What would it take to convince you that you were wrong?

Really? What people of another religion (say, Hinduism) were able to instantly heal people of any disease or injury through prayer, with perfect results every time? Suppose you lose your legs in a car accident, but when a Hindu stands in front of you and says a brief prayer suddenly there's a flash of light and your legs have magically reappeared?

What if the followers of another religion were magically immune to any sort of harm? Bullets fired at them simply stopped in the air for no reason, they weren't affected by disease, they could stay underwater for hours without drowning, etc?

Are you really telling me that such evidence wouldn't make you ever consider the possibility that their god was real and yours wasn't?

Nope. Not even all that. Satan gives power to his followers. I am not deceived.
Nope. Not even all that. Satan gives power to his followers. I am not deceived.

Hindus and Satan??? You are seriously misguided my friend, Hindus probably don´t even know that concept you call "Satan". And Satan is inside each and every one of us, in the form of our Ego. It is your ego that makes you judge people.
There seems to be a missing intermediate step.

How do you get from this...
...to this...
The one does not follow the other.

What do you mean? What is the missing step you are talking about? Why do these concepts cannot co-exist?
I'm not saying they can't co-exist.
I'm saying that the one does not imply the other.

How does the (questionable) existence of love imply that God exists?
How do you get from "Love is wonderful" to "Love is a gift from God"?
I didn't say hindus were satanists. I said even satan gives his power to people. Big difference.:rolleyes:
Nope. Not even all that. Satan gives power to his followers. I am not deceived.

Mat 12:30 He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.

Luk 11:23 He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.

Jhn 13:8 Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.

Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Mat 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.
I'm not saying they can't co-exist.
I'm saying that the one does not imply the other.

How does the (questionable) existence of love imply that God exists?
How do you get from "Love is wonderful" to "Love is a gift from God"?

Got ya.
I say that because of personal experience.
I never knew God so closely, before I knew love. Love made me realize God is life, because it made me realize my ego. I know love, and words cannot express the real feeling. The moment you say love, you degrade it, because is infinitely more than just a word.
I don´t believe in religions, and I seriously believe that just the feeling of love by itself can get you closer to God than any religion that has ever existed.

In other words, I could say my religion is love, to meditate on that feeling alone fills you with an unimaginable bliss.

I can honestly say, I knew the concept of God, but I never truly understand how to experience Him, until I knew love.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing in this world could EVER make me not believe in God. And no terrorists' knife or gun could EVER make me denounce Him.:worship:

M*W: Those same words have come out of my own mouth when I was deceived.
Christianity is the best foundation I could have ever hoped to have. Thank God my parents taught me well. When you have Christ as your foundation you cannot fail.

M*W: That's what I call 'trickle down delusion.' Parents teach their children what they believe, even if it's a lie.

Many people who have believed in Christ have experienced failure. You make it sound as if believing in Jesus makes your life peachy keen. That's not reality. That's delusion. It makes you irresponsible for your own life, because you credit Jesus with everything that is good. No one can have 100% good things happen to them if they are living in reality.
Your heart cannot deceive you. Not only that but i saw a manifestation so i am pretty sure i know what the deal is.;)

Your heart can deceive you. It does every time you think you fell in love.
God cannot/will not deceive you.
Your heart can deceive you. It does every time you think you fell in love.
God cannot/will not deceive you.

God cannot deceive you, but God´s speaks to you directly in the way we call "our heart". So is your heart that cannot deceive you, it is reality, to deny what is in your heart is dumb hypocresy. It is denyind the living word of the living God. Who can be more accurate? Your opinion? or the opinion of God?

Your heart is more truthfull than any priest you will ever know.
but my heart nether tells me anythink it's my brain my heart is told by my brain to keep beating and that's as far as my heart goes
but my heart nether tells me anythink it's my brain my heart is told by my brain to keep beating and that's as far as my heart goes

its all physical, all is part of this world, and none of you. Your body is a puppet controlled by laws of this world. The heart beats until it can't no more. The mind thinks until it's last thought ceases to.