When Is Jesus Coming?

southstar said:
You forgot to add this crucial verse, which summarizes His speech directed specifically at His audience, whom He believed would endure these birth pains "even unto the end". We must never take these things so out of context, 'I have told you ahead of time' obviously refers to his listening audience.

It does refer to his audience, but of course to us too. Jesus is the same as God, and thus he talks like God, he always directs his speech to everyone in the whole world.

It does not matter if we take verses out of context, because everyone knows what they believe and they will not change their mind when they hear something that we say, but only if it matches their level (or belief, or themselves), they will listen. It does not matter if we say the Truth, people will convert the words in their minds, so that they match their own truth.

southstar said:
Well of course, because the earth is 'flat', all the nations of the earth will see Him in the sky.

We can't be sure if he meant the sky which we see outside. When he talks about heaven, he surely does not mean the material heaven above. But he means something which is "above" all. Like God is above man, because he is greater than man.

southstar said:
A fig tree does not take 2000 years to prosper, and according to Jesus analogy, that would mean nothing 'stands at the door' for 2000 years.

None of us live for 2000 years, so no one can wait that long. Maybe we should not think too much about the age of the Bible.

southstar said:
Your clever formatting on 'long time' almost implies that Jesus was trying to show how extended His absence would be, but a reading of the entire sentence clearly shows that Jesus meant to portray the servant as foolish for underestimating the Master.

Yes, it clearly portrays the servant as foolish. What I meant with the bold text, was that many people do like this today. You, for example, do not believe that the "Master" is coming, so you do not await him, and this would mean, according to the Bible, that you are going to be surprised, when you least expect.
Truth is from above. We do not understand it, because we live on earth? No, believe me, truth is on earth among those who receive it.


Those who are born to a religion will, at first, not have as strong faith as those who find God by themselves. Those who are born to a religion, risk of losing faith, but by that they will find the truth. Those who believe are not better than those who doubt. It might be good to doubt, for when we once again see the sign of God, we will be more surprised than when we first found God.

We are the temples of God, says the Bible. Many religions believe that God is within, in Hinduism they believe that we can find God inside ourselves. Remember that I have said that all religions originate from one divine teaching.
First: Great post SouthStar.

On a lighter note:

I met Jesus on the bus back to Houston, he was coming from Los Angeles, he said there were no angels there, the rent was way too high, and jobs are running south of the border. Jesus claimed the gas companies are overprising gasoline there also, he just coldn't survive. He had lost his job, not much money for picking fruits and the "migra" (border patrol) was constantly on his back.

Jesus a man of 33 jobless, and looking for better opportunities here in Houston, I told him to try Las Vegas, *sin city* maybe he can do wonders there, he said, too much micra there. Jesus hopes his dad can help him out Gregorio Osvaldo Duarte is his name, he owns a carpet cleaning service here in Houston. I hope it goes well for Jesus he seemed a nise fella. :D


The prophet Ezekiel, in the Bible, had a vision of God

I wasn't asking Ezekiel, I was asking Lori. Tell me.. why do you think it's pertinent to give me the words of some long since dead guy, when I'm actually asking someone present and alive?

This is one of the weirdest chapters in the Bible, but there is a meaning in it.

Everything has a meaning to it.. from Huckleberry Finn to Lord of the Rings.

"Also", why are there are four different "winds"? It seems that the number four appears everywhere in the nature. God would represent the number 3 in "reality", but in the material world it is not like this.

What's this gibberish? Why would a fictional space daddy represent the number 3?

I think God sounds like pretty much you, but he tells the "truth", always. It is possible for everyone to hear his voice. We listen to it often, but we don't obey it as much, yet we have never heard it tell a lie.

You mean 'conscience'? Why confuse an inbuilt moral system with an invisible entity that used to love jews, the smell of burning cow flesh, and annihilating human beings on a whim?

John the prophet stated: "No one can have anything if it is not given to him from God."

Always wondered where I got pubic lice from.. :bugeye:

I wasn't asking Ezekiel, I was asking Lori. Tell me.. why do you think it's pertinent to give me the words of some long since dead guy, when I'm actually asking someone present and alive?

Because Ezekiel and Lori are both religious, and religious people believe in the words of dead prophets, because they are Eternal words.

What's this gibberish? Why would a fictional space daddy represent the number 3?

Lol, maybe because of the trinity...

You mean 'conscience'? Why confuse an inbuilt moral system with an invisible entity that used to love jews, the smell of burning cow flesh, and annihilating human beings on a whim?

What is "an inbuilt moral system"?

“What are your multiplied sacrifices to Me?” Says the Lord. “I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams And the fat of fed cattle; And I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs or goats. “When you come to appear before Me, Who requires of you this trampling of My courts? “Bring your worthless offerings no longer, Incense is an abomination to Me. New moon and sabbath, the calling of assemblies— I cannot endure iniquity and the solemn assembly. “I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts, They have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them. “So when you spread out your hands in prayer,I will hide My eyes from you; Yes, even though you multiply prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood." (Isaiah 1:11-15)
Because Ezekiel and Lori are both religious, and religious people believe in the words of dead prophets, because they are Eternal words.

Q: what has a dead religious prophet got to do with me asking Lori what he has "seen"?

A: Nothing.

Lol, maybe because of the trinity...

Ah the.. "I only believe in one god, whoops theres 3 of them, whoops im stupid" idea. When was that "invented" again?

What is "an inbuilt moral system"?

The short version: The brain stores information. One day you feel like doing something stupid. The brain recognises that you're thinking of doing something stupid and you end up with a mental conflict. One part of you wants to do the stupid thing, but the other doesn't. It's not advice from heaven, or visitations from space angels... its your brain.

“What are your multiplied sacrifices to Me?” Says the Lord. “I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams And the fat of fed cattle; And I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs or goats. “When you come to appear before Me, Who requires of you this trampling of My courts? “Bring your worthless offerings no longer, Incense is an abomination to Me. New moon and sabbath, the calling of assemblies— I cannot endure iniquity and the solemn assembly. “I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts, They have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them. “So when you spread out your hands in prayer,I will hide My eyes from you; Yes, even though you multiply prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood." (Isaiah 1:11-15)

Ah yes, another one of the "god who never changes", changes.
what768 said:
Lol, maybe because of the trinity...

That depends on what one wants to see, doesn't it? One could see all sorts of references to the #1, in fact, I just said one, didn't I? ;) And then there's two, two sexes, two eternal destinations, two men of representation (Adam and Jesus), two paths (right and wrong), and then we could go to 3. My point is, of course, one can find all sorts of references to 1, 2, 3. Why couldn't you? They're the simplest numbers. Find me in nature numerous references to the # 2384729432343274329875435242341234875013287235.43798124092834982734982348237428326352349832487625

anonymous2 said:
. Find me in nature numerous references to the # 2384729432343274329875435242341234875013287235.43798124092834982734982348237428326352349832487625


Thats my house+phone number divided by the square root of elephant
x the circumference of my anus x the geometric formation of natural cockroach shit times that by pie then use quantum mechanics
result i got

Spent the whole morning working that out! :eek:
anonymous2 said:
That depends on what one wants to see, doesn't it? One could see all sorts of references to the #1, in fact, I just said one, didn't I? And then there's two, two sexes, two eternal destinations, two men of representation (Adam and Jesus), two paths (right and wrong), and then we could go to 3. My point is, of course, one can find all sorts of references to 1, 2, 3. Why couldn't you? They're the simplest numbers. Find me in nature numerous references to the # 2384729432343274329875435242341234875013287235.43798124092834982734982348237428326352349832487625

Ahahaahahaha.... Numbers are numbers, there isn't anything divine in them themselves. The trinity is also the same kind of thing like this. The only reality is God, and there is nothing except God. But we can make good examples with numbers and parabels, which can explain the nature of God, like this: http://www.sourcetext.com/pythagoras/initiation.html


Why does jesus need to come again?

He doesn't. Not like that. But he will come to everyone, all people will "find" him. That could be called the "second coming". But I believe he will return as "flesh" too.

Once there was a "divine" race on earth. "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown." - Genesis 6:4

They gave up their divinity when they "married" the "daughters of men". The "blood" of this race was mixed with our, "normal" human race. This is why there were also evil "witches", because the divinity was mixed with the brutal man. The original divinity of this race has become more rare, because of human procreation. But still, very rarely, there were those born with the divine blood. This race has become extinct because they did not procreate themselves anymore. Earth is a place where we advance and where we have a chance to have forgiveness. But these people became one with God.

However, after many thousand years man will find all the truth which these people knew, and he will have a mightier skull, the one kind that is drawn in the pyramids, with the people who represent "Gods".

"Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods'? If he called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came--and the Scripture cannot be broken-- what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, 'I am God's Son'?" John 10:34-36
what768 said:
Once there was a "divine" race on earth. "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown." - Genesis 6:4

They gave up their divinity when they "married" the "daughters of men". The "blood" of this race was mixed with our, "normal" human race. This is why there were also evil "witches", because the divinity was mixed with the brutal man. The original divinity of this race has become more rare, because of human procreation. But still, very rarely, there were those born with the divine blood. This race has become extinct because they did not procreate themselves anymore. Earth is a place where we advance and where we have a chance to have forgiveness. But these people became one with God.

Do you really believe this? That a race of gods interbred with slugs like us mortals til they disappeared? :eek: They couldn't have been to bright now could they.
snakelord said:
Q: what has a dead religious prophet got to do with me asking Lori what he has "seen"?

A: Nothing.

I see people as living thinking beings, not as a "thing" which wants to store information, not the one that knows exactly what it does and wants, not like a machine. This is why the words of Ezekiel might answer something to you, even if none of that was included in your question.

snakelord said:
Ah the.. "I only believe in one god, whoops theres 3 of them, whoops im stupid" idea. When was that "invented" again?

There is only ONE God, but there are 2 others which are 1 with God.

snakelord said:
The short version: The brain stores information. One day you feel like doing something stupid. The brain recognises that you're thinking of doing something stupid and you end up with a mental conflict. One part of you wants to do the stupid thing, but the other doesn't. It's not advice from heaven, or visitations from space angels... its your brain.

What is "One part of you wants to do the stupid thing, but the other doesn't" and why is it like this? You won't be able to answer me if we go further and further. Small children usually ask "why" all the time, until we can't answer them anymore. You could say: It is a "mental conflict", or something else. But it is not a real explanation. You just go a step deeper, you jump back and forth, but you never touch the whole "truth". Nothing has ever be explained completely, people have put names on them, so they think they "know" them. They have only made it understandable and reasonable for some, but they have not "explained" it.

Then again, if we think like this it is pointless to argue I suppose. But I just want to show that nothing can be explained completely. For if we want to answer something, we must first answer the first questions, the most deep and most natural; like, what is the meaning of life, really?
yeha, children are great. they ask questions the 'sophisticated' adult wouldn't.....like 'so who made god, mum? dad?'.....'so who made him'...ad infinitum

sounds like snakelord is cumin from a physicalist perspective of 'you are just the brian....err i mean brain' then you get the idealists with 'there is nuthin but spirit' etc etc...
the trouble began as i presently see it when 'we' separated 'spirit' and 'matter'.
what separated them?...........
language! and/or the use of using abstractions. so that when you think/apeak 'spirit' you have created ab abstraction. an entity. same with 'body'. you build a little box or category around it. then you can imagine a nuthin-but-spirit-cATEGORY, or a nuthin-but-body-category. then you can create a war between them. then a war between the believers of the 'different' catergories....ad infinitum...until you re-member you was the one who SEPARATED them int first place....!
path said:
Do you really believe this? That a race of gods interbred with slugs like us mortals til they disappeared? They couldn't have been to bright now could they.

Of course, it's true. They did it so that we would advance faster, so that our path for truth would not be as long and hard as their was. When they did this, they binded themselves to "matter", to their bodies, and became half "slugs" themselves also, and they had to start their way back to God again. But they thought like God: "Their path will be easier now." We would not be near this level of devolopment, if they hadn't done this sacrifice to us.

Also they gave us teachings of truth and love, which they teached according to each culture. Originally there were only one "divine" teaching, which now later has become many "religions", beliefs. This is why all religions say that their religion is truth, because there is "truth" in all of them. Many of the teachings are lost or have become distorted (or not correctly understood) by man, and this is why there are also "evil" things in religions. Because man wanted to rule the world, and they put their own desires in some parts of the teachings, (so that even later generations would obey them) which the "Sons of God" never spoke.
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Wow, ummm OK Just think where we'd be if they hadn't taken our wimmin folk.
Once there was a "divine" race on earth. "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown." - Genesis 6:4

The 'story' of the nephilim comes from earlier Sumerian texts about the Anunnaki. However, in the original they were not 'gods' in the sense that many would understand the word, but were long-living, (but mortal), aliens.

The main point is that you can't say "there was", as if stating a fact - when all you have to base the notion upon is because of something you read. If it was like that, you'd also have to state every other sentence ever written by anyone was true.

This is why there were also evil "witches"

And what did they do exactly? Don't tell me... they flew on broomsticks and turned people into frogs ...

I see people as living thinking beings, not as a "thing" which wants to store information, not the one that knows exactly what it does and wants, not like a machine. This is why the words of Ezekiel might answer something to you, even if none of that was included in your question.

All very wonderful, but entirely irrelevant to anything. Lori said he has a personal relationship with jesus, I would like him to provide further details of 'his' relationship with jesus. Do you understand yet, or need I repeat myself another five times?

There is only ONE God

O...k, although theres a bunch of religions, (past and present), that would disagree with you. What makes you think you're right? But, here's the funny thing...

but there are 2 others

Maths was never your strong point heh?

In just one sentence you completely contradicted yourself. You said there's ONE, even going so far as to use capitals, and then with your very next breath said there's also 2 others.

1 + 2 does not = 1, no matter which way you try to look at it.

Now, before you accuse me of cutting your quote short, I shall include the ending..

which are 1 with God.

You recognise each of them with their own unique names which shows individuality - and thus separate entities. Now if you cannot quite grasp that, I shall use your weapon of choice to make some points:

Firstly we could look at Hebrews where god clearly states that jesus is just a high priest, who has taken over office from melchisedek. Surely the very existence of melchisedec would imply that god is actually a quadrinity? Lets look at the text...

7:3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the son of god.."

Seems Mel has been around forever, making him just as old as god - and there right at the beginning. jesus never had that luxury.

Lets look at Hebrews 5 where god says:

".. thou art a priest for ever after the order of melchisedec". jesus was made a priest of god. god didnt turn round to himself and say "hey you, im going to make you a priest, wait wait you're me, so no... actually you'll be god, because uhh, you and i are one and the same... wait wait.. why the f*** am i talking to myself?"

From there we can look at where jesus says not even he knows when 'judgement day' will come, but only the father knows.

If he is the father, because they're the same bloody being, there's no way he can't know. It's like saying;

"I don't know when the end of days will come, only I know when."

Face it man, the whole trinity invention is the daftest thing ever devised by man. Can't blame them, it was sometime around 300 that they thought it up - but its 2004 now - you have no excuse.

What is "One part of you wants to do the stupid thing, but the other doesn't" and why is it like this?

Because the brain has different sections that deal with different things. It's the best way for organisation. However, it has some side effects such as this. Let's say the creative side of the brain wants to run through the street naked, it will often conflict with another area of the brain that deals with lets say rational aspects.

It's hard for people to grasp because they instantly image it like there's "two people" in the head fighting about things.. but there isn't.. When you look at it as little more than electrical impulses it's not quite so hard to understand. Well maybe it is, but then you need to study it.

Small children usually ask "why" all the time, until we can't answer them anymore. You could say: It is a "mental conflict", or something else. But it is not a real explanation.

Completely different subject matter.. Pay attention. We're not discussing a child learning about things by asking someone else.

we must first answer the first questions, the most deep and most natural; like, what is the meaning of life, really?

Meaning? Why does life require a meaning? Would you say life needs a meaning if you were pond slime? a frog? a rabbit? You think because you have the ability to ask the question that your life has any more meaning than a cow, pig, goat, or hedgehog?

If you and I were to take a long walk all over the planet paying attention to all the animals that inhabit this planet, what will always be noted?

1) Food.
2) Sex.

Why need it be anything more than that? Let me guess.. if that's the case then life is worthless and you might aswell just jump off a cliff? It is that "insecurity", that lack of understanding that life need not have a reason, that keeps you firmly attached to space daddy. Once you open your eyes and look at "life" all across the planet, you'll notice it doesn't need any reasons at all.
SnakeLord said:
Tell me Lori, what does he look like? What does he sound like? Does he ever talk to you? What does he say?

i don't see him. i hear him, but not with my ears. it's what i suppose people would call a telepathic communication? i'm not familiar with the science behind it. it's what people call their conscious...sometimes magnified...identified with a name. people only use the term conscious in order to deny god. but it's also more than that. conversational. it might seem that i'm talking to myself, only i would never think to say the things that he says...in the way that he says them. he has taught me so many things, i'm not sure where i would even start. i'm sure that you don't really want to know about what he's taught me anyway right? they've been mostly very personal things...things that i would share...that i have shared, actually on this very forum, years back. and i will again, if you want me to. i've had hours long conversations with him. he's very matter of fact, but very calm and comforting...very loving. he can't lie...even to exaggerate or to joke. so he's very specific about how he words things...perfect you might say...very literal. and when he answers a question, he answers it literally. i find that i sometimes have to reword things, because i am not used to being taken so literally. he's only raised his voice to me twice...not in anger, but just to get my attention. once, in a bar, when i first laid eyes on my ex-husband...he yelled "no!" obviously, i didn't listen. back then, i thought it strange to have heard, but i didn't really understand that it was him. i was just kind of like "what was THAT?"...shrugged my shoulders, and proceeded to make out with the guy by the end of the night. the other time was recently...a few months ago. something happened that absolutely terrified me. i was shaking so hard that it was almost a convulsion...i've never been so scared. i was alone in my home, and i didn't know what else to do, so i got down on my knees to pray...i needed him...to comfort me...make it better. and as soon as i went down he yelled "GET UP!"...loud...man, i shot right back up indeed. he didn't want me to be afraid...and that day and since, he has taught me not to be afraid. he also has a very good sense of humor. he has made me laugh alot. and i have made him laugh on occasion as well. i'll never forget how strange i thought that was the first time i realized he laughed at me...i just didn't expect it i guess....you know, from god. i found it very comforting though. i can be a real dumb-ass sometimes, so it's good to know that he has a sense of humor. he's definitely not the prude that church people try to make him out to be either....he's definitely not a prude at all...quite the opposite actually. nothing seems to shock, surprise, or offend him...no subject is taboo with him...and there are no secrets...and his love and acceptance is constant and unconditional...you have to reject him, he will never reject you. you have to place limits on your relationship with him, because he will not.

anyway, his voice...the communication...varies...from a notion or idea or bit of knowledge/understanding that pops into your head from out of nowhere...to a conversation....to at times an intrusive, emphatic statement. he has told me things that i would have no way of knowing. he has told me things that i thought were absolutely crazy when he said them, and yet turned out to be true well after the fact. he has told me things that i had absolutely no understanding of when he said them...left me confused, like "dude, what are you talking about?"...rolling my eyes...shrugging my shoulders..."whatever?!?"...and then much later...those things came to pass, and only then did i understand what he meant when he said them.

i've felt him too, not with my skin...but inside...emotionally i suppose, but more than that. do you know how it is that you can tell someone is in a room with you, even though you can't see them or hear them? or that you can tell when someone is watching you even if you can't see them looking? it's like a sixth sense of some sort? well, that's kind of how it is with "feeling" him. his presence brings about a very strong emotional response in me...a very strong familiarity....a very strong connection...like that of a parent/child. i realized the first time that i "met" him, that i knew i had known him before...i just couldn't remember. it was a strange feeling of familiarity, but very strong. several months later, i was following some car on the road to work, and it had what was supposed to be an anti-abortion bumper sticker on it (which i abhor). it pissed me off at first, but then i realized something. it said "i knew you before i formed you in the womb". and i got all excited and said "yea, yea, that's EXACTLY how it felt!"...referring to how familiar he was when i met him...felt him. i knew that i had known him before. i also realized, upon meeting him...feeling him...that he had been there with me all along...my whole life...but i just never acknowledged him or recognized him. like my whole life, he had been there, hanging in the corner...watching over me...waiting in the wings. and i would just never look at him...never would acknowledge him. i just didn't realize he was there. despite times of pretty intense pain and loneliness, i just didn't want to know. but he was there all along.

you know, these things are difficult to put into words...hard to describe. i suppose because it's so foreign to our material world...the lives of our flesh that we are so used to using words to describe and science to understand. it's hard to find the right words...analogies to use to try to describe it to someone who hasn't experienced it...but i've tried, and will continue to try to the best of my ability if anyone really wants to know. i have a feeling snakeypoo, that you really didn't want to know but...i wish that you did.

Love, Lori