When Is Jesus Coming?

Gravity said:
Oh, if only we could lock all the religious militants in one room together, well armed. All the Christians, Muslims, Jews . . . . all in one spot. Let them work it out. :cool:

Glad there are some peace makers amongst us then! Surely better to educate the children of these times in such a way as they wont make mistakes such as we have. This is something we can do! But no you go ahead gravity and make sure a few people die in a room that you yourself took pleasure in locking.
So, that was a lashback response to people advocating BEHEADINGS c20boy . . . can't you read that far back? Ever heard of irony? Pray to your god for a sense of humor stud.
Maybe "wrong" and "right" are not very absolute terms. For example, some things c20H25N3o say I also agree.

Sure, but it still has nothing to do with love.

Good thing you asked. When you love your kid, don't you try to explain things for your kid?

So what are you saying, these people you try to explain things to are mentally inferior? You explain things to your children because yes, you love them, but because they don't actually know much. By the same token it seems these people you want to change, isn't really about love, but that their opinions are wrong, yours are right, and they need teaching. It does come across as being more self-righteousness and less love.

The same way here. The only difference is that people already come with some knowledge.

Yeah, but that knowledge is flawed, and requires you to put them on the right path.

So that knowledge has to be analized and then we may find a common ground on what is true

Would you quit if there is no common ground?

The thing that makes us unique is our choices.

See, I don't see it like this, and as with the other thread, I feel Mark Twain can highlight it better.. Here

As for uniqueness - yes we differ based upon our lives adventures, but its balanced well with how much we're alike aswell.

I try to make them aware that they can choose who they are. But they can only change who they are if they want to. And it is hard, because people don't like to change their personalities. it's quite hard. Me, myself, am doing that right now. I'm trying to become less serious and more fun, but still keeping what I've learnt throught the last ten years. But it's hard...

Actually becoming more 'fun' is kind of easy: Firstly get rid of the wife, secondly punch the boss. That's all there is to it :D

I know that is logic, and love is not logical.

I suppose that depends on how you see love.

I haven't been there for a long time, have I? Does that give you a clue that I've been evolving?

Umm... to be honest, I never gave your absence much thought. No offence meant, that's just how I am :)

Why would you "preach" to them if you don't love them? Doesn't "preaching" implies that you care?

Preaching implies caring? I wouldn't say so. The dictionary says:

"To advocate, especially to urge acceptance of or compliance with"

And that is what I would have to agree with when faced with the term "preaching". It's self-declared superiority. "Here's what I think, you must abide by it". That's how I see preaching.

I don't argue to prove them wrong, I argue in search for truth - on both ways. the same Socrates did. But again, people thought that he was arguing to prove others wrong when he was just trying to achieve excellence. He died for that, btw....

Argumentum ad verecundiam
"The Appeal to Authority uses admiration of a famous person to try and win support for an assertion."


I'm messing with you, don't worry.

I have arguments.

I never said you didn't. In fact I agreed by saying: "by using an argument", it then followed with "no proof, evidence, or even worthwhile speculation but merely opinion and assumption".

Everyone has arguments - it's how they can support them that matters.

If you say I'm just like the mass majority of religious people, then you don't really have a very good perspective of myself. Even because I see religion in a completely different then most people.

Well, it goes back to my "people are very much alike" speech. I'm sure you differ to a vast degree, but there are always patterns that can be seen by the way people say things, the way people do things and so on.

Who cares about being superior?

Everyone to a degree. Quick question.. do you consider yourself on the same level as monkeys or daffodils? People often get offended by the notion.

Besides.... is a completely dumb rich person superior then a wise and poor one?

Sure he is.. when it comes to who has the superior bank account. From this, it would follow that in ways we're all superior, and in ways we're all inferior. However, 'truth' cannot be superior when it is purely subjective, and as such preaching is wrong - because you'd try to imprint your 'truths' on top of someone elses 'truths', usually without the slightest care for what their truths just so happened to be.

Note that's not a you-you, it's a general 'you'.
Gravity said:
So, that was a lashback response to people advocating BEHEADINGS c20boy . . . can't you read that far back? Ever heard of irony? Pray to your god for a sense of humor stud.

Why are you getting angry at me? I actually do have a sense of humour - put me to the test ;)
SnakeLord said:
Sure, but it still has nothing to do with love.
I guess it depends on the context. What was the context again? I forgot....

So what are you saying, these people you try to explain things to are mentally inferior?
If you work with quantum physics and I work with selling hot dogs, does that mean that I'm mentally inferior compared to you? No. It just means that you are good at what you do and I'm good at what I do.

You explain things to your children because yes, you love them, but because they don't actually know much. By the same token it seems these people you want to change, isn't really about love, but that their opinions are wrong, yours are right, and they need teaching. It does come across as being more self-righteousness and less love.
Everyone are children of God. Even me. The difference is that I see that and others don't. That doesn't make them inferior... we are just different.

Yeah, but that knowledge is flawed, and requires you to put them on the right path.
If my arguments are correct... then yes, I guess...

Would you quit if there is no common ground?
I can't. Altough I would stop discussing it, i would still ponder about it.

See, I don't see it like this, and as with the other thread, I feel Mark Twain can highlight it better.. Here
In a very rudimentar context.... that is right. But humans are much more complex then machines.

As for uniqueness - yes we differ based upon our lives adventures, but its balanced well with how much we're alike aswell.
So how much are we alike? Even our bodies differ. Altough the overall structure is the same, take for example a single part of our bodies. For example, a nose. Aren't there many kinds of noses? Even tough it's the very same little thing, aren't there an incredible amount of differences amongst people? And when we consider that to the rest of the body, aren't there countless combinations that can be made? Do you deny that the same things is tru to our personalities? If you don't, then why do you say we are not unique?

Actually becoming more 'fun' is kind of easy: Firstly get rid of the wife, secondly punch the boss. That's all there is to it
I'm talking about telling jokes, you..... :D

I suppose that depends on how you see love.
Ideas may be relative but there's always an absolute concept.

Umm... to be honest, I never gave your absence much thought. No offence meant, that's just how I am
I understand.

Preaching implies caring? I wouldn't say so. The dictionary says:

"To advocate, especially to urge acceptance of or compliance with"
Ok. Then preaching is not the best word to use. In fact, that's why I used the word in quotations.

And that is what I would have to agree with when faced with the term "preaching". It's self-declared superiority. "Here's what I think, you must abide by it". That's how I see preaching.
Ok. But that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to argue about something and proving that my view is correct. Isn't that what we do when we discuss something?

I'm messing with you, don't worry.
Yeah right...!
Just teasing ya

I never said you didn't. In fact I agreed by saying: "by using an argument", it then followed with "no proof, evidence, or even worthwhile speculation but merely opinion and assumption".

Everyone has arguments - it's how they can support them that matters.
Yeah, sure.

Well, it goes back to my "people are very much alike" speech. I'm sure you differ to a vast degree, but there are always patterns that can be seen by the way people say things, the way people do things and so on.
There are certainly patterns. But that is just an indication that there's something essential about people. It doesn't indicated that people are very much alike, it's only a reflection of our common experiences - not personalities.

Everyone to a degree. Quick question.. do you consider yourself on the same level as monkeys or daffodils? People often get offended by the notion.
I don't really care. I'm an animal. I scratch my croch and it feels relieving. Is that any offensive? :D

Sure he is.. when it comes to who has the superior bank account.
So if I would win the lottery I would become superior compared to you? ;)

From this, it would follow that in ways we're all superior, and in ways we're all inferior.

However, 'truth' cannot be superior when it is purely subjective, and as such preaching is wrong - because you'd try to imprint your 'truths' on top of someone elses 'truths', usually without the slightest care for what their truths just so happened to be.
Which is the mistake of most religious people.
But what I'm trying to do is to learn atheistic methods in order to prove atheism wrong.

Note that's not a you-you, it's a general 'you'.
Yeah, I thought so. Don't you hate the english language, sometimes....? :p
nicoman: Why do you people believe in God? God doesn't exist. You are fools. There is no escape from reality. God simply does not exist.
Why are you getting angry at me? I actually do have a sense of humour - put me to the test

Sorry stud, I wasn't angry. Try harder. But ''to the test''? Ok, here is an old one:

16 Reasons Why God Never Received Tenure at the University

1. He had only one major publication

2. And it was in Hebrew

3. And it had no references

4. And it was not published in a refereed journal

5. And some even doubted that He wrote it Himself.

6. It may be true that He created the world, but what has He done since then?

7. His cooperative efforts have been quite limited.

8. The scientific community has had a very rough time trying to replicate His results.

9. He never applied to the Ethics Board for permission to use human subjects.

10. When one experiment went awry, He tried to cover it up by drowning the subjects.

11. When subjects did not behave as predicted, He often punished them, or just deleted them from the sample.

12. He rarely came to class: He just told students to read the book.

13. He has his son teach the class.

14. He expelled His first two students for learning too much.

15. Although there were only ten requirements, most students failed His tests.

16. His office hours were infrequent, and usually held on a mountain top.
§outh§tar said:
^^ :D add "where only one student was allowed" to #16
yes, my stud, god doesn't exist. there is no god out there. it's sad, i know, but god doesn't exist. if god existed, there would be peace in the world, but god doesn't exist. the world is doomed there is onlly one god the saviour who has died for us. He is the only one... our saviour. that is what i believe.
My thought on the subject is simple: if you need god, drugs, alcohol, or any other mind altering thing to live, you should just kill your self and save the rest of us the hassle of dealing with your stupidity.
nicoman said:
there is onlly one god the saviour who has died for us. He is the only one... our saviour. that is what i believe.

nicoman - God says "I Am That I Am"
cato said:
My thought on the subject is simple: if you need god, drugs, alcohol, or any other mind altering thing to live, you should just kill your self and save the rest of us the hassle of dealing with your stupidity.

It is a great shame you think this way. Hopefully you are joking. Mercy is a two way street cato. Those who show none - well they will be shown none!
As for me I will forgive those that trespass against me even as I am forgiven.
Glory be to Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Gravity said:
Sorry stud, I wasn't angry. Try harder. But ''to the test''? Ok, here is an old one:

16 Reasons Why God Never Received Tenure at the University

1. He had only one major publication

2. And it was in Hebrew

3. And it had no references

4. And it was not published in a refereed journal

5. And some even doubted that He wrote it Himself.

6. It may be true that He created the world, but what has He done since then?

7. His cooperative efforts have been quite limited.

8. The scientific community has had a very rough time trying to replicate His results.

9. He never applied to the Ethics Board for permission to use human subjects.

10. When one experiment went awry, He tried to cover it up by drowning the subjects.

11. When subjects did not behave as predicted, He often punished them, or just deleted them from the sample.

12. He rarely came to class: He just told students to read the book.

13. He has his son teach the class.

14. He expelled His first two students for learning too much.

15. Although there were only ten requirements, most students failed His tests.

16. His office hours were infrequent, and usually held on a mountain top.

In context the above is obviously funny.
The reason I get 'agitated' is because I am defending my friend, my brother, my God so that He may hear me and know my faithfulness to Him, that He may measure my heart and find me to be pleasing to Him. He IS Alive. He says "I Am That I Am"
When you say "Try Harder" you are assuming a role as "Teacher" - err sorry stud but I do not call you my "Teacher" - there is one who does teach me - but there is no exclusivity there - pick up a bible and start at Matthew.
Words or quotes from the scriptures does not mean that the 'Second Coming' will happen according to your understanding.........It will happen when it will happen. No one on this earth knows when, where and how it will happen, it will just happen and it will happen according to when and how God wants it to happen. All of you can only 'hope' to understand what God will do during the final days. Those of you who have faith that Christ was among us 2,000 years ago can be assured that his second coming will surely happen according to God's schedule, not ours. If you can believe that then you can believe that Christ will come again and it can happen anytime. The stage has been set!

Atta Boy
Norman said:
Words or quotes from the scriptures does not mean that the 'Second Coming' will happen according to your understanding.........It will happen when it will happen. No one on this earth knows when, where and how it will happen, it will just happen and it will happen according to when and how God wants it to happen. All of you can only 'hope' to understand what God will do during the final days. Those of you who have faith that Christ was among us 2,000 years ago can be assured that his second coming will surely happen according to God's schedule, not ours. If you can believe that then you can believe that Christ will come again and it can happen anytime. The stage has been set!

Atta Boy

Jesus dont even know 'imself :) But there is One who does know when Jesus will return ;) Be ready! Soon!
Why do you ask what I want??? You know what I want! No you must not be Jesus. Little trickster that you are duendy ;)
You are wrong c20H25N3o -- the Lord is here now! And I've been *filled* with His power!
