What is the 6th Dimension?

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No. Micheal Greene is his name. It has nothing to do with the color green that I know of. It is mere chance that his last name is Greene and that I speak a good deal over colors. Let's not confuse this!
New to the thread. I have some thought on the subject though.

Firstly, dimensions of existence are orthogonal, so order is arbitrary and ambiguous. I'm going to jot them down in the order I find the easiest to personally explain.

I'm going to explain some of my perspective on some of the dimensions of existence through the metaphor of a game of chess.

First, 2 dimensions of space (lets ignore depth in this argument to simplify the metaphor). The chess board is obviously a 2 dimensional construct with height and width.

Next, a third dimension, Content: Each square has a value. That value is different based on the piece that resides in the square. A single dimension is a single meaningful value from the state of reality. That value does not need to indicate strict positional "location". Also, does not require a location to exist in. A pawn is a pawn in your opponents hand, just like it is when it's on the board.

Next, a fourth dimension, Time: Imagine that two chess players are playing the game. And they make moves, one after the other. Someone is recording the moves so that they can replay the same game on another chess board some time later... that recording records time. Each time a player moves, the move increments. SO the first move makes way to the second move, which makes way for the third, and so on. If the players were so inclined, they could stop their game, and go backwards. I've you've played a game of chess, you've probably done that; undone your past couple moves. This indicates a change of state, specifically of time. A temporal change. But they can also go forward again to exactly the same position they were at before going back.

Next, a fifth dimension, choice(chance): Now, suppose we've gone back a few moves in our chess game, and now one player decides to make a DIFFERENT move than they had made previously... now the person who was keeping notes on the game needs to branch those notes, because another game has suddenly sprung up out of nowhere. In fact, anyone taking notes in such a game of chess could conceivably need to keep a separate log for every possible move of every piece on every turn... For each different possible move there is an alternate reality that would need to be logged in order to traverse cleanly through them all... Chance is still orthogonal to time because there are not only choices that a player has to consider that he will make in the future, but a new player sitting in on the game would have to make choices when inferring what choices have already been made to get to this point. The state of the chess board at any given time is not just the sum of all of it's pieces, in their locations in 2D space, and the history (and potential future) of moves that brought them there, but it also is the sum of all of the POSSIBLE histories that could have lead to that state, as well as the possible future moves that players could make.

Now, thats about as much as I can clearly explain using chess as a metaphor. Chess is a subset of reality that is missing a few important key ingredients... So lets consider the metaphor continuing as a 3D massively multilayer game, like World of Warcraft. It's similar to chess, in that there are pieces that exist in space, there is time, there is chance and choice, and all of it can still be logged, recorded, and theoretically replayed...

SO already, we're accepting a 6th dimension, depth.

(I'm going to ignore the fact that the reality and ruleset made some fundamental jumps for the moment. I know it could be a good excuse to conjure up another dimension, but I'm not happy with excuses...)

So lets introduce a 7th dimension, perspective: Each player has a perspective of their own. They see different world chat, fight different monsters, have different experience levels, meet different players, and in many ways, experience the game as a separate reality from others. However, it is possible to log each of their experiences individually, and simultaneously from each of their own perspectives... like me watching you, writing down what you are doing. And what we both write down (or remember, or see, or think, etc...) will be different based on other dimensions (our positional location in 3D, the time we observe each other, and the choices that have led to our meeting), while at the same time relying on none of those things... the fundamental difference between you and me, beyond just location and history and content and value, just the fact that there is such a thing as "individuality", that illustrates perspective is another dimension. And you can move into another perspective, into another place in this perspective dimension, by changing your values in the other dimension. Just like two people can occupy the same physical space in 3D (by moving in and out of the same spot in time). Travel along this dimension, expansion of your perspective, can make you selfish and narrow minded at one extreme, or intoxicated in the realization of the brahman super-consciousness of reality at the other extreme... (pro tip: those who know both extremes advocate the middle path...)

and thats about as far as I can reconcile in my mind without resorting so less logical metaphor, and more shock-and-awe and big-wordy-type statements...

I'm still personally wresting with gravity, light, thought, the fundamental rule-set of reality, and the ever-pervasive concept of composition... I think they exist as orthogonal dimensions of existence somehow, but they seem almost contrived in my head at the moment, a little too intertwined and dependent on simpler and evasive fundamentals...
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i just realized that traveling between the subjective perspectives of individuals, and traveling to 'higher' or 'lower' perspectives in terms of scope, could be considered two orthogonal dimensions of perspective... namely, 'subjective position', and 'scope', both of which can exist without one another, and both of which can exist separately with various combinations of the other dimensions... (so that's 7, err 8)... for example, continuing the World of Warcraft metaphor, you could be a player, or drop down to be an item, or raise up to a piece of software running the server. Each of these states of scope would have completely different states of perspective (difference between different items, difference between different servers, etc...)
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Some thoughts in response to other earlier posts from this thread:

On Time:

Time is measured by the decay of matter. In other words, time is a function of entropy. Ask a scientist working with atomic clocks what time is, since they would be the experts. They will agree with that. I believe that We can only go forward in time as (mortal) living beings because change is the guiding force of life. If we stop changing, if we stop pushing around molecules in our bodies (creating entropy), we will no longer be alive to experience 'time'. Ask a doctor or biologist, and they will agree.

I believe that we remember the past because the past is more concrete than the future (due to the the quantum wave collapse, which is due to human observation, specifically OUR OWN observation). Memory is a form of time travel, where we project our consciousness, at leas a part of it, to another temporal location. Also, I believe we as humans experience "deja vu", which is remembering the present or future, as a result of quantum wave *cascade*, due to observation... meaning, we observe one thing happening, and the amount of quantum variance possible after that observation is so limited, that multiple quantum waves break down to an almost concrete resulting wave, and we are able to 'remember' that immediate future, just like we would remember the concrete collapsed waves that define our past. Usually that 'memory' breaks down very quickly despite the quantum cascade, because the act of observing our 'memory' of the future changes it (tks uncertainty principle).

If you wanted to go backwards in time, you would have to fight against entropy some how, and then you would STILL have to deal with the uncertainty principle as you were going backwards in time, because of all of the instances of reality that were not collapsed due to observation (all possible pasts). Forward in time again would be even harder, because you would be in a different reality, flowing WITH entropy... it would be much like trying to play the exact same game of chess twice, except with an infinite number of moves, in fast-forward motion.

On color:

I have this color wheel in my head that gives 'emotional intent' to colors in the color wheel...

red: aggression, passion, (explosive) force, heat
yellow: randomness, chance, energy, vibration, intense emotion, comedy
green: nature, life, dynamic process, change, honesty, compassion
cyan: knowledge, education, thought, information, fluidity, truth
blue: null, subdued control, calm, stillness, cold
magenta: artificial (guiding) force, lies, politics
contrast (dark to light): the spectrum of openness, availability, or accessibility

I don't consider myself a person who can actively "see" auras that people give off, but sometimes, I can "feel" them, and it makes sense to consider their auras on this color wheel...
I can easily imagine that your mind is making many jumps and skips as it zeros in on the essence of itself!!! A...B...C...D...G...X...Z.
There is nothing wrong with this...it is a useful short cut! The only problem is that many people who do not have the ability to extract knowledge from between the 'lines' and rely heavily on linear logic will have difficulty understanding you...I also tend to jump about leaving gaps in between...they are there in my thoughts, but recording for me in this linear logical manner is way too time consuming! As of reading your input...I am easily able to expand it so there are no gaps in my own interpretation!

The 10 most psychologically distinct color sensations in their purest hues are as follows (I have put WAY TOO MUCH TIME into researching and mediatating over this!!!!):
1 -Black
2 -Red
3 -Orange
4 -Yellow
5 -Green
6 -Cyan
7 -Blue
8 -Violet
9 -Magenta

Putting these into a XY switchboard matrix and determining their exact values as they mix into each other is NOT EASY!!! (Black and Red=Maroon in paint and something else in spin).

Orange and Violet are exceptional...they have enough impact on our perception to distinguish themselves in this order (and they both appear within the rainbow!!!). Black, magenta, and white are also expectional...they are like the Trinity of the colors absent from the rainbow (the rainbow...óne of the great riddles and teachers!). If we have no choice but allow Orange and Violet into this order...then we must also include these colors to complete it: chartreuse, torquiose, azure, and rose. Then the order looks like this:

1 -Black
2 -Red
3 -Orange
4 -Yellow
5 -Chartreuse
6 -Green
7 -Torqiouse
8 -Cyan
9 -Azure
10 -Blue (Indigo appears between blue and violet)
11 -Violet (sometimes refered to as purple..which is really a darker magenta)
12 -Magenta (often confused with pink or red...train your eyes!!!)
13 -Rose
14 -White

Now put these onto a matrix...chessboard structure and see if you can mix them accurately and give the resulting mixtures their appropiate names!!!
It is a trip where subjective and objective interpretation quickly make themselves obvious! Without this KEY one will have a difficult time navigating in the deepest regions of the mind portal...that is off course...if they have a mind portal and are actively transversing within it!!!

I will have to get back to you when it comes to commenting on what you have said about the dimensions...sometime in the near future!!!

Best Regards,
I though it might be helpful to include the RGB values for further clarification.

# -Color (R,G,B)
1 -Black (0,0,0)
2 -Red (255,0,0)
3 -Orange (255,128,0)
4 -Yellow (255,255,0)
5 -Chartreuse (128,255,0)
6 -Green (0,255,0)
7 -Torqiose (0,255,128)
8 -Cyan (0,255,255)
9 -Azure (0,128,255)
10 -Blue (0,0,255)
11 -Violet (128,0,255)
12 -Magenta (255,0,255)
13 -Rose (128,0,255)
14 -White (255,255,255)

Do your see the pattern??? The 12 colors on an expanded color wheel 'start' from red and 'end' with Rose...Black and White not included...but they are too powerful and important to exclude altogether (when converting the wheel into a matrix switchboard)!!!
Let's not confuse this!

Sry, none of what you say, makes any sense to me.
And i should add that i can see no point to your observations of colour, and how that relates to the sixth `freedom` or `dimension`.

My suggestion is to forget about it before it sends you crazy.
Sry, none of what you say, makes any sense to me.
And i should add that i can see no point to your observations of colour, and how that relates to the sixth `freedom` or `dimension`.

My suggestion is to forget about it before it sends you crazy.

When I am moving fast within my thoughts, very few can make sense of what I say. There is a very valid reason to my development of this palette, if one can train their eyes to distiunguish between azure and cyan instantly, or between a red spin or a magenta and yellow makes red spin- then a tremendous space opens up for compounding information as it mixes with form in the mind map portal...the spiral calendar. But, since u haven't seen the calendar and have no idea what it is...how could you understand?

You are right...it has not too much to do with the sixth dimension directly...the 6th dimension gives rise to position (of light within light)...light opens up into color. Sixth freedom??? What where the previous freedoms? I never spoke of a multitude of freedom. Though it seems evident that we are moving towards a greater state of being free. Also...Blobrana...color has much more to do with dimensions than you may be aware of.

Working out the palette did drive me nuts...a frustrating puzzle indeed!!! But I'm have finnished it and therefore, it is no longer frustrating and has no chance of driving me nuts. I do appreciate your concern over the well-beingness of my 'sanity'. Thanks.

I well give this topic of color a rest...unless I am questioned further about it. I have been getting way ahead of my self and there is no connect from A to Z.

In the Absolute the 5th dimension is Light pervading All...throughout time and space...Timeless and Spaceless...it is Omnipresent. The 4th dimension is Etheric...a metaphysical realm that eventually becomes the physical realm. It is the place of the Ashaka Records, vibrational whirlwind vortexes of every living experience. Of the Absolute dimensions...the sixth is the position of light within itself. The vibrational spectrum that gives rise to color is part of its coordination. This is not easy to understand! I'm out of time and will have to pick it up later!...Sorry!

Best Regards,
Might I add that there is a limit as to how far the logic/ration/reason can take us. This may sound absurd....unless one considers that it is the same with science. It is no secret that science has a serious limit...and can never fully illuminate or capture the entirety of truth. We will never break free from the bonds if we rely soley on scientific thought.

The Heisenburg Principle is one great example as to the limits...study it if you don't know what it is. Another is the limit as to how big a number can get...at some point it ceases to be a number, has no meaning, and vannished into ambiguity. This is a mathmatical FACT!!! We can never know what that number is...just listing it would take up all the cyberspace, space, and fractal space on earth!!!

From my perspective everything I encounter is a manifestation of the truth and therefore is true in some way. With this kind of perspective it is very important to ascertain where that truth lies, how valid is it to the present moment, and how does it relate to myself, since I conjured it into my experience.

I am not trying to undermine the value of our logical mind. I find it clear that though it is limited, it is a nessecary step along the way. Without it we are stuck and if we get stuck on it then we are also stuck. So then, I might add, does any of this make sense to you (in other words...is it logical)?

Best Regards,
thanks for the advice...I probobly would of done as you said...but your saying it got me there a little earlier. I have expanded the original 10x10 color matrix consisting of the 10 most pyschologically potent colors...because, though these colors are the most universally recognized...the list was still crooked. I increased it as I wrote above...12 colors encased in black and white...making 14. Then I repeated this for 24 colors encased in black and white...giving a
26x26 matrix. Learning of the degree values of the color wheel...where red is both 0 degrees and 360 degrees has been very useful. Checking the colors and finding their names every 15 degrees from red...I found that there are 5 degree check points where there is no unique color name. It is hard to beleive that with so many people on earth and such a 'history' we still haven't giving these areas their own name??? Names like Red-Violet or Blue-Green suck hardcore...they are boring and a total turn off. How frustrating!!!

So I have decided to give these blank areas names...so that a 24-color wheel has twenty-four unique names denoting each position. Choosing appropiate names is a mind wrack. I have 5 in mind...their meaning seems appropiate to fill in the gaps of the expanded rainbow...I'll post them later on today!!!

Thanks again Kaneda for the insight!!!

To Blobrana...If you where to try teaching a new born baby 1000 languages all at once...do you think it would understand? Be patient with yourself. As for me, I'm going to do whatever I want to...think however I want to...be as I choose!!! It's called freedom!!! I am enjoying the puzzle...I am not weak minded so something like this is of no danger to me!!! Besides...I have no fear. However, I must admit that it has cost me too much time...I am going to implement my plans immediately...as they have changed radically!
I've posted a new forum that gives the candidatial names for the 5 missing colors of a 24-color wheel system. Though the subject is much more related to dimensions then many might think (seriously), I will only respond to questions about color if asked directly from this point on in this forum.

Best Regards,
its ok i have already studied and know about space and time.
(And strangely enough i also studied art and design.)
But i would remind you that this is the Astronomy, Exobiology, & Cosmology section you are posting to.

For example, the main reasons why your speculations are meaningless is that there is no absolute background frame to space time, (ie, in space there is no `up`).

In astronomy, the current thinking is that dimensions are freely interchangeable and result from an underlying geometry whose interactions between each other bring about `interaction` points, lines, and surfaces and holes that manifest themselves as tiny loops or strings. These loops, strings and surfaces, make up the four forces and all the particles we see (as well as the space that thy exist in).
However, the application of `colour` to fundamental particles has already been formulated. (you may already know about up and strange quarks, but there is a branch of physics that describes the strong interactions between quarks - the colour force - called quantum chromodynamics)
But, speculating as to what exactly dimensions are, is pointless, (The standard explanation as to what dimensions are involve the blue fairy).

So while your ideas may be of use in colour coordinating my house, as far as cosmology goes the blue fairy theory wins easily.
But, speculating as to what exactly dimensions are, is pointless, (The standard explanation as to what dimensions are involve the blue fairy).

So while your ideas may be of use in colour coordinating my house, as far as cosmology goes the blue fairy theory wins easily.

can you tell me that you know ALL about space time? If not, then who? Is there an authority an this subject? I might remind you that I didn't start this forum, I merely found it interesting and replied.

You are mistaken about the background frame. It is nothing itself which is the frame of everything. Start there!!! What is nothing? How did nothing become something? Why, beacuse we can go no further...in space or time. (There is nothing in space...and all around it). In space...up is the motion against gravity. On earth we say point up and we fall down. Up is a relative term and cannot exist without a source of attraction...a down (or a callapse).

Sure, you can say I am speculating. I have no formulas nor theorys that can be prooving wrong. I have something far stranger...a Mind Portal. I haven't been making this up based on guesses...I have been directly observing this phenomena from within the portal and trying to figure out how to describe what I see with my perception. This portal is very powerful...have you ever seen a radio wave with your own eyes? I have many times over!!!! Maybe it is a speculation to say I am writing this on a computer...I see a computer and my fingers type. That's how it is with what I describe...I speak from direct observation...not number guessing games. Its like trying to describe what someone looks like...without using numbers and formulas. (He was this tall, had blue eyes, freckles, etc.)

As for the dimensions, from what I have seen within this portal...they are not interchangable, whereever there is one there are all the others...to the very finest point. Certain aspects become dominate over others, without totally annhilating them, sorta like genes. It is these dominating and submissive features that are interchangeable...you can't switch the first with the fifth, at best the dominating proportions can alter, and then this gives you those points, lines, loops, particles, vortexes, holes, etc.

The application of 'colour' to fundemental particles has already been formulated...yes. And after steadying it from many different sources it is clear that no two sources entirely match up with each other. It is a scanty theory, incomplete and unsatifyng. There are too many gaps and no enough balance. But its (many different versions) the best thing we got. I have looked much into quantom chromodynamics, I already know about quarks and quarons, going into the energy strings themselves.

As to my 'speculations' being meaningless and pointless, then try telling me what it is I see within this Portal...especially considering I seriously doubt you yourself have been there!!! I would bet my family jewels that you don't even know what this Portal is or how it works. Have you studied Chaos Science?
It is very important that you do if you haven't. You won't get very far without it. Also, I have studied everything I could, from science to religion to art, culture, cooking, macrobiotics, martial arts, music, blah blah, on and on, etc!!! Operating this portal requires a broad study. I admit...that there are bits missing here and there, but can you can say you know everything?

How good are your senses? Can you see over 50 types of energy with your eyes? Can you hear a penny fall through the air a half a mile away? Can you taste the blood of others simple by looking at them? I mean this not as a prick...I am being sincere. I am not claiming to be a genius here...I am no different, better, or worse then anyone or anything alive. Genius is not something that belongs to anyone. You might say I'm very lucky or very intune with myself.

As for the blue fairy...this is news to me. I will investigate it soon. Thanks for the lead!!! Also, I was never competing to 'win'. My mind doesn't work like that. Everything has meaning to me. No one can determine the meaning of life for someone else! We define our own lives and give them meaning!!!!

I like things pointless...always making a point bites. Have you ever known someone who doesn't stop saying the point is...the point is...what is the point...your not getting my point...blah...blah. Do you get the point (LOL)?
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This thread is about what is the 6th Dimension is.
The answer has already been given, and there is ample information about dimensions using a simple google search.
you are right...thee is a great deal of information about the 6th dimension popping up all over the internet!!! GOOD GOD GOOD!!!! Certiantely not all of it matche up perfectly...but the dimension beyond the 3rd are so difficult to fathom that we need each other in order to understand them. There is no single authority here... noone who can say they have capitilzed on this knowledge! There is a sight called the sixth dimension and I am very impressed by it! Its poster describes things differently then I do...the best answer comes from combining mine with 'his'. This extends to many others as well. Did you think it would be so easy??? As his sight states...the 6th dimenson has a great deal directly to do with color!!!! How interesting...after you have said that it doesn't. Am I alone...no!!!! I am being to humble. I am more then I seem! His description of the seventh was also very interesting... it differs from mine but also helps to complete my own answer given. The middle of the middle is certainly the focal pont of light!!!! It is where the edge becomes the middle, this applies to everything with an edge (which is more of a blur). Every field and every atom.quaron.quark.string.vortice.attraction!
The edge of the atom is also the middle!!! And as above so below!!! Meaning that our entire universe is like this...the edge is the middle!!! Off course we are talking about light...about energy...which is always changing. ''It it doesn't change it is not energy''...these words I borrow from Nickolai Tesla.
I have a question for you...I am very interested in learning more about the Blue Fearie Theory. Can you give me a good website to get started? I would appreciate it...Thanks.

Best regards,
The Blue Fairy was of course the fictional character in Steven Spielberg's film "A.I”,.
It is sometimes used To describe something that is pointless and cannot be proved to exist. For example, we have a theory of gravity, but i could invent another theory that involved tiny blue fairies that worked equally as well but didn't make any new predictions or was unverifiable.
Fun, but ultimately pointless.

But having said that,

Theoretical physicists often experiment with dimensions—adding more, or changing their properties—in order to describe unusual conceptual models of space, in order to help better describe concepts of quantum mechanics.

Read more

Here is another link :
Quantum chromodynamics (abbreviated as QCD) is the theory of the strong interaction (colour force), a fundamental force describing the interactions of the quarks and gluons found in hadrons (such as the proton, neutron or pion).

The Wickepedia is awesome.
You can quickly look up anything there.
I find gluons, quarks, and quarons so interesting. Yeah, they have a lot to do with color- I think anything that is anything has a color to it. If there is no color- there is nothing. A black hole is black. We say thats not a color- but it is distuinguished in relation to color. I see it as part of the Entire Spectrum- not just the magnetic visible part. Black and White are like doors that open and close- with all the colors in between. Then, even photons and photon wave contain color...not just quarks and quarons. Color is a property that is not exclusive to one phenomena. What that site reveals is the nature of how objects produce colors in relation to their internal geometric structure, indicating that color and geometry are inseperate. So then...what is the shape of RED?
I've never seen a picture of the shape of red. Drawing little waves doesn't do it- we could draw the same waves with green. Its unfinnished business and any chromodynamic expert knows this!!!

Back to the sixth dimension. If the 5th dimension is light, then the sixth dimension would probobly have a lot to do with color. Can we say we know all the dimensions of a Quark? Micheale Green and Steven Hawkin both talk about them vibration in higher dimensions. They are not along. There are a many scientists who believe they vibration and move in dimensions we can scarcely apprehend. I don't think we will ever apprehend it with a math formula- unless we can see it first!!! That's the only way the mind can really understand something- if you can't visualize the formula you are working with- you don't really understand it!

I describe the sixth dimension as being the position of light within itself. The position of light within itself yields and determines the geometric format that screens the virtuosity of color through. All quarks and quarons are made of light- positioned within themselves. That is sixth dimensional- and that is how their color is determined. The information contained in the Wickepedia does not contradict any of this. A big problem with dimensions is we don't have a picture in our heads as to when to use which variable for what coordinate. We are generally left guessing- and playing number games. Unless we can see it at least with our minds- we will always be stuck!

I'm not alone in my lack of comprehending what it is you talk about sometimes.

You use vague terminology that seems known exclusively by you, without offering a definition or metaphor explaining it. When people question you about it (which arguably in your favor, their confusion is not always tactful), you repeat yourself with more undefined concept, and reaffirm yourself as being more enlightened...

I'm not questioning your enlightenment. You obviously have some kind of grasp on the metaphysical, but...

I would appreciate if you could bring yourself to the perspective of someone uninitiated, and point them in the right direction, rather than shouting at them from where you are. For example, offer a scenario to meditate on.

I perceive color along with intent in three dimensions.

note: heavy use of the concept of color interpolation... google search "simple color interpolation" and click the first link for an example. (I can't post URLs yet, need to make 17 more posts!)

Imagine a cubic room that you have the ability to float in at will.
You sit in a black corner at the bottom, near the 'front' of the room.
You are sitting on the ground, your back is against the 'front' wall, and another wall is on your left.
Turn your head to the right, and see along the wall (behind you), the bottom corner between the wall and the floor is Green. It evenly interpolates from black where you are sitting to a very bright neon green (0,255,0) at the other side of the wall.
Face straight, and see that the corner between the 'left' wall and the ground is red, interpolating from black where you are sitting to a bright red (255, 0, 0) at the wall opposite you.
Look up, and see that the corner between the wall behind you and to your left wall is blue, interpolating from black at the ground to a bright blue (0, 0, 255) at the ceiling.
Each wall is an even interpolation of all of the colors between those in the corner. The corner you are sitting at is black, and dark. The corner at the ceiling on the opposite side of the room is white.

the wall to your left (clockwise from lower left) is black, blue, magenta, red
the wall behind you is (counter clockwise from lower right, as though you were facing it) is black, blue, cyan, green
the ground (clockwise from left, behind you) is black, red, yellow, green

the wall in front of you is (clockwise from lower left) red, magenta, white, yellow
the wall to your right is (clockwise from lower left) yellow, white, cyan, green
the ceiling is (looking up, counter-clockwise from upper left) blue, magenta, white, cyan

There are 8 corners in this room. The one you are in is black, the one in front of you is red. the one to the right of the red corner is yellow. the one on your right is green. the one on the ceiling to your right is cyan. the one directly above you is blue. the one on the ceiling in front of you (above red) is magenta. The one on the ceiling in front of you and on the right is pure white.

Each color on each wall cleanly interpolates with the colors next to it. And you realize that the air is a fine mist, who's colors are also clean interpolations between the colors on the walls. You notice that the path between you in the dark corner and the white corner is a straight gray line, cleanly interpolating between black and white.

You can float in this room, and as you move to corners, different moods strike you:
* the red corner makes you feel forceful and impassioned. As you approach the red corner, your first instinct is to be repulsed by it because of the raw, almost violent energy coming from the room.
* the yellow corner turns that fire into more useable energy, and you feel the need to expend energy just for the heck of it. to laugh, and dance, and smile, and talk (not necessarily the truth), and babble like a maniac.
* as you approach the green corner, you feel like you need to use your energy for the purpose of existing. you must live your life, eat, grow, find a mate, have children, get sick, get better, feel the earth between your feet and clean air in your lungs...
* so now you ascend. as you approach the cyan corner on the ceiling, you realize that there is fundamental logic and truth in this universe, and you seek to understand it (and possibly share it if you are close enough to the green corner).
* from here, you float to the blue corner, and realize the nihilistic reality of existence, and impermanence, and the ultimate equality of all things, whether they be alive or dead. You want to just stop. Preserve what you have, for the sake of order and peace.
* as you approach the magenta corner, you feel a need to control your reality. You want to use your facilities as a living creature to mold the world around you to your will (without much regard for the world around you).
* floating towards the white corner brings you to a nirvana-like truth. All things are clear, and the simultaneous illusion and reality of existence is exposed. You feel the interconnectedness of all life, the nihilistic impermanence, along with the importance of the single moment, the raw power of things, the vibrating joys, the clarity of knowledge, the perfect application of force, ... But it is so white and blinding that it is difficult to act. And you are lost in self-indulgent euphoria. The feeling in the white corner brings a sense of longing for the 'imbalance' of the others. (imbalance in this sense is more like voltage than like a see-saw)
* as you move back to the black corner, everything starts to fade away, and your consciousness becomes more alone, ignorant, and primal. But just as the white corner, there is a perfect simplicity that equalizes you.

So Jozen-Bo, what is this mind portal that you keep referring to?

"I'm not alone in my lack of comprehending what it is you talk about sometimes."

I can't blame you. I find that the English (and probably every other) language is inadequate to fully describe some of the things I experience or sense. Many of the words I use have a very different meaning to me then to most. We are not using a common terminology, though the language is the same.
I studied the 21st century unabridged dictionary, noting that many words have more then one meaning (most commonly 5-7, but sometimes as many as 30-40)). I also redined some of them by myself, so I would have a sense of terminology to work with, when trying to describe (in thought) to myself some of the observations that I have had.

For example 'death' has over 25 meanings to me, most people associate it with 1. When I use the world death, in order to be more precise, we would need 25 words for each type. This applies to many, many words. To make matters more difficult (sorry), when I hear words I associate every possible meaning as they combine, creating matrixes of meaning out of every sentence.
That is how my mind works, it was not easy to get it that way. It does allow my to explore a vast amount of possibilitys much faster then the normal means, which is one meaning at a time, but it also leads to what seems to be vague terminology that is often exclusive to me. I often skip metaphors, because they slow me down.
I sometimes forget that others need a more linear ABC logical approach to follow, as it is a habit of mine to zip through a tremendous amount of possibilities. Sometimes I forget people don't always have familiarity with the sames things I do, and I take this fact for grant. That said and done, how many different meanings might this very paragraph contain?

I can clarify with great skill if I focus enough to and the question isn't too vague to begin with.

''You use vague terminology that seems known exclusively by you, without offering a definition or metaphor explaining it. When people question you about it (which arguably in your favor, their confusion is not always tactful), you repeat yourself with more undefined concept, and reaffirm yourself as being more enlightened...''

I just wrote a responce to the first part of this parapgraph. Sometimes a series of questions will be much more effective then just 1. Yes, I do repeat myself sometimes, so does everyone else on earth (repitition is a very important part of learning). I might be referring to concepts that I alone have defined, and forget that my audience hasn't. No wonder they can't follow.

If it seems I am reaffirming to myself as being more enlightened...I apoligize.
I am somewhere the other people aren't, therefore I see things differently, from the inside and not the outside. Its like a rabbit in a laboratory. The scientist makes all sorts of observations, but can the rabbit talk for himself about the experiences. I can, but its not going to be entirely and instantly comprehensive. Its part of the outside inside boundary of communication. Sorry.

I don't think I would admit to being enlightened if I were. I will say I am trying to see with that clarity we call enlightenment. I can't think of anyone on earth who is 100% enlightened, can you? I know a lot, my general knowledge is incredible, I have been studying non-stop since Uni. I read a broad spetrum of book subject material. Anything that comes my way I consider to be a gift from God, who says without words 'here is the next book for you to study'. I then read it as if to disect it word for word, using the same word matrix method I just described. Each book I read provides tremendous insight. We cannot get a good picture if we only look at one peice of the puzzle!
I have no specail knowledge, with one exception.

"I'm not questioning your enlightenment. You obviously have some kind of grasp on the metaphysical, but...

I would appreciate if you could bring yourself to the perspective of someone uninitiated, and point them in the right direction, rather than shouting at them from where you are. For example, offer a scenario to meditate on."

I'll try harder in the future to follow your advice.

"So Jozen-Bo, what is this mind portal that you keep referring to?"

I have started a new thread. Type in Jozen-Bo under search and go to the Mind Portal!!! I went way overboard with the opening, without considering the position of my audience. So be warned if I sound zealous and fanatical. I am learning to give less at a time, so as not to confuse anyone. I don't know what possessed me to write the opening like that...that's not normally how I represent myself...even if I am difficult to follow.
I tried to edit it, but can't do it anymore. I can say it expresses what I feel and believe to be true, but I should of and would of kept it to myself normally. Too late.
If you read on you'll see my approach is changing, more humble. I am learning whatever I can from the people who associate with me, no matter where they are. By respecting everyone I find I can learn better from them. I might blow up here and there, there are many complicated factors in my life and I get stressed out from time to time. I have an explosive nature to say the least.

I find it funny that last night I was thinking about what you wrote about the chess metaphor and then the next day you show up. It is an interesting and useful metaphor. My dad and I use to play chess a lot. He was a world master ranking in the top 100. He quite...cost too much time to keep up with it. Do you play chess?
The tone that you ended your last post on was better than where you started.

Thank you for sharing more about your mind portal, I appreciate it. I'm going to read it in a few moments. But first, I'd like to share some thoughts on your last post before i lose them.

On the multiple meaning of words:

Poetry exists as it does for a reason. Context frames the meaning of an old thought and gives it new life.

On communication with other human beings:

(I wrote this immediately after reading "Sorry.", which seemed insulting to me. The response is a little bit heated, but it gets a point across that I've had stewing in my mind since I started reading your posts.)

If you really are enlightened, then I shouldn't have to explain the fallacy of that statement. You are EXACTLY where everyone else is. Stop and think on that. Take a moment to see it with your mind's eye... You and everyone else are merely separated by folds of the same multidimensional consciousness. At this level, fundamental differences between you and I, or you and anyone else, are negligible. Infinite and negligible. Now, from this perspective, wonder "Do I want to know? Do I want to hear it understandably broken down?"

On Chess:

I used to play a lot of chess. But, I met a guy who could beat me in chess on a consistent basis. But he essentially quit chess, in favor of Go... In disbelief, I tried to understand why. Then I played a few games, and discovered it. Compared to Go, chess is a child's puzzle. Since then, I've had a hard time seriously motivating myself to improve my chess game, or to play at all (except when challenged in a social gathering).

The example I gave with Chess was actually one I realized first with Go, though I scaled it to chess for the sake of accessibility of the metaphor. Chess is simply more commonly known (in the western world), which is where I assumed this audience would be from.

Now, off to The Mind Portall!!!
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