What is the strongest atheist argument?

I'm an agnostic that simply favors religion over atheism in society. I like religion, but I don't believe in it

Anyway, as for the strongest atheist argument? The lack of empirical evidence; however, I don't quite think it really fits when discussing God.

As for the weakest atheist argument, the "well, there are bad things in the world" argument; doesn't make any sense.
I'm an agnostic that simply favors religion over atheism in society. I like religion, but I don't believe in it

Norseliar said:
wow I'm moslem but whoever posted that is a nut


I am a moslim

but if I had to pick, I would pick Christian, because that is the next closest religion


Israel does not belong to the Jews. it is Arabian land and if we have to murder every fucking jew, we'll do it


As for gays, they deserve to die. IF you are a christian, a moslim, or even a jew you should hate gays because they are against religion.

As for everyone else, I even agree that was evil. I was referring ONLY to the jews

and considering what the jews have done, perhaps it was right to have killed them before THEY could have a chance to kill countless innocence


The west owes a great deal to Arab/Moslim ideas. And AMERICA repays us by causing death and destruction upon us


Hesbollah on the other hand are righteous and I wholeheartedly support them Heck, if I could, I would join them


And the posts go on and on... Whatever Norsefire claims to be today, one thing is for damn sure, he is a bold-faced liar.d So, yet we have another Muslim who habitually lies. Where does it end? What kind of sick, twisted religion promotes this crap?

Who needs a strong argument when we have this kind of nonsense?
If he does not believe anyone can change their mind, why does he bother?
The theory of evolution doesn't explain anything; evolution is a process, not a cause. Eugenics is like guided evolution.
I think the strongest atheist argument is the Theory of Evolution. It explains how complexity can come about without a creator.

Small problem: T.O.E. does not explain the original complexity, never been observed, spotty and highly debatable evidence for interim species. No missing link, falsified scientific data etc, etc.

It is the best scientific theory we have right now that describes our reality in part. That's it. And it has many detractors in the scientific community as well.
The strongest atheist argument? Well, perhaps the two which hold the most weight for me is:

1. There is no empirical evidence that supports God's existence.

2. All the religions that I am aware of (not many, admittedly) have certain characteristics that strongly suggest that they are man made (eg. religious beliefs vary depending on time and place).
If he does not believe anyone can change their mind, why does he bother?

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

Of course, being inconsistent doesn't make one a great soul. But unless one was born perfect, one will have to go through quite a lot of inconsistency in order to achieve greatness.
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M*W: I think S.A.M. should be removed as moderator. She is so totally biased and does not serve SciForums with the integrity befitting of a mod. Sure, she may have + or - 50,000 posts, but she doesn't say anything worth reading. She's a troll. I don't know how she's made it this far on the forum. She thinks she is untouchable, but she's not. It's a known fact that Muslims lie. They admit it. So now we have a mod that lies. What does that say about SciForums? It's time S.A.M. was ousted from her high horse. When will the PTB wake up and smell the coffee? She can dish it out, but she can't take it. She posts but she doesn't say anything. What a waste!

The strongest atheist argument indeed ... bickering, character assassination, jealousy, calls to riot ...
The strongest atheist argument indeed ... bickering, character assassination, jealousy, calls to riot ...
M*W: What does this have to do with atheism? I stated this as a member in long-standing of SciForums. It's not about religion or the lack thereof. I stated this about S.A.M., because she is not behaving in an appropriate way, and she is too biased to serve as mod.

If you were to go back and read my other posts, you would know that I have befriended S.A.M. on this forum, but lately, she has really shown her true colors, so I cannot be supportive of someone who lacks integrity and is intellectually dishonest regardless of their chosen religious beliefs.
No it doesn't. The Theory of Evolution does not explain the Big Bang...:rolleyes:
Religion generally rests it's arguments on the extraordinary nature of life forms, and their complexity, which seems to outclass the complexity found in non-living systems. The Big Bang is an interesting phenomenon, but doesn't seem to require the intercession of an intelligence.

The theory of evolution doesn't explain anything; evolution is a process, not a cause. Eugenics is like guided evolution.
It explains how non-intelligent forces can be the cause of apparent design. It's revolutionary, a consciousness-raiser.

Small problem: T.O.E. does not explain the original complexity, never been observed, spotty and highly debatable evidence for interim species. No missing link, falsified scientific data etc, etc.

It is the best scientific theory we have right now that describes our reality in part. That's it. And it has many detractors in the scientific community as well.

Because there doesn't need to be an original complexity. Complexity doesn't need complexity to arise, evolution describes how that can happen. There are no serious detractors of the general principle of evolution in the scientific community. That's a lie.
Atheists, bound to the whim of science, know that they offer no logical explanation for the First Cause; that is, the motive or occurrence which paved the way for the universe we dwell in today. They have no answer, and they never will. It kills them on the inside.

Yeah, while the theist explanation is "it was magic". That's a lot better. :rolleyes:

The argument that something can miraculously and magically come from nothing in blatant violation of every known law of science would seem to be the strongest atheist argument.
That isn't an atheist argument. That is a theist argument since they have no concept to anything other than a god.

Atheists primary argument is the disbelief that something magical and miraculous exists (i.e. a god) in blatant violation of every known law of science.
For me - as a devout agnostic - the thing that almost convinces me to become an atheist is that Oil is Mastery apparently believes in God.