What makes a man a man?


Cris has it down pat, except for the beer. (You are insulting my femininity! )
Sorry, Xev, so you reckon you can outdrink most men then huh? ;)


Tha's right, like. It's an 'Ozzy not an Hozzy.

For the pepasants hereabouts, Hospital = 'ozpital = Ozzy in Scouse lingo.
Orright la, Ow ya doin.

Me got born in Kirkby but moved up in the world to Aigburth Work in two ozzies would ya believe an doin sound.

For all others who may be confused most scousers,
(people indiginous to Liverpool England) have a habit languagewise of cutting most words in half and putting 'ee' on the end.

Town centre = townee.
Kwik save = the kwikee (grocers)
And so on

Meanwhile back at the thread...

Decimator opined,
What makes a man a man and different from every other living thing is his ability to have a soul and to have a relationship with God.
Real men don't need hand-holding imaginary friends. ;)
Been a long time since I read that poem, Chagur. Thanks for bringing it to mind. Some of my favorite lines:

"If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools..."

But I'd have to say that these lines can apply to being a hu-man as much as they can to being a 'man.'

Anyway, there's been some interesting input offered here on what makes a man a man, but I'll have to say I most favor Cris's reply on chromosomes, and G's. Lots depends on where a man is born and spends most of his life, but sex and a fair degree of rationality are two places to start when defining that which makes a man.

Or maybe a man of promise?


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The good grace to allow avenues to open and to see where they go.
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In some countries...

Having many wives.

Hmmm.... That's sounds fun! :D
Posted by ISMU
Having many wives.

Hmmm.... That's sounds fun!

So you'd have like six people going...

"You never take me out anymore.
When are ya gonna fix the shelf/car/bedroom door?
Why don't you get a better job?
I need a new dress.
Take out the goddamn trash..."

etc :D
Originally posted by bbcboy

So you'd have like six people going...

:rolleyes: umm... yeah, it's seems hard to handle 6...
But i think i can handle 4 :D
Having many wives.

Ayn Rand had a little harem going there for a while, didn't she?

Male though. Perhaps you have it.

Sorry, Xev, so you reckon you can outdrink most men then huh?

Well, not out-drink.

*Hic* Thish thred ish rather shilly.


I likes that *hic* poem very much meself.

*Tosses down another shot of vodka*

Goonight kishd.
Originally posted by Cris:
The sex chromosome pair XX usually results in a female. XY is usually male. But abnormalities can occur in the early stages of fetal development resulting in XY females and XX men. And there is a mosaic, but that complicates things too much for this forum. Whatever the sex chromosomes say it is the secretion of testosterone during fetal development that determines the final sex. If the production of the sex hormones in the early stages is either delayed or repressed then the sex of the child will be determined accordingly.

Not so complicated...

"Whatever the sex chromosomes say it is the secretion of testosterone during fetal development that determines the final sex. "
So then we are all basically women...! ;)
What makes us mans is a change in our development...
That's intersting... because if I were a women I would have more brain cells...

Just to know... I'm feminist... :)
I Love women...
They usually understand me better then men...

Originally posted by ismu:
But i think i can handle 4

I can hadle with ten!! :D
But I Love too much one girl to do that... ;)

* by Xev * Ayn Rand had a little harem going there for a while, didn't she?

Well... she was masculine woman then. ;)

* by TruthSeeker * I can hadle with ten!! :D

Wow... you're really octopus!! :D :D
Well... she was masculine woman then.

*Sulks jealously*

Just to know... I'm feminist...
I Love women...
They usually understand me better then men...

Oh, great, we have Shaft posting here:

Who's the black private dick
that's a sex machine to all the chicks?
You're damn right
Who is the man
that would risk his neck for his brother man?
Can ya dig it?
Who's the cat that won't cop out
when there's danger all about
Right on
You see this cat Shaft is a bad mother--
(Shut your mouth)
But I'm talkin' about Shaft
(Then we can dig it)
He's a complicated man
but no one understands him but his woman

(John Shaft)
I didn't say eight... I said TEN!!

It's a joke, ok... ? :D

I'll confess the Truth...
I'll confess my Love here...

The girl I Love, I Love so much that she is worth one million girls! :)

Hope we go out soon...

And if she's reading this...? :confused:

Well... then...

Love you Melissa!

