What is the 6th Dimension?

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Hi fellas, we may be getting close to dymentinal travel, or at least we may now have viewed objects, ions to be spacific that are beleaved to have interdymentional travel properties.

At least they have vanished and when they where viewed to be gone the pile of ions was stirred to see if it simply was going out of our view spectrum, when the ions came back the pile was not stirred.

These ions where created from gold, it's known as monitomic gold or ORMES. It's been labeled as exotic matter.

I have done these tests with ions that build up on my water fuel cell, and saw the same strange phenomenon. I also doubled my fuel mileage with my cell.

Of course it is yet to be determined that it is going to another dimension but it seems to be the only logical explanation at this time.

View the secrets of the lost ark vid by Sir Lawrence Gardner for more info.


Summary for anybody new here:
Question answered in the first 5 lines.
Jozen-Bo is an insane dude who claims to be able to use a/the "Mind Portal", which I'm still not sure what is. Personally, I'm classing this with telekinesis and other psychic abilities; utter garbage
As Jozen's pschotic rave came to a peak, somebody started talking sense (finally), and Jozen's arguement collapsed completely. Go to vote (DOT) sparklit (DOT) com/poll.spark?pollID=861305 and listen to the "TK'ers" and the smart people. It sounds the same as this.
FFS, Jozen, stop wasting your life. I've been insane before, and what you're going through is almost exactly the same. It's just sad to me that you could have actually convinced anyone. Shows just how much people crawl back to juvinile power fantasies.:bugeye:
Don't attempt to debunk something you know nothing about please. It has nothing to do with "abilities". Why not ask what it's about before you ridicule it. Btw, this thread died and he's not even on these forums anymore.
Has anyone ever heard of Micheal Greene? I had the honor of breifly meeting him in person during one of his seminars on dimensions and finding the link between gravitational forces and nuclear forces (both weak and strong). Basically we have found a way to combine the 3 forces that are not gravity into a mathmatical formula, but we can't get it to match up with the force of gravity.
This is a man who has spent his whole life dealing with the subject, he is one of the USA goverment's top-notch physicists.
Michael Greene is very much not American. He has quite a clear English accent and has worked at St Mary's University in London and currently works at Cambridge (the UK one). I don't think you met him if you didn't notice his well spoken English accent. There's a Brian Greene, who authored 'The Elegant Universe', and is American. I've met the former, but not the latter.
Too bad you don't even know what 'chaos' is.
I know it's a subsection of science, in the same way relativity is. But you can't do 'chaos science' in high school nor can do you do it as a replacement for 'science' or 'physics' at university, as you claimed.
Actually, part of the definition of a chaotic system is that they are not solvable exactly. Computers only give approximations to things. And some of the equations are relatively simple. Haven't you ever heard of elliptic integrals?

Blah Blah Blah...

Oh...really? What you mean to say is there is no High School course. So now you take your argument from University to High School out of desperation? Silly? I never said you can replace physics with it, your argument is irrelevant and off course...a digression. Asking me math problems doesn't make a case either, more childish attempts to divert and digress the topic.

Either talk directly about the 6th dimension...staying ON TOPIC and FOCUSED...or...STFU!!!
Hi fellas, we may be getting close to dymentinal travel, or at least we may now have viewed objects, ions to be spacific that are beleaved to have interdymentional travel properties.

At least they have vanished and when they where viewed to be gone the pile of ions was stirred to see if it simply was going out of our view spectrum, when the ions came back the pile was not stirred.

These ions where created from gold, it's known as monitomic gold or ORMES. It's been labeled as exotic matter.

I have done these tests with ions that build up on my water fuel cell, and saw the same strange phenomenon. I also doubled my fuel mileage with my cell.

Of course it is yet to be determined that it is going to another dimension but it seems to be the only logical explanation at this time.

View the secrets of the lost ark vid by Sir Lawrence Gardner for more info.


Thanks for the link Scott, I'll be looking into it!
Summary for anybody new here:
Question answered in the first 5 lines.
Jozen-Bo is an insane dude who claims to be able to use a/the "Mind Portal", which I'm still not sure what is. Personally, I'm classing this with telekinesis and other psychic abilities; utter garbage
As Jozen's pschotic rave came to a peak, somebody started talking sense (finally), and Jozen's arguement collapsed completely. Go to vote (DOT) sparklit (DOT) com/poll.spark?pollID=861305 and listen to the "TK'ers" and the smart people. It sounds the same as this.
FFS, Jozen, stop wasting your life. I've been insane before, and what you're going through is almost exactly the same. It's just sad to me that you could have actually convinced anyone. Shows just how much people crawl back to juvinile power fantasies.:bugeye:

Summary for anyone new here? Coming from you and you single and only post, that doesn't add up to much...either your a cowardly sock puppet for some dissenting person already here or a shortsighted talker.

Potatoscrub, your name suits you well.

You come on these forums, make a single post aimed at me alone, and then leave. Your argument is a dead thing, relying on insults and opinions that have no supporting evidence and could and best call upon what is highly subjective bits and pieces of what I have written here and in other places. You never make it clear where my argument "collapses" let alone that it did or that this is a fact or just your scrubby-dub opinion. Your feeble attempt here is a failure, you've made no case, added no content, and only supplied useless opinions.

Also, you insult the other members here indirectly by providing a link to where the "smart people" talk. Another worthless opinion, or can you prove that the people there are smarter than they are here? You are a conceited snob and probably very stupid because of it! I mean...find and provide some serious hardcore evidence!!!

I am not done, finished, or out of breath. I am just warming up...:D I would say that people like you are disturbing and add a :bugeye:, but it is normal that there are arrogant, close-minded, and conceited individuals on this world such as yourself. Maybe if you have the balls you'll come back and try to make a real case using supporting evidence, rather then trying to divert and digress this thread with uselessness.
Don't attempt to debunk something you know nothing about please. It has nothing to do with "abilities". Why not ask what it's about before you ridicule it. Btw, this thread died and he's not even on these forums anymore.

Thank you for those words of wisdom Ladicius!

A slight correction, I am still on these forums and this thread is still alive.

I paused for a while, because I was caught up in many of life's turbulent difficulties, I was very busy dealing with some very complicated messes. I have noted that I am entangled in more than I can openly talk about without inviting even more difficulty, so I'll leave it at that. This funny world has so many ways of loosening secrets that are kept from the general public, cautious as it can be, the bits come. I find that, once they do, there is no going back to the comfort of being naive that was there prior to encountering them.

Maybe a better summary would be to say...I come and go in waves...;)

Best Regards,
dimension is which can represent a change. in other words if there is any change in the state of some system then the variables of the equation which completely define the system are the dimensions. generally all the change in state is defined by change of x, y, z, and time.
when we are talking about dimensions more then 4 then actually we are talking about superstring theory. in superstring theory the strings are tightly wrapped. these curved strings give rise to curled dimensions. these are the extra dimensions. there are infinite curled dimensions possible but only the dimensions which are harmonic of basic shaps are permitted. for detail, refer to the elegant universe by brian green. if anybody have some interesting point then please tell me.
To me, different dimensions are different perceptions of the same fundamental reality.

This is most likely precisely correct. I would enjoy Jozen's added insight, but what EndLightEnd is stating makes complete sense.

If dimensional perception and the resulting physical laws inherent to it are a variable, in which we observe and interact with a measurably fixed physical reality akin to that dimension because we interpret it and react to it as such, there has to be a root or key element within that dimension that is synchronous or tuned to those perceiving it. It would stand to reason anyway.

Could it be that we ourselves contain or produce that controlling key element which is both sent and then received by us in a loop of sorts? Maybe that "element" sets up our interpreted perception much the same as some type of frequency specific signal processing common to the base human element itself. Possibly whereby we are pretuned to a frequency specific perception as an absolute effect of the dimensionally interactive signal we both emit and receive in a closed loop that we call reality.

In this sense, it's possible that if the technology needed to traverse dimensions becomes a reality, we ourselves may supply the necessary conduit in interaction with that technology to due so.
when we are talking about dimensions more then 4 then actually we are talking about superstring theory. in superstring theory the strings are tightly wrapped. these curved strings give rise to curled dimensions. these are the extra dimensions. there are infinite curled dimensions possible but only the dimensions which are harmonic of basic shaps are permitted. for detail, refer to the elegant universe by brian green. if anybody have some interesting point then please tell me.
All string theories, bosonic or supersymmetric have more than 4 space-time dimensions. There are not infinitely many of them, in the case of superstring theory there's 10.

The strings do not have to be tightly wrapped around compact dimensions, it depends on the specifics. Also, the shapes the compact dimensions take are not 'harmonics of basic shapes', that's not really even a well defined statement. There's a few nice shapes like tori which are viable compact dimension layouts but in general the compact dimensions of string theory are mind bendingly horrifically complicated.
To my best knowledge, there are only three spatial dimensions; the fourth is duration, which in four dimensional space exists all at once, and in 3-dimensional space is interpreted as a flow (is that right?)

The fifth dimension represents all of the possible timelines, with each timeline being a duration, and their spatial dimensions.
Not quite, because there's no such thing as THE fifth or THE sixth dimension.
(Or even THE first, THE second etc).
It depends on what you're working with at the time.
E.g. it's possible use construct biometric(?) charts with dimensions of age, height, weight and sex.
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