When Is Jesus Coming?

TruthSeeker: Or maybe it's just His choice that we don't quite understand......
M*W: Sheeesh! Why would Jesus, if he were the dying demigod savior that you think he is, want people to be confused about him? This is so ridiculous! The reason Jesus isn't coming is because he wasn't any dying demigod savior to begin with. If he existed at all, he was merely a man and maybe a rabbi. To worship someone/something you don't understand is beyond foolish.
Medicine Woman said:
Sheeesh! Why would Jesus, if he were the dying demigod savior that you think he is, want people to be confused about him? This is so ridiculous! The reason Jesus isn't coming is because he wasn't any dying demigod savior to begin with. If he existed at all, he was merely a man and maybe a rabbi. To worship someone/something you don't understand is beyond foolish.
First of all, I'm not talking about Jesus, I'm talking about God - which is a completely different situation. Second, at that time, they might not have been confused about Jesus. Maybe they knew Jesus was a rabbi at that time and only later things changed. Btw... I don't worship Jesus, I "worship" God and, at the most, Christ.

PS: Note I put "worship" on quotations. That's because I worship Him in a non-religious sense......... ;)
TruthSeeker said:
First of all, I'm not talking about Jesus, I'm talking about God - which is a completely different situation.

Is that statement a rejection of the trinity?
Absolutely. I've said it before. Nowhere in the Bible you see any trinity. That was just a concept invented by the catholics, which is a completely different religion based on christianity...
Jesus is and was and will always be a 'living being' who has authority over all 'living beings'. That authority cannot be questioned given his life on earth as a human being. This authority was given to Him by His Father and His Ressurection was proof that in Him the Father was pleased. Jesus earned the right to His Glory through His Offering of His own life in payment for you who have sinned. Whoever does not believe this does not have life and waits under judgement already.
Turn to Him who is able to save you. Your life too could be an offering to God Almighty. He is a living being! Like us! Why do you not trust Him? See His life! Look at His Word! God loves us! He is a heartbeat away from you now as you read this. Cast your doubts and fears on Him! He is able to sustain you and just to do so! He calls you 'Not Guilty'. He loves you. Do not doubt. Believe and you will see! It is truth.
c20H25N3o said:
Jesus is and was and will always be a 'living being' who has authority over all 'living beings'. That authority cannot be questioned given his life on earth as a human being.
Exactly - human being. Authority... well... I'm not sure. What about some scripture to show me that?

This authority was given to Him by His Father and His Ressurection was proof that in Him the Father was pleased. Jesus earned the right to His Glory through His Offering of His own life in payment for you who have sinned.
You are worshipping a human being......

Whoever does not believe this does not have life and waits under judgement already.
Belief without understanding is not enough. Besides... well... I won't even go there....

Turn to Him who is able to save you. Your life too could be an offering to God Almighty.
My life is an offering to God. Really. I don't just "worship" Him. I love and worship Him by helping others. That's true sacrifice.

He is a living being! Like us!
I know that.

Why do you not trust Him?
I do.

See His life! Look at His Word! God loves us! He is a heartbeat away from you now as you read this. Cast your doubts and fears on Him! He is able to sustain you and just to do so! He calls you 'Not Guilty'. He loves you. Do not doubt. Believe and you will see! It is truth.
I don't doubt about all that. What I don't really know is wheter Jesus IS God or not. Jesus said he isn't God. So that's what I believe. If you can show me scripture that prove me wrong, then do so. ;)
Jesus is coming tommorrow on the 9:00pm bus. He will be arriving from the south. hehehhe. WTF type of question is that "when is Jesus coming"
MY books says that Elvis is God. And MY books also says it *IS* the one true book. Therefore, unless you can find evidence for all of that nonsense you are spouting in *MY* book - you are a heretic!


The Ten Commandments (Updated to fit current Conservative Christianity)

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me, and thou shalt get very offended if anyone else does.

2. Thou shalt make for yourself no graven images, although paintings of Elvis on velvet are acceptable. Pictures of George W. Bush, your favorite musicians . . . etc.

3. Thou shalt not take My name in vain. To remind thyself of this commandment, thou shalt plaster My name over every available surface, on T-shirts, caps, bumper stickers, etc.

4. Honor the Sabbath and keep it holy by driving to and from church several times during the day in enormous slow cars that take up every available lane, thus preventing the unbelievers* from being able to get anywhere.

5. Honor thy father and mother by refusing to even consider the possibility that there might be a better way to do things than the way they did things.

6. Thou shalt not kill, except homosexuals, federal agents, Muslims, and anyone in the immediate vicinity of an abortion clinic.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery if there is any possibility that you might get caught.

8. Thou shalt not steal, although thou may takest as much money in 'love gifts' as you can persuade your audience to mail in.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness, unless you are talking to or about unbelievers* or trying to convince the audience to send 'love gifts.' (See number 8)

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his oxen, and especially not his ass. Thou may covet thy neighbor's school board seat and his (or her) right to control his (or her) own body and mind.

(Addendum - If you DO break any of these. Just beg for forgiveness, repent . . . and then you are clear! And you can just keep going in circles doing this!)


Jesus Paraphrased - "Flatter and praise me or you will be *tortured in HELL* . . . in my love and mercy"
You all miss the 'sufferings' of Jesus. This is why he has most authority. It was through His sufferings that you are saved because it is His blood spilled out for you that you are redeemed. Jesus is alive because He is God. I amazed that you do not see this! As it is written No one has ever seen God, but Jesus said 'If you have seen me then you have seen the One who sent me'
All you wise people! How come you do not see this simple truth. Is Jesus not the Lamb of God? Do you not see that God is both Righteous Anger (against sin) and Mercy ( because you are weak) and that you have Mercy through the death and resurection of Jesus Christ the Lamb of God?
I am amazed you do not understand these simple things! And I am amazed that any thinking person would question the Authority of that through which you have life and not eternal seperation from Our Father because of your sin!
Wow, do you only speak in cliche's c20H25N3o? I belong to the majority of humans, the 2/3 of humanity who are *not* Christians. If there is a God who is going to "torture me for eternity" because of that, it doesn't sound like a very ''loving and rightous'' God!

Believe whatever silliness you want, but if you try to shove it in peoples faces - don't be suprised or offended when when it gets slapped back at you.
Gravity said:
Wow, do you only speak in cliche's c20H25N3o? I belong to the majority of humans, the 2/3 of humanity who are *not* Christians. If there is a God who is going to "torture me for eternity" because of that, it doesn't sound like a very ''loving and rightous'' God!

Believe whatever silliness you want, but if you try to shove it in peoples faces - don't be suprised or offended when when it gets slapped back at you.

Funny since your Custom Title means 'God In The Machine'.

Incidentally I dont remember Jesus saying 'I come that you may know my Father wishes you to burn in hell forever!' but rather 'I come that you may be saved'. Saved from who? Saved from God who is quite clearly the one doing the saving? Or saved from yourself? I think a little humility is required here!
Actually, the standard translations for Deus Ex Machina are "God FROM the Machine" or "God AS a Machine". It roots from the use of machinery/props to save the day in the old Greek staged plays . . . and oh, never mind. If its not in the Babble its junk for you right?

You seem to miss the NOT very subtle point here. That was PARAPHRASING what you folks belive. Which is basically to praise and flatter them or you will be tortured in hell. Do you believe the Bible should be only literally quoted? Ok, should I start hitting you with the full horror of the quotes depicting a bloodthirsty, vain and jealous ''god'' who also advocates his subjects also do various horrific things in his name? They are in the New and Old Testaments . . . but I'll bet you have excuses for any verses you disagree with? Or anything you *don't* like is ''out of context'' if you don't like how its being used?

*yawn* Look, again, 2/3 of humanity are NOT Christians, are they all going to hell? Funny, many of them belong to different groups that believe YOU are going to hell. "My god can beat up your god" --- right?

Believe anything you want, but when you self rightously pontificate . . . then you reap what you sow stud.
Look, again, 2/3 of humanity are NOT Christians, are they all going to hell?

Well not all the one third who call themselves Christian are. So i would say that more than 2/3 of humanity are going to the eternal lake of fire. God is a also a just God as well as a loving God His love is expressed via The Messiah Emmanuel grace to the repentant is justice. Those who reject grace and refuse to repent will face a just God just as those who accept grace and repent. Heaven is not a democracy with God and satan seeking the votes of humans to keep them in power LOL God is an absolute eternal monarchy. Get used to it.

Matthew 7
13 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Sad but true

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Wow! Heh! Well, lots of people *KNOW* they are right, about something completely different. Just as surely that you *KNOW* you are right. And they can *PROVE* they are "right" just as surely as you can.

Good luck stud. Listen, I could care less what idiocy you belive in - except that many of you psycho-brains seem to think you can force your beliefs on us. In the form of laws usually, hell . . . perhaps even wars!

Quiz Time:

The Bible Logic Quiz

Feel free to consult controlling Scripture below the questions if you are stumped! You must determine whether or not each hypothetical individual below would spend eternity in bliss with his Savior or forever in flames with demons. After taking the quiz, get the correct answers.

1. This tyrant hated everyone who was not a white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant heterosexual and attempted to exterminate everyone else, thus resulting in the violent slaughter of millions of people. On his death bed, he sincerely asked Jesus to take over his life.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

2. This man accepted Jesus and asked the Lord to take over his life, but after a month of being faithful to scripture, he resumed having sexual relations with his fiancé before they were married.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

3. This incredibly kind young Asian woman devoted her whole life to caring for the handicapped and rarely said an unkind word about anyone. However, though a Baptist missionary once witnessed to her for five minutes, she nevertheless chose to remain in the non-Christian religion her parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends had taught her all her life.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

4. This man accepted Jesus when he was 12 and lived a wholesome, prayer-filled life until he was 30. He then backslid and engaged in lewd and lascivious conduct. At age 42, he again asked the Lord to return and take over his life, and he then lived an exemplary, unblemished Christian life until his death at age 85.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

5. This sleazy Jewish girl didn’t really believe in Jesus, but when she was 12, she asked Jesus into her life in response to peer pressure and summer Bible vacation programs. She continued to whore around for the next 50 years, until she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and told by her doctor she had only days to live. She then studied the Bible and soon realized Jesus really is the Son of God. She died in her hospital room hours later.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

6. This man truly believed Jesus is the Son of God but refused to turn His life over to the Lord, instead, continuing a crime spree including rape, child molestation and murder.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

7. This two-year-old child had parents who were trying to teach her about Jesus every day, but the girl was just too young to understand the difference between clean and dirty diapers let alone the difference between Jesus and the devil. She perished one day in an accident caused by a drunk driver who struck her parents’ car, hurling her from her infant seat into oncoming traffic.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

8. This intellectual just couldn’t bring himself to accept the outrageous, conflicting and bizarre stories of our faith. While he dedicated his life to helping others and personally chose not to engage in conduct the Bible deems sinful, he did so based on his personal convictions of right and wrong and not because the Lord ordered him to act that way. He died having helped thousands of individuals escape poverty, but he his intellect would not let him believe in Christ.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

9. This 55-year-old woman who accepted the Lord as a young girl lived a devout and pristine life, giving to others and constantly praising God until the day she died. However, upon being told her three-year-old granddaughter had been tortured, raped and murdered by five adult men, she questioned God’s existence and had a massive, fatal coronary shortly thereafter.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

10. An aborted fetus

A. Heaven
B. Hell

Helpful Controlling Scripture Verses

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life…He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:16).

“For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame” (Hebrews 6:3-6).
Answers to the "Bible Logic Quiz"

1. This tyrant hated everyone who was not a white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant heterosexual and attempted to exterminate everyone else, thus resulting in the violent slaughter of millions of people. On his death bed, he sincerely asked Jesus to take over his life.

Correct Answer: A (Heaven). No matter how horrendous your pre-salvation conduct, if you accept Jesus and stop sinning, all prior sins are forgiven.

2. This man accepted Jesus and asked the Lord to take over his life, but after a month of being faithful to scripture, he resumed having sexual relations with his fiancé before they were married.

Correct Answer: B (Hell). As Hebrews explains, if you turn back to the ways of the world after accepting Jesus, your sins will not be forgiven and you cannot return to the state of salvation.

3. This incredibly kind young Asian woman devoted her whole life to caring for the handicapped and rarely said an unkind word about anyone. However, though a Baptist missionary once witnessed to her for five minutes, she nevertheless chose to remain in the non-Christian religion her parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends had taught her all her life.

Correct Answer: B (Hell) Accepting Christ is the only hope for salvation and anyone who fails to do so fries.

4. This man accepted Jesus when he was 12 and lived a wholesome, prayer-filled life until he was 30. He then backslid and engaged in lewd and lascivious conduct. At age 42, he again asked the Lord to return and take over his life, and he then lived an exemplary, unblemished Christian life until his death at age 85.

Correct Answer: B (Hell) As Hebrews says, once you backslide and fall away from the Lord, you can never go back

5. This sleazy Jewish girl didn’t really believe in Jesus, but when she was 12, she asked Jesus into her life in response to peer pressure and summer Bible vacation programs. She continued to whore around for the next 50 years, until she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and told by her doctor she had only days to live. She then studied the Bible and soon realized Jesus really is the Son of God. She died in her hospital room hours later.

Correct Answer: A (Heaven) This girl was never a backslider because she didn’t believe in Jesus when she supposedly asked Him into her life as a child and therefore wasn’t saved. She didn’t experience salvation for the first time until she was on her deathbed. Because it appears no intervening sin occurred between her first realization that Jesus is Lord and the remaining hours before her death, she is now singing with the angels.

6. This man truly believed Jesus is the Son of God but refused to turn His life over to the Lord, instead, continuing a crime spree including rape, child molestation and murder.

Correct Answer: A (Heaven) John merely says you have to believe in Jesus to experience everlasting life, not that you have to follow or obey Jesus.

7. This two-year-old child had parents who were trying to teach her about Jesus every day, but the girl was just too young to understand the difference between clean and dirty diapers let alone the difference between Jesus and the devil. She perished one day in an accident caused by a drunk driver who struck her parents’ car, hurling her from her infant seat into oncoming traffic.

Correct Answer: B (Hell) The girl never believed Jesus is the Son of God because she never reached an age or level of maturity at which she could maintain such a belief, thus she is being sodomized by the devil as you read this.

8. This intellectual just couldn’t bring himself to accept the outrageous, conflicting and bizarre stories of our faith. While he dedicated his life to helping others and personally chose not to engage in conduct the Bible deems sinful, he did so based on his personal convictions of right and wrong and not because the Lord ordered him to act that way. He died having helped thousands of individuals escape poverty, but he his intellect would not let him believe in Christ.

Correct Answer: B (Hell) Good deeds don’t cut the mustard. Either you let Jesus run the show or you burn. [Good deeds and being kind don't count for crap with Jesus if you don't flatter Him.]

9. This 55-year-old woman who accepted the Lord as a young girl lived a devout and pristine life, giving to others and constantly praising God until the day she died. However, upon being told her three-year-old granddaughter had been tortured, raped and murdered by five adult men, she questioned God’s existence and had a massive, fatal coronary shortly thereafter.

Correct Answer: B (Hell) Hebrews places no time limit on backsliding.

10. An aborted fetus

Correct Answer: B (Hell) Duh! Obviously, a fetus does not have the mental capacity to believe in Jesus. While Jesus, as a rabid anti-abortionist, cries inconsolably each time a little prince or princess is sucked out of its mother's womb, He still picks them out of the vacuum cleaner and flings them into Hell without a moment's thought, simply because He never heard the pre-birth baby say the only words He cares about: "You are fabulous Jesus and I love you more than any real people!".
Hello Gravity. :)

I can see a few misconceptions built into your questions. i will deal with them as best as i can while i am going through them. Oh and no Christian seeks to force his laws upon any other man. There is no point in following moral laws if one does not believe in God.

1. This tyrant hated everyone who was not a white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant heterosexual and attempted to exterminate everyone else, thus resulting in the violent slaughter of millions of people. On his death bed, he sincerely asked Jesus to take over his life.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

A Heaven of course if He asked Jesus into His life upon His death bed then He would have been acknowledging that his former state was wrong. So he would be acknowledging his sinful state and accepting salvation by the grace provided to us bt belief in Jesus as Messiah

2. This man accepted Jesus and asked the Lord to take over his life, but after a month of being faithful to scripture, he resumed having sexual relations with his fiancé before they were married.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

Well is suppose it all depends on if he acknowledged his sin to God and was repentant of His act of fornication? Your misconception is that because someone accepts Jesus as Messiah that they are then required to be sinless, not so, They are required to resist sin and hate and embrace love and seek to love others.

3. This incredibly kind young Asian woman devoted her whole life to caring for the handicapped and rarely said an unkind word about anyone. However, though a Baptist missionary once witnessed to her for five minutes, she nevertheless chose to remain in the non-Christian religion her parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends had taught her all her life.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

B Hell. No matter how many good deeds she has done she will have done evil as well and 1000 good deeds cannot remove one sin.

4. This man accepted Jesus when he was 12 and lived a wholesome, prayer-filled life until he was 30. He then backslid and engaged in lewd and lascivious conduct. At age 42, he again asked the Lord to return and take over his life, and he then lived an exemplary, unblemished Christian life until his death at age 85.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

Did He reject God? Did He deny Jesus? Was He a true Christian in the first place? Once again you say He began to sin. Well my friend he was sinning while he was not backsliden and he was sinning up until he died. Your misconceptions are fully evident here.

5. This sleazy Jewish girl didn’t really believe in Jesus, but when she was 12, she asked Jesus into her life in response to peer pressure and summer Bible vacation programs. She continued to whore around for the next 50 years, until she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and told by her doctor she had only days to live. She then studied the Bible and soon realized Jesus really is the Son of God. She died in her hospital room hours later.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

A Heaven where there is life there is hope she accepted Him before her death and was a believer upon the moment of her death therefore she is forgiven all her sins. Amen.

6. This man truly believed Jesus is the Son of God but refused to turn His life over to the Lord, instead, continuing a crime spree including rape, child molestation and murder.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

Did he resist his sinning ways? did he acknowledge that what he had done was evil? Did he believe in Jesus as Messiah? Sin does not disqualify us from salvation through the Messiah Jesus but saying unto ones own mind that sin is not sin disqualifies one from forgiveness because we cannot be forgiven for something we see as good.

7. This two-year-old child had parents who were trying to teach her about Jesus every day, but the girl was just too young to understand the difference between clean and dirty diapers let alone the difference between Jesus and the devil. She perished one day in an accident caused by a drunk driver who struck her parents’ car, hurling her from her infant seat into oncoming traffic.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

Heaven of course She is a little one and therefore does not know good or evil yet. Therefore she is acceptable to God in eternity.

8. This intellectual just couldn’t bring himself to accept the outrageous, conflicting and bizarre stories of our faith. While he dedicated his life to helping others and personally chose not to engage in conduct the Bible deems sinful, he did so based on his personal convictions of right and wrong and not because the Lord ordered him to act that way. He died having helped thousands of individuals escape poverty, but he his intellect would not let him believe in Christ.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

B Hell He never accepted Jesus as Messiah. No man no matter how righteous he thinks he is no one will go through life without sinning. No not one.

9. This 55-year-old woman who accepted the Lord as a young girl lived a devout and pristine life, giving to others and constantly praising God until the day she died. However, upon being told her three-year-old granddaughter had been tortured, raped and murdered by five adult men, she questioned God’s existence and had a massive, fatal coronary shortly thereafter.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

B Hell Upon the moment of death she did not believe in God end of story. If she believed in a God that would guarantee her grand daughter would never face physical harm and death then she did not believe in The God Of Abraham anyway.

10. An aborted fetus

A. Heaven
B. Hell

A Heaven of course.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
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Adstar said:
Hello Gravity. :)

I can see a few misconceptions built into your questions. i will deal with them as best as i can while i am going through them. Oh and no Christian seeks to force his laws upon any other man. There is no point in following moral laws if one does not believe in God.

1. This tyrant hated everyone who was not a white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant heterosexual and attempted to exterminate everyone else, thus resulting in the violent slaughter of millions of people. On his death bed, he sincerely asked Jesus to take over his life.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

A Heaven of course if He asked Jesus into His life upon His death bed then He would have been acknowledging that his former state was wrong. So he would be acknowledging his sinful state and accepting salvation by the grace provided to us bt belief in Jesus as Messiah

2. This man accepted Jesus and asked the Lord to take over his life, but after a month of being faithful to scripture, he resumed having sexual relations with his fiancé before they were married.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

Well is suppose it all depends on if he acknowledged his sin to God and was repentant of His act of fornication? Your misconception is that because someone accepts Jesus as Messiah that they are then required to be sinless, not so, They are required to resist sin and hate and embrace love and seek to love others.

3. This incredibly kind young Asian woman devoted her whole life to caring for the handicapped and rarely said an unkind word about anyone. However, though a Baptist missionary once witnessed to her for five minutes, she nevertheless chose to remain in the non-Christian religion her parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends had taught her all her life.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

B Hell. No matter how many good deeds she has done she will have done evil as well and 1000 good deeds cannot remove one sin.

4. This man accepted Jesus when he was 12 and lived a wholesome, prayer-filled life until he was 30. He then backslid and engaged in lewd and lascivious conduct. At age 42, he again asked the Lord to return and take over his life, and he then lived an exemplary, unblemished Christian life until his death at age 85.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

Did He reject God? Did He deny Jesus? Was He a true Christian in the first place? Once again you say He began to sin. Well my friend he was sinning while he was not backsliden and he was sinning up until he died. Your misconceptions are fully evident here.

5. This sleazy Jewish girl didn’t really believe in Jesus, but when she was 12, she asked Jesus into her life in response to peer pressure and summer Bible vacation programs. She continued to whore around for the next 50 years, until she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and told by her doctor she had only days to live. She then studied the Bible and soon realized Jesus really is the Son of God. She died in her hospital room hours later.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

A Heaven where there is life there is hope she accepted Him before her death and was a believer upon the moment of her death therefore she is forgiven all her sins. Amen.

6. This man truly believed Jesus is the Son of God but refused to turn His life over to the Lord, instead, continuing a crime spree including rape, child molestation and murder.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

Did he resist his sinning ways? did he acknowledge that what he had done was evil? Did he believe in Jesus as Messiah? Sin does not disqualify us from salvation through the Messiah Jesus but saying unto ones own mind that sin is not sin disqualifies one from forgiveness because we cannot be forgiven for something we see as good.

7. This two-year-old child had parents who were trying to teach her about Jesus every day, but the girl was just too young to understand the difference between clean and dirty diapers let alone the difference between Jesus and the devil. She perished one day in an accident caused by a drunk driver who struck her parents’ car, hurling her from her infant seat into oncoming traffic.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

Heaven of course She is a little one and therefore does not know good or evil yet. Therefore she is acceptable to God in eternity.

8. This intellectual just couldn’t bring himself to accept the outrageous, conflicting and bizarre stories of our faith. While he dedicated his life to helping others and personally chose not to engage in conduct the Bible deems sinful, he did so based on his personal convictions of right and wrong and not because the Lord ordered him to act that way. He died having helped thousands of individuals escape poverty, but he his intellect would not let him believe in Christ.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

B Hell He never accepted Jesus as Messiah. No man no matter how righteous he thinks he is no one will go through life without sinning. No not one.

9. This 55-year-old woman who accepted the Lord as a young girl lived a devout and pristine life, giving to others and constantly praising God until the day she died. However, upon being told her three-year-old granddaughter had been tortured, raped and murdered by five adult men, she questioned God’s existence and had a massive, fatal coronary shortly thereafter.

A. Heaven
B. Hell

B Hell Upon the moment of death she did not believe in God end of story. If she believed in a God that would guarantee her grand daughter would never face physical harm and death then she did not believe in The God Of Abraham anyway.

10. An aborted fetus

A. Heaven
B. Hell

A Heaven of course.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

^^ You have answered correctly :D
TruthSeeker said:
Absolutely. I've said it before. Nowhere in the Bible you see any trinity. That was just a concept invented by the catholics, which is a completely different religion based on christianity...

Jesus is the Son of God through whom all things were made.
Given that He is the Son of God who offers us all a way back to the Father through believing on Him and being born again of Spirit, it is quite obvious why believers see God as a Trinity.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Yes the Holy Spirit is God too poured out to all who accept Jesus as the Messiah. The Holy Spirit is the One who reveals the nature of The Christ to you so that you may know your salvation and be filled with Joy!

I say these things not for the praise of men, nor do I say these things to be accepted by men but so that you may know the truth and be saved through grace.

Rejecting Jesus is tant amount to saying "Oh so some bloke thought he was gonna save me did he? Well I dont need no saving thanks. I'm just fine the way I am!"

Well if you are fine the way you are then you must be assured of eternal life already yes? Perhaps you do not want eternal life? Perhaps you are content to be cut off from the very source of love and affirmation that your soul was designed to receive and be sustained by?
Perhaps you think that this grand galactic fiery merry-go-round we call our universe was brought into being for no purpose. Perhaps you think that you have no purpose? Perhaps you hate love?
Do you not see God's love for humanity as He Himself takes the just penalty for all the pain and suffering brought about by your sin? Does He punish you or does He take the rap for you because He knows you are weak? Is it any wonder given that God took the rap for you that you will remain under judgement by refusing His Life as an offering for your salvation? Is Jesus now not alive and measuring your hearts and minds, measuring your love for him? Jesus came to earth as a human being. God is a God of the Living. He Himself is a living being who hears and sees all.
He says "Who are you mortal man whose days are numbered? You are like a child who never listened to their father and caused their father to grieve for your welfare knowing your disobedience can only lead to no good! You sit in your room cursing your father because you hate his authority, you hate being told what to do! You want to kill your own flesh and blood because you love the evil you do and cannot see that your father is trying to protect you! If you did what was right then the scowl you have would turn to a smile. Go now from your room. Go to your father and tell him you are sorry. Your father will thank God that his child has been restored to him and you will both be glad. Will the father even remember the disobedience? I think not!"

Dont be like the faithless who sit in their rooms cursing their father because he wishes the best for them. Rather embrace that father who just wants to know that you love him and in humility trust in his word for you because it is good.

I pray that you who read this receive the Spirit of God as you accept the truth of these words from He that sent me to tell them to you.

Dont be like the faithless who sit in their rooms cursing their father because he wishes the best for them. Rather embrace that father who just wants to know that you love him and in humility trust in his word for you because it is good.

"Faithless" :rolleyes: - but you are faithless as well! Do you have faith in Shiva, Ra, Allah, Vishnu, the Trinity? Oh, thats right - the *---2/3's---* of humanity who believe something different from you are going into the "Lake of Fire". :) Nice.

Hey, good job though kids on actually reading through the whole quiz! There is an excellent little "Pocket Bible Reference foldout which I carry copies of with me, and distribute to those who wish to push their religion on me. Do you have the courage to actually answer in implicit contradictions/problems/evil of each passage, rather than just dismiss the entire document? I'm sure the very fact this is before you is a test from GeeeZHuuuuus! Praise! Glory Be! Oh, sorry :cool: Here it is:


Quoting the Bible is a poor way to support or 'prove' anything in a comparative religion/logic discussion. Either the Bible is infallable - or its subjective (meaning knowing *which* interpretation is ''correct'' is completely impossible). So, if its infallable - here is a copy of the free pocket Bible guide from Cryptoclast.org:

Who You Should Kill

--Unruly or rebellious child. Deut 21:20-21
--Those who curse or hit their parents. Lev 20:9, Ex 21:15
--Worshipers of other gods. Deut 13:6-11
--psychics, witches. Lev 20:27, Deut 13:6-11,Ex 22:18.
--Those who do not believe in Jesus (parable). Luke 19:27.
--Those who work on the Sabbath. Ex 35:2 (Moses kills a gentile for this. Num 15:32-36.)
--Those who are accused by at least two people of wickedness. Deut 17:6.
--The children and babies of enemies. Num 31:17, Deut 20:13, Psalm 137:9, Lev 26:29.
--Adulterers. Lev 20:10.
--Homosexuals. Lev 20:13.
--A woman who is not a virgin when married. Deut 22:13-21.
--Those who are careless with murderous livestock. Exodus 21:29.

Who You Should Hate

--Those who eat crab or shrimp. Lev 11:10.
--Those who sacrifice an animal to God that has a blemish. Deut 17:1.
--Those who remarry the same person after divorce. Deut 24:4.
--Homosexuals. Lev 18:22.
--Those who are proud. Prov 16:5.
--A woman who wears pants. Deut 22:5.
--A man with long hair (Jesus?). 1Cor 11:14 contradicts Num 6:5, 1Sam 1:11, Jug 13:5.
--those who call others fools Mat 5:22

Should we still do this stuff?

--All OT laws still apply in NT. Matt 5:17-19

Doomsday Cult

--Jesus/Bible claims the end is near + in our past Mark9:1 Mat16:27-28 Luke 9:26-27 Luke 21:32 Mat 24:34 John 5:25-29 James 5:8 1John 2:18
1Pet 4:7 Mal 4

Family and Political Values

-- Jesus says to hate/abandon your family Luke 14:26, Mat 10:35-36, Mat 19:29.
--Jesus says to call no man on earth your father. Mat 23:9
--Jesus says to honor your parents. Mat 19:19.
--No families in heaven. Mark 12:25.
--Don't marry 1cor7:1,8,27, Remarry Mat 5:32
--Jesus/NT says to pay taxes and obey the government. Rom 13:1-7, 2Peter 2:10,
Mat 22:17-21, Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25.
--Jesus is against public prayer. Mat 6:5-6.
--Rich can't be Christian. Matt 19:24.
--Give all to poor. Luke 18:22.
--Lot impregnates his daughters after God kills his wife, then honored. Gen 19. 2Peter 2:7
--a thing is not alive until breathing. Gen 2:7.
--Punishment for killing fetus is fine Ex 21,22-25.
--Women are worth less and should submit Eph5:22-24, Col 3:18, 1Cor 11:5-10, 14:34-35.
--Become eunuchs (castrated) Mat 19:12
--Sodom not destroyed for homosexuality, not listening to Jesus=greater sin than Sodom's. Ez16:49-5, Luke 10:10-12.
--Gay David?1Sam18:1-4,20:3-4,7,41, 2Sam1:25-26
--God makes people gay. Rom 1:26-28.

Mythical Creatures.

--Giants. Gen 6:4, 1Sam. 17:4, Num 13:33.
--Ghosts 1Sam 28:8:20
--Demons. Luke 11:14.
-- Leviathans. Isaiah 27:1, Job 41:1.
-- Dragons. (Revelations).
-- Angels. Mat 28:2, Gen 19.
--Unicorns. Isaiah 34:7.-
--Witches/Mediums Ex22:18 Mic5:12 1Sam28:8-20
--Sorcerers. Ex 7:22, Ex 8:7, Ex 8:18.
--Talking Donkeys. Num 23:23-30
-- UFOs. Gen 6:4, 2Kings 2:11, Ezek 10

Super Powers and Magic

--A true Christian should be baptized, have faith, cast out demons, speak in tongues, take up serpents, be able to heal the sick, and be completely immune to any poison. Mark 16:16-18.
--A true Christian can perform greater miracles than Jesus. John 14:12.
--Christians can move mountains and trees by command. Mat 17:20, 21:21 Mark 11:23 Luke 17:6
--Whatever a man asks of God he will receive Mat 7:7
--all things are possible with God. Mat 19:26.
--God has trouble overcoming iron chariots. Judges 1:19.
--Jesus uses magic spells. Mark 6:4-5, 7:33-35, Mark 8:23-25.
--Jesus had limited powers. Mark 6:5
--Sorcerers can do the same magic stuff God does. Ex 7:22, Ex 8:7.
--Apollonius is just like a Jesus.


--7 days, firmament, plant (before the sun), sea creatures, birds, land animals, man and woman together, Gen 1.
--1 day, man, plants, all other creatures, woman, knowledge of good and evil given only to a tree at first, flaming sword Gen 2.
--7,000 year old earth.
--The earth is flat. Mat 4:5-8, Luke 4:5, Isaiah 11:12, Rev 7:1, Dan 4:10-11
--The sun moves around a stationary Earth and the moon has its own light. Isaiah 13:10, Psalm 19:4-5, 1Sam 2:8, 1Chr 16:30, Psalm 96:10, Psalm 104:5.
-- Pi = 3. 2Chron 4:2, 1King7:23.
--Flood--rainbow Gen9:13, 7 (Gen 7:2) or 2 (Gen 6:19 7:8,9,15) of each animal, lasted 40 (Gen 7:17) or 150 (7:24, 8:3) days, salinity+fish, Australia's animals,deadly parasites, dinosaurs, size+time+feed problem.
-- Tower of Bable Linguistics Gen 11.

Jesus' Birth

--Jesus was conceived by the holy spirit and was a product of virgin birth. Mat 1:18-21
--Jesus was conceived by the seed of David according to the flesh. Rom 1:3
--Heli was the paternal grandfather of Jesus Luke 3:23
--Jacob was the paternal grandfather of Jesus. Mat 1:16, John 4:5.
Jesus on a Good Day
--love your enemies. Mat 5:43-44.
--golden rule Mat 7:12 Luke 6:31
--Judge not. Mat 7:1
--Consider the lilies Luke 12:27, Mat 6:28
--be like children Mat 18:3.
--give anything asked of you by anyone. Luke 6:30
--turn other cheek Luke 6:29.
--not against me is with me Mark 9:40 Luke 9:50

Jesus on a Bad Day

--not with me is against me Mat 12:30, Luke 11:23
--accommodate the wicked and do not resist evil. Mat 5:39-45.
--Kill disbeliveers (parable) Luke 19:27.
--wicked get eternal torture of Hell. Mark 9:43-48.
--Fig tree hatred. Mark 11:13-14,20. contradicts Mat 21:19-20
--Jesus came to cause strife. Luke 12:51-53, Mat 10:34.
-- Jesus says to hate/abandon your family Luke 14:26, Mat 10:35-36, Mat 19:29.
--Jesus threatens to kill children Rev 2:23

Seeing God/Jesus

--no one has seen God. John 1:18.
--Jacob saw God's face. Gen 32:30.
--Moses saw his backside. Ex 33:23.
--God has dinner with Abraham. Gen 18.
--Paul never met Jesus 2Cor 12, Gal 1:11-12

Hopeful Plagiarisms

--Jesus + Elijah do the same thing in the same words. 1Kings 17, Luke 7.
--Luke + Elijah do the same thing in same words. Ezek 1:1,4:9,4:14, Acts10:11-14

Miscellaneous Contradictions

--God will punish son for father's crimes Ex 20:5
--God won't punish son for father's crimes. Ezek 18:20.
--Jesus' last words all different. Mat 27:46, Luke 23:46, John 19:30.
--Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James go to tomb, find guards and boulder which move after earthquake. One flying angel on boulder tells
what happened. Mat 28
--Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome go to tomb, find no guards or boulder and one young man in tomb tell what happened. But women told no one. Mark 16
--Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James, Joanna, and some other women go to tomb, and two men in the tomb tell what happened. Luke 24
--Mary goes to the tomb to find nothing, she tells the disciples someone stole body so they go back and again find nothing. The disciples then leave and Jesus appears to tell Mary what happened. John 20
----older versions of Mark end at Mark 16:8 without anyone seeing the risen Christ.
-- Earth will exist forever Eccl 1:4.
--Earth will end in Armageddon 2Pet 3:10
--Judas fell and burst open. Act 1:18-19.
--Judas hung himself. Mat 27-3:10.
--Jesus carries his own cross. John 19:17.
--Simon carries Jesus' cross. Mark 15:21-22.
--Wisdom is good Prov 3:13, 4:7
--Wisdom is bad 1Cor 1:19 Eccl 1:18
--God had one son 1John 4:9
--God had many sons Gen 6:2,4 Job 1:6, 2:1 Miscellaneous Contradictions Continued
--No author was at Jesus' trial yet narrative fabricated to fit OT. Mark 14:50.
--Jesus crucified at 9:00am (3rd hour Rom) on Passover. Mark 15:1,25 14:1
--Jesus crucified noon (6th hour Rom) day before Passover. John 19:14.
--Virgin birth and the baptism.

God and Evil

--God admits He created evil. Isaiah 45:7 Amos 3:6
--God sends Satan to ruin Job's life. Job 2:1-7.
--God hardens Pharaoh's heart. Ex 9:12, 10:1,20,27, 11:10, 14:8.
--God commands/supports slavery. Lev 25:44-46, Ex 21:2-8, Eph 6:5, Col 3:22, Gen 9:25.
--Anti women. 1Cor 14:34, 1Tim 2:9-14, Gen 5:16.
--rape rules: Deut 22:23-29, in city man+woman die; in country only man dies; if woman not married then man pays 50 shekels, and they wed.
--Anti Jew. 1Thes 2:14,15, Titus 1:10
--Anti gay. Lev 18:22, Rom 1:26-28, 1Cor 6:9-11, 1Tim 1:10, Jude 7, Gen 19.
--God favors neither good nor evil. Mat 5:45.
--God created some people predestined to go to hell Rom 8:29-30, Jude 1:4, Mat 7:13-14.
--God admits to deceit. 1Kings 22:23. Is 6:10.
--Jesus admits to deceit (reason for parables). 2Thess 2:11-12, Mark 4:10-12, Mat 13:10-11
--God sends bears to kill children. 2Kings 2:24.
--God commands the killing of babies Num 31:17, Deut 20:13, Psalm 137:9, Lev 26:29, Num 31:17.
--Jesus threatens to kill children for mother's crime Rev 2:23
--God/Jesus hate. Rom 9:13, Rev 2:6, Psalm 5:5
--don't associate with people who have different opinions. 2John 1:10-11. 2Cor 6:14-17
--Incestuous Lot revered. 2Peter 2:7

(bribes and threats--heaven and hell)

The simple believes every word but the prudent considers well his every step. Prov 14:15
Typical. A true response from one who knows the Word but has rejected it. Give them a tidal wave of supposed contradictions to shut them up for weeks and when they come back with some answers ignore them or stand by the old chestnut “you cannot prove the bible by the bible”. It is clear by the number of questions Gravity that you do know the Word but have rejected it and rejected salvation through the Messiah Jesus. Therefore there is no point in walking any further with you. May God cause you to loose faith in yourself and may you be forgiven.

All praise The Ancient Of Days