What is the strongest atheist argument?

But let someone suggest that the creation was accomplished by God, who does require something of you, and you go ballistic.
Ha ha ha... So a the universe was created by a entity in the form of man, a mind like man. What a joke... Dont you see the stupidity of your argument. Or is your god not the god of your particular holy (joke) book.
I would not be the first to suggest - and I may not even be suggesting it - that as four forces and a smogasboard of particles emerged from the uniformity of the Big Bang; as a thes spawned a collection of elements which in turn led to the emergence of stars and stellar systems; as those led to the emergence of planets on which life could emereg and from which consciousness finally arose so that aspects of the Universe could contemplate the universe; and as this continued for billions upon billions of years, with ever more complex properties emerging; till one day in the far distant fuure a property derived at one point from the consciousness of man, seeking to forestall the inevitable end of the Universe moved along closed curved time line and said 'Let there be light', so that it started all over again.

No, that would be silly, wouldn't it. To believe that you would have to believe in the strong force, galaxy formation, emergent properties, abiogenesis, evolution. The list of impossibilities is endless.
Well silly us to assume we are the only ones in this infinite universe. We may see the edge where light cant travel, but it goes on past that for infinity. Why so much space for our multitude of little modern gods, small minds and feeble expectations. Human like gods, guess we like to feel special. Im glad im blind.
Well silly us to assume we are the only ones in this infinite universe.
1: Irrelevant - an emergent sentient being is an emergent sentient being.
2. Those who consider we are the only intelligent species in the Universe use sound philosophical, logical, observational and deductive processes to arrive at such a conclusion - no assumptions in sight.
We may see the edge where light cant travel, but it goes on past that for infinity
Not necessarily. That's not an assumption you are making, is it?
Human like gods, guess we like to feel special
There is growing evidence we are special. Of course, since you are blind you wouldn't be able to see it. Unfortunate.
Well silly us to assume we are the only ones in this infinite universe. We may see the edge where light cant travel, but it goes on past that for infinity. Why so much space for our multitude of little modern gods, small minds and feeble expectations. Human like gods, guess we like to feel special. Im glad im blind.

We are gods.. !?? :m:
1: Irrelevant - an emergent sentient being is an emergent sentient being.
What???? do they all make up gods???
2. Those who consider we are the only intelligent species in the Universe use sound philosophical, logical, observational and deductive processes to arrive at such a conclusion - no assumptions in sight.
Hey all the religious types agree that theres at least one more, oh and the evil ones and all the various sub gods, angels and what not's..
Not necessarily. That's not an assumption you are making, is it?
Thats is the current scientific view.. But then tomorrow it could change.
There is growing evidence we are special. Of course, since you are blind you wouldn't be able to see it. Unfortunate.
What evidence do we have. We have only just found a hand full of planets, big ugly ones at that, and those we have found are local, a few hundred light years. Its a long way to the other side of the milky way. We are special and unique but only as a square coffee cup is special in the dishwasher of normality.
I had a square fishbowl once. I tried to keep my cat in it. She didn't like it. Is that what you mean?
We are special and unique but only as a square coffee cup is special in the dishwasher of normality.
Guess this is about the worst analogy I have mustered up for some time, but it was late and no god stepped up to offer any inspiration..

I had a square fishbowl once. I tried to keep my cat in it. She didn't like it. Is that what you mean?
LOL... Does it matter what we carry in our minds. Well at least you recognized and hopefully acted on your empathy for the poor little pussy cat. *S*

There is absolutely no evidence that other sentient beings exist, yet until we scan the uncountable other worlds we can not discount the probability. I very much doubt that if we find others that their gods will look anything like ours.
Not at all. They are doing some very interesting research there, but what they are doing is not testing the origins of the universe. In order to do that they would have to recreate the specific conditions of the event.

It is obviously not true that to establish the truth of a scientific theory you need to "recreate the specific conditions".

We don't have to re-run evolution to know that the theory of evolution is correct. We don't have to re-create the Moon to have a good idea of how it formed. We don't have to create a star to understand what powers it. We don't have to recreate a lightning strike on a tree to deduce that one happened.