What would it take to convince you that you were wrong?

Without Him, yes. Everything else is just a cheap substitute. Money, power, fame... Useless. Meaningless. Friends, family, pets. Nice but you can't take them with you.

Eternity with Him will be awesome. Life here on earth with Him is great.:worship:
Without Him, yes. Everything else is just a cheap substitute. Money, power, fame... Useless. Meaningless. Friends, family, pets. Nice but you can't take them with you.

Eternity with Him will be awesome. Life here on earth with Him is great.:worship:

What exactly will be so different(in your opinion, of course)?
I never said I was better than anyone else. Just different. I have chosen to believe. I could have said no and led a sin-filled/pagan/pathetic life. I chose God. And for that I got happiness, peace, joy beyond imagination, and all my heart's desires. Now all I want to do is get other people saved so they can experience this joy too, serve God, and go to Heaven.:D

you do relieaze christianity was strongly influenced by what we would now refer to as pagan religions.
I will always need God. ALWAYS. There will never be a day in my life that I don't. Life is useless/meaningless without Him.

No my dear. Life is what you make of it. Some need a crutch to get through life and others do not. Your crutch is God.

Everything else is just a cheap substitute. Money, power, fame... Useless.
In other words, if you were stripped of everything in your life.. your money, home, car, family, friends, clothes, shoes, and told you the only thing you now had was 'god', you would not be upset? Umm yeah.. right..:rolleyes:
What exactly will be so different(in your opinion, of course)?

We will be worshipping Him in all His glory. We will be free of our earthly bodies, emotions, intelligence etc. We will be spirits in awe. Simply awestruck, falling to our knees and wanting to worship Him.

Yes God is my crutch. He is SOOO much better than men, spouses, boyfriends, friends, family, children, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, money, power, fame, psychiatry/counselling, food, etc...

And yes I would give it all up in one minute if He told me to. I have already given away much at His prompting. He is the only thing I need.:worship:
Without Him, yes. Everything else is just a cheap substitute. Money, power, fame... Useless. Meaningless. Friends, family, pets. Nice but you can't take them with you.

Eternity with Him will be awesome. Life here on earth with Him is great.:worship:

M*W: But when you find out that there is no afterlife, what will you do?
We will be worshipping Him in all His glory. We will be free of our earthly bodies, emotions, intelligence etc. We will be spirits in awe. Simply awestruck, falling to our knees and wanting to worship Him.

Yes God is my crutch. He is SOOO much better than men, spouses, boyfriends, friends, family, children, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, money, power, fame, psychiatry/counselling, food, etc...

And yes I would give it all up in one minute if He told me to. I have already given away much at His prompting. He is the only thing I need.:worship:

M*W: I am curious. What is your connection between god and human men? I think that's the first time I've ever heard that comparison. Why is god so much better than earthly men?

Sandy, you better learn to take care of yourself, because there is no earthly man or any god you believe in who can take care of you better than yourself.
We will be worshipping Him in all His glory. We will be free of our earthly bodies, emotions, intelligence etc. We will be spirits in awe. Simply awestruck, falling to our knees and wanting to worship Him.
So basically you'll be spending all of your time serving God....just like you are on earth?The equivalent to...a slave. Doing the same thing forever? Never again experiencing joy or love? Not even able to understand your own predicament? That sounds like a somewhat naturalistic version of heaven. Choosing ignorance over intelligence(I'm not trying to insult you, you professed this yourself). What's so cool about that?
If you are an atheist, what would it take to convince you that a god existed? If you are a theist, what would it take to convince you that the god you worship didn't exist? What sort of evidence would be necessary to make you change your mind? I'm curious about this because you often here theists accuse atheists of being "close minded" and unwilling to accept any evidence for god. I think it's actually the reverse - most atheists can easily give examples of the sorts of evidence that would make them reconsider their stance, but in my experience most theists say that there is nothing that could possibly make them change their mind. But maybe I'm wrong. So...what would it take to make you reconsider your beliefs?

I'll read your question as "If you were an athiest"...

If I were an athiest (for full disclosure purposes, I'm not and therefore am likely to be biased on a subconscious level, but I'm consciously being objective..so does that count?) I would be less inclined to believe in something else unless my own beliefs were first proven spurious. There usually has to be the removal of one thing before there can be a replacing. This is physics. In the case of myself assuming the hypothetical role of an athiest, (and I actually once explored that course emotionally) the disproving of my beliefs would have to be accomplished, entirely, and completely, without any doubt before I could consider another belief. This is pretty much impossible. However, if someone were able to cause me to DOUBT, (ah! that word!) and if I were an honest critic with myself, then it would be possible for me to change my belief system...but this would ultimately be my own doing and not somebody else's. This is the key in my opinoin. All anybody needs to do is make someone doubt, make someone ask "What if?" This usually opens a whole new universe of considerations because where doubt is introduced, there's usually a paradigm shift.
There is afterlife. This life is just a flash in time. A nanosecond of eternity. His word says so and I believe Him. I have chosen where to spend mine.

Serving God is joyous. It's more joyous than anything here on earth. NOTHING compares. I have never felt such complete love, joy, peace, and awe as when I am in His presence.:worship:

God is better than earthly man because he will never leave or forsake you. He will never let you down. He will never disappoint you. He gives you the desires of your heart. He loves you forever. Unconditionally.:)

I already take care of myself. I'm fine. In every aspect of my life: spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, romantically, financially, socially, etc... I will never want for anything. I have Him. I have everything.:worship:
Without Him, yes. Everything else is just a cheap substitute. Money, power, fame... Useless. Meaningless. Friends, family, pets. Nice but you can't take them with you.

Eternity with Him will be awesome. Life here on earth with Him is great.:worship:

M*W: What exactly do you think will go on between you and Jesus in the afterlife?
If you are an atheist, what would it take to convince you that a god existed? If you are a theist, what would it take to convince you that the god you worship didn't exist? What sort of evidence would be necessary to make you change your mind? I'm curious about this because you often here theists accuse atheists of being "close minded" and unwilling to accept any evidence for god. I think it's actually the reverse - most atheists can easily give examples of the sorts of evidence that would make them reconsider their stance, but in my experience most theists say that there is nothing that could possibly make them change their mind. But maybe I'm wrong. So...what would it take to make you reconsider your beliefs?

as a theist, abiogenesis would be sufficient
M*W: Science can now grow new heart, liver, pancreas, bone and retina tissue. No gods needed.

I think the reality of that is about 20 years away, even then it is by using the bodies own cells.

A clear example of post hoc ergo propter hoc. And what is science anyway?

Well lets see, science does good things and people do bad things:shrug:- Science is not human-ha ha ha thats funny.

i wonder why people have to prove god exsist or dosen't

I dont think anyone is trying to prove this, just pooling information. Besides you know more, at least it becomes clearer when your on the balls of your ass but we strive to prevent this so clearly it was not meant to be. Do miracles happen? Miracles that go against all explanation, all odds...this cannot be disputed.
Without Him, yes. Everything else is just a cheap substitute. Money, power, fame... Useless. Meaningless. Friends, family, pets. Nice but you can't take them with you.

Eternity with Him will be awesome. Life here on earth with Him is great.:worship:

M*W: How can anyone here believe anything you say when you are falsifying your own image? Now if you showed us a picture of yourself, and you had an uncanny resemblance to Christie Brinkley, I'd say, "damn, maybe Sandy knows something!"