What is your belief regarding the existence of "God"?

What is your position regarding the existence of "God"?

  • God exists and created the universe through the laws of nature.

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • God exists, and created the universe/world in seven 24-hours periods.

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • God doesn't exist, the idea was invented by man to address the unknown.

    Votes: 18 64.3%
  • I don't know, and choose not to posit a belief.

    Votes: 5 17.9%

  • Total voters
I would just like to point out that all any of you are succeeding in doing is pointing out that there are things I believe that I can't prove, which has been my claim from the beginning. Christians believe. You'll never find one who denies that claim. What's your point?
I'm just trying to find out why people believe what they do. No offense intended.
What if, for example, it can be shown statistically that prayer has no effect? And what is the mechanism of his intervention? If his presence is indistinguishable from his absence, is it still logical to believe in him?

The Bible actually says that prayers will be answered if they are according to "God's Will". For me, God's Will is synonymous with the laws of the universe, so you would never be able to distinguish between prayers that are answered and those things that just happened according to the laws of physics. The mechanism would in fact be the standard laws of physics, and as such yes, his presence (if it were to be measured by physical reactions) would be indistinguishable from his absence. However, almost any Christian will tell you that his presence has been felt not by something physical that happened to them but by the emotional change they felt in their (soul/heart/consciousness).

But they are wrong, we did evolve here, there is evidence of that. And the Bible was written by ancient Jews. So if a giant gold bible were discovered on the Moon, I would consider that proof of His existence. I could think of something even more absurd, but you get the point. Evidence of God can be imagined, but it is never found.

I think plenty would argue that finding the giant gold bible would be evidence that early man was indeed influenced by alien visitors. That the bible was written by ancient jews is irrelevant if they were influenced by these aliens. I get the point you are trying to make, but I think it is the other way around. Evidence of God cannot be physical, and any suggestions of evidence can always be explained with other things.

We will likely always have rational reasons for fighting an enemy, at least we can eliminate the irrational ones. Religions have motivated wars, there are many examples in history.

Name one.

They are examples of the reasons why religion is not innocuous. One person's "deviations" are another's faith.

As long as said deviations don't impede on the will of others, who cares?

So does bovine life, but we eat them. We are considered special because we are the only ones said to have a soul.

But it isn't murder to kill a cow. It is murder to kill a human, which the vast majority of humans agree is wrong. Pro-lifers believe that life begins at conception. A soul has nothing to do with it. You don't see pro-choicers arguing that its okay to kill a 30yr old, do you?
I'm just trying to find out why people believe what they do. No offense intended.

Thank you for that, but I'm not actually offended. None of the questions so far have been related to why I believe what I do though. I can answer that far more directly.

I believe the universe was created by SOMETHING because it is easier to conceive than a universe that sprang from nothing.

I still cannot conceive of a creator with no beginning, but if we are to describe this creator as "God" then at least there is a reason as to why I cannot conceive it.

I believe in the Christian theology because the things it says about God are consistent with the above statements, as well as everything else we know about people, the universe, and our planet. The message taught by Christ in particular is borne out to be an ideal that leads to peace and harmony in my own life. Deviations from the teachings of Christianity invariably lead to strife in my life, and vice versa.

I recognize that these same teaching are found in other religions, and that makes perfect sense to me, as any idea of God that followed mankind as he spread from his initial tribes would carry along certain themes that would be repeated in the religions developed in different parts of the world. This could also be a result of natural selection, but that could also simply be the way "God's message" was presented.

At its core, we are really talking about two different things - why I believe in a Creator, and why I follow the teachings of Christ. I COULD follow the teaching of Christ (for the most part) and still not believe in a Creator, but I have no reason to do so.

Aside from all of that, I also find the position of atheism to be intellectually dishonest. Atheists claim to not believe anything without proof (or at least evidence) and yet they believe there is no God. Christians claim that salvation can only occur through faith (which means you cannot have proof), and do so... believing in a God that cannot be proven. This is not why I believe, but it is reason enough to not choose to believe there is no God.

Any doctor says :confidence in recovery is half cured.
For some people the idea of God's existence give them feeling of safety.
They are frightened of this world.
Through prayer they gain confidence what give them feeling of safety
and through this, prayer help them concretely.
...I also find the position of atheism to be intellectually dishonest. Atheists claim to not believe anything without proof (or at least evidence) and yet they believe there is no God. Christians claim that salvation can only occur through faith (which means you cannot have proof), and do so... believing in a God that cannot be proven. This is not why I believe, but it is reason enough to not choose to believe there is no God.

Not sure I follow your line of thought here. Atheists claim there is no God, and there isn't any proof or even valid evidence of one. Furthermore, Christians say there cannot be any proof, and that belief in the absence of evidence is a virtue. In no other area of life do we value such a proposition.
Thank you for that, but I'm not actually offended. None of the questions so far have been related to why I believe what I do though. I can answer that far more directly.

I believe the universe was created by SOMETHING because it is easier to conceive than a universe that sprang from nothing.

I still cannot conceive of a creator with no beginning, but if we are to describe this creator as "God" then at least there is a reason as to why I cannot conceive it.

I believe in the Christian theology because the things it says about God are consistent with the above statements, as well as everything else we know about people, the universe, and our planet. The message taught by Christ in particular is borne out to be an ideal that leads to peace and harmony in my own life. Deviations from the teachings of Christianity invariably lead to strife in my life, and vice versa.

I recognize that these same teaching are found in other religions, and that makes perfect sense to me, as any idea of God that followed mankind as he spread from his initial tribes would carry along certain themes that would be repeated in the religions developed in different parts of the world. This could also be a result of natural selection, but that could also simply be the way "God's message" was presented.

At its core, we are really talking about two different things - why I believe in a Creator, and why I follow the teachings of Christ. I COULD follow the teaching of Christ (for the most part) and still not believe in a Creator, but I have no reason to do so.

Aside from all of that, I also find the position of atheism to be intellectually dishonest. Atheists claim to not believe anything without proof (or at least evidence) and yet they believe there is no God. Christians claim that salvation can only occur through faith (which means you cannot have proof), and do so... believing in a God that cannot be proven. This is not why I believe, but it is reason enough to not choose to believe there is no God.
I can't say I "believe", but I suspect/hypothesize that the universe has always been. It runs through cycles, like an eternal sine wave. No need for a beginning or a creator.

I also "believe" that "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", is pretty damn good advice.

How do you know? All we know is what beliefs were made popular for these various nationalities. We have no idea how they originated. We have speculations as to how they evolved, but that is it.

Here is the bottom line on this part. We have evidence that primitive socieites had varying ideas of god(s) and they trypically were based on that which was around them, the types of animals etc

We have no evidence that there was a singular idea that started it all, as opposed to starting wherever man was.

So the burden is on you to prove the claim that it all started with one concept and that it changed. The evidence shows that it was each to it's own.

Originally Posted by jpappl
You accept your belief as pure faith, you have just created a god where there was not one needed. ”

How did I 'create' a god?

In your mind

Why did I first choose to believe, or why do I believe now? (I believe I already answered that question.)

First choose

No, actually. Though I do recall being afraid of our basement at some point. I remember being afraid of the washing machine, and it was probably because I saw it shaking at one point, which sparked some other thought or memory that related it to a monster of some sort. But I never invented the idea of a monster.

No imagination. Most kids create all sorts of monsters in their minds. I used to be scared of this really tall black stick like creature I was sure existed in our back yard, only at night of course.

No, how the universe works has to do with how our understanding of God's interaction with the universe works. If I don't know that an oven gets hotter by setting the temperature hotter, I have no idea how someone turning up the heat in an oven does so. Understanding that there is a temperature setting helps me understand how that person changes the temperature, but it doesn't tell me anything else about that person.

If god exists outside of the universe and is supernatural, why does the workings of the universe matter ?

You can't know god right ? ”

I suppose that depends on what you mean by "know God". We can most certainly know how God makes himself manifest to humanity.

We can, please explain.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Therefore you can't know if god created the universe. ”

Of course not. How many times do I have to say that this is a key component of Christianity? We are instructed to have faith BECAUSE we can't know.

Well since you are claiming a belief in god then you are claiming to know that god created the universe, otherwise you don't know what you believe.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
You can't know if it's outside of the universe or within. ”

There is no reason to think a Creator of something is part of that something. It makes no sense, and everything about our understanding of God is that He isn't. You might as well say that I can't know if God is this keyboard I'm typing on. No, I guess I can't know that - but it wouldn't make any sense and no one is suggesting that it is.

Why doesn't it make sense ? Didn't christians believe that god was sitting in the clouds within our atmostphere at one point. Seriously, you guys just keep moving the goal posts to keep up with science.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
You can't know if we were given freewill or not. ”

I'm just going to stop addressing the free will points. Until you learn more about spacetime it is a wasted effort

Explain to me why spacetime is important to whether or not we have freewill.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
We don't need god for the universe to work. ”

It isn't a matter of whether we need god for the universe to work or not. He either exists or doesn't. We can't know either way. The universe will most certainly continue along its way whether you believe or not. What difference does that make?

The question is what difference does god make. If we don't need him for the universe to continue on it's way.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
He doesn't interact. So all who claim to have interacted with him are liars, correct ?

If he only created and doesn't interact then no need to do anything. All is pre-arranged for us, including your death and apparent after life. God is meaningless at this point. ”

Again, attempting to discuss these points with you until you understand the nature of time is a wasted effort.

You don't have an answer do you ?

If you like, I can start responding to such questions in such a way that points out how they are time-based, and thus irrelevant.

Yes enlighten me. And explain how god can interact with us and why the need since according to you all was in place beforehand, oh and he exists outside of the universe and the universe maintains it's laws.

This should be good.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
How do you know the afterlife sits outside this time and space ? ”

I don't know; I believe.

Fair enough

See above. If you are looking for me to somehow attempt to prove God's existence, don't bother. If I could, Christianity would make no sense. I never said I could; I said that it wasn't possible. What is so difficult about the phrases "believe" and "faith"? You believe there is no God, and I believe there is. Neither one of us can prove one position or the other, because we can't see beyond that which we can see.

Which is what I have been trying to explain. Without the evidence, why believe, why put a god in there when none is needed.

Why try to explain the unexplainable. Why support a notion that is not supportable.

Any claim that it is will be met with prove it and you won't be able to.

Look, I am sure you are a decent, nice and reasonable person, if you knew me you would know that I am as well. I am not questioning you because you believe, I am questioning the belief.

I want to be sure to point that out. I am not being judgemental about you as a person. I respect your opinions etc. I am trying to raise questions that challenge your positions.

The key is not to find that which supports, because in many cases that is easy, the key is to face that which contradicts and deal with it. That is the reality.

Like spider said, if we found something like a huge gold bible on the moon. We wouldn't be able to ignore it. And it would make us all re-think everything we have come to know. That doesn't mean that knowledge isn't reality, just that something else is going on that we don't understand.
As long as you've put the word "god" in "quotes", then my concept of god is valid, right? I take a more pantheistic view, you know - the Universe IS god.

Alas, still no afterlife...
I believe God exists as an Idea.
An unproven idea.
I would LOVE for a divine being to come to me, to speak to me, to reveal herself to me, but this has yet to happen.
I can not disprove a god in any logic other than saying, that which is proven with no evidence needs not evidence to disprove it.
But I believe this is a horrible way to disprove something just as it is a horrible way to prove something.

My beliefs are closely tied to Buddhism and I see life as eternal.
I do not however see human beings as eternal.
When human beings stop working for life, life will exterminate us.
As life has always done.
But I do not stress this, you can not change reality.
There is no such thing as a good day, or a bad day. There is just a day.
It's all an illusion that we paint for ourselves.
It is what it is.
As long as you've put the word "god" in "quotes", then my concept of god is valid, right? I take a more pantheistic view, you know - the Universe IS god.

Alas, still no afterlife...

how can you say that when you're still alive?
57.89% of the people that responded to the survey on here are atheists.

How the fuck do you guys put up with the ignorant horse shit that spouts from the mouths of these nut jobs like Lori and SolusCado.

Spidergoat you are a better man than I. I can’t stand reading this crap. I’m going to run back to the human science section.

Honestly this forum is like reading a dictionary written by toddlers. It’s just mistake after mistake with these religious people, you try to correct them and they goo and gaa at you and then shove a toy up their nose… while shitting their nappy.
With the quality of arguments and comments you religious people are making, it’s really hard to see you in any other way.
how can you say that when you're still alive?
'Cuz it would be impossible to say it when I'm dead? :shrug:

Actually, my concept of god does not include afterlifes, heaven, hell, reward or punishment. I have a limited number of years to stand up and look around. After that my RAM is reallocated to the memory pool and I cease to exist.

It's OK - it's part of a cycle that's been going on for eternity.
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'Cuz it would be impossible to say it when I'm dead? :shrug:

Actually, my concept of god does not include afterlifes, heaven, hell, reward or punishment. I have a limited number of years to stand up and look around. After that my RAM is reallocated to the memory pool and I cease to exist.

It's OK - it's part of a cycle that's been going on for eternity.

so iow, you have absolutely no idea what happens after we die, you just believe whatever you want to believe arbitrarily.
I see no evidence to support the idea of death being anything more than the end. In fact, I see nothing to give anyone the idea that there is something after death.
I see no evidence to support the idea of death being anything more than the end. In fact, I see nothing to give anyone the idea that there is something after death.

yes i know. you wouldn't be able to see that until you're dead. that's my point.
Hmmm, are you dead? If not then you make a pretty dull point.

why? i don't claim to know what happens to us after we die.

i have had some spiritual experiences that seem to indicate that there is more going on than meets the eye. :shrug:
why? i don't claim to know what happens to us after we die.

i have had some spiritual experiences that seem to indicate that there is more going on than meets the eye. :shrug:
I'll grant you that. It was the dood that looks like Bono who was saying belief affected the afterlife... (I'm still learning who the players are around here.)

As for the spiritual experience, I've always wanted one of those... But the closest I ever get is when I hear David Gilmour's guitar solo in Time. (Almost 40 years and it still sends shivers down my spine.) :D