered without the aid of gods?

You'll only answer that question when you're ready to.

You say that just because the reception is from within...and not accomplished through the flesh, being your ears...that the message originates from within as well

To this I can merely say: Of course it originates from within. What most people do not understand is that we're just a brain on legs. Of course, even if we are it, we do not understand the compexities of our brain. It will hide from us that which it feels needs hiding and it will show us that which it wants to show. I know this sentence implies that there are two distinct parts of "us", but there are not.

I'm sure you've heard of the "life in slow motion" effect that happens shortly before out would-be demise. Have you ever asked why?

You walk in front of a bus. In that split nanosecond before you become a pancake. the brain has already figured it out. Call it 'working behind the scenes'. The question now is: what would rather end your life with? Images of your loved ones, or images of your bloody corpse being thrown across the street?

The brain truly is remarkable. It can analyze everything within a a nanosecond, and before your conscious understands it, the subconscious gives the answer.

It does not require space entities, saviours or anything else mystical by definition. Of coruse however, the brain is fallible. When a loved one dies, the brain cannot answer the "why's". This leads you to devise the simplest and most convenient answer of all: Divine planning. It is merely a scapegoat for the what lies underneath - and in this instance it is the "underneath" that is the issue.

Before you worry or concern yourself too much about answering me, let it just be said that I have 'spoken' to people with all kinds of problems, and all kinds of "happenings" from being abducted and sexually 'assaulted" by aliens to people who have spent a life with a fear of heights because that's where goblins live. The list is extensive and extreme. From what I can gather from your posts, your "issue" doesn't even come close. To you, yes it does, but as a general, I've heard it all before.

Your spirit resides in your body...it is internal. So it stands to reason that a spiritual communication would be received internally, through the spirit.

Yoy're making excuses and you know it. Ignore the word "spirit". It means nothing. Instead, understand that "within" means "within". Understand that it means you're communicating with yourself, but you're just not listening. Every single day jesus tells you something amazing and new, but it's nothing that is going to fix the problem - it is something that will help you avoid the problem, not get past it.

I am here to help you get past the problem. If you want to avoid it, stick to jesus. If you want to get rid of it altogether, then pm me. I have no magical powers and I can't res from the dead, (I assume), but there is power beyond the amazing. There is help that does not require sacrifice.

As a further question, and no - I don't care if I'm boring you.. What's your favourite song/band?

You might not see or understand the relevance of the question, but I would love to know all the same. You have my word that I will explain it afterwards.

And I'm sure it is because when this communication happens, the person is immediately labeled schizophrenic and put on drugs and locked up in some hospital where they can be ignored for the rest of their live

This is somewhat of a "crucifiction" for understanding the human mind. While I'm sure it varies country to country - the majority do not try and instituionalize anyone. Of course thats not to say it doesn't happen. I used to talk to a guy who was convinced he was a direct cousin of the queen of england. The guy was a 6 foot 4 african. The difficulty in explaining black and white, and royal relations to this guy was difficult to say the least - and of course pointless considering his belief would never change even if you told him he was just a hedgehog. I saw a recent, ( within the past 4 years), documentary that actually highlighted this individual - who is now a compete mental turnip.

I must confess I do disagree with many often "politcally" motivated decisions. I have found that even those who profess to know, do not know - but instead work by a college educated decision, or indeed a lack of true care or understanding of the people they work with.

Life is like that. I can't name you one thing that is even close to perfect - and being the nature of humans, we would rather sneer at others than truly help them, but in reality, it takes little more than to look "within" oneself. You've spoken about "within" several times in your post. What you now need to do is figure out what that "within" really means. I can and will help you do that. Believe it or not, but you already know the answer, it's all about acknowledging it.

When I told my parents about this miracle that happened to me...the details of it...alien abduction, the mark of the beast, nephilim, immortality of the flesh, the antichrist, the false prophet, rock stars, john the apostle reincarnated, astral projection, lucid dreaming, the angel and the little scroll, the woman and the dragon, the morning star, and all of this revelations propecy revealed...they took me to the doctor, and spent $2000 on a head MRI for me.

I have dealt with alien abduction many times, and it usually = one specific issue. Marks of beasts has its own particular meaning as do the others - yes, even rock stars. I know it would come across as Freudian, but I would like to know some more about your parents. Now, this is only given that you don't just come right out and say it to me, (in a pm), and do not be mistaken in assuming I think you're some kind of nutball, because that is far from the case. Sometimes we just need to talk, but can't find anyone to listen. I give you that opportunity right now.

I can barely get my own head around it

I know, it seems like something not worth quoting. It's almost like me saying I'm listening to the Bee Gees "Stayin' Alive" right now - i.e worthless.

There's more to it than you would see...

It's not the first time you have tried to "excuse" your beliefs, or make mention of your lack of understanding towards it. You're most certainly not what one would consider "religious". It comes across that jesus isn't even jesus, but a foreign 'invader'. Something that you have not asked for, and something that you do not seek - but there nonetheless. I would at this point question, (but already know the answer), whether jesus is what you sought. For all that it matters, it could have been Ernest Hemingway that contacted you. You're the ultimate candidate for Ouija, (pron. weejee). You're not looking for god, you're not looking for jesus.. you're looking for someone to talk to. The thing is, jesus or mickey mouse - you're only talking to yourself. It will take years before you even ask what it is that you actually want to ask. Fuck, most go to their deathbeds with it. Do not be upset or ashamed, we're all like that. Being the kind of guy to see things in advance, I already know my last words will be about my son - and my dismay about his death. That is something that I can't openly cope with - it is my "cross to carry". We all have them, it is all about how we deal with them. I see mine clear as day, and realise how it is slowly killing me from the inside out. The question is, do you see yours?

I can pretty much guarantee the very first thought in your head after sleeping with a particular individual, or binge eating would have been.. "why?" The answer is "within" you. Only you can decide when you're ready, but I can help get you closer to it.

And not regarding anything else but this one particular thing. If I were to go to a shrink, he would say, as my parents have noted as well, that in regards to EVERYTHING ELSE, I'm completely rational and logical. And in regards to ONLY THIS ONE VERY SPECIFIC THING

I couldn't agree more. So tell me.. what is this ONE VERY SPECIFIC THING? As much as you try to hide it, you also try to shout it out. That is how we are. From a personal standpoint, I would say it's better just to get it out in the open.

And then you must look at other things about me and about my life...and I will refer to these things as fruit...as that is what the bible refers to them as. I have never, ever been healthier, happier, and more at peace than I am now, and that is a direct result of my "voice"...and of my "miracle"

Let me ask you a question. Do you think your brain would intentionally hurt you? Would it seem more apparent to state that in times of distress, your brain would "console" you, and make things easier to handle? It might just be a pile of mush to you, but is the brain not capable of things you wouldn't instanrty recognise as natural when you need it most - by many means, be it god, aliens or the ghost of Priory Hall. In one way or another, your brain, (the caretaker of your very existence), has to make life as bearable as possible. You are it, it is you.. It has many devices up it's sleeve to make your life that littel bit more comfortable.

Why do you think that the majority of "conversions" to religiously inclined behaviour happen just after a major life stopping event? The very first thing you'll hear from a religious man is "I was on the verge of suicide", or "I was so close to death". The brain has to find an escape to that, because the end of your existance, is the end of its existance - so it gives you a way out. It survives. Yes, you might be a simpleton from thereon, but your brain survives.

I can tell simply by how you write, that you are not destined for that. I know well that you don't really assume it is jesus, even though for the sake of dicsussion you will say it is. I know that for general societical conformity you will claim and say it is jesus - but I know that isn't what you actually feel. Ok, tell me I'm wrong - or just tell me we'll talk, and we'll talk. I'm not offering you magic, Im not offering you eternal life - I'm offering you understanding. You will still die, you will still be worm food.. you'll just get there a lot happier.

Would you mind if I told you a story?

Once upon a time there was a young man who could not understand life. He had been fostered so many times he could not understand what religion was correct, if any. One day he read about a group of people who were living up trees, trying to stop them from being chopped down.

This really hit a note with our hero, who spoke to his friends, saying "I must protect these trees".

Four of us went on our way to help these people protect that which our hero regarded as truly important. Two of us made it there. One ended up in hospital - the other accompanied her back home.

I will never forget the guy who came with me,. nor will I ever forget what we accomplished. No... the trees were still chopped down. A thousand year old wood ruined simply to extend a motorway - but my purpose was fulfilled. You know... at the time it would have seemed like I was on a mission from god.I think we even mentioned that at the time. There was this song, (which I can name), that was constantly playing through my head.. and I can replay the entire event through my mind like it was yesterday. One thing remains true throughout it all.

It didn't take the courage, aid or willingness of a god. Amazing as it might sound to some, it took nothing more than my own worth - my own power. I cared about life - yes, even simple life such as that of trees - and yet at that point, jesus couldn't mean any less. Jesus is all concerned about love towards him, and towards other humans. It is only when you love a tree, only when you would stick your life on the line for a big bit of wood, that you realise how worthless jesus is. I would see the same when I would go to protest against fox hunting. Here I was defending something that didn't have a soul, that wasn't cared about by god or jesus, that I realised the true worth of existance.

I guess it's only when you see life from a worm's perspective that you see reality.

The question, and the moral is.. how better are you, and why are you better? It's true I gave you the very short version, but it's only when you realise how significant a tree is, that you realise how insignificant you are.

In biblical terms, that is equivalent to a jesus parable. It all depends on what you read into it.

So tell me, who is it you're hearing? Is it really the voice of a dead jewish guy from two millennia ago, or is that the simplest explanation you have? Are you in fact really listening to yourself, and you have something you want to tell yourself - but you're just not listening? Perhaps you're just not ready. I can appreciate and understand that - but do know that I am here always. All you need do is PM me. That is upto you, and I leave it with you.

And so anyway, you look at the fruit of the spirit who's voice I hear and it is good...it's all good.

But is that not your brain? Do you think your brain would tell you to do something that isn't good? That's not to say we don't do things that aren't good - hell, I've been a smoker for fifteen years, but I know damn well what my brain is telling me. It is what religious people define as good and bad.. but the source is always the same. My brain reminds me on a daily basis that smoking will kill me. I still do it. It is not because I feel the need to go against authority, it is not because I feel the need to ignore my brain, (which is all I am), it is because the brain is not "one part".

From an evolutionary standpoint, my brain has currently ended up being sectioned into different parts. The reason for this is quite simple - an aid for organisation. You use different areas of the brain when you're painting a picture than when you're working out business strategy for example. There are ups and downs to this. The up is that you're more organised. When someone asks you a question that involves creativity - you can access that instantly - and the same goes with other parts of the brain - segregated for specific functions. The down is that these can "conflict". You get a signal from one side of the brain saying 'smoke' and another that says 'don't smoke'. That is where the whole notion of conscience and indeed 'god' comes from. It's a voice that we can not hear, and a person that we can not see - yet it knows better than we do. In actuality it doesn't know better than we do, it is merely electrical signals passing through our skull.

Now imagine an "overall" question where different parts all have their say. Yes, I bloody know smoking kills - so why do you think I do it? (no, I don't want to die). Why do you think a person engages in 20 years of drugs, smoke, drink, sex and binge eating? It is not because they lack god..

I tell you what, I'm going to leave this as an open question. I would like to hear your answer to it. And please don't say it's because they lack god. I now know you well enough to know that isn't what you really feel.

Actually, for the sake of discussion I would be intrigued to know the name of this band. As I've said a few times now, my PM is always open, so don't think this is something you need to share with the enitre (connected) planet. Let me confess, I listen to Belinda Carlisle. It can't get any worse than that, so don't be shy.

And that notion my friends, is absolutely insane...there is no way in hell I could have done this myself...no way in this world...absolutely not....no way.

Tell me what's more scary.. To say you couldn't have done it yourself, or to say you could have done it yourself? be honest, and remember it took me half an hour just to type this sentence. Fucking vodka.

.my close friend who is suicidal, and on drugs, and basically unable to function in society because of these voices. Now that, on the other hand is some really, really rotten fruit. Rotten spirits. So I believe that those who are diagnosed as schizophrenics really do hear voices in their heads....the voices of demons. You can tell by their fruit, and by what they say to the person that leads to the fruit. My friend tells me that he hears these voices...a voice. It convinces him that there is some vast conspiracy against him, and basically that everyone is out to get him. That people are spying on him...watching him through his television...shit like that. It tells him that he should just make everyone happy and go ahead and kill himself...and he's been close. This person is my ex-husband, so I know him very well.

I find it interesting to note that the person in a mental institution happens to be your ex- husband. What was it jesus said? Let me recap, please... "NO!" Why is that? Jesus doesn't give a shit about people in institutions? Why, being the "humanity" kind of guy he was, would he tell you to avoid the nutcase? I'm sorry, forgive me, but wasn't jesus the type of guy who actually cared for humanity? And yet, here he is advising you against the person with problems. Is it too hard to help that person with problems? Has jesus turned into a slack, non-human caring mother fucker recently? I'm sorry to say it, but even I'm better than this guy... and you dare call him perfect? You know, day in, day out I am trying with all my human frailty to save and help these people... and the best jesus the fucking saviour of mankind can manage is "NO!". Well I hate to say it, but fuck him.

I tell you what Lori, I care about my kind. I don't need worship, I don't want respect I don't want sacrifice. What I do want, is to help my kind. That is why I shall always be better than jesus, that is why I shall always be better than god. I care about my kind.

You know, when I meet someone that I need to diagnose as schizophrenic, I don't call them a fucktard, I don't condemn them to hell, I don't say they're not good enough. I don't insult the fact that they're gay, I don't care that they're women, I don't care that they've done bad things. I help my fucking species. God can not come close to that. he thinks he's cool because he made us, and because he wants us to suck his balls.. Well, I hate to say it, but I am cooler because I actually give a shit. I do not demand anything... It is my pleasure, my ability as a human being to help others. God can never manage that, can never understand that. To him we're all sinners. To me we're all humans. Some need company, some need love, some need help. I will give that without asking for anything in return. These are my kind. If there is a god.. he doesn't even come close. Yes, fuck him, I'll burn if that's what it takes. My brothers and sisters come first.

But would you like to know what really separates man from god?

If my daughter did something bad - let's say killed someone. If she asked, I would help her hide the body - and happily be damned. God could never be that good - never be that loving, where he would give his eternal salvation just to aid the one he loves.

Humans are way above and beyond what god could ever hope to be. Instead he relies on incompetent nitwits to "spread his word", visits manic depressives instead of lottery winners, and has no time for "his children". Fuck that, my daughter is the queen of humanity, and I sincerely hope all fathers say the same about their daughters. There is no way, no matter what she did, that I would drown her, close her womb, sulphur bomb her, or make her serve me. She can stick an icepick in my face, and I still wouldn't condemn her to an eternity of burning. That is what humans are, and god cannot compare. Have your god, have your jesus.. I have my daughter - and that is all I ever need.

Ok, let me quickly apologise. That was my "vodka ranting phase". Let's move on shall we

I'm not special

Although I wont try and barge my way into your comments about your 'miracle phase', I can tell you that the above quote isn't very nice. Who says you're not special? If jesus does not tell you everytime he talks to you that you're special - then there's something wrong with him. I hate all this self-doubt bullshit, and if god can't even pick up on the subtle signs, then he's clearly an asshole. You're special, you're beautiful, you're unique. People should be bowing to you. You understand that? If "he" doesn't, forget him.

No, I think that people believe what they want to believe, regardless of evidence. But I do know that there will be evidence provided of this miracle that I keep talking about. When this man that is involved and I finally get together...evidence will be brought forth. But that in no way means that people will believe.

I am upset to see that every single attribute of man has been bought to nothing more than 'evidence'. Love is love, it doesn't imply space beings, nor does it require their approval or intervention. If "they" think it does then frankly they can kiss my nuts. Perhaps you should be more concerned over the feelings you would have for each other instead of whether god gives a shit.

Ok, I will admit I am incredibly pissed, but am I seriously the only sane bloody person left among those that would be called human? Am I the only person that enjoys being human? Am I the only person that doesn't need express permission to get laid?

Ok, I'm seriously going to apologise. I started this post sober as a nun, but have since fell into a strange empty void. I cannot cope with the ineptitude anymore. It's like nobody wants to be human, nobody is happy being human, and everything that human does needs some kind of acceptance certificate.

And I think that you would have to concur, based upon all that I have attested that god has done for me...healed me...restored me...that I am having my cake, and eating it too.

I have the feeling you would have said exactly the same during an alcoholic phase, or any one of the other phases you have been through in life. The cake is fictional. You haven't even gathered the ingredients, but have mentally pictured a cake that you are eating. While it tastes good now, it's only a matter of time before you realise.. "there is no cake". And what comes then? That is the question that you must answer now, or find out later.

I can see, and others can see, it's health benefits as manifested in my body and my life.

That is but an illusion. I remember during my heavy drinking days that people actually said I looked better than normal. The drink actually took my mind off of my problems, and as such I was better off for it. True, I was also shitfaced 24/7, but I didn't have any problems.

I trust the baker, based upon his integrity, and the quality of his product. I know this baker very well.

Yeah, and for all you know, the baker's main ingredient is cyanide. You'll say it's all cool because he sounds nice - but not only have I learnt a few things that limits his ability to be a "friend", but would make me question his very motives aswell. While I might not be the best person to be telling you who to be friendly with, I would advise you never to accept sweets off strangers - and at the end of the day, that's all it amounts to.

Well, I can not say for certain that he CAN'T lie. I would suppose that being god, he could do whatever he wanted. I'm saying though, that based upon my experience with him, it just seems that lying it entirely outside of his nature. That is in something that is completely foreign to his nature...and in a rather emphatic way. As I said, he doesn't even exagerate in the slightest detail...even knowing that I would "get" what he was saying...he is still completely literal. I just think that lying is completely outside of his nature.

That's all it comes down to. You started with "he can't lie", and ended with "I think he he can't lie". It's like a child saying the man handing the sweets is just an innocent grandpa.

Yea, you're a regular comedian yourself.

Hell yes. I do try to use a relevant and intelligent humour though. I can't stand "simplistic" jokes, but use relevant issues to make a subtle, but highly sarcastic, statement.

You can take that as humour, or seriously. Who cares?

He tells me that he wants me to do something, and I say "You've GOT to be kidding", and he says, "You know I don't kid", and then we both laugh.

This is somewhat surprising to me. I had this image that the voice of god would be so damn awesome, so bloody amazing that there would be no room for comments such as "you've GOT to be kidding". I mean like the voice we've always wanted to hear, the sex we've always wanted to have, the person we always wanted to be.

I never realised god was so simple whereby we're not instantly awed by his "presence".

I mean you have to excuse me right now, I'm in no fit state, but to me god would be something of such awe, of such magnificence, that I would just say "yes" and pop my load everytime he spoke.

I mean even the dice followers I have seen do not question or say "you've GOT to be kidding", when the dice ends up on the shitty option.

Sure, I understand it's a thing of humour between you, but to me now, he just doesn't sound as almighty as almighty should be.

C'mon, I've been to many concerts in my life - from MC bloody Hammer to Guns N' Roses. If Axel asked his fans to do something - they wouldn't question it, they'd just do it. If a rock singer can command such respect, what's gods problem?

There are also things that he's told me that I had no way of knowing or understanding, and yet, over time, they were proven to me to be true...through manifestation in my life...through experience in real life.

I can't really comment too much on this without further details.

And if I did deduct these things on my own, then why would I attribute the knowledge to god? Why would I say that god told me this and that when he didn't?

What else would you attribute it to? Saying "hey shit, I had an epiphany" doesn't cut it anymore. You know, I came up with my greatest poem under the influence of drink. I came up with my greatest ever thought while under the influence of drink. Fuck me, drink has been its own little saviour... Everytime anyone asks about the poem I wrote or the thought I came up with, I always mention the drink. Why is that? Does vodka have life? (yes it has spirit)

Why do people name inanimate objects? Why do people refer to boats as she? Why the f*** do I talk to my dog, when I know he doesn't understand a bloody word I say? It's all related.

Don't you think that it would be more probable that I would want to take credit for the knowledge and the good things that it's brought about in my life for myself?

You know, this is one of the weirdest things I have ever heard spewed from the mouth of a religious man. It was.. "anything good comes from god, anything bad, (sin), comes from man."

That just really puts a downer on being a human. It completely negates the effort put into life by humans - such as doctors - and puts all the good stuff in the clouds. The minute we swear, the minute we do something slightly "un-kosher", we're to blame and made to feel miserable. It's perverse, It's pathetic, and it's sickening to think humans can honestly think that way.

Unfortunately it seems to be a side-effect of belief. You just don't see things on a human level anymore, and thus, taking credit for yourself becomes a no-go area. Humanity takes a back seat to space daddy. That's a fact.

So what is the source of my knowledge then? It's not inherent. It's not magic.

Electrical impulses. If you wrote down every thing you've ever seen, everything you've ever felt, touched, sensed, you'd have a book the size of Jupiter. Of course all of that information does not sit right in the front of your brain, making you feel like an over-used bowling ball. There are things sitting in there that you wouldn't even know you know - or think you know. When the time comes, these things pop up like ducks at a fairground stall, and make you ask questions such as the one above. It's not israelite drowning entities, or full moon crawling hairy creatures - it's your brain.

I'm not talking about goosebumps, or smelling anything, or hearing anything, or seeing anything. To reiterate, I saw nothing with my eyes, heard nothing with my ears, and felt nothing with my skin. This was not a physical knowledge or interaction or experience in any way shape or form...there was no physical stimuli present. But his presence did in fact solicit a profound physical response from me...tears...lots and lots of tears...tears of immense relief.

You missed my point. To you, it might not have been anything, but you're not always aware that the stimuli are there. The conscious does not recognise that whiff of perfume, or the dent in the carpet - and so, looking back, you'll claim it was a completely "stimuli-free" event.

There are really conscious stimuli. A while back, while sitting here perusing the fourms, I felt something behind me - and had a shiver worm its way down my back. I tried to evaluate the occurence - and could only attribute it to being my dead son, walking invisible through my house, or a simple physical response gone pear shaped. While the former seems really... sweet... and would make me fall to my knees in sorrow the latter holds up under scrutiny. And scrutiny is all we have. Who are we to judge the things that we go through as mystical happenings? We can just avoid that and accept 'real life' based upon what we actually know.

Anyway, yes it's been long.. but regardless, I'd like you to talk to me. I apologise for my later rantings, but it's my birthday. I'll leave it in your hands.

Happy Birthday!

Love, Lori

ps...I'll respond to your post later when I have more time.
Thanks :)

Just let me apologise if I said anything that

A) makes no sense or

B) sounds rude.

That was never my intention but I think my vodka was daemon possessed.:D

Oh and apologies for overuse of swear words, I'm working on removing them all but I'm somewhat fragile right now..