What is the difference between Allopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurvedic medicens?

You did not tell over what period this million deaths occurred, a but more serious objection to your one sided statement is the failure to recognize than many more than that (even it is correct, which I doubt) have been saved from early death by just the used of insulin alone* - not to even mention the use of ant-biotics. It is not hard to be certain about elevated levels of blood sugar - even when measured by the diabetic themselves in their home at cost of less than 1$.

Do you favor a homeopathic approach as treatment for diabetes instead - perhaps the injection of water instead of insulin?

Please tell more exactly what you mean by this. Specifically, are you one of the supporters of the idea that the more some agent is diluted with water the stronger is its effect, or do you agree that is Nonsense?

*Without some recognition of the benefits of allopathic medicine your conclusion that it is bad, or at least worse than homeopathic medicine, because it sometimes fails and even causes deaths due to erroneous diagnosis is exactly the same as the POV that if someone died as a pair of forceps were left inside the patient who had a ruptured appendix removed we never again should operate on people with ruptured appendix. Likewise your argument that because some people are wrongly diagnosed to have a ruptured appendix and then cut open needlessly (a few perhaps even dying from the analgesia) means we should never operate when someone has the symptoms of a ruptured appendix. That is nonsense and would directly cause the deaths of many more.

What is the recommend homeopathic treatment for a person with abdominal pain, which is greatly increased when the area over the appendix is depressed, and also has greatly elevated white blood cell count, etc. ?
Let me tell you the medicine becomes stronger not just because it has been diluted more but because i has now ben successed more. It is the succession that adds power to the medicine.

Homeopathy provides treatment for diabeties as well as abdominal pain
What is the Homeopathy treatment for:

1. ED
2. Cancer
3. Arterial Plaque
4. Arthritis
5. Compressed disc
6. AIDS (India has a lot of AIDS patients)
Homeopathy provides solutons to all of the above cases.

You must underdtand that homeopathy is symptom based. Each patient has a different set of symptoms. So two patients suffering from the dsame disease may have a different homeopathic medicine for them.

It is not allopathy where you have the same medicine for everyone.

Homoeopathy does not believe in giving different medicines for different afflicted parts of body (head, nose, ears, throat, etc) but rather give one single constitutional remedy, which will cover the disturbance (different complaints) of the whole (same) person.
i find your name offensive, What are your qualifications to claim to be a doctor?
where was your BM&BS granted or what is your PHD in?
i find your name offensive, What are your qualifications to claim to be a doctor?
where was your BM&BS granted or what is your PHD in?
Medical Training for a minimum period of 5 1/2 years (BHMS) is absolutely necessary for becoming qualified to practice this system in India as it gives a complete understanding not only about the structure and functioning of the human body but also a thorough understanding of the homeopathic philosophy and its practical utilization while treating diseased persons. And to do M.D. further, you have to spend three more years after BHMS

I have a license to practice homeopathy given by Government of India.
read carefully

so your NOT a doctor and there for shouldnt have "Dr." in your name

Don't be in so hurry. Read again what i have wrote. I am a medical qualified doctor.

What are your credentials to talk about homeopathy? Have you done a 5.5 years medical degree course in homeopathy?
to blind everyone is blind

Yes that how the "blind" has been able to understand the world and usually predict it with great accuracy. Look around at the world, most technology exist and relies on science's ability to predict physical phenomena and to manipulate that phenomena in a predictable nature. We would not have been able to build computers or modern engines or send space probes to the planets if science did not accurately understand the nature of semiconductor, thermodynamics or heliocentric models of the solar system, likewise we would never have killed off small pox, protect child against polio, prevent bacteria infections, reduce the death rate from cancer, increase the average human life space without theories on immunology, germs and physiology not being accurate. If Homeopathy was so great why can't it cure these diseases? Here a test: infect your self with rabies and cure it with homeopathy!
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American research organizations (even the holistic groups) are having a difficult time producing those mega results beyond the placebo effect.

This could be a religion.....:D

Probably is, by most honest/accurate definitions.

You would be surprised at what else should probably be classified as a religion but I would likely be accused of Trolling for naming/accusing them.
Homeopathy reversed my anemia, from 9.5 to 14 [Hb count] when allopathic measures failed (short of inferon injections). Either its a persistent placebo effect (going on for 15 years now) or there is some other explanation.
Homeopathy reversed my anemia, from 9.5 to 14 [Hb count] when allopathic measures failed (short of inferon injections). Either its a persistent placebo effect (going on for 15 years now) or there is some other explanation.

or you just had some form of temporary anemia, if you could pull up a study where say 500 people with anemia were tread with homeopathy and another were treated with a placebo and the providers and patients were blind to who got what, and the results showed that homeopathy cure anemia above placebo and beyond the standard error (+/-7% for 500 people) then I would believe you.

I feel I can cure my colds by ingesting a bottle of atomic pepper sauce (seriously!) but I won't believe it medically true and not just a figment of my imagination until when it is tested in a double blind statistically relevant study.

My anemia by the way can never go away but as a child it was significantly detectable as low iron levels, as an adult my iron levels are detected as normal but by hemoglobin is still deformed just the same.
Eating bananas in large quantitites cures constipitaton but eating them in small quanitity cures diarhea

You must be joking. Diarhea is not the opposite of constipation. Diarrhea is most commonly caused by viral infections, parasites or bacterial toxins. The absence of these toxins pr viruses is not constipation.

And you are qualified to be a medical doctor? Wow!
Homeopathy provides solutons to all of the above cases.

You must underdtand that homeopathy is symptom based. Each patient has a different set of symptoms. So two patients suffering from the dsame disease may have a different homeopathic medicine for them.

It is not allopathy where you have the same medicine for everyone.

Homoeopathy does not believe in giving different medicines for different afflicted parts of body (head, nose, ears, throat, etc) but rather give one single constitutional remedy, which will cover the disturbance (different complaints) of the whole (same) person.

So, you are saying the symptoms of ED or any of the virus or bacterial infections are different for different people and therefore you have 5000+ homeopathy medicines for those cases?

Which then by definition can not be tested in a double blind test? Just take it on faith?
or you just had some form of temporary anemia, if you could pull up a study where say 500 people with anemia were tread with homeopathy and another were treated with a placebo and the providers and patients were blind to who got what, and the results showed that homeopathy cure anemia above placebo and beyond the standard error (+/-7% for 500 people) then I would believe you.

I feel I can cure my colds by ingesting a bottle of atomic pepper sauce (seriously!) but I won't believe it medically true and not just a figment of my imagination until when it is tested in a double blind statistically relevant study.

My anemia by the way can never go away but as a child it was significantly detectable as low iron levels, as an adult my iron levels are detected as normal but by hemoglobin is still deformed just the same.
I always find it interesting that people supporting allopathy scream for the effect of homeopathy, but when someone presents they ignore them or say it is anecdotal evidence, so they won't listen to the patient.
You must be joking. Diarhea is not the opposite of constipation. Diarrhea is most commonly caused by viral infections, parasites or bacterial toxins. The absence of these toxins pr viruses is not constipation.

And you are qualified to be a medical doctor? Wow!
Next time (God forbids) you have diarhea or constipitation, check it ut, you will surely get a relief. And this has not come out of homeopathy book but by naturopathy/ayurveda which consideres food as medicine.
So, you are saying the symptoms of ED or any of the virus or bacterial infections are different for different people and therefore you have 5000+ homeopathy medicines for those cases?

Which then by definition can not be tested in a double blind test? Just take it on faith?
Homoeopathy can never be tested through double blind randomised trials because each prescription is individualised as every person is unique. Therefore 10 people with the same dieseae may all need a different homoeopathic medicine.

Supporters of allopathy insist on double blind trials because they knew that homeopathy would fail on that account.
Homoeopathy can never be tested through double blind randomised trials because each prescription is individualised as every person is unique. Therefore 10 people with the same dieseae may all need a different homoeopathic medicine.

Supporters of allopathy insist on double blind trials because they knew that homeopathy would fail on that account.

Well, then there is another way to test it. Collect 1000 AIDS patients in India (They have plenty) - verify that they all have AIDS and then start the treatment program. Either they work or do not. If they work, then Bill Gates will be happy to cover millions in Africa rather sending the expensive medicine. If Bill Gates starts distributing Homeopathy...then that is the proof, it works. Since the government of India, South Africa shun Homeopathy - that means it is all hot air.....
Next time (God forbids) you have diarhea or constipitation, check it ut, you will surely get a relief. And this has not come out of homeopathy book but by naturopathy/ayurveda which consideres food as medicine.

I eat Bananas one or two a day. Have not had Constipation or Diarhea in the last five years. If I eat four or one, no problem (I take Probiotics in the form of Yogurt). Never tried 12 bananas...if you eat excess of anything, you will get sick....that is common sense.
...the {Homeopathic} medicine becomes stronger not just because it has been diluted more but because it has now been successed more. It is the succession that adds power to the medicine.
OK, but I don't understand "succession" - Please explain.

I want to know how succession differs from dilution, so here is a specific example to be clear (I am only guessing that "succession" has to do with the number of dilutions, not the amount of the dilution, and testing that idea with my two cases.)

Both case A & B start with 1gm of the agent. Then in:

Case A: 99gm of pure water is added to make a 1% concentration of the active agent.

but in Case B: 9gm of pure water is first added to make a 10% concentration of the active agent.

Then 1gm of this 10% concentration is added to 9gm of pure water to make a 1% concentration of the active agent.

Is the "succession" of the twice diluted case B greater? (Even though conventional chemistry can not tell any difference between these two 1% concentration of the active agent.) Is it twice stronger Homeopathic medicine?

If this is not the case, please give me an example similar to the one above so I can understand what you are talking about. Thank you.

PS: Note that the case B second step still has 9gm of the 10% concentration. So I could repeat the second step 9 times more to end up with 10 of the 10gm 1% concentration. Then divide each 10 times to have 100 separate 1gm units more powerful than the original 1 gm of agent. This could be repeated making each of these 100 into another 100 for 10,000 total etc. etc. If there is a limit on how much succession can be produced from the original 1gm of agent, can you explain how it arises?
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I always find it interesting that people supporting allopathy scream for the effect of homeopathy, but when someone presents they ignore them or say it is anecdotal evidence, so they won't listen to the patient.

Sorry but anecdotal evidence is not provable: I could sell anything be it tap water or a pill of sugar, and if people feel it works then so be it, that does not mean it actually works though, to see if it actually works required a statically valid experiment, preferably blind to any bias.

In short if we are testing to see if a drug works you need to get hundreds of patients, then we will listen, with just one patient all we have to go on either experimental results from previous studies or a educated guess or we could be like you and just give them a completely unproven therapy and hope for the best, my bets are that sugar pill would be equally effective.
of course we wont lission to the pt, what is it house always says.....

"people lie" (no offence there sam)

double blind randomised controled trials DONT lie

cochrane said:
Plain language summary
No evidence that homeopathy is effective in treating dementia.

Dementia is a distressing illness that has major implications for individuals with the disease and their carers. Homeopathy is a popular type of complementary medicine. It is however controversial because although there is some evidence that it is not just a placebo, no one understands how it could work. The researchers did not find any good quality trials and so cannot say whether it is or is not effective for treating this condition. As no information is available on how much homeopathy is used for dementia, it is difficult to say whether it is important to conduct more trials.

Viewed 18/06/08 at 9:27

Cochrane said:
Plain language summary
This review aimed to assess the evidence for homeopathy as an intervention for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Four trials were retrieved and assessed with mixed results. Overall the results of this review found no evidence of effectiveness for homeopathy for the global symptoms, core symptoms or related outcomes of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Viewed 18/06/08 at 9:27

Cochrane said:
Plain language summary
Not enough evidence from trials to determine whether or not homeopathy can help improve asthma.

Homeopathy is a complementary healing system based on "curing like with like". It involves greatly diluting substances (potentising) which ordinarily may or may not cause symptoms, in order to strengthen the body's own healing response to a problem. Homeopathic remedies (potencies) aim to minimise the risk of adverse effects. There are different types that may be used for asthma, such as classical homeopathy (tailored to an individual's symptoms) or isopathy (for example using a dilution of an agent that causes an allergy, such as pollen). The review of trials found that the type of homeopathy varied between the studies, that the study designs used in the trials were varied and that no strong evidence existed that usual forms of homeopathy for asthma are effective. There has been only a limited attempt to measure a 'package of care' effect (i.e., the effect of the medication as well as the consultation, which is considered a vital part of individualised homeopathic practice). Until stronger evidence exists for the use of homeopathy in the treatment of asthma, we are unable to make recommendations about homeopathic treatment.

Viewed 18/06/08 at 9:27

And there are alot more, see for yourself