What is the strongest atheist argument?

If he does not believe anyone can change their mind, why does he bother?

Is that what you really think? You "honestly" believe he changed his mind?

From reading his posts, there's been little change other than his repeated calls for Jew's heads on lances. It's a good bet that's the reason he was banned before. I see no other discernible differences in his thought process or cognitive skills, other than the fact he's made it quite clear in a number of threads, that he is now an "Agnostic." *Poof* Just like that.

Perhaps, I missed the thread in which he explained in great detail his logical and rational reasons for leaving Islam and becoming agnostic. Could you link it here, please?

Sorry Sam, it's quite obvious, even by your standards, to easily see through the thinly-veiled game of deception he's been playing. Too easy.

And you, brethren, leaping to his defense without even giving it a second thought, knowing damn well he's a Muslim. Has lying become second nature?

Shameful, really. Both of you.
his repeated calls for Jew's heads on lances

Are you sure you haven't confused him with someone else? Norsefire is the "Jews and Syrians are brothers, the superior Semite nation, because Semites are superior" one.
Are you sure you haven't confused him with someone else? Norsefire is the "Jews and Syrians are brothers, the superior Semite nation, because Semites are superior" one.

Norseliar said:
Israel does not belong to the Jews. it is Arabian land and if we have to murder every fucking jew, we'll do it


As for everyone else, I even agree that was evil. I was referring ONLY to the jews

and considering what the jews have done, perhaps it was right to have killed them before THEY could have a chance to kill countless innocence


Hesbollah on the other hand are righteous and I wholeheartedly support them Heck, if I could, I would join them


I see you ignored these the first time I posted them. Any more lies, Sam?
Your links lead nowhere.

And he's posted waaaay more links about his semitic theory of supremacy.

He might have changed his mind.

Why do you care how he feels about Jews anyway? Jews are theists.
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So my question is, what is the strongest atheist argument for the nonexistence of God?

That there's no good reason to believe in things for which no evidence exists.

The argument that something can miraculously and magically come from nothing in blatant violation of every known law of science would seem to be the strongest atheist argument. I would like to hear your thoughts.

Who says the universe came "from nothing"? There are many scientific theories of possible "causes" for the big bang. None of them involve "nothing".

Most of them do in my experience. If the universe had a beginning it must also have had a cause which we call the First Cause.

1. Why must there be a "first cause"? Why not an infinite succession of causes?
2. Why must any "first cause" be equated with God?
3. How do you know that God is the "first cause", and was not himself caused by something else (e.g. super-God)?
4. If everything needs a cause, what caused God?
5. And if God needs no cause, then why does the big bang need a cause?
Atheists like Norsefire are obssessed with straw men and theists's "weakest arguments" because, let's be realistic, the only chance atheists have to win a religious debate is by identifying the weakest known arguments

So my question is, what is the strongest atheist argument for the nonexistence of God?
could you narrow it down a bit,and tell us WHICH god are you pushing today


in case of xian god its just to contradictory to be real

The argument that something can miraculously and magically come from nothing in blatant violation of every known law of science would seem to be the strongest atheist argument. I would like to hear your thoughts.
only religious nuts like to use this something from nothing nonsense,

I havent heard a ONE single atheist ever saying that Universe came from nothing.

btw you cant HEAR anyones thoughts,just like theres no god in your heart, ;)
if you quit using such illogical cliches you may gain more insight on what its like to live in reality
Your links lead nowhere.

And he's posted waaaay more links about his semitic theory of supremacy.

He might have changed his mind.

Why do you care how he feels about Jews anyway? Jews are theists.




Why are defending a liar? Is it because you are a liar too? And, it would appear you ignored my response to you in that regard.

You're a disgrace, Sam.

Btw, Jews are people, Sam, just like Muslims and Christians. They're all people, Sam. Didn't you know that?
Atheists like Norsefire are obssessed with straw men and theists's "weakest arguments" because, let's be realistic, the only chance atheists have to win a religious debate is by identifying the weakest known arguments.

So my question is, what is the strongest atheist argument for the nonexistence of God?

The argument that something can miraculously and magically come from nothing in blatant violation of every known law of science would seem to be the strongest atheist argument. I would like to hear your thoughts.

Why do you assume there is a strongest argument ? There are many strong arguments and to talk of the strongest makes no sense.
The strongest atheist argument? That we are all atheists, because even those that believe in 'God', don't believe in the entire pantheon of gods ever invented by man. So the reason you don't believe in Quetzalqoatl is the same reason I don't believe in 'God'.

Of course, theists of the one god persuasion will dodge, and twist, but they have to admit they do not believe in quetzalqoatl, and if they list the reasons, and just go apply them to any other god, and we're all on the same page.
Religion generally rests it's arguments on the extraordinary nature of life forms, and their complexity, which seems to outclass the complexity found in non-living systems. The Big Bang is an interesting phenomenon, but doesn't seem to require the intercession of an intelligence.

It explains how non-intelligent forces can be the cause of apparent design. It's revolutionary, a consciousness-raiser.

Because there doesn't need to be an original complexity. Complexity doesn't need complexity to arise, evolution describes how that can happen. There are no serious detractors of the general principle of evolution in the scientific community. That's a lie.

טבע כפי שאלוהים פשוט משהו אחד רואה. לדעת שדברים מאחרים ולהפריד מה שאמיתיים ולא אמיתיים יהדות. דת מעולם לא משתדלת להשיב לשאלות של התחלות, זאת מחפשת לבנות עתיד .
The strongest atheist argument? That we are all atheists, because even those that believe in 'God', don't believe in the entire pantheon of gods ever invented by man. So the reason you don't believe in Quetzalqoatl is the same reason I don't believe in 'God'.

Of course, theists of the one god persuasion will dodge, and twist, but they have to admit they do not believe in quetzalqoatl, and if they list the reasons, and just go apply them to any other god, and we're all on the same page.

I think we have a winner here! :worship: