What would it take to convince you that you were wrong?

I think the reality of that is about 20 years away, even then it is by using the bodies own cells.

M*W: This is being done today in laboratories all over the world. Unfortunately, the USA has not kept up with the rest of the world on stem cell biology.
Now people are saying I look more like Ali Larter. I have heard Christie Brinkley since I was a teenager.


I don't care what anyone thinks or believes.:)

M*W: Obviously, you do care what people think. You've posted a picture of Christie Brinkley but insist that you look like her and Ali Larter.

Then you come here and try to force your religious dogma down everyone's throats when you don't even know much about your own religion!

It is really humorous when the atheists on board have to explain your religion to you... like about the trinity and such.

So, don't tell us you don't care what we think or believe, or you wouldn't be hiding behind Christie Brinkley. It might have not been so obvious that you chose her as your avatar had you not demanded that you were a also hottie. Something is not adding up. I didn't know Jesus prefers hotties.
Now people are saying I look more like Ali Larter. I have heard Christie Brinkley since I was a teenager.


I don't care what anyone thinks or believes.:)

If I may ask...in regards to what specifically? The context entertains many possibilities, and I have a hard time believing that you are referring to them all. Everybody cares to a degree...so to what degree do you care? I'm curious...how much a person cares is paramount in understanding what they say.
M*W: Obviously, you do care what people think. You've posted a picture of Christie Brinkley but insist that you look like her and Ali Larter.

Then you come here and try to force your religious dogma down everyone's throats when you don't even know much about your own religion!

It is really humorous when the atheists on board have to explain your religion to you... like about the trinity and such.

So, don't tell us you don't care what we think or believe, or you wouldn't be hiding behind Christie Brinkley. It might have not been so obvious that you chose her as your avatar had you not demanded that you were a also hottie. Something is not adding up. I didn't know Jesus prefers hotties.

Give it up. Religious fanatics will never see how their obsessive behavior is a crutch and a ruse. It's the same behavior displayed by addicts.
This particular person is definitely hiding behind a false image; with everyone on this forum AND herself. The sad thing is she doesn't realize this. But mark my words....If she honestly believes the shit she spouts out, then it is just a matter of time before this 'drug' looses its effectiveness.
As I said before, this person is either a recovering addict or suffered a nervous breakdown.......or has a brain tumor.
Furthermore, I'm guessing she looks more like Rosie O'Donnell than Christie.
if sandy believes she such a hottie, why does she hide behind a picture of somebody else, all she need do is show us a picture of herself. mind you most people surf anonimous, however she is using this hottie and look a like thing, nobody else. so come lier show us what you look like, a nice verifiable picture of you.
Most people responses here have been pretty lame. Most of the atheists have simply been saying "I would change my mind if I had evidence that god exists," and most of the theists are saying "I would change my mind if my beliefs were proven wrong." Well, obviously. :rolleyes: The point here was to find out what evidence it would take to convince you that you were wrong.
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I would need a lifetime supply of private funds(to spend on random nonsense) to convince me I'm wrong.
Most people responses here have been pretty lame. Most of the atheists have simply been saying "I would change my mind if I had evidence that god exists," and most of the theists are either saying "I would change my mind if my beliefs were proven wrong." Well, obviously. :rolleyes: The point here was to find out what evidence it would take to convince you that you were wrong.

Maybe if someone comes with concrete evidence saying the following:
- Zarathustra (Zoroaster) never existed.
- Jesus never existed.
- The 24 Buddhas never existed.
- Shiva, Krishna and Vishnu never existed.
- Thor (aka Hermes Trismegistus) never existed.
- Nicholas Flammel never existed.
- The Count of Saint Germain never existed.
- Apollonius of Tyana never existed.
- Paracelsus never existed.
- Oriental Medicine proven to be crap.
- Ghosts and paranormal phenomena proven to be massive paranoia.
- Concrete evidence of the origin and skeptic function of the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids; and the Sphinx.

Even then, I would question myself about life and God. So I don´t really know what would change my mind, but is someone comes along with proven evidence of what I stated, I would surely feel lost a bit :shrug: .
what would convince me is a visitation, but seeing that will never happen i will carry on not believing,
The problem with a man walking on water is that it's an achievable goal with human technology. Once we invent anti-gravity, we would be able to walk in mid air :D