When Is Jesus Coming?

Yo SnakeLord,

No worries... (I was reading your dialogue with Lori7 further back)

1. Maybe it takes a shrink to know one. Yup, I know. Shit happens. I understand the pain of your loss. I know you are ok. I just wanted to voice my empathy. It is none of my business. Nonetheless, you understand transference.

2. According to our little genie weenies we are brothers, brother. No offence intended.

I admire your thinking.

Gravity said:
You are just a servent of ''His"? So was the Waco whacko. So were the 9/11 hijackers. So was the Jim Jones of Kool-Aid fame. All were just as certain as you are.

That's right - tar me with the same brush as people you despise. It will make your unbelief seem all the sweeter that you seem to have proof that all people who believe in God are whackos or killers. That sweetness will turn to bitterness. See!
"When Is Jesus Coming?" --- WHY? --- His message has already been given.

--- " why call me LORD, LORD, and do not the things which I say?- ( Luke 6:46)

--- "Thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two comandments hang all the law and the prophets."(Matt.:22:37-40).
--- "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I haved loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. (John 13:34-35).
--- "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you ---" ( Matt.5:43-48 )
--- "Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you ---" ( Luke 6:27-38 )
--- "love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again: and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil." ( Luke 6:27-38 )

JESUS said, "Seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33-34)

Christian say they love Jesus.

--- "let us not love in word. neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth." - (1 John 3:18-19)

Peace be with you, Paul
More Bible Quotes! Weeee! Hey, and remember, anything YOU quote must be clear and meaningful? But if you don't like the quote "its out of context" or such? Right? Cling to the security of your rose colored glasses:

Family and Political Values

-- Jesus says to hate/abandon your family Luke 14:26, Mat 10:35-36, Mat 19:29.
--Jesus says to call no man on earth your father. Mat 23:9
--Jesus says to honor your parents. Mat 19:19.
--No families in heaven. Mark 12:25.
--Don't marry 1cor7:1,8,27, Remarry Mat 5:32
--Jesus/NT says to pay taxes and obey the government. Rom 13:1-7, 2Peter 2:10,
Mat 22:17-21, Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25.
--Jesus is against public prayer. Mat 6:5-6.
--Rich can't be Christian. Matt 19:24.
--Give all to poor. Luke 18:22.
--Lot impregnates his daughters after God kills his wife, then honored. Gen 19. 2Peter 2:7
--a thing is not alive until breathing. Gen 2:7.
--Punishment for killing fetus is fine Ex 21,22-25.
--Women are worth less and should submit Eph5:22-24, Col 3:18, 1Cor 11:5-10, 14:34-35.
--Become eunuchs (castrated) Mat 19:12
--Sodom not destroyed for homosexuality, not listening to Jesus=greater sin than Sodom's. Ez16:49-5, Luke 10:10-12.
--Gay David?1Sam18:1-4,20:3-4,7,41, 2Sam1:25-26
--God makes people gay. Rom 1:26-28.
Gravity said:
More Bible Quotes! Weeee! Hey, and remember, anything YOU quote must be clear and meaningful? But if you don't like the quote "its out of context" or such? Right? Cling to the security of your rose colored glasses:

Family and Political Values

-- Jesus says to hate/abandon your family Luke 14:26, Mat 10:35-36, Mat 19:29.
--Jesus says to call no man on earth your father. Mat 23:9
--Jesus says to honor your parents. Mat 19:19.
--No families in heaven. Mark 12:25.
--Don't marry 1cor7:1,8,27, Remarry Mat 5:32
--Jesus/NT says to pay taxes and obey the government. Rom 13:1-7, 2Peter 2:10,
Mat 22:17-21, Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25.
--Jesus is against public prayer. Mat 6:5-6.
--Rich can't be Christian. Matt 19:24.
--Give all to poor. Luke 18:22.
--Lot impregnates his daughters after God kills his wife, then honored. Gen 19. 2Peter 2:7
--a thing is not alive until breathing. Gen 2:7.
--Punishment for killing fetus is fine Ex 21,22-25.
--Women are worth less and should submit Eph5:22-24, Col 3:18, 1Cor 11:5-10, 14:34-35.
--Become eunuchs (castrated) Mat 19:12
--Sodom not destroyed for homosexuality, not listening to Jesus=greater sin than Sodom's. Ez16:49-5, Luke 10:10-12.
--Gay David?1Sam18:1-4,20:3-4,7,41, 2Sam1:25-26
--God makes people gay. Rom 1:26-28.

Ok I will mention nothing of context. What I will say is this - If I wanted to disprove that the world was spherical - it would be a little foolish of me to take a photo of it from space from hundreds of different angles and then present that evidence and say "See the world is flat".
But nevertheless - thank you for the photos :)
Well of course, the earth *IS* flat, it says so right in the Bible:

--Mat 4:5-8, Luke 4:5, Isaiah 11:12, Rev 7:1, Dan 4:10-11
Gravity said:
Well of course, the earth *IS* flat, it says so right in the Bible:

--Mat 4:5-8, Luke 4:5, Isaiah 11:12, Rev 7:1, Dan 4:10-11

Ok well you know that I am lazy so I will only deal with the first piece of scripture that you use to evidence that the Bible must be a lie because it is alledgedy saying the Earth is flat.

Mat 4:5-8

In Matthew it says that Jesus was taken to a high place and shown all the Kingdoms of the world in a 'moment'.

I am assuming this is your basis for the Bible's incongruity with what we know about the shape of our world today.

All I will say is that when I was a child I had a dream in which I could see all the coutries of the world in a moment as the earth revolved around with me as an observer from some point in space. It happened in a 'moment'. I was in bed asleep. I woke up. Upon waking I didnt have a notion that because I had seen all the countries of the earth in a moment that the Earth must be flat! Far from it!
Gravity 'open your mind'. You are like a man who stumbles around in the dark only to happen upon a lightswitch. When you pull that switch you see your nakedness and are ashamed because you cannot comprehend how truly beautiful you are. In your shame you pull the lightswitch off again and plunge yourself into darkness afraid to touch that switch again.
Dont be afraid! Turn it on and stand their in your nakedness. There is nothing to hide that cannot already be seen!
Yeah that first one is flakey, the others are solid. Look them up.

Yes . . . I'm going to open my mind . . . its open. ALLAH! ALLAH AKBAR!! PRAISE BE!

Wait no, let me close my mind again (click).

Now, I'm going to open it again . . . yes . . YES . . . . oh mighty SHIVA! Oh great SHIVA!

Shoot, that won't work either. Hold on . . .

Ok, opening mind . . . . RA! There in the Sun all along! Thank you for the mighty light of creation Ra! Yes!

Wait, no . . . . shoot. I keep opening my mind, and like 4 billion other humans on the planet, something ELSE keeps coming in!
Gravity said:
Yeah that first one is flakey, the others are solid. Look them up.

Yes . . . I'm going to open my mind . . . its open. ALLAH! ALLAH AKBAR!! PRAISE BE!

Wait no, let me close my mind again (click).

Now, I'm going to open it again . . . yes . . YES . . . . oh mighty SHIVA! Oh great SHIVA!

Shoot, that won't work either. Hold on . . .

Ok, opening mind . . . . RA! There in the Sun all along! Thank you for the mighty light of creation Ra! Yes!

Wait, no . . . . shoot. I keep opening my mind, and like 4 billion other humans on the planet, something ELSE keeps coming in!

Stand firm therefore in what you know to be true. Dont be blown about on every wind. Make sure you have stored enough by to live on and then shut the door until the winds have died down. Then you may open the door to fetch good things again without being blown away.
Yes, embrace the winds of change as they come as they must. Be certain of your resistance and determination, yet turn so that the wind is in the least conflict with your form as possible. Use the wind to bring more power to your stand, let the wind add force to your stride. Then you may . . .

Hey, I can see why you talk like that LSD boy . . . its fun to spout language in a way that seems poetic, deep and meaningful . . . while in fact means nothing! I feel so wise and powerful now!
Gravity said:
Yes, embrace the winds of change as they come as they must. Be certain of your resistance and determination, yet turn so that the wind is in the least conflict with your form as possible. Use the wind to bring more power to your stand, let the wind add force to your stride. Then you may . . .

Hey, I can see why you talk like that LSD boy . . . its fun to spout language in a way that seems poetic, deep and meaningful . . . while in fact means nothing! I feel so wise and powerful now!

Well, Jesus and LSD are both powerful drugs. Though probably the usage of LSD has killed less people than the usage of *GeeeeZHuuuus!*
Gravity said:
Well, Jesus and LSD are both powerful drugs. Though probably the usage of LSD has killed less people than the usage of *GeeeeZHuuuus!*

Help- my net name has been used against me! Woe is me! Who will save me from the tyrade of better people than I, those without sin, those who are cleaner than bleach! Who will defend my reputation?

1. Maybe it takes a shrink to know one. Yup, I know. Shit happens. I understand the pain of your loss. I know you are ok. I just wanted to voice my empathy. It is none of my business. Nonetheless, you understand transference.

If we didn't understand pain, and indeed go through it - then we wouldn't do what we do heh. Thanks for the words though.
Actually, I've nothing against psychedelic usage whatsoever. Its been used for thousands of years spiritually by various folks, just generally not in Christian rituals. Though I do recall hearing once that maybe the wine now often given in church is just a mellower symbol of more powerful things once given.

Hell, you can see any number of gods/goddesses and such when using psychedelics!
Gravity said:
Actually, I've nothing against psychedelic usage whatsoever. Its been used for thousands of years spiritually by various folks, just generally not in Christian rituals. Though I do recall hearing once that maybe the wine now often given in church is just a mellower symbol of more powerful things once given.

Hell, you can see any number of gods/goddesses and such when using psychedelics!

That maybe the case. We have very active imaginations after all. However I have never seen God. I just 'know' Him through Jesus Christ.

