What would it take to convince you that you were wrong?

no kidding if i had a gun to my head i would say whatever they wanted me to..... Sandy so you refuse to say it with a gun to your head huh.....and then what you think god is going to save you.....make all the bullets disappear or something.

Are you kidding?? and "lose" her immortal soul??? Such are the situations religious fanatics have wet wild DREAMS of. Instant ticket to "heaven". Hence suicide bombers, hence .....Sandy...
He gave us free will. Free choice. We can choose what we want to believe. Satan is the great deceiver. The father of lies. His job is to steal, kill, and destroy: your spirit, your mind, your will, your emotions, your health, your joy, your relationships, your life.:(

Thank God we have Jesus. When we stay in the Word and use it against satan, he trembles. So do his demons. The Word of God is truth and life.

the above picture shows the amount of murders caused directlly by the god of the bible, the same god who gave you your commandments, and your morals, not including the millions of murders during the flood, the bottom one is this satan creature from the same book, the figure beside it's name is 10, and those were shared with your god, (Job and his family,) yet the satan creature is the most reviled and hated, by your christians. the satan creature obviously got the bad press.

the above picture shows the amount of murders caused directlly by the god of the bible, the same god who gave you your commandments, and your morals, not including the millions of murders during the flood, the bottom one is this satan creature from the same book, the figure beside it's name is 10, and those were shared with your god, (Job and his family,) yet the satan creature is the most reviled and hated, by your christians. the satan creature obviously got the bad press.

You got it all messed up geeser, is sad.
God didn´t kill all those people, it was other people in the name of religion. Religious fanatics. And that is their ego, that is satan, not God.

God only gives life, you cannot have love without hate, but you have the will to choose one of the two. You can choose God or Satan. All those people chose Satan, and most people in current reality choose Satan.
You got it all messed up geeser, is sad.
God didn´t kill all those people, it was other people in the name of religion. Religious fanatics. And that is their ego, that is satan, not God.

God only gives life, you cannot have love without hate, but you have the will to choose one of the two. You can choose God or Satan. All those people chose Satan, and most people in current reality choose Satan.
You and every other Christian seem to be unable to grasp this idea:

While God may not have been directly responsible for any of this (assuming he exists), He ALLOWED it to happen. Which makes it just as if he did it himself. A BENEVOLENT god is not going to allow any of his children to skew His teachings. He's not going to allow his fellow children to kill their siblings.
Fine, do you have children Wisdom?
If you do, the next time your fuckin children get into a nasty fight, you can't say shit to them, you have to let them fight it out. If one kills the other, you can't do anything. You have to allow them to kill or mentally abuse the other.
No? You wouldn't do that to your children? Why not? Because it's ridiculous right? How is God letting all this crap down here happen any different? :rolleyes:

If a god is able to stop evil but unwilling...he's not benevolent.
If a god is willing to stop evil but not able...he's not omnipotent.

Common sense isn't so common.
no sorry mate! those are the murder he did himself, listed are the killings god's did in the Bible. But I only included those that said exactly how many were killed by God. I came up with 2,270,365.
I did not include some of god's most impressive slaughters. How many did God drown in the flood or burn to death in Sodom and Gomorrah? How many first-born Egyptians did he kill? The Bible doesn't say, so we cant know for sure. however it is possible to get a rough idea. the grand total (approx) 32.9 million; if we added those that were done in it's name the number goes up four fold.
ok read the bible.
You and every other Christian seem to be unable to grasp this idea:

How many times do I have to say this:
I´m NOT a Christian, I´m NOT part of ANY religious group or cult. My ideas are my own, and I believe in one God. I actually agree with atheists too, because atheists have a concept of God, and I don´t believe in that God either. Because God is only a word, and God cannot be put like an object.

While God may not have been directly responsible for any of this (assuming he exists), He ALLOWED it to happen. Which makes it just as if he did it himself. A BENEVOLENT god is not going to allow any of his children to skew His teachings. He's not going to allow his fellow children to kill their siblings.
Fine, do you have children Wisdom?
If you do, the next time your fuckin children get into a nasty fight, you can't say shit to them, you have to let them fight it out. If one kills the other, you can't do anything. You have to allow them to kill or mentally abuse the other.
No? You wouldn't do that to your children? Why not? Because it's ridiculous right? How is God letting all this crap down here happen any different? :rolleyes:

If a god is able to stop evil but unwilling...he's not benevolent.
If a god is willing to stop evil but not able...he's not omnipotent.

Common sense isn't so common.

If there wasn´t hate, there wouldn´t be love either. If there wasn´t darkness, there wouldn´t be light. So there wouldn´t be anything at all, and we wouldn´t be here having this conversation.

And God not just allow that to happen, God give us free will, and that is it.
i wonder why people have to prove god exsist or dosen't

You are right, there can be no proof whatsoever in eother of the two sides. But opinions change, and people change...
People that change and contradict themselves are wise, it is only fools that stick to 1 belief forever.
If you are a theist, what would it take to convince you that the god you worship didn't exist? What sort of evidence would be necessary to make you change your mind? I'm curious about this because you often here theists accuse atheists of being "close minded" and unwilling to accept any evidence for god.
Excellent question Nasor! For me the disproof would come from neuroscience. If consciousness became explicable in current naturalistic, materialist terms, then I don't see that any recognisable concept of 'God' could survive. It would mean:
  • No life exists beyond physical death
  • Our 'Self' exists only in our heads, as a product of our physical brains.
  • All behaviours, morals, experiences, motives are only a product of our biology.
  • Any experience of 'oneness' or 'transcendence' is a delusion.
  • Jesus was forsaken and betrayed on the cross.
  • Life IS fundamentally unjust.
  • We've been duped!
  • We are alone.
I think I'd be quite upset for a while! :bawl:
Then again - carpe diem! :m:

I´m not following you man, what do you mean? I know is sarcasm, but how does it fit into this subject?

if i dont come up with an answer it will be classed as trolling so i better say something.

well see its a metaphore with deep meaning encrusted into its philosophical riddle ridden structure. and it means that even though we see something as bad or good. like god or satan, we have to respect each-others views that are different to our own,

was that good enough?

if i dont come up with an answer it will be classed as trolling so i better say something.

well see its a metaphore with deep meaning encrusted into its philosophical riddle ridden structure. and it means that even though we see something as bad or good. like god or satan, we have to respect each-others views that are different to our own,

was that good enough?


That´s what I thought. And I constantly think about Hitler for this examples as well. The thing is, how can you not-judge Hitler?
That´s what I thought. And I constantly think about Hitler for this examples as well. The thing is, how can you not-judge Hitler?

you can judge him, you can judge anybody you like, i bet you could find jewish people that love hittlers artwork somehwere. but if they knew it was created by hittler they would say they dont like it.

You and every other Christian seem to be unable to grasp this idea:

While God may not have been directly responsible for any of this (assuming he exists), He ALLOWED it to happen. Which makes it just as if he did it himself. A BENEVOLENT god is not going to allow any of his children to skew His teachings. He's not going to allow his fellow children to kill their siblings. [...]

If a god is able to stop evil but unwilling...he's not benevolent.
If a god is willing to stop evil but not able...he's not omnipotent.

Common sense isn't so common.
I think we grasped it mikenostic, but you forget that to a theist, physical existence is not the totality of our reality. We go on!

Our experience of death is but a gateway to a greater reality. Perhaps we learn through our most painful experiences - who knows? That we transcend death for a Christian is the whole meaning of the resurrection. It gave the early disciples the courage to face persecution, torture and violent death, having the 'knowledge' that they would survive beyond it. Nero made a speciality of devising exquisite tortures for Christians - it did not deter them.

"If a god is able to stop evil but unwilling..." he probably has a good reason.
"If a god is willing to stop evil but not able..." he must be limiting his own power because not to do so limits OUR power.

Whatever your beliefs, we do not have the whole picture... there may be purpose in suffering, if death is not the end.