When Is Jesus Coming?

Gravity said:
You are wrong c20H25N3o -- the Lord is here now! And I've been *filled* with His power!


Good for you lol!
Well hey, you know the preachers are always saying "Be FILLED with the power of GeeeZHuuuss"! And "accept the Lord INSIDE you"! And such! :)

Of course, the sensible realize that any group that uses a torture device as its symbol is a bit suspect.
Gravity said:
Well hey, you know the preachers are always saying "Be FILLED with the power of GeeeZHuuuss"! And "accept the Lord INSIDE you"! And such! :)

Of course, the sensible realize that any group that uses a torture device as its symbol is a bit suspect.

Suspect for you maybe but that's your nature to suspect everything!
It is good that you suspect the cross of Jesus. Being the fine analyst that you are, no doubt you have read all about the cross of Jesus and understand its message. The bit about the resurrection was particulary worth analysing under the umbrella of suspicion too. What I found when I analysed it under that umbrella of suspicion was that it actually all talks about God's love for me. You see all we have left is God's Anger and God's Mercy and God's Mercy is Greater than His Anger! Be merciful to your brother then as you see your Father doing!
Thats my nature eh? Yeah, from my posts here - you certainly know my true "nature". You are a pretty stunningly arrogant piece of work LSD boy.

And your constant use of cliche capitalized Gawwwwd spew . . . Did you do too much of your namesake or not enough? Enough of the Lysergic Acid will make anybody *certain* they have seen a God/esses(s)

If Jesus had been around and killed in this century, would you loving Christians celebrate it by wearing a little electric chair around your necks?

You are the same as the Taliban, you just beLIEve in a different book.
Norman said:
Words or quotes from the scriptures does not mean that the 'Second Coming' will happen according to your understanding.........It will happen when it will happen. No one on this earth knows when, where and how it will happen, it will just happen and it will happen according to when and how God wants it to happen. All of you can only 'hope' to understand what God will do during the final days. Those of you who have faith that Christ was among us 2,000 years ago can be assured that his second coming will surely happen according to God's schedule, not ours. If you can believe that then you can believe that Christ will come again and it can happen anytime. The stage has been set!

Atta Boy

That is a silly cop-out.

EVERYTHING you know about the second coming is from Scripture therefore to discount what Scripture says about the Parousia and still believe Jesus is going to come is just plain..
Gravity said:
Thats my nature eh? Yeah, from my posts here - you certainly know my true "nature". You are a pretty stunningly arrogant piece of work LSD boy.

And your constant use of cliche capitalized Gawwwwd spew . . . Did you do too much of your namesake or not enough? Enough of the Lysergic Acid will make anybody *certain* they have seen a God/esses(s)

If Jesus had been around and killed in this century, would you loving Christians celebrate it by wearing a little electric chair around your necks?

You are the same as the Taliban, you just beLIEve in a different book.

Hey m8 - we all share a common nature. I only speak of what I know myself.
Judge me by my actions if you are going to judge me at all. Am I into killing anybody either believer or unbeliever? Nope I am not. Am I speaking against other faiths? Nope I am not. Am I attacking you personally? No I am not!
You accuse me Gravity. Accuse me of doing the things you see religious people do on CNN in the name of God. You blame 'belief' for all of the wars and blood. What does my faith in God's love have to do with that? Open your eyes!
If you vote for those who are pushing for a theocracy, then even if you are a pacifist Xtian - its irrelevant, you are supporting the American Christian Taliban.

Your faith in your gods "love" . . . but then you lovingly have pointed out to us all here that we'll be going to be tortured for eternity in ''hell''?

"Open my eyes'' - I assume that if they were ''open'' by your standards, I'd believe exactly what you beLIEve? Well then, open YOUR eyes? They must be closed, or else you'd agree with me! :) Can't you see the double standard?
Gravity said:
If you vote for those who are pushing for a theocracy, then even if you are a pacifist Xtian - its irrelevant, you are supporting the American Christian Taliban.

Your faith in your gods "love" . . . but then you lovingly have pointed out to us all here that we'll be going to be tortured for eternity in ''hell''?

"Open my eyes'' - I assume that if they were ''open'' by your standards, I'd believe exactly what you beLIEve? Well then, open YOUR eyes? They must be closed, or else you'd agree with me! :) Can't you see the double standard?

But Gravity, surely you can say "But He is a loving God, He would not wish me to suffer eternally in hell" and leave it at that! That IS faith!
I tell you the truth though - you cannot have the Father without the Son.
First off the entire "HE" stuff is BS. If there were a sex for a creator, female would make a lot more sense!

Secondly, a loving and all powerful Gawwwwwd would have need for a ''hell'' at all. And before you launch into stereotypical ''freewill" now -- such talk is a simple contradiction. If a being is all powerful, and omniscient (can see the future and knows the results of ever action/inaction of his/her/its) - AND peoples beliefs are the result of their environment and/or genes (both created/controlled by God) -- then anybody who goes to hell was basically setup.

Anyways, what kind of loving all-powerful being is still so vain and insecure that they demand their subject flatter and praise them or else they get tortured for eternity?

Get a new spew.
Gravity said:
First off the entire "HE" stuff is BS. If there were a sex for a creator, female would make a lot more sense!

Secondly, a loving and all powerful Gawwwwwd would have need for a ''hell'' at all. And before you launch into stereotypical ''freewill" now -- such talk is a simple contradiction. If a being is all powerful, and omniscient (can see the future and knows the results of ever action/inaction of his/her/its) - AND peoples beliefs are the result of their environment and/or genes (both created/controlled by God) -- then anybody who goes to hell was basically setup.

Anyways, what kind of loving all-powerful being is still so vain and insecure that they demand their subject flatter and praise them or else they get tortured for eternity?

Get a new spew.

Gravity - What sort of God would you believe in were one to exist? What sort of God would 'pull your chain' so to speak. How would your God treat their subjects?
Please be as objective as possible.


Yo SnakeLord,

I feel for you brother.


Awww, that's really sweet.. :bugeye:

Two quick things..

1) May I ask why? I've never been happier, or less in need for someone to "feel" for me.

2) We're not brothers.
Yeah, not too subtle of a setup is it? :) Its like he wants me to launch skeet disks for him to shoot at!

This is really two seperate questions: (1) what kind of god/ess(s) would have to exist and/or how would they have to behave for me to realize they actually exist. And (2) how would they have to behave for me not to just recognize they are real, but bow and scrape and worship them?

In short: (1) Any god/ess(s) that were simply so present and obvious that pretty much all of humanity is aware of them . . . not just 1/3 of humanity, and that 1/3 divided itself into a thousand factions of differing belief. And (2) Completely and passionately lovingly. Nothing like the OT or even parts of the NT would be even imaginable.
Gravity said:
Yeah, not too subtle of a setup is it? :) Its like he wants me to launch skeet disks for him to shoot at!

Bet your glad you have a buddy though ;) As for me I'll do this one on my own!

Gravity said:
This is really two seperate questions: (1) what kind of god/ess(s) would have to exist and/or how would they have to behave for me to realize they actually exist. And (2) how would they have to behave for me not to just recognize they are real, but bow and scrape and worship them?

In short: (1) Any god/ess(s) that were simply so present and obvious that pretty much all of humanity is aware of them . . . not just 1/3 of humanity, and that 1/3 divided itself into a thousand factions of differing belief. And (2) Completely and passionately lovingly. Nothing like the OT or even parts of the NT would be even imaginable.

Re - (1) Any god/ess(s) that were simply so present and obvious that pretty much all of humanity is aware of them.

I suppose the whole "caterpillar - cocoon - butterfly" set-up is not enough for you! How sad that you are so blind! Who can help you or any of those that refuse to see?

Re - (2) Completely and passionately lovingly. Nothing like the OT or even parts of the NT would be even imaginable.

I suppose God sending His Son to pay for all your sins and that of all men so that the law was fulfilled wasnt enough either. You know any punishment due for sin, you know all that stuff you say God is terrible for sending people to hell over .. well guess what buddy - Jesus took all that for you! Whipped, scourged, flesh rent from body, hanging on a tree until the lungs just collapsed and all the time thinking of you being set free from the curse you were under through your fallen selfish anti-God nature. All the time living in faith that this was God's will, that his life would be a sacrifice so that you may enter eternal life without a blemish to your name! And you say you still dont have a completely passionate loving God! You do not see it because your heart is so hard. If your heart was soft you would see Jesus' love and know it was God's love for you - his 'offering' to you! And you reject it! If you tell me you see all this and still reject it then I truly fear for you. If you dont see it then how can I blame you, I just live in hope that you do see it and that God softens your heart.
*yawn* - - around and around we go.

You are such an arrogant SOB to say "your heart is so hard'' because I don't believe what YOU believe! Fact is, I'm a VERY loving parent, a very honest and warm businessperson. I'm much more warm, giving and loving to the people around me than *most* diligent Christians I know. I arrange my life around my children, and spend far more time with them then any other working parent I know. I prefer to lose money in a business transaction to feeling at all like I took advantage of somebody. I give time and money to charities.

So to say I have a ''hard heart" because I don't happen to believe what you do -- is truly nasty judgementalism. And VERY wrong. You better hope there is no god that sees into YOUR heart stud, because I suspect it will be held against you!
Gravity said:
*yawn* - - around and around we go.

You are such an arrogant SOB to say "your heart is so hard'' because I don't believe what YOU believe! Fact is, I'm a VERY loving parent, a very honest and warm businessperson. I'm much more warm, giving and loving to the people around me than *most* diligent Christians I know. I arrange my life around my children, and spend far more time with them then any other working parent I know. I prefer to lose money in a business transaction to feeling at all like I took advantage of somebody. I give time and money to charities.

*yawn* - you call me arrogant and then proceed to boast about how good you are! Hypocrite!

Gravity said:
So to say I have a ''hard heart" because I don't happen to believe what you do -- is truly nasty judgementalism. And VERY wrong. You better hope there is no god that sees into YOUR heart stud, because I suspect it will be held against you!

I had better hope there is no God! What rubbish! Do you not see how foolish all your retorts are! I have already shown you who God is through the life of Jesus Christ. I have said that He loves everyone so much that even your unbelief can be forgiven in the blink of an eye. I doubt very much Jesus will hold anything against me since I am revelling in His name. Will He hold it against me that I speak of His love and sacrifice for you? I suspect He will not! As for what you think of me, I dont care, I am unlikely to ever meet you. You are God's business. I am just a servant of His.
You were telling me I have a hard heart! I defended myself you putz.

Your arguments keep going in circles though, the Bible is true because it SAYS its true. Have you ever seen the Invisible Pink Unicorn site? You are not even worth my Google time LSD boy, so look it up - you'll find it quite biting I suspect.

You are just a servent of ''His"? So was the Waco whacko. So were the 9/11 hijackers. So was the Jim Jones of Kool-Aid fame. All were just as certain as you are.