What is the 6th Dimension?

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'The tone that you ended your last post on was better than where you started.'

I go through phases.

'Poetry exists as it does for a reason. Context frames the meaning of an old thought and gives it new life.'

Insightful! I used to write a lot of peotry when I was younger! I imagine if you have as well they would be worth reading.

"You are EXACTLY where everyone else is. Stop and think on that. Take a moment to see it with your mind's eye... You and everyone else are merely separated by folds of the same multidimensional consciousness. At this level, fundamental differences between you and I, or you and anyone else, are negligible. Infinite and negligible. Now, from this perspective, wonder "Do I want to know? Do I want to hear it understandably broken down?""

You are way ahead of the ball game! I have known this for some time, but how do I explain it to others so they might understand? It is challenging, there would have to be much preparation and patience.
I once wrote a Peom...

We are all the same Being,
being not at the same time.
We are all at the same time,
being not as the same Being.

I am certain you will understand this peom.

"I used to play a lot of chess. But, I met a guy who could beat me in chess on a consistent basis. But he essentially quit chess, in favor of Go... In disbelief, I tried to understand why. Then I played a few games, and discovered it. Compared to Go, chess is a child's puzzle."

The world's oldest game is so simple and yet so complex. I love GO, but don't have too many to play against, most (in this area) don't understand it. Everything you have said about GO accurate. It would be interesting to have a go at go agianst you.

Cheif, I appreciate everything you are saying. You are very observent and obviously much older then your body. The ability to make spiritual leaps is essential to releasing the truth. As they say in Maya:

In La' Kech


Amusement. Last I heard, which it's been awhile, there were 47 workable dimensions.

4 std time. With additional degrees of freedom introduced along planes, and within internal space. It's like drawing a coordinate system with pencil and paper, only you introduce as many lines as you want. Instead of a 3D representation that is most standard.

The reason 47 was the stopping point (after all you can draw infinite lines, right) was due to computational power.

It may be assumed that things like 5+ dimensions would consist of invisible states, of course. Which you could easily interpret as energy waves. Much like this post will be seen by you through data transfer, and reconfigured so you can interpret this. I don't hand you a letter. Energy (electricity in this case) is modified as a transport. And made visible. The energy wave is the point. It exists, and functions, but you cannot see it.
There are however many dimensions we need to create a model to accurately describe the universe. Length, width, height are measureable spacial dimensions. Time is a fourth dimension. Time being kind of strange in that we are always sitting at the zero point, with the past behind us and the future in front of us.

Any spacial dimension can be converted into a different spacial dimension by rotation of 90 degrees. All these pop ?fiction? ideas of time travel talk about rotating 90 degrees into the time dimension as if it were a spacial one.

Definately not sure what the added dimensions used by Heim, Droscher, and Hauser in their theory would be called. Variable or imaginary don't quite feel right. I'd almost go for virtual except that term has been hijacked by the information technology folks.
There are however many dimensions we need to create a model to accurately describe the universe. Length, width, height are measureable spacial dimensions. Time is a fourth dimension. Time being kind of strange in that we are always sitting at the zero point, with the past behind us and the future in front of us.

Any spacial dimension can be converted into a different spacial dimension by rotation of 90 degrees. All these pop ?fiction? ideas of time travel talk about rotating 90 degrees into the time dimension as if it were a spacial one.

Definately not sure what the added dimensions used by Heim, Droscher, and Hauser in their theory would be called. Variable or imaginary don't quite feel right. I'd almost go for virtual except that term has been hijacked by the information technology folks.

Virtual? What are the differences in the dimensions of a virtual image and a non-virtual image?
If any thread ever deserved to be dumped square in pseudoscience, this one does.

All ashore that's going ashore.
Placing this into Pseudo science doesn't mean that is is pseudo science, it means that YOU recognize it as such. So, I have a question then...since when did dimensions and investigating dimensions become a none scientific topic? This seems rather a poor decision on your part...not even BenTheMan dumped this even after I blew up on him, it survived a long time as being classed under Astronomy (I think), before your changed the topic to your choice. Personally, I always thought that it was funny this was in Astronomy, I myself figured it belonged elsewhere.

But making the topic of Dimensions out to be a Pseudo science??? Maybe you can tell all the scientists who theorize that because they aren't testing they are indulging in pseudo science whenever they inquire about the nature of higher dimensions. I don't think they will listen to you, but maybe you have a good punch line to sell your point?
Has wes posted his graphic for dimensions above 3? It's pretty fucking meaningless. And hilarious. It's an arrow that curves with dimension 0 at the tail and n+1 at the head. heh.
"You're nuts."


Invert Nexus...are you still trying to find people to worship you just because you show them a picture of your eyes?

I'm sorry, but that is nuts, and they aren't that pretty. Can you back yourself up with reason, or is that not one of your specialties?

Oh yeah...care to tell us all about the dimensions...Mr. know-it-all?
String theory predicts 10 dimensions.
A good clip of current theory and perceptions.
Brian Greene: The universe on a string

Brain Greene is AWESOME!!! I met him in person...he is sponsored by the government. If inverted nexus had his way...Brian Greene's work would be reduced to pseudo science. Are you paying attention inverted nexus...why not see if you can go convince Brian Greene and the people who sponsor him that they are nothing but a bunch of pseudo scientists? Oh...yeah...it can't be done...its good for a laugh when I visualize inverted nexus trying to use his worship me eyes to convince these people to subvert themselves to being moderated as pseudo scientists. LOL!
Alright, let's look at it this way.

Figures or locations in a 2 dimensional space are described with equations like


1 variable for each dimension; in this case, x and y.

For a 3 dimensional space, where most of us experience on a daily basis, you add another variable to the equation such that,

or even

For a 4th dimensional space, where most of us live and think in, you add another variable to the equation.


From a mathematical standpoint, you could have an infinite number of dimensions. While you can keep on adding variables, once you're past whatever number of variables you need to describe something, you're just adding on unnecessary, irrelevant, imaginary dimensions.

For all I know, you could say that your are ?standing? at point 1x,1y,1z,1t,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 in a Heim described universe and if you choose to add another dimension so that you are now ?standing? at ?location? 1x,1y,1z,1t,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0n and then move to ?location? 1x,1y,1z,1t,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1n then you've moved from our universe to the universe of OZ.

If you have x,y,z,and t for the normally perceived and experienced universe; then the various probabilities for a particle might constitute one or more additional variables, or dimensions. If the number of positions a particle can exist in is infinite, then perhaps the number of dimensions is infinite. But, if the number of positions a particle can exist is limited to specific zones (similar to energy states) then perhaps there is a limit to the number of dimensions.

Now I've really got a headache thinking about all this. If I could figure out how to write it all down and describe it correctly with good mathematical models, it might make a usable doctoral thesis.
Figures or locations in a 2 dimensional space are described with equations like


1 variable for each dimension; in this case, x and y.

For a 3 dimensional space, where most of us experience on a daily basis, you add another variable to the equation such that,

or even

For a 4th dimensional space, where most of us live and think in, you add another variable to the equation.


Finally, the word variables appears! After quite some time too. The possible variables have already been discussed, yet not in the fashion as identifying them as such.

From a mathematical standpoint, you could have an infinite number of dimensions. While you can keep on adding variables, once you're past whatever number of variables you need to describe something, you're just adding on unnecessary, irrelevant, imaginary dimensions.

If we use a non-linear algorithm that involves as little variables as possible to describe every possible sequence of form itself, in each of its incredibly vast sum of states, then we have found the limits.

For all I know, you could say that your are ?standing? at point 1x,1y,1z,1t,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 in a Heim described universe and if you choose to add another dimension so that you are now ?standing? at ?location? 1x,1y,1z,1t,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0n and then move to ?location? 1x,1y,1z,1t,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1n then you've moved from our universe to the universe of OZ.

Well said. In such an equation, the difference between 1 universal position and another would appear at difference points as this non-linear equation would bifurcate into random occurring sequences, which would in turn continue to bifurcate into unpredictability. A very important question is, how does this equation itself change over time? We are talking about an equation here that has no end, no solution ever. Over time its variables chart out a pattern, this pattern is existence. We could only at best, if we manage to figure this equation see so far ahead before it blurs into chaos.

If you have x,y,z,and t for the normally perceived and experienced universe; then the various probabilities for a particle might constitute one or more additional variables, or dimensions. If the number of positions a particle can exist in is infinite, then perhaps the number of dimensions is infinite. But, if the number of positions a particle can exist is limited to specific zones (similar to energy states) then perhaps there is a limit to the number of dimensions.

The dimensions are curving and bifurcating themselves as they climb the ladder. There are more possibilities within an X and Y relationship then only the X itself can provide. As this continues, if one can follow the behaviors, they find the whole curve of curves to be a massive exponential leap or change within the equation, at some point it changes radically. How many possibilities are there before the exponential leap is reached? This gives the answer, as that exponential leap is Infinite. Just as a formula can pound out exponentials and parabolas and keep going, these dimensional variables in this non-linear equation too, can jump at intervals to expand and reach off into Infinity.

The pattern of these intervals where exponential jumps are occurring itself would contain a pattern that changes. The same pattern that appears in the Long Term would also be seen in the short term. What happens at a local scale would also be occurring at the Grand Scale.

The limit worth defining is the last two variables where the leap occurs. If after 12 runs or variables all possibilities have been reached, then at 13 we hit Infinity, the Exponential leap, the Parabola in our never ending non linear algorithm equation. Its almost like a heart beat!

Now I've really got a headache thinking about all this. If I could figure out how to write it all down and describe it correctly with good mathematical models, it might make a usable doctoral thesis.

Yeah, you'd might also be controlling the Entire Universe with your mind. You would have to see crystal clear for that, I don't know if you could write that fast? SO MUCH happens between 1 second and the next.

These are the variable I have sensed:

0 -Zero, Void, not there

1 -Distance, Lineal, Thread

2 -Flat...Curving along a flat plane

3 -Radial...Curving a flat plane

4 -Ether...Curving space into vortexes

5 -Electromagnetic....Curve spacial vortexes and you have the Entire Light Spectrum

6 -Localization...Curve the spectrum and you have localization and COLOR.

7 -Orbital Fields...When the locality is curved further, it creates the orbital paths outside of physical particles, the field. Curve the field inward and the orbital begins to fill. We are withing vortexes within vortexes.

8 -Charge...As the field charges up, its charge affects nothing outside of it. This charge is how the field curves and these curving states are increasingly excited. This means there is more going on here, more space pushed into less amount of space. As a charge becomes more curved, it bifurcates into into unpredictability.

9 -Chaos, unpredictable, random. This doesn't mean it is totally random, if the chances increase as it continues to curve in predictable ways, then the chances decrease that it will suddenly curve into a whole new unlikely shift, as bifurcations build rapidly in this state. As this curves it becomes more predictable, until it stabilizes and crystalizes into thought. All matter is just thought.

10-Thought...as the unpredictable direction reaches a predictable outcome, this outcome it the thought of the dimensions, which founded upon not even space itself. When this crystalized wave (which is now in a particle phase, it began with the orbital field) curves anymore, it collapses into gravity.

11-Gravity...is just a collapsing thought within and of the particle as this particle collapses and the variables interrelate within each other. If the thought is collapses (into a vortex) it encounters other versions of its state and becomes conscious that it just happened. Otherwise the thought couldn't change nor define itself upon reflection. The thought is conscious of itself from the most probable warped variations of its previous state.

12-Consciousness...Vortex is now curving through itself in ways that an untrained mind, such as Inverted Nexus, cannot possibly follow without rigorous exertion. You won't understand what I am saying unless you don't mind a little blood in the brain. Consciousness, like all the variables before it, forms a network spectrum of potential states. As Consciousness curves into, everything, every wave, every particle, every position in space, curves and bifurcates into an exponential leap.

13-Infinity...Consciousness comes alive here and dies at the same time. Why? Because Infinity is Zero. If these two are the exact same, then all we have is distance...and from 0 comes 1.
Please note that Inverted Nexus has not added any value to this thread. He has offered no insight nor words of his own regarding dimensions, only judgment, and poor judgment I will add. Anyone who is sincere about understanding dimensions will quickly be able to note his words offer no value whatsoever regarding the question posed by Xeno long ago. If he cannot contribute anything, then I cannot regard his opinion on these matters as worth listening to.
The Sixth Dimension

I believe I found the sixth dimension. The Sixth Dimension is your mind.
The sixth dimension may not even exist, and even if it does, it's not your mind. It's a compact dimension, which can contain its own galaxies.
There we have normal Einsteinean spacetime, with 3+1 dimensions of spacetime. The fifth dimension is a bit more stranger. It directly interacts with electromagnetic charges in spacetime, and if something was able to move about in this dimension, things woulds contract to the size of a superstring and then back again. Even stranger still is that they haven't gone anywhere at all!

In the sixth dimension, are supermicroscopic universes, or at least, this is what Hyperspace predicts. In other words, baby universes are curled up into infinitesimal sizes in the sixth dimension of spacetime.

I don't know about the seventh...
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