What is the difference between Allopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurvedic medicens?

Well, then there is another way to test it. Collect 1000 AIDS patients in India (They have plenty) - verify that they all have AIDS and then start the treatment program. Either they work or do not. If they work, then Bill Gates will be happy to cover millions in Africa rather sending the expensive medicine. If Bill Gates starts distributing Homeopathy...then that is the proof, it works. Since the government of India, South Africa shun Homeopathy - that means it is all hot air.....
Homeopathy is integrated in conventional medicine system in India. Here allopaths refer cases to homeopaths, and homeopaths referes to allopaths. Both works in conjugation
OK, but I don't understand "succession" - Please explain.

I want to know how succession differs from dilution, so here is a specific example to be clear (I am only guessing that "succession" has to do with the number of dilutions, not the amount of the dilution, and testing that idea with my two cases.)

Both case A & B start with 1gm of the agent. Then in:

Case A: 99gm of pure water is added to make a 1% concentration of the active agent.

but in Case B: 9gm of pure water is first added to make a 10% concentration of the active agent.

Then 1gm of this 10% concentration is added to 9gm of pure water to make a 1% concentration of the active agent.

Is the "succession" of the twice diluted case B greater? (Even though conventional chemistry can not tell any difference between these two 1% concentration of the active agent.) Is it twice stronger Homeopathic medicine?

If this is not the case, please give me an example similar to the one above so I can understand what you are talking about. Thank you.

PS: Note that the case B second step still has 9gm of the 10% concentration. So I could repeat the second step 9 times more to end up with 10 of the 10gm 1% concentration. Then divide each 10 times to have 100 separate 1gm units more powerful than the original 1 gm of agent. This could be repeated making each of these 100 into another 100 for 10,000 total etc. etc. If there is a limit on how much succession can be produced from the original 1gm of agent, can you explain how it arises?
I am glad that you wish to understand the basics of homeopathy, not just opposing homeopathy just for the sake of it as most skeptics do.

The simple fact that homeopathic medicines are not made using dilution alone. Dilution alone would do nothing whatsoever without SUCCUSSION. Succussion or vigorous shaking is conducted between each numerical potency, i.e. between a 1c and a 2c, a 2c and a 3c, etc.

The medicine is succussed 100 times between each numerical potency in order to bring out the formative intelligence of the substance, which is imprinted on the 60% distilled water/40% alcohol medium. Alcohol acts as a preservative.
Sorry but anecdotal evidence is not provable: I could sell anything be it tap water or a pill of sugar, and if people feel it works then so be it, that does not mean it actually works though, to see if it actually works required a statically valid experiment, preferably blind to any bias.

In short if we are testing to see if a drug works you need to get hundreds of patients, then we will listen, with just one patient all we have to go on either experimental results from previous studies or a educated guess or we could be like you and just give them a completely unproven therapy and hope for the best, my bets are that sugar pill would be equally effective.
Most medical, surgical procedures and drug usage are not backed by studies - only by anecdotal evidence. According to the US Government’s Office of Technology Assessment (Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment: Assessing the efficacy and safety of medical technologies. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1978), only 10-20% of all medical procedures and off-label drug usage are backed by clinical studies.

Strong anecdotal evidence among informed professionals is actually quite reliable - at least as reliable as clinical testing.

Many clinical tests come to diametrically opposed conclusions. You could say that the problem was discovered through anecdotal evidence - and merely confirmed through a peer reviewed study.


The problem isn’t with the use of anecdotal evidence. It’s with the double standard applied by the establishment (medical and regulatory) that holds hcomplementary medicine to an absurdly higher standard, allowing medical doctors to do pretty much whatever they want. If informed anecdotal evidence is allowable for 85% of all medical procedure and drug usage, why is alternative health held to an impossible 0% standard?

Millions of people worldwide testify that homeopathy cures their illnesses yet apparently that cannot be construed as ‘evidence’.

If a person were to walk out of their house to the town centre and witness someone having their bag snatched or witness a car accident, then when they relay this information to the Police or to their friends and family, it is anecdotal evidence.

If someone go on holiday, stays at a nice hotel, eats delicious food, comes back home and relates the holiday to their friends, that is anecdotal evidence.

Does that mean that the above never happened? According to the detractors of complementary or alternative medicine, yes it does!

Millions of people have been cured of their diseases or afflictions using homeopathy, herbs, healing, vitamin supplements, special diets and on and on. Yet according to orthodox medicine all of these cures are anecdotal evidence and as such do not merit any further investigation, study, or validity. As far as orthodox medicine is concerned, these cures never happened.

Yet what if someone witnessed a car accident and the Police wanted them to make a statement? Would the statement in court be dismissed as anecdotal evidence? Would the police, even if they arrived at the scene of the accident to find the person still there comforting the passengers or trying to help, say they had not been there and their evidence is non existent? I don’t think so.

So how for so long have we put up with the top dogs in the medical establishment dismissing our cures as total nonsense, figments of our imagination, placebo cures, or outright lies?

How when millions are cured around the world using homeopathic medicines, can these cures be dismissed as unworthy of attention, simply ‘anecdotal evidence’.

Orthodox medicine implies through this that all cures with alternative medicine are untrue or simply imagined. Even when all the evidence is put before them, they become angry and even aggressive, simply refusing to see or to listen.

Yet pharmaceutical drugs cure nothing. They merely SUPPRESS the symptoms driving them deeper into the body of the patient.

Hence the eczema patient whose skin symptoms have been suppressed, goes on to develop asthma. The arthritic patient whose joint pains are suppressed, eventually will go on to develop heart disease.

The doctor makes no connection whatsoever that their drugs have created these deeper illnesses but just goes on to give the patient more and more powerful drugs, making the patient sicker still. Then when they die, they say, ‘We did everything we could’. Yes and you killed the patient!

After homeopathic treatment, careful analysis is taken of the Direction of Cure of the patient’s symptoms. Constance Hering was a converted skeptic of homeopathy. As a young man in Germany in the early nineteenth century, Hering had been assigned the task of reviewing Homeopathy because his medical mentor (a fervent anti-homeopath) had been asked by a publisher to write a book exposing homeopathy as unworthy. Having been given this task, Hering conducted a detailed study but concluded the opposite from the requested results!

source: http://drptandon.blogspot.com/
Homeopathy is integrated in conventional medicine system in India. Here allopaths refer cases to homeopaths, and homeopaths referes to allopaths. Both works in conjugation

Then why so much HIV/AIDS in India killing so many people?

In 2007, following the first survey of HIV among the general population, UNAIDS and NACO agreed on a new estimate – between 2 million and 3.6 million people living with HIV. This puts India behind South Africa and Nigeria in numbers living with HIV.20

Some AIDS activists are doubtful of the suggestion that the situation is improving, though:

“It is the reverse. All the NGOs I know have recorded increases in the number of people accepting help because of HIV. I am really worried that we are just burying our head in the sand over this.” - Anjali Gopalan, the Naz Foundation, Delhi

Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS, stresses:

“the statement that India has the AIDS problem under control is not true. There is a decline in prevalence in some of the Southern states… In the rest of the county, there are no arguments to demonstrate that AIDS is under control”

Treatment for people living with HIV
HAART – a form of treatment involving antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), which significantly delays the progression from HIV to AIDS – has been available in richer countries since 1996. Unfortunately, as in many poorer countries, access to this treatment is severely limited in India, with only about 95,000 people (less than 15% of those in need) receiving ARVs in India by the end of 2006. 44 Some people manage to access the drugs through private health facilities, which dominate India’s healthcare sector, but the vast majority of people cannot afford to buy treatment privately.

While the coverage of treatment remains unacceptably low, improvements are being made. The government has started to expand access to ARVs in a number of areas, and the national number of ARV centres increased from 25 to around 70 in 2005 alone. 45

In 2008, India’s National Aids Control Organisation (NACO) began to roll out government funded second-line antiretroviral treatment. Second line ARV’s are needed for people who’s HIV has become resistant to the effects of their medication, necessitating a change in their antiretroviral regime.

NACO’s initial one-year goal aims to provide second-line ART for the estimated 3,000 people in India who have become resistant to first-line drugs. Although welcome news, NGO and charity workers have voiced concern over the small target number, stating that this figure only represents a tiny percentage of those in need of the drugs.

“Time is of the essence to save these lives, and NACO’s announcement, although long-awaited, is short on urgency and on the scale required.” - Chinkhola Thangsing, M.D., Asia pacific Bureau Chief for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, based in New Delhi

There are also plans to improve the provision of nevirapine to pregnant mothers with HIV, which can significantly reduce the risk that they will pass infection on to their child. It has been reported that, even where treatment to prevent mother-to-child-transmission is available, some women do not request it because of the stigma surrounding HIV. 48

The large scale of India’s epidemic, the diversity of its spread, and the country’s lack of finances and resources all present barriers to India’s programme. Ironically, India is a major provider of cheap generic copies of ARVs to countries all over the world.

“It is a sad irony that India is one of the biggest producers of the drugs that have transformed the lives of people with AIDS in wealthy countries. But for millions of Indians, access to these medicines is a distant dream” - Joanne Csete, Director of the HIV/AIDS programme at Human Rights Watch
A bias study cherry picking data does not make for a accurate evaluation of the medical community.

Million of people claim jesus cured them of their illness as well, should that be consider proof of gods power?

If I was the claim I saw a unicorn, is that proof? Also I witness testimony is a different thing from theorizing the mechanism of a phenomena, if I wanted to understand why criminals steal I would need to survey them rather the just ask a single one.

If someone go on holiday, stays at a nice hotel, eats delicious food, comes back home and relates the holiday to their friends, that is anecdotal evidence.

Yes actually it is, if the conclusion is said hotel is great, then say the friend goes to the hotel and has the opposite experience, say the initial persons experience was simply pure luck of the day visiting. This is way a survey of many is always better evidence then the singular account of one.

If homeopathic medicine were to pass statistically relevant repeated double blind trials I would be all for it! As it stand extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, a medical practices that relies on completely unknown science, science which breaks or defines new laws of physics that have yet to be seen really requires a butt load of proof to be believed.

I can tell you millions more have been cured with conventional medicine then homeopathy. When Homeopathy shows a higher success rate in say curing cancer then conventional medicine I'll believe Homeopathy works.

Conventional medicine simply relies on trial and error, experiments and theory, and is constantly evolving (say for example the conventional medicine of 19th century is nothing compared to today, which is why reasonable people could question it back then), if Homeopathy were to prove valid conventional medicine would take it up in a flash (heck the pharmaceutical industry could make a killing making diluted homeopathic medicine verse the expensive process of finding and making drugs!)
A bias study cherry picking data does not make for a accurate evaluation of the medical community.

I can tell you millions more have been cured with conventional medicine then homeopathy. When Homeopathy shows a higher success rate in say curing cancer then conventional medicine I'll believe Homeopathy works.

Conventional medicine simply relies on trial and error, experiments and theory, and is constantly evolving (say for example the conventional medicine of 19th century is nothing compared to today, which is why reasonable people could question it back then), if Homeopathy were to prove valid conventional medicine would take it up in a flash (heck the pharmaceutical industry could make a killing making diluted homeopathic medicine verse the expensive process of finding and making drugs!)

Even if I for the time being believe that Homeopathy has no evedince to prove (though which is not factually correct), I would day absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It is the science as of now which has no propoer tools to evaluate homeopathy but that would not be the case forever.

I agree with you hat millions more have been cured by allopathy. This means millions less have been cured by homeopathy. Which is a great figure.

Nothing is 100% ideal/perfect. Even homeopathy is evolving.
every question would be answered. You are so many in opposing homeopathy. And I am alone in its support in this forum. So have little patience.
And that is why She did not use abusive or foul language even though she is frustrurated...that is a clue....women are a little nicer...:D
Even if I for the time being believe that Homeopathy has no evedince to prove (though which is not factually correct), I would day absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It is the science as of now which has no propoer tools to evaluate homeopathy but that would not be the case forever.

I agree with you hat millions more have been cured by allopathy. This means millions less have been cured by homeopathy. Which is a great figure.

Nothing is 100% ideal/perfect. Even homeopathy is evolving.

by the logic the absence of evidence for fairies must means there are fairies, rather fairies don't exist until proven otherwise. Yes yes get back to me when Homeapathy cures cancer at a rate better then conventional medicine, still waiting on the rabies challenge.
...The simple fact that homeopathic medicines are not made using dilution alone. Dilution alone would do nothing whatsoever without SUCCUSSION.
I take it then even though you did not directly answer my specific questions that without any "shaking" between the two steps of "case B" the "homeopathic power" of both A & B cases' 1% concentrations would be the same. I also take it that "Succussion" = vigorous shaking done after each time the concentration is changed by dilution. Please confirm or correct.
...The medicine is succussed 100 times between each numerical potency in order to bring out the formative intelligence of the substance, which is imprinted on the 60% distilled water/40% alcohol medium.
So both alcohol and water can store some information about what the active agent was, but alcohol less well. This is the homeopathic reply to people objecting that with enough dilution there might not even be one molecule of the agent remaining in the sample is it not? I.e. the effective ness of the agent is transfered to the water. Do homeopathic supporter have any model or idea how these two different liquids both store this information? I know a little bit about water that many do not. Namely it is much more complex than just a collection of H2O molecules and can agree that vigorous shaking CAN change the distribution of the molecules forming water, but unless it is "flash frozen" while the shaking is in progress I am nearly certain it will thermally relax back ito the same distribution of polymerized molecules it had before "succussed." I have no idea how it is possible for there to be any stored information remaining more than a second at room temperature. That is why I asked if homeopathic supporter have any mechanism in mind.

Here are a few words to help you (and others) understand water better:

Water is really xH2O where x is a distribution of small integers. This is because both the hydrogens are one the same side (separated by 105 degree) of the oxygen. Their electron spends much more time near the O than near the H, which are basically just positive proton "bumps" electrostatically bound to the now negative O ion.

Two H2O can thus easily join in a chain with the O ion of one "nesseled" between the two proton "bumps" of the other. In this case, x = 2. This x= 2chain can grow and x > 10 occurs until the water is very hot. The average value of x increases with cooling as the thermal collisons with sufficient energy to break the longer chains are less frequent. I.e. at low temperatures the average x of the distribution of x is larger. I am nearly sure "vigorous shaking" of (or passing very high frequency sound waves thur) water would change the distribution of x while this "non-thermal" energy source is available to break the longer (x >10) chains into two shorter ones. I.e. shift the distibution of x to that corresponding to a higher temperature than the true temperature. Once this non-thermal energy source is terminated, then in less than a second, the distribution of x would return to be than corresponding to the true temperature.

Below 4 degrees, the chains are so long that as they are jumbled together significant voids occur. These voids occupy an increasing percent of the volume of the container. So the water stops contracting with temperature and begins to expand as the temperature decreases below 4 C. I forget the correct value for the density of 0 degree water, but it is more than that of ice but less than that 4 degree C water. - Water's densest temperature - That is why the bottom of deep lakes that freeze over in winter have 4degree water on their bottoms all 12 months of the year. Lake Cayuga is such a deep lake and Cornell University now uses this bottom water for airconditioning of its buildings in summer. Nearly a century before that began, a small power company used that 4C water too instead of cooling towers. It was economical to haul the coal from Pennsivania to mid NY state and burn it there on the shore of Lake Cayuga as the efficiency is increase when 4 degree C is available instead of the 30 degree C air to dump the waste heat into even when much of the power generated was returned to PA via transmission lines.
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billy can i take your argument a step further.

Take an iron injection (the treatment for anemia).

You think that by removing the iron that the water 'iron" (whatever you want to call it), would take its place in the heamoglobian and be as effective if not more so in the transfer of O2 and CO2?

And you think this is LOGICAL?
billy can i take your argument a step further.
Take an iron injection (the treatment for anemia).
You think that by removing the iron that the water 'iron" (whatever you want to call it), would take its place in the heamoglobian and be as effective if not more so in the transfer of O2 and CO2?
And you think this is LOGICAL?
I am of the opinion that homeopathic medicine has no effect other than placebo effect. I understand the nature of water resonably well and can not imagine any way that it can store information for more than a second, if not provided with some additive or external energy source. I am, however, interested to learn if there is any intelligent supporter of Homeopathic medicine who has some ideas as to how my conclusions could posssibly be wrong.