What is the 6th Dimension?

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Anything beyond the 5th dimension is science fiction.

Why the fifth? I believe the fifth represents all knowledge of all things combined into a single consciousness. (god)
Anything beyond the 5th dimension is science fiction.
Pure crap and demonstrably untrue.

Why the fifth? I believe the fifth represents all knowledge of all things combined into a single consciousness. (god)
And that belief would be based on what?
Lack of knowledge?
Wishful thinking?
Anything beyond the 5th dimension is science fiction.

Why the fifth? I believe the fifth represents all knowledge of all things combined into a single consciousness. (god)

I choked for a minute.
Well..."If man is five...and the devil is six...then god is seven"
There you have it the 6th dimension is the devil. You can thank the Pixies for that one.
dude, anything beyond the fifth dimension is'nt science fiction, its real.
The fourth dimension is how a three dimensional figure moves along a three dimensional grid
The fifth dimension is gravity and electromagnetisim.
the Sixth is like the fourth, but it is actualy how it curves instead of going up the z axis, and down the x
The seventh is like the sixth, but it is how it curves the xy&z and additional gradual curvind over time.
The eighth im not really sure about, but i think it has to do with the aa axis, which is almost completely inconceiveable, if not at all, to the human mind.
The ninth might be momentum and energy
The tenth is only an idea thatthe computer or a sevant might be able to grasp: somethingnoone can really explainin real words. mabey a different presence like god, or mabey light, even though light actually is matter.
The eleventh through seventeenth are only conceiveable by computers.
According how infinity works, there might be way too many of these "dimensions", but anything is possible. I feel dizzy and weird and crazy.... mabey i am..:puke
the sixth dimension is a subspace of a 5th dimension, it curves inward is how we might be able to picture it. M-theory predicts a total of 11 dimensions. Gravity forces are curved into this dimension and that it is why we see gravity as being so weak in our own dimension.
Yes there are dimensions of space: but it all depends on what you're doing at any given time, what co-ordinate system you're using.
There's A sixth dimension etc... but there isn't THE sixth dimension.
For example if you're going to make a long journey by car you only (generally) consider two dimensions when thinking about the trip - distance (length) and time.
So does that mean time is THE second dimension?
Yes there are dimensions of space: but it all depends on what you're doing at any given time, what co-ordinate system you're using.
There's A sixth dimension etc... but there isn't THE sixth dimension.
For example if you're going to make a long journey by car you only (generally) consider two dimensions when thinking about the trip - distance (length) and time.
So does that mean time is THE second dimension?

No Oli.

In my scenario I imagine a quantum particle which is able to exist and travel in the many states or its particles it is comprised of to travel there.

A photon traveling at speed of light in dimension one, two, three, and time (as the fourth) perhaps it is capable of interacting as a result of some annihilation reaction with another dimension...

I want to take into account all the possible dimension any particles can exist in and interact with other particles in other dimensions.
And in that case there would be "a" sixth dimension possibly, or even more.
But the sixth dimension under consideration is not THE 6th dimension except in that case, it's merely "a" 6th factor to be be considered in the phase space being looked at for that problem.
It's not a universal application.
As agreed, but it doesn't it make THE sixth dimension.
Look at the example in the linked post: does that mean that "sex (gender)" is THE 4th dimension?
the sixth dimension is a subspace of a 5th dimension, it curves inward is how we might be able to picture it.
No. You can't have a dimension being a subspace of another dimension unless they are the same.

dude, anything beyond the fifth dimension is'nt science fiction, its real.
The fourth dimension is how a three dimensional figure moves along a three dimensional grid
The fifth dimension is gravity and electromagnetisim.
the Sixth is like the fourth, but it is actualy how it curves instead of going up the z axis, and down the x
The seventh is like the sixth, but it is how it curves the xy&z and additional gradual curvind over time.
The eighth im not really sure about, but i think it has to do with the aa axis, which is almost completely inconceiveable, if not at all, to the human mind.
The ninth might be momentum and energy
The tenth is only an idea thatthe computer or a sevant might be able to grasp: somethingnoone can really explainin real words. mabey a different presence like god, or mabey light, even though light actually is matter.
The eleventh through seventeenth are only conceiveable by computers.
According how infinity works, there might be way too many of these "dimensions", but anything is possible. I feel dizzy and weird and crazy.... mabey i am..:puke
See, people run out of 'out there' concepts to give the dimensions and then just start labelling them 'energy' and 'momentum', which is completely wrong.

There's no need to give them names or what not. They are just more directions to move in. You don't need a 4th dimension to curve space, you can curve space in any number of dimensions, even 1. You don't need a computer to conceive more than 10 dimensions, mathematicians having been doing stuff involving infinite dimensions for more than 100 years. Doing vector calculus with some unknown but finite number of dimensions is second nature to most maths students. Heck, even school kids have done stuff on infinite dimensional vector spaces, they just didn't realise it. Ever done anything to do with polynomials?

So shut up albino because you're wrong.
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