im scared to choose a faith how can we know wich one is wrong and wich one is wrong?
It is good that you feel this way, believe it or not, it is way better than believing in a religion you don´t trust. Religion is good for research, it has guided me towards a path I really want to follow. But I didn´t limit myself to a specific one, but to all of them. To think that there is a path for inner-realization common for everyone is a fallacy, we are all different, have experienced different things, and therefore, need to experience different things in order to fulfill our destiny as God intended. This only means that there are paths to inner-realization as there are people in this Earth.
Actually, believe is not good, you believe with your brain, and your brain is very limited and tricky. What you got to do is trust. If you don´t believe in God, then you probably have the wrong concept of God, most people do, but that is nothing, that is good. Because your inner-voice will tell you allways to keep seeking for God, even if you don´t know it consciosly.
God is life, is existence, is everything. It is our very living essense, we are alive, all living beings are miracles, yet most people don´t see it, because they are used to it.
To do God´s will, only means that you do exactly what nature needs you to do, not what men need you to do. Who can you trust more than nature? If nature created a flower, if nature created a sunset, a sun, a moon, nature cannot be wrong!! It is the human brain that is wrong.
We are born pure, we are born to do nature´s will, but we are perverted the moment our parent don´t let you do what you really want to do. So kids start creating what we call "ego", in order to survive in society.
When I say that we are born pure, it means we are born an individual, unique. But society make us be all alike, there are no individuals, only a few, what there is is a massive histeria, you follow others, that is the nature of society.
We are only animals with consciousness, and consciousness is caused by our evolved brain, nothing more, nothing else. But even given the fact that we are animals, we think we are more than them why? Because society has made us "believe" that, it is caused by your ego.
You have seen instinct, intuition and intelligence, and that is our true nature, that is the word of God speaking to us everyday. Yet we are told not to follow our intuition, our instinct, because we believe we are better than animals and we use rationality as an excuse. That is not real, that is an illusion of the ego.
So God speaks to you everyday, and animals do God´s will perfectly, but we humans not. Because we believe we are bigger than that, and that is a fallacy.
This ego we create to survive in society, is necessary, and our brain does it by itself. But the ego separates God´s will from our brain, now we are 2 people, what we think and trust, and what we speak up and believe.
This is hipocresy, like a Christian that says he/she is above sexual dessire, is only in denial, and one day or another, this sexual tension is going to have bad consequences.
Why not accept sex as it is?
Sex is normal, it is all our energy focused on creating more life, is only nature trying to survive, and we cannot fight that.
But yet people try to fight that, because bramacharya is an ideal, like priests and monks, in denial of their sexual dessires.
We first gotta transform this energy into consciousness, and then the bramacharya comes by itself, not before that. Our sexual dessire naturally goes away when the life energy is concentrated in our consciousness.
But only by meditation you achieve this, and meditation can mean many things, not only sitting in an uncofortable position and closing your eyes, meditation can be dancing, can be screaming, can be sitting in silence... Meditation means listening to your inner-self.