When Is Jesus Coming?

Snake...dude...it's all good. I'm not easily offended, I adore honesty, and I cuss like a sailor...love you *smooch*.
Lori_7 said:
honors student all through school...quite intelligent when it comes to math/science/law...as long as its not creative/artistic crap.

Hi all...I just had to make a quick correction to this post that I made a while back. Um...I didn't mean to say "crap"...as if creativity or art is crap....it's not crap...I don't think it's crap at all. I said that all wrong...and I said it because creativity and art are the only things in school that ever confounded me...completely confounded me. I do though have an extreme appreciation for art...I can't imagine how ugly and boring and sad the world would be without it...especially music. I just can't create it myself...never could. It always frustrated the hell out of me...in school...when they used to try to make me be creative or imaginative. I have no imagination that I'm aware of...and so I'd just sit there with a blank page in front of me...in agony...longing for a math problem to come along and make it all better. So...that's what I meant.

I had to clarify because I'm in love with an artist. I didn't want him to read what I said and be offended or think that I didn't appreciate what he does. He has created the most beautifully appealing music I've ever heard in my life...written the most beautiful words that have changed my life, and that mean everything to me right now. What he creates amazes me...he amazes me...and he made me believe in romance...true romance...when before him, I always had thought that it was just a lie.


Love, Lori
SnakeLord said:

Humans have a rather funny habit. It is this:

Someone tells his friend something that he heard. That person then relates the story to someone else stating that it happened to their friend and so on down the line.

It's a very common activity, and one that is that cause of urban legends and similar things. It's very hard to just take people at face value, and even more so when that person is an unknown person on the other side of the world.

Your post failed to include any actual details but simply made claim to an event happening and some super psychic fixing it all. Tell me, does this pyschic have a name? I would certainly like to do some research. I wont ask for details regarding your supposed friend or uncle but a general area of where this murder happened would also be handy.

Thanks in advance.

I understand your doubt- it's hard to know who is being sincere and honest and who's not- especially online. I'm afraid I do not know the name of the psychic. This happened many years ago in the oklahoma city/norman area. I have not spoke to my friend in a couple of years and although it will probably seem crazy- I just might call her to find out the name. Again, I do understand you being reserved about someone making a claim that you do not know and although these words will not validate what I'm saying, I assure you that I am not lying nor have I made up this friend nor this case. That's just not my style.

If I do find out the name I will pm you with it.
Happy belated birthday-
SnakeLord said:
I always did wonder why god would have a problem with 'fags' considering the fact that he'd actually made them that way. I'm sure some of the more uneducated posters here would claim it's a personal choice, but from an educated point of view, homosexuality is not a decision one makes, it's the way they are.

God doesn't "make" people have sex with any one in particular...that would be pretty weird...god doesn't make people do anything except make choices for themselves given what he's created. Anyway, I'm pretty well educated...especially in this particular area...and I think what you just said is a load. But dude, we are so far off topic already...I don't think we should go there...not here anyway.

Of course got does share his contempt for queers in the OT, as well as many other things - but we both know nobody gives a shit about the OT anymore.

God hates sin and loves sinners...period. And nowhere in the old testament does it say that homosexuals are "worse sinners"..."bigger sinners"...how in the hell do you even say that?...anyway, than anyone else. It says that we're all the same.

I give a shit about the ot...shows why it is that jesus came here and how important what he did for us was. Shows the gravity of sin...the torment and death of it all. Teaches about atonement and how awful it is. It teaches the law...the wages of sin=death.

Jesus bashers like the ot as well...and atheists i guess. Anyone who's out to label god as some big meanie loves the ot. All you have to do is not get the whole point of it all, and there ya go.

Later on in your post you mention drinks, many sexual partners, drugs etc. god is only one step away from these, and personally I would prefer the issue resolved than constantly, how can we say... "sideswiped" by these temporary methods. yes, even god constitutes a temporary resolution.

No, he's permanent...forever...the real deal. It's as different as night and day.

The real question is "why" you do these things. It would be wrong of me to go too indepth here, because this is a public forum. However, there are reasons your life has been one of "escape", and reasons that your doctor is either unable, or unwilling to work out. While I wont get into it right here, you can always pm me, email me or phone me.

I don't mind talking about it out here. I did these things because of a general sense of unfulfillment that I remember having as far back as I can remember. Well, I take that back...an unfulfillment associated with the physical world...life in this flesh...this material world. And as a child, the more I became involved with/exposed to this world, the more disappointed and unfulfilled I became. And so I went from this thing to that thing trying to fill a void inside of me...in my spirit...that nothing in this world can ever fill. Now it's full.

You and I both know we can already attribute the drinking, sex, drugs and voices to something specific - but I would like you to try and mentally acknowledge it and "see" it. It's painful yes, but important.

Specifically, it's god's will in my life that I was lacking. Specifically, I have always been profoundly bored and lonely...no matter what. Bored with life...generally disappointed in the world around me...and lonely, even in a crowded room...even if the room was filled with those that I loved dearly.

Bored because I have a divine purpose but didn't know what it was or how to get to it. Bored because god has a will for my life, but I wasn't living in it or with any knowledge of it existing.

Lonely because before I was born I knew god...but upon birth forgot, I guess as everyone does. I missed that relationship with him deep down inside...now I know what I was missing, and I don't feel that way anymore.

Lonely also because of something beyond that...rather...within that. This is gonna sound really, really weird, but I'm about to tell you the most romantic thing I've ever heard in my life. It's the most romantic thing in this world...it has to be...it's the sweetest thing I could ever imagine...but it's real.

See, when I was a little girl...really little...like from one to five years old...I don't know when it all began or ended exactly, but...I had an imaginary friend. His name was Joey Spagota. My dad helped me name him. We used to have tea parties, and play dress up, and sing songs. My dad would play with us sometimes...been invited to the tea parties...he was cool like that. Well yea, it's all cute and shit, and my fam still to this day brings him up every once in a while to embarrass me at a dinner party or whatever, cause it's funny.

So now, 30 something years later...during the course of this miracle...god told me that this guy...this rock star...is joey spagota. Have you read my post about this whole "miracle" thing? It gets pretty flippin' complicated. But anyhoo, apparently, the rock star, who shall remain nameless, and who is also john who wrote the book of revelations reincarnated, used to come and play with me before he was born, and he was my imaginary friend. See, rock star is 8 years younger than I. I told you it was weird. But seeing as how this guy is my soul mate...the ying to my yang...my husband in christ...and how it is that god has hooked us up through this miracle of ours...kind of like an arranged marriage by god....it has got to be the most romantic thing in the entire flippin world. I mean, think about it...my future husband used to come and play with me in the spirit before he was born and when I was just a wee little tike!!!! HOW COOL IS THAT??? It's the most adorable thing I've ever heard of...the most romantic thing ever in the history of the world. This whole thing has been...this whole interaction/introduction with this guy...it's...it's...beyond words...far out romantic...it's blowing my mind...and it's melted that ice cold heart that I once had...now I'm all in a puddle and shit. I'm rambling...so anyway, my point was that I think that I've been lonely too because I've missed this guy. We were close when I was little...best friends...but then since I've had to spend my whole life without him. And god says that we were made for each other...like two halves of the same whole. So I think that I've been lonely without him...missing him. I just didn't know it cause I always thought that he was just imaginary...until now...now I know that he wasn't imaginary at all. Far out huh?

I'm almost 100% sure that I'm going to get to meet him in the flesh for the first time on halloween. I'm marking the days off on my calendar. It's gonna be one happy halloween this year...really, really happy.

The "unresolved issue/s" has led to drug abuse, alcohol abuse, pleasure sex with an "unfulfilling" result and binge eating. You also mentioned that it's been "20 years" of abuse, and given your age of 37, we can make an estimate that this "issue" happened during your mid teens, (17).

There was no issue...I'm telling you straight. I've lived the life of a little princess for the most part. God's taken very good care of me despite my self-destructive behavior. I'm sure I've had angels working overtime. But I have an awesome family...lots of love...a great home...every opportunity...great friends...a good education...life was my oyster, seriously...it just wasn't enough. I just didn't like the oyster. My whole life I've said, "This is it? You mean to tell me that THIS is it? You've got to be kidding? What a sick joke." I've been bored and disappointed...generally...systemically.

And with the whole "morality" of things...the drugs and the sex...there's my personality to consider. I've recently discovered that I've been pretty obsessive/compulsive. Everything's a math problem to me...a logic puzzle. Everything's black and white...no grey. So I either want a right answer or no answer at all. So like with the sex...I didn't have the right answer and I knew that, and I wasn't going to pretend like I did. I wasn't about to go and draw some arbitrary line and pretend like it made sense to draw it there...so I just didn't draw a line at all. And even though it was anything but fulfilling, it was however distracting. As were the drugs...numbing me to the fact that I was bored and unfulfilled. Making life a little more tolerable...all the while killing me slowly...a passive/aggressive form of suicide I suppose...I didn't think I had to take responsibility for it anyway. Ah, the destructive and deadly lies our brains tell us.

Ok.. you might not be normal.

Dude, I am definitely NOT normal. But I like to think in a rather good way.

First... clear your head. Make it empty.

You're walking along a path. What's around you?

Green things...grass, trees, flowers, some water...a stream...there's white lights in the trees...like christmas lights...or maybe they're lightning bugs...i don't know...i'm not sure if it's night or day...there's animals...nice ones...no danger anywhere...and there is a man with me...he's walking with me...we're holding hands...we're in love...hey, I like it here.

It's usually something that people are "afraid" to admit to, but can I ask if you ever talk to yourself?

Yea, all the time. Almost compulsively...like, I've wondered about it...if other people do as much as I do. And when I do, I'm compelled to do it out loud. Like, it's hard in the car or in public cause you don't want people to see you do it and think you're a nut...but I do it all the time.

And because I do, I know the difference between me talking to myself, and god talking to me. In some ways, the quality of the "voice" is the same, in that it's not audible...so it has no sound quality...just like when you talk to yourself. But it has a tone...which is different from mine...an inflection...which is different...and of course he says things to me that I would never in a million years say to myself...or would ever occur to me otherwise.

When I talk to myself, the message originates with me, and I speak as if there is someone else there listening...like my imaginary friend Joey perhaps. But Joey, or that someone else doesn't respond...cause there's no one there. So I can ramble on and on, and jump from topic to topic, and talk incessantly because there is no listening to do on my part...no one is responding.

But when I talk to god, the message originates with him, and I have to listen to receive it. Even if I initiate the conversation or ask him a question...I have to listen for the response or answer, and I do. And sometimes he just butts right in and interrupts my thoughts or my conversations with myself. Like he did when he told me that rock star dude was joey spagota. Joey was the last thing on my mind at the time, and when he said it I about freaked. It actually scared me...because it made absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. And since I know god's voice...I mean, I know when he talks to me...and I know him...he doesn't lie. It made me think that it wasn't him that was talking to me...and it scared me. I tried for weeks to forget about it...to just put it out of my mind...chalk it up to that imagination that I don't have. And that just got me thinking about that imagination that I don't have...

Anyway, electrical impulses aside, it's not me that's talking to myself. I couldn't come up with this shit on my own to save my own soul...hm...punny.

If we look at it from this perspective, we now need to ask why you are receiving these impulses. Is it something mystical from space or is it perhaps something that is answered without the aid of gods?

You'll only answer that question when you're ready to.

I'm "receiving these impulses" because I asked sincerely to have a relationship with god through christ. I have this relationship with him because I wanted it...and so I sought it...and now I have it.

The brain truly is remarkable.

True, very true. But it sounds as if your brain is your god. Science is the how, not the why. To say that we are nothing more than a brain with legs is very sad...meaningless...empty. So, is that the measure of a man then? What is his purpose then in relation to it? What does that mean for mentally retarded people or those with brain damage? What does that mean for geniuses? What is the meaning of life? Why are we here?

Yoy're making excuses and you know it. Ignore the word "spirit". It means nothing. Instead, understand that "within" means "within". Understand that it means you're communicating with yourself, but you're just not listening. Every single day jesus tells you something amazing and new, but it's nothing that is going to fix the problem - it is something that will help you avoid the problem, not get past it.

I am here to help you get past the problem. If you want to avoid it, stick to jesus. If you want to get rid of it altogether, then pm me. I have no magical powers and I can't res from the dead, (I assume), but there is power beyond the amazing. There is help that does not require sacrifice.

Dude...there's no problem. The problem is solved...the problems are gone. I have received the answers...the knowledge...the understanding...the revelation...the healing...the redemption...the restoration...the blessings are amazing...absolutely amazing...and it's only just begun. I'm flying...on the wings of an eagle...and I'm never coming down...you just watch me...watch me fly.

As a further question, and no - I don't care if I'm boring you.. What's your favourite song/band?

Hey, I love this question!!! But I can't tell you. Drat. See, I can't because rock star dude is the singer for my favorite band and I can't divulge his identity. I can't because when this is all said and done...hopefully very soon (marking the days on the calendar), it can't be said that there was any corroboration or conspiracy between he and I. See, there is no corrospondence or communication to be had between the two of us...directly. Like, he talks to me through his music...lyrics, or maybe through another medium, but the message is always directed at someone else, or no one in particular...not to me...but I find the meaning in it. And he has his ways of checking up on me as well. He can do that astral projection thing apparently...very apparently...and he was also able to hear my voice in his head somehow...not sure if he still can, but I know that he did for a while at least. And I know that he's read some things that I've posted on the net. And see, that is why I can't say his name. Because to witness to others...to you and everyone else who thinks I'm crazy or making this shit up. Ever since this happened to me, I've been telling my story. My friends and family...coworkers...they know this guys name...the band...the whole nine yards...most of them think I've lost it...they don't know what to think...they can't reconcile it so they just try to ignore it. I've written a lot of it down in ms works files on my pc. And I've posted stuff out here. And at the same time he's been thousands of miles away from me, telling his story in his own ways. So in our own ways, we have been documenting this miracle...this spiritual encounter. It has manifest in both of our lives in ways that can be seen and heard. It's been almost 7 months now. But it's all been done through the spiritual realm. We have never seen each other in the flesh...never spoken over the phone...never written to each other...there has been no direct correspondence between our flesh whatsoever. I've never even seen the band in concert. And yet this whole time, we've been telling the same story. And one day very soon, "out of the blue", he's gonna come here and get me...and all of the people that thought I was crazy are gonna shit their pants when he does. And what I want to know from you is this...when he does, then will you believe?

Wow, I almost forgot about the question...um...I can't tell you what my favorite band is, but I can tell you some of my all time favorites. Let's see...KISS, Prince, Queen, Metallica, Led Zepplin, Jane's Addiction, Stone Temple Pilots, Incubus, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Nirvana, Queensryche, and I looooooooove Elvis. I like all kinds of music though, from classical to bluegrass to rap and everything in between. In any genre, there's a little good stuff and a lot of crap. I like some music for different reasons too, like it may be nostalgic or sentimental reasons...or dependent upon a mood or a particular venue or function. But I must say that seeing a live band perform some awesome rock music is by far my favorite thing in the world to do...so far anyway.

It's not the first time you have tried to "excuse" your beliefs, or make mention of your lack of understanding towards it. You're most certainly not what one would consider "religious". It comes across that jesus isn't even jesus, but a foreign 'invader'. Something that you have not asked for, and something that you do not seek - but there nonetheless. I would at this point question, (but already know the answer), whether jesus is what you sought.

Yes, jesus is most definitely who I sought, once I first sought an answer about jesus from god, once I first sought an answer about god from a possibe/probable god. It was "god, if you're real, I wanna know"...then "god, if jesus was really you in the flesh...your son...and the bible is really your word...the truth, I wanna know"...then "god, if I can really have a personal relationship with you through spiritual rebirth in christ, I wanna know YOU". I was very specific regarding jesus. Come to find out, its very very dangerous not to be specific. That's how rock star dude got the mark...not being specific about who it was that he was seeking the truth from.

You're not looking for god, you're not looking for jesus.. you're looking for someone to talk to. The thing is, jesus or mickey mouse - you're only talking to yourself.

I've got plenty of people to talk to...including myself. I get lots of love and consideration from people...I really couldn't ask for more.

It will take years before you even ask what it is that you actually want to ask. Fuck, most go to their deathbeds with it. Do not be upset or ashamed, we're all like that.

I'm not like that....I've asked. That's why I know and you don't.

Being the kind of guy to see things in advance, I already know my last words will be about my son - and my dismay about his death. That is something that I can't openly cope with - it is my "cross to carry". We all have them, it is all about how we deal with them. I see mine clear as day, and realise how it is slowly killing me from the inside out. The question is, do you see yours?

Jesus carried my cross for me...that's the whole point...it's gone...I gave it to him, and he took it from me and he loved me...healed me...and restored me. I didn't see mine for a long time until he showed me what it was...he explained it to me...it was a little complicated to get into here, but then again, as much as it confounded me for the majority of my life, and fucked me all up, when he told me the truth about it, all of a sudden it seemed so obvious...funny how that is...our flesh so easily believes the stupidest, most illogical, and obvious lies...it's weird to see that...to find that out about yourself. And so it's not killing me anymore...cause the truth...it sets you free. I'm free...and it feels just like heaven.

I am sincerely so sorry about the death of your son.

So tell me.. what is this ONE VERY SPECIFIC THING? As much as you try to hide it, you also try to shout it out. That is how we are. From a personal standpoint, I would say it's better just to get it out in the open.

Well, like I said, the details can get complicated, but generally, my cross always had to do with sex. Sexual relationships and everything to do with them and the consequences of them. Always my downfall...what brought me to my knees...looking for the truth. I had an abortion when I was 24. There were other things as well...a culmonation of things but...that was the ONE VERY SPECIFIC THING...that was the one thing that made me HAVE TO KNOW...I had to know...I had to know the truth....it made me seek the truth. But the journey has been a long one, with many little steps along the way...that one though, was the biggest step...maybe the first step even. Before that I had just been dancing around...entertaining myself with the idea of it...intellectualizing it...mental masturbation...ew...I said masturbation.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think your brain would intentionally hurt you?

Yes, as a matter of fact I KNOW that my brain would intentionally hurt me. My brain has believed destructive and deadly lies that have hurt me, and hurt others, my whole life.

Why do you think that the majority of "conversions" to religiously inclined behaviour happen just after a major life stopping event?

Lies...the effects of which...landed me repeatedly...on my ass...face in the dirt...wallowing in sorrow...confused...furious...hopeless...desparate...and finally...on my knees and looking up. There was no where else to go...no where else to look. I had been everywhere...seen everything...found nothing. The reason why it takes a major life stopping event is because unfortunately, because of the nature of our flesh, it most often takes just that for us to attain the humility required to sincerely seek the truth.

I can tell simply by how you write, that you are not destined for that. I know well that you don't really assume it is jesus, even though for the sake of dicsussion you will say it is. I know that for general societical conformity you will claim and say it is jesus - but I know that isn't what you actually feel.

Dude, it's jesus...there is no doubt about it. Societal conformity??????? You've got to be kidding? In what society exactly? I don't go to church...I am the church. And I don't like conformity, and I don't trust society to make decisions for me if I can help it. Society taken as a whole is nothing short of moronic....like a bunch of blind, unquestioning drones. Trust me...you'll see...I don't think I fit in anywhere...and that's just fine with me.

You know... at the time it would have seemed like I was on a mission from god.

I'm on a mission from god. And it is because of him...his will for me. And he will accomplish the purpose in me...through me. And I get the joy and the blessing of witnessing it...living it...experiencing it...of seeing god in my life...all around me. It's the most beautiful thing ever...it's absolutely mind blowing.

Do you think your brain would tell you to do something that isn't good? That's not to say we don't do things that aren't good - hell, I've been a smoker for fifteen years, but I know damn well what my brain is telling me. It is what religious people define as good and bad.. but the source is always the same. My brain reminds me on a daily basis that smoking will kill me. I still do it. It is not because I feel the need to go against authority, it is not because I feel the need to ignore my brain, (which is all I am), it is because the brain is not "one part".

My brain told me that it was killing me, and that apparently, that was just fine with me. And turns out that was a lie. Also turns out that my brain didn't have the know how to conquer my addiction...but god did...and has. And you know, as I said before...I don't understand the science of how he did it...I just know that he did do it. He did something with my brain? Fine...whatever. I know that I didn't do it...and that my brain didn't do it on it's own. I don't really care how he did it...though the circumstances seem interesting to me...I care about why he did it...and that he did do it. Do you want to know what the circumstances are? You know how I told you that through this "miracle" that the rock star dude could hear my voice in his head? Well, he also took on my addictions somehow. He has never smoked or drank or done drugs...and somehow...I don't know how...god kind of meshed us together...or crossed our brainwaves...or did something...so that I ended up feeling not one hint of a withdrawal symptom whatsoever. And I was a die hard smoker dude...chain smoker...my feet didn't even hit the bedroom floor in the morning before I had one lit...22 years of at least a pack a day. If I went for more than 4 hours without one I cried...I'm dead serious...I broke down. And somehow, god made it so that my addictions were given to this guy to bear...and he had the strength to cope with it, when I did not. Weird huh? Weird science.

And in regards to the tirade about my ex-husband...you misunderstand entirely. Let me explain. Jesus and I both love my ex-husband very, very, much, and will never give up on him. I have prayed regarding my ex and god has already told me that he will be healed...it's just not his time yet. Everyone has their path. The whole reason that god yelled at me to get up off my knees after I had spoken to my ex is because he didn't want me to be afraid. I can't help my ex if I'm afraid of him. I can't love him and witness to him if I'm afraid of him...not of him...but even the spirits that are fucking with him...even if its satan himself. God doesnt want me to be afraid don't you see? And now I'm not afraid. I'm never giving up on my ex. It brings me to tears every time I see him...many times when I talk to him...to realize the pain and suffering that he endures. But he won't turn to jesus...I've told him all I know...I've witnessed to him all I can. And you want to hear something ironic? He thinks I'm crazy because of what I tell him that jesus has done for me...and so he stays in his misery...for now...but I'll never give up on him. He will be healed. And even if he wasn't, I would still love him, and care for him, and not from a distance...because I'm not afraid of anything. I just talked to him on the phone yesterday. I saw him a couple of weeks ago....we went to visit some mutual friends...and I told them all about my miracle...and now they think I'm crazy too. Oh well, my ex knows that I love him...I tell him and I show him...and he knows it's for real...even if he does think I've gone bonkers.

For someone who doesn't believe in god, you sure are pissed off at him. You don't understand him. He loves us. He hates what sin does to us and to this world. That's why he wants us to choose something different for the next. Our sin does not condemn us as a punishment. There is no punishment because jesus took it on for us...the atonement. There is law and the consequences of it in this world...you can see it. Only so that you can learn...understand...know the difference...and choose with that knowledge...choose something so much better. He wants something so much better and has that for us...it's our choice. And it is not he who condemns us to hell, but ourselves. We choose it. Hell isn't a punishment, it's a choice. If sin was what condemned you to hell, we would all go. A simple rejection of the alternative offerred is what condemns you...it's your choice.

Parenting is not always about protecting. Protecting them from harm...yes. But protecting them from knowledge...from understanding...from truth. That would be harming them. To not discipline or teach a child is to abuse that child. To shelter a child from the truth is to retard it. Sometimes to love a child means to do the difficult thing...to teach it a lesson...to allow it to learn. Spoon-feeding is not sufficient when it comes to knowledge. To really know, you have to live...to experience...and then you know. A good parent loves unconditionally and forever...and I tell you honestly and from the bottom of my heart that is exactly what god has done for me...always...no matter what. But a good parent is not going to lie to you either...and he has always told me the truth...in love.

Who says you're not special? If jesus does not tell you everytime he talks to you that you're special - then there's something wrong with him. I hate all this self-doubt bullshit, and if god can't even pick up on the subtle signs, then he's clearly an asshole. You're special, you're beautiful, you're unique. People should be bowing to you. You understand that? If "he" doesn't, forget him.

You don't understand what I meant. How about if I say this. I am extremely valuable to him. But at the same time, I am no more valuable to him than anyone else. I am special to him...but no more special than anyone else...just special in a different way maybe. Just like with kids...you don't love one more than another...that's how he is with us...he's our father...and although we are all different, he loves us just the same. What I meant is that if this miracle can happen to me, then it can happen for anyone. And if I can have a relationship with god, and hear his voice, then so can anyone. That's what I meant.

Ok, I will admit I am incredibly pissed, but am I seriously the only sane bloody person left among those that would be called human? Am I the only person that enjoys being human? Am I the only person that doesn't need express permission to get laid?

You know, for most of my life, I would have welcomed death. It just seemed like the pain much outweighed the fun. It just didn't seem worth it. It would have been a relief from the boredom and futility of it all if nothing else. Even since my rebirth I had still felt that way...like I was just rotting away anyway...if he didn't have anything better for me here, then just take me already...put me out of my misery. But now, for the first time, I actually want to live. I'm so fucking happy and excited that I'm actually concerned about not having enough time to enjoy it all. Everything has changed...everything is so different now...has so much meaning. I'm so fulfilled that I don't ever want it to end...and even if residing in this shitty world...I want to live forever. See, it's so good, that it's hard for my little mind to imagine it getting any better than this...and I haven't even met the man face to face yet! But I know, in theory, that I will live forever, and it won't be in this shitty world, but in an eternal kingdom of purity, peace, love, and joy. So yea, because of jesus, I actually love being human...for the first time in a long time.

"there is no cake". And what comes then? That is the question that you must answer now, or find out later.

Dude...there is cake ok? I'm eating the cake, and it is so f'ing good. It is the best cake in the whole world. And in the near future I'm gonna show you my cake and you'll see it with your own two eyes, and you're gonna want a bite too. So let them eat cake! And then you'll all know just how sweet it really is.

That is but an illusion. I remember during my heavy drinking days that people actually said I looked better than normal. The drink actually took my mind off of my problems, and as such I was better off for it. True, I was also shitfaced 24/7, but I didn't have any problems.

Are you trying to be funny? Ok buster, you're cut off.

Yeah, and for all you know, the baker's main ingredient is cyanide.

I'm not dead. I'm more alive than I've ever been. There is evidence of that.

This is somewhat surprising to me. I had this image that the voice of god would be so damn awesome, so bloody amazing that there would be no room for comments such as "you've GOT to be kidding". I mean like the voice we've always wanted to hear, the sex we've always wanted to have, the person we always wanted to be.

I never realised god was so simple whereby we're not instantly awed by his "presence".

He is exactly that...awesome...the voice we've always wanted to hear...the sex we've always wanted to have...the person we always wanted to be...that's it...exactly...and so much more. It's just that my flesh doesn't always understand or comprehend what he is doing or saying to me. It is a lack of initial understanding on my part...and then he explains. It is a lack of insight on my part...and then he shows me. He's so amazing that I just can't fathom it all most of the time. What he has for me and has done for me is so over the top that you can't expect it...it is just so far beyond human expectation...thats where "you've got to be kidding" comes from. I'm just being honest...and you can be honest with him. I try to do what he says to the best of my ability...even if I don't understand why I'm doing it. It's not even about my ability...that's the whole point...that's where my reaction comes from. Because it's only through his power that I accomplish anything...he does it all for me...he makes the way...it's his strength...his power...not mine. It's his spirit, not my flesh. And it's my flesh that says, "you've got to be kidding".

But I'm not kidding when I say that god is real, and I really know him...he's really changed my life...he's really changed me. It's not schizophrenia, it's not an impulse, it's not a phase or a fixation, it's not my imagination, and it's not my brain. It's god, and it's real. It's as real as the man that's coming to get me...my friend...my rock star...my superman...my prince charming...my hero. And when he does, then what will you have to say?

I don't know when jesus is coming, but I think my man is coming in 34 days. :D
i tink he will come with 100 years. that is after considering a lot of things (which i cant be arsed explaining)

only GOd knows though
M*W: When is Jesus coming? If he were coming, he would already be here. He would not be in hiding. He would be preaching or at least talking to Earth's inhabitants. He would be praying for all humankind. There would be no doubt who Jesus is. He would frequent the news media, and his words would be quoted correctly. He would explain everything in the Bible that is uncertain. He would talk about his mother and his wife and children. He would condemn what Christianity has been doing for 2000+ years. If Jesus came today, he would be thought of as the Antichrist. According to the Christianity that Paul invented, Jesus would be the Antichrist. Jesus would lash out at all the false Christian churches and, most of all, the Church of Rome. Jesus would explain that he did not die 2000+ years ago, that it was all a hoax created by Paul. When Jesus comes, it will be the first time, not the second. There will be no 'second coming.'
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: When is Jesus coming? If he were coming, he would already be here. He would not be in hiding. He would etc....'

Is that so? Don't believe everything you read. Truth is within.
what768: Is that so? Don't believe everything you read. Truth is within.
M*W: And you are so right and so perceptive! I actually didn't read this anywhere. It is something I've always known.
Jesus would lash out at all the false Christian churches and, most of all, the Church of Rome. Jesus would explain that he did not die 2000+ years ago, that it was all a hoax created by Paul. When Jesus comes, it will be the first time, not the second. There will be no 'second coming.'

There are many "Jesus'" in the nut house. Psychologists are always dealing with them, they do know the bible and can quote it at will. They are on Prosac.


§outh§tar said:
I composed this essay to send to a friend of mine via e-mail so the italics and bold format won't show up here. I got the bulk of quotes and verses from the original article at secweb.com, 'The Lowdown on God's Showdown'. I don't remember the URL exactly but a Google search should turn it up. All the credit should go to them mostly, what I did really was give my own commentary on it.

Since Christians base their beliefs (whether or not they like to admit it) on the Bible to some degree, this essay should help them see the error of their thinking. If they choose to ignore the points in this essay and continue believing, I consider that to be intellectual dishonesty and ignorance, the reasons I abandoned the faith. The whole thing is pretty self explanatory and has my conclusion at the end so I'll leave that to the reader to express his/her opinion.
I think the basic issue is how he will come back.
He said:

Luke 17:20-21
"20 Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed;
21 nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or, 'There it is!' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst."

Oh. And I should add that translating from greek to english can be tricky and many things can be lost in the translation process...

Btw... as long as you love, you will be a Christian... ;)

1 John 4:7
"7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."
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Godless: There are many "Jesus'" in the nut house. Psychologists are always dealing with them, they do know the bible and can quote it at will. They are on Prosac.
M*W: You're right, but I'd bet that they're on thiordiazine.
Medicine Woman said:
"M*W: And you are so right and so perceptive! I actually didn't read this anywhere. It is something I've always known.

You think you're so tough! Admit that you know nothing, then you will be filled with wisdom! Like an empty glass is filled!
M*W: You're right, but I'd bet that they're on thiordiazine.

Ya!! I don't know psychiatric drugs, Prosac just poped in my head from all the tv-adds..LOL..;)

You think you're so tough! Admit that you know nothing, then you will be filled with wisdom! Like an empty glass is filled!

LOL.. Reverse psychology?... that's what you just stated!!.


I know nothing about this "psychology" you're talking about, all I ever heard was that in high school, and I learned nothing. They're all talking about obvious things which every little child knows. But "adults" don't know them because they are weak in spirit, they're only grown up in their bodies! Fools, that's what most of them are! They're not worthy to be called adults!

The spirit of an adult is born when you start doing the right thing. But people begin to do the wrong thing when their bodies grow up. Repent and then Grow up! First things first. Children know that they don't know anything, they will be wise! There are those which know but they don't know it. Then there are those who know, and they know it! They are wise! Follow them!
I know nothing about this "psychology" you're talking about, all I ever heard was that in high school, and I learned nothing. They're all talking about obvious things which every little child knows. But "adults" don't know them because they are weak in spirit, they're only grown up in their bodies! Fools, that's what most of them are! They're not worthy to be called adults!

Yet these "fools" invented the internet so you can spew your BS!!.
These fools? brought about electricity so you can sit on YOUR ASS!! and write stupidity.
These fools!! are the scientist that made the technology posible so we can communicate with this medium!!. SO WHO'S THE FOOL NOW!!?. :rolleyes:

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According to my Jewish friends, If Jesus comes again, he will be a reformed Jew. Reformed Judaism based on fulfilling the purpose of the law was what he was trying to accomplish. He wasn't trying to be an object of worship. I think the Jewish Christian group which was lead by James the Just was the real Christianity. However, it was destroyed by the Romans when they flattened Jerusalem around 70 A.D. The form of Christianity today is just one really big cult.
* According to my Jewish friends, If Jesus comes again, he will be a reformed Jew.

A very jewish perspective.

I don't think Jesus EVER came, the man that was crusified is not the messiah, that these Jews were waiting for.

Prophecies to Identify the Messiah, Which Jesus Does Not Fulfill:

1) Matthew 1:23 says that Jesus (the messiah) would be called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Yet no one, not even his parents, call him Immanuel at any point in the bible.

2) The Messiah must be a physical descendant of David (Romans 1:3 & Acts 2:30). Yet, how could Jesus meet this requirement since his genealogies in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 show he descended from David through Joseph, who was not his natural father because of the Virgin Birth. Hence, this prophecy could not have been fulfilled.

3) Isaiah 7:16 seems to say that before Jesus had reached the age of maturity, both of the Jewish countries would be destroyed. Yet there is no mention of this prophecy being fulfilled in the New Testament with the coming of Jesus, hence this is another Messiah prophecy not fulfilled.

"When is Jesus coming" ?

you mean to put everything right like dad might?

i am afriad i have some what you might seem is bad news. There was no man called 'Jesus', and he aint coming..!

you see, most of you in this thread arre being literalist, which means taking mythological writing and symbolism to be actual fact.

well, there may have been certain historical occureneces recorded in myth, but when we get to the deep spiritual stuff it is really a waste of time to take it literally, so let me give you my view of the story you seem to take literally:

Jesus equals YOU. he is representing you as a living breathing human. if your honest you dont really know why you are here, why you're here, and where you are going. so, you seek to get some help about this dodgy existential affiar and grasp hope that some characer in myth will come--as has been written--and save you. lead you to the promised land

but Jesus really is the Hellenistic-Judaic pagan version of the god-man, ...if you do some research you will find therer were many god-men in pagan lore, and they werer not meant to be literalized but equalled you. and werer to be experienced directly

For example, the story of Jesus. he is a 'sacrifice' to his father, he dies and is resurrected.....This pattern is shared with the pagan god-men, with a crucual difference

with pagan god-men they were Son and Lover of the Goddess. Goddess was immanent and was body of Earth and universe. the god-man represented the male aspect, and also the phallic hallucinogenic mushroom which sprang from her deep bowels

twas this plant that was THe sacrifice. pluked from the Earth, pulled aprt (real meaning of "cruci-fixtion)) eat, and ingested. so see what happens, as god-man dies, he is resurrected as the dissolving of YOUR egoic boundary.............!

egoic boundary? yes, which is a person's rigidity, or lack of inclusivity and so on. rather that rigidity build-up becomes much more flexible and suddenly you are alive to Nature, and others, and the universe. Do you understand. this is happening to YOU. Not to some far distant character in an old dusty book you take literally. this is happening to you now. and this resurrection fertilizes the Earth, because we ARe the Earth. Are Nature, so any opening is opening for all.

So 'Jesus' can come when you are willing to take the plunge and not hide behing literalism.....