What makes a man a man?

Maybe odd thing here (especially for a guy to say, I think), but eyes. I don't know why, I just notice someones eyes first.

And now I'm off to bed. Too much hockey tomorrow to be up pass 2:00...
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Here's a question; what's the first thing you notice in a member of the opposite sex (or same sex, whichever you choose!)?

Eyes. Not the color, but what I see "inside" them...

And hands too... :)
I'm a pianist, you know... I Love cute little hands... :D:D

Maily when I see them playing the piano... :)

Clothes initially because I think they denote the type of person I like. Then it's down to face, body shape, age, hair/eye color and do they have a car!:D
Hey thats interesting

If guys look for a girl who will be the best mother and girls look for the guy who will be the best provider what do gays of either sex look for?:bugeye:

(dosn't matter if no one wantes to anwser that im just interested in looking at it from a diferent perspective)
Guys who can co-ordinate the best drapes :D

I refer you to my last post above your own Asguard. Course, that's just me.

One thing that has often struck me, especially regarding younger couples, is the similarity between the two partners physically and facially.
A little narcissistic maybe, buuuut what the hey?

Don't stop asking or you'll never know!!
bbcboy ...

Your observation is quite astute.

A bunch of years ago I read of a study re. similarities of long term
partners. Not only were there the initial, though at times subtle,
similarities, the similarities increased over the years primarily due
to the taking on of each other's mannerisms and other forms of

Take care ;)

PS Sorry, couldn't find the study I referred to.