What is the 6th Dimension?

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Jozen-Bo. An electron is a aprticle, a photon a wave. It is like comparing a ball to a wave in water. Waves may have "preferred sizes" in set environments but basically they can be as big or small as they want (as in the Double Slit experiment).

The brain basically puts all our information together so we can handle it but it is flawed in that it puts things together creating events which never happened, as in dreaming. And in flashbacks as in past lives. It has been shown that events which people are 100%certain really happened, never did happen, that the brain made them up. I don't know if this is what is happening to you but it is normally the case.
Vega. The reason you are here on a topic which has no interest to you is......?

As to superluminal, it's just another chance to play the TROLL game.
Time does not exist. It is not a constant as light is, neither is space. Space and time change for light. How can they be dimensions?
Time is said to be one dimensional since basically it continues straight on in an endless line. You cannot go back a single second or forwards any faster. It is said that time can be slowed down but I think this is the cosmic equivalent of wind resistance in that the faster you go, the more there is of it so the harder it is to go even faster.

Space is three real dimensions we can measure. Light is just photons.
Vega, in regards to your statement 'As a pioneer in modern scientific research, I find this topic of discussion fairly unintelligent and irrelevant on various arguments.' I don't see you adding much more then your sorry critism, as if being a poineer makes u an authority on the subject. That I find very unintelligent. Can u add anything of value here- or are u just going to make some stupid claim and leave us with that. Aside from that- I am not impressed by ur claim...are we to throw away all religious and philosophical wisdom in light of science. Oooooooh....!!!! The pioneer of modern scientific research has spoken....all yeild to his greatness!!! Nonsense!!!! Why not get back to ur microscope and go see if u can find God. I find arrogant scientist to be so very annoying...as if they know everything....Bull****!!!! Go **** yourself!!!

Superluminal, in regards to ur statement
'As a pioneer in modern inanity research, I have to agree.'
I didn't know there was a professional feild in emptiness that pays. Or is that just u being shallow!!! If u have nothing other to say then 'this is stupid' then u too can go **** yourself!!!! I do not see u reaching the inner core of thought (the universal cortex/vortex of everyones thoughts) in this life- I doubt u can even understand what I am talking of. I see no point in wasting more time writing this to u or Vega for that matter. Good Luck with ur scientific path to greatness...u both will need lots and lots of it.

'Enmos. A line stretching in one dimension but having only length, with no width or breadth. I would call it a fold in space.'

I believe what u are talking about is what Walter Russel refers to as the 1st dimension being nothing more then distance...length. If u are unfamilar with Wlater Russel then u might find his work of interest- he wrote alot about dimensions beyond the 3rd- claiming that there are 18 in total. Whether he is right or wrong is not the point- his work provides a great deal of insight regarding the subject.
I like to use the ball of yarn camparising a little more...the ball of yarn is the particle and the string is the folding equilibruim of space wave. I know the model is flawed...but it does make seeing the two as one much easier.

As for the brain... or in this case...my brain...it is alot like an antanae tuning in to thoughts which I might mistake as my own. As for having flashbacks...no...what I am experiencing from time to time is not that. I cannot explain it with words...thoughts cannot capture its essence. I can say that I experienced that space of 3 minutes as if a million billion billion light years increasing at some expontial of time had just passed me by. That too is hard to explain...every second in accord with a billioin trillion years and time itself stretching out into nothing- I live in an echo of some cosmic dream. As for my accessing the virtual reality of my mind...I had to jar the logical rational portion of myself to get there (WITH MAGIC!!!- the most unlogical irrational think I can think of- child's play!!!)...and when I did I had unexpected company...there is some sort of guardian that first of all prevents us from seeing this possiblity...then it prevents of us from desiring it...then it prevents us from understand its path...then it prevents us from entering....then it prevents us from staying....but this place is the front door to the universal mind- and if we can get there we can reprogram anything.
The power I talk of is within reach...but it is not without its price. By now...u might be wondering if I am insane...but how sane is our society altogether? Here we are on the brink of self-destruction- humanity as a whole is very insane!!!!
It is small wonder why many might confuse my mind with craziness. I'm blunt- direct- succinct as possible...because I operate on a very sensitive time-table.
Speaking of time tables...I have spent the last 4 monthes carefully evolving a matrix code that is needed to operate the Mind Portal. Then I will return to path of entering. The code is of primal importance...my first code resulted in strecthing the 28th year of my life into an experience that was subjectively longer then the previous 27 years combined! I got more done that year then the rest of my life combined. And that was with a simple
13^13 matrix code!! The new code includes color and is something of 100^100, making impossible to decode without knowledge of the order of operation...but that is stored somewhere safe...in my memory!

Why so much secrecy? It reveals everything I've doing, seen, felt, so on- private information indeed. The door to the mind portal is built upon mapped out experiences! This is a world of virgin minds...minds that have never done or experinced what I have...I AM A PIONEER OF THE MIND!!! I know how to get there and what lays within...but I am not getting paid for it... In our entire human history not a single Human Being has ever done what I have...I am the first...and I can honestly say that!!!
I know that I have been placed here on this earth to present humanity with this...the big question on my mind is...how many of them will accept and venture in? Time is running out...
If u want to see the higher dimensions for urself...Kaneda...I can e-mail u the door!!! But seeing them and trying to explain them is no easy task...as u might find out (a little example: I was walking to the bathroom when suddenly I saw myself from every angle at the same time (which cannot be expressed by any 3-dimensional model-because I was in a blurr of many places simultaneously)...front-back-top-bottom-and all in between. It lasted somewhere between 5-10 seconds. Before u think 'is this guy on drugs' NO... If I was high on drugs such an experience would be of little relevence). To a virgin mind I must certainly sound crazy...though, I am without fear!!!
Shangorilla...If time does not exist then u did not write this statment regarding the non-existance of time on 12-13-07 at 11:51 PM...did u? In fact, u were never even born and u don't exist either!!! And my clock is not ticking and the planet is not turning around and around!!! U are only half right...the other half of the statement is 'time does exist as we can perceive its existence!' and the total statement (being closer to the truth) is: time neither exists nor does it not exist!!! Or as Buddha once said...Time is without Limits!!! And to finnish this statement we say: time both exists and it does not exist!!! Stop thinking dualistic and u will soon understand!!!

And...as a general rule for dimensions in the relative universe we know of...if it can be measured then it is dimensional!!!
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Jozen-Bo. I have to admit to not understanding you, though some things are hard to put across to others.

I trust you're not going to end up like the guys in SF films who experiment on mind-expansion only to have things go horribly wrong just as a group of young kids stumble on your house one dark night? Only kidding.
thanks for the responces! It is encouraging to see someone who puts forth the effort to observe and understand rather then simply judge and critique. Those are the people who have a good chance of escaping the limited world of form- the prison/school of what we might call now!
I am becoming more and more aware of how hard it is for others to understand me... frustrating indeed. Of the manual I published and released about a year ago many people have stated that they find it hard to understand...and it was written with the intent of being easy to understand!
If they found that difficult, then how much more difficult would it be for them to understand the big unpublished book I wrote that is much more elobrate?
Many people around me are telling me to simplify....KISS-KEEP IT STUPID SIMPLE!! I find myself desiring the peace of quiet isolation...it would be easier then trying to explain what can only be experienced directly. However, because there are considerate people like yourself...I will not seclude myself from this world. Thanks.
In january I am going to buy a motor for spinning and push this to the limits...because I want to prove to myself that my mind is stronger than any pattern! There have been others who spin the wheel of the mind portal for only 30 seconds and got bad head-aches! I beleive it is because they believed for themselves that it will give them a head-ache and so their phsyiological responces were heavily influenced by their psychological perceptive capacity. I never get head-aches- to the contrary.
With a new code and a powerful motor (the intitial expirement was with a hand spun wheel- giving 75 RPM and 3 wave images (GIVING TREMENDOUS AND OBVIOUS RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!)- with a power motor I can get around 6,000-13,000 RPM and 204-520 wave images!!!) I look forward to this expirement...If I go crazy I'm sure u will find out one way or another. I've gotta run...hope to hear from u soon!
Best Regards,
Jozen-Bo. It is sometimes difficult to get across to other what is crystal clear to us. You have to use patience with others.

Try keeping a diary of everything you feel about the experiences and life in general afterwards. I know this isn't drugs but messing with the mind under any circumstances might have bad consequences. The diary if written ASAP and checked regularly will help let you know if there is a psychological downside to what you are doing.
Interesting advice...LOL...
considering the what I am working with is a huge diary compounded into a year map on a spiralling canvas that acts like a calender for the days to record. Its sort of like a big spinning dairy!!! Aside from that I have 3 types of dairys... the day tracker, the portal, and the typical. I have already breifly described above the portal!!! The typical diary is just as u said... some reflective thoughts at the end of the day- I trust that u are familiar with this type of diary. The day tracker is sort of an emotionally detached technical dairy were I record things most others take for granted...did I brush my teeth? Am I eating rice or corn? What did I do and at what time? I need it because I cannot compound a typical diary into a sacred geometric langauge, for this I need the day tracker!!! I still include my feelings, but I don't need to record them, they remain etched in my memory longer then the details- and their information is encoded in the count and the color- very distinct!

Of some interest...I needed to record and build a palette of color to complete my new code!!! It has been very difficult. The palette is divided into two regions, one records the general tendency of color mixing in form-paints, powders, liquids, even thick gasous clouds- all crystalized producers of color!
This isn't too difficult, unless one isn't contempt to call blue blue- and distuinguishes stoneflower blue from azure blue. Then it can get trickier!
Then comes the hard part!!! The second region of the palette describes the tendencies of the intangible world of color mixing- reveiling wave mixtures. This would be easy if I simply used the code of light...(red+green=yellow),
but I needed especially the palette on how colors mix in a spin. I purchased I little fan, transformed it into a spinning maching, and created over 50 wheels containing color mixtures (red & green, blue & red, etc.) and then spun them to see what colors they make.
I have spent the last several days observing, seeing colors qualities I've never seen in my life before!!! They take on a milky pureness- becomíng illuminated and more vivid. They are very hard to classify because they seem to change from on minute to the next, and the angle of observation is very important, as is the lighting. As the wheel spins faster, the colors become brighter...more illuminated...reaching new shade values and change...blue and yellow go into a pale green- I beleive they turn into a white with the faintest value of green when spun even faster. It will take time to extract the exact formula as to how their values change in accordance to their RPM value. Plus...they almost seem alive???
Why all this about color?...because it is one of the 3 aspects of the triad method of coding...numbers...shapes...colors. During the intitial phase of operation I focused on numbers and shaped. I need to now what to expect when two seperate colors fuse into one at spin- and now I have an approximate palette! There are other behaviors I must soon start to classify- how the patterns change at different speeds, rings expand-overlap, fuse, and vannish, the black hole in the center shrinks (under certain conditions) and flips to its opposite...a white hole expanding!, the waves rocking back and forth, the RPM level of sudden stabilization...(my guess at the moment is around 600), and more! Because I can find no information about this anywhere I have to get it myself...not easy!

Now I pose u a question....Kaneda.
I find that it is totally impossible to describe the phenomena of color using only 3 dimensions, even though it is a quality of light, a box (3d) is simply not enough to include it. I have been searching for days for the symmetry of color and finally I can vaguely see it in my mind, and it is clear that although it is governed by a interspacial wave measurement, it is something that has no real shape!!! Then its dimensional value is greater then 3!!! I don't even think 5 dimensions are enough to produce it- that what I call the 5th dimension of light is merely a carrier and transmitter of this stuff called color...it filters.
This is extremely difficult to describe- if you spend maybe 30 days looking at over 3000 sites and sources of information regarding electro-magnetic energy- reading and reveiwing every picture- you'll understand why.
So my question is this then...I believe that color cannot exist in a static universe...the 13 mother dimensions are colorless and totally invisible to any eye...period. In the relative 26 children dimensions of the universe of change they are experienced!!! I haven't focused my mind on this 26 dimensional realitie so much, so I can't say where they materialize...Walter Russel writes that the 15th dimension is that of color.
If u had to describe colors in the terms of 3 dimensions...how would u do it?
Could it be done? Without a mind to interpret...could we say that colors even exist? If the mind interprets, reflecting a holographic image of the forms encoded in the light, that hologram could not be experienced if it was merely form, it needs a minimum of some sort of shade value- the monochromatic scale- to convey any information at all...form covers the 3 dimensions- but form does not cover color (or even shade). U don't have to have an answer...its merely something to consider!!!
By the way...the code is 99.9% finnished...I will begin within the week!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year (if the gregorian time system is your time guide),
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I think the easiest way to describe any colour is to get the largest possible map of the visible spectrum with wavelengths assigned to it so you can give an approximate wavelength to any colour you see. It is handy in that if your colour sense is off slightly, it will directly relate to how you see the visible spectrum map colours, so be consistant with the wavelengths you give to any colours.

As far as I know, colour is just a thing our brain assigns to emitted or reflected photons vibrating at a certain tiny frequency and would not be reliant on dimensions in the sense you say. It is possible that a being who saw by radio waves would perceive colours for different frequencies of the radio spectrum.
Let me re-angle the question. What is the shape of red or blue? It is obvious the white is somehow condensed and expanding whereas black is expanded and contracting...these two Primes are inverted in relation. If we sqeeze space it turns from black to white...empty to full. If the hues of the rainbow are merely assigned by the brain and have no actual basis in reality, then how does the brain do this? In what geometric format does it occure?
I seem to be provided with the right books as soon as I ask the right questions. I combine everything I've gathered and begin to see it, but I can't describe it.

Because we can measure how much red or blue or what proportions are contained in a mix using a spectrographic reader we cannot dismiss colors as being absent of dimensional value...Measurement=Dimension.

But we cannot easily catagorize colors using simple geometric shapes such as balls and cubes. As u have said, a being who could see radio waves would also see a spectrum according to the wavelengths of each wave... Guess what... although I don't see much at this time, when I was using the mind portal an a daily basis my eyes underwent a transformation and I began to see ALL THE WAVES.

This means I have seen with my eyes radio, infrare-red, ultra-violet, gamma, cosmic, zero-point (creepy), micro, and even viod waves. I began to experience light as if I were underwater, the sun's waves where evident, waves within waves within waves- no longer a blur. The experience is both beautiful and confusing... with so much information coming in even through the eyelids when the eyes are closed.

I began to perceive realities existing on different vibrational tones- I began seeing through 'time' and seeing places too far to see- as if the information was stored in the light transmission and its hologram projected by my pineal gland into my mind's eye. I remember seeing in total darkness- no windows and no light- because my eyes could tune into the infrare-red light emited by the objects around- black and red shades.

It doesn't stop there...I began seeing vibration waves and sound waves as they travel very fast- my mind was quick enough to catch. I would look at someone- and if they were thinking I could literally see the waves of vibration emited directly from their head. My brain began to act as a radio- I was picking up thousands of transmissions per a second- space is filled with communication. I can tell u what a thought looks like...what it is shaped like... but color is more difficult. I've seen even more then I can describe.

After living in a mansion in the sky (my body adjusted), how could I desire to return to the shack of NOW (my body unadjusted). I can never go back to living a normal life...I don't want to. After tasting the fruit who wants to eat the dirt? I wish my wife understood this.

We can say this...light moves. If it doesn't move- it ceases to be light and we do not see it. Even if it moves, we can normally only see a tiny little bit- a fraction of the entire spectrum. But motion is not enough- it gives us no form. And all light travels at the same speed- so we don't turn from green to white the faster we go. It helps to remember that the wave is a spiral (All waves are spirals and circles simultaneously) when viewed head on. it winds and spins and rotates through itself. The vesica piscis described in sacred geometry helps- two circles interloped. How much does the space bend into itself and at what angle? How condensed is it, how much does it overlap its own area? These help.

Yellow is lots of fun...we can keep its value of hue mix...drop its illumination and it turns into an olive green- even though its wavelengths remain at the value of yellow- we see olive green. If we increase this- it turns to white.
If u spin a blue and white medium fast enough u get a blue-green. Where does the green come from? This also occurs if u spin blue and black. The other colors mixed with black or white shades don't do this, at least not at the speed I was using.

Color is coordinated by spin... all the little molecules that make matter are spinning and whirling so fast they seem like little orbs if magnified. There is nothing that we can see if it does not spin. So the geometric shape of light combines spin- like a double-helix- a cork-screw shape of space...and an amount of pressure, how condensed is the space that spins. It also includes parrellal spins...effecting the illumination of the experience. Any light that is heavily condensed with billions of parrelals appears white. Any light alone without any parrelels is to weak to be seen normally...black.

Heres another way to put it...color filles the empty void everywhere. Motion is like opening a door so we can see through to the color of light. Electromagnetic energy gives us that motion...it is not the color- it is a door be which the color can be perceived. Juxtapose this statement with many many more and u get a clearer picture.

I do not agree that the mind makes it up. I think that is a feeble answer giving by people who don't really understand- but don't want to appear unknowledgeable- so they pass along a scanty answer...from one generation to the next. If it were soley a product of the mind then I could make myself see blue and red by reorientation of thought. I once read that it is an expression of the One Universal Mind...which is only a part of the total truth.

Why do I persist in this subject of light and color? It contains the secret of infinite power, freedom, immortality. All reality is founded in geometry...it is the most fundemental language of creation. It is more crucial then mathmatical numbers, without form we have nothing to count.

Since I haven't been using the mind portal for over a year now...my mind is muddled... I have difficulty seeing what was recently clear. My senses are dull, deadened, retarded. But they are functioning better then most, when I compare myself to the masses, they are zombies. Though my understanding is not perfectly clear- it is not nearly as distorted as it is for most others...
The blind men don't even see the elephant...the men with eyes see a blurry blob shape simular to the elephant. I see the elephant from the outside as an elephant...but not entirely, because it has an inside too.

Without shape, it is formless. Without form it cannot be known. We know of color...therefore we should be able to track down its form. We are then able to find its relationship and connection to shape. This information is so powerful that with it we can throw away our dependence on external technology- no one can control us and we need nothing at all.

It is obvious by my writing this that I am still relying on external techonology...meaning I don't have a clear picture in my mind. It isn't even vivid anymore. U are right, Kaneda, I have to be patient- what other choice is there. I can feel liberating knowledge in my genes that is dormant...asleep. Until it is time to blow I will keep on ticking. Until it is time to awaken I will keep on dreaming.

Best regards,
All EMR travels at the same speed but it is down to frequency/wavelength (basically the energy of the photon) on how we perceive it:


Or in most cases do not perceive it as almost all of the spectrum is outside of our vision. A different colour is just like a higher or lower pitched sound.
Physicists predict that the rest of the ten dimensions in in the zero dimensional point particles that coalesce in the atom. Therefore they haven't been discovered.
A zero-dimensional particle

The rest of the ten dimensions you are looking for are locked into the tiniest elementary particles of the atom, according to the superstring theory.
The rest of the ten dimensions you are looking for are locked into the tiniest elementary particles of the atom, according to the superstring theory.

A bit like branes operating in a multiverse. It's still at the Lewis Carroll stage at present.
Has anyone ever heard of Micheal Greene? I had the honor of breifly meeting him in person during one of his seminars on dimensions and finding the link between gravitational forces and nuclear forces (both weak and strong). Basically we have found a way to combine the 3 forces that are not gravity into a mathmatical formula, but we can't get it to match up with the force of gravity.
This is a man who has spent his whole life dealing with the subject, he is one of the USA goverment's top-notch physicists. He is capable of multiplying and dividing 34 digit numbers by 34 digit numbers (or was it 53?...can't remember)faster then even computers! A math giant!!! But he hasn't found what he is looking for, he can at best only approximate. As he put it...there are either 10, 13, or 26 dimensions- but not enough conclusive evidence to determine which. His main concern is finding a unifide theory. The guy also meditates...like the yogi's of India...helps keep his mind clear for those big equations. I asked him 3 questions...I was a kid back then...he told me they where excellent questions- gving me a strange look- I seemed to key in on the essential matters of concern (he didn't remark on the signifigacne of anyone else's questions that night). A warmly recieved complement coming from someone like him.
What I find of most interest is that 13 and 26 both popped up. My perception is that in an absolute timeless universe...the creational womb...there are 13 dimensions that wholly yeild every potential. The 13th is also zero. Nothing moves and everything moves...there are no contradictions...only complements in a state of being the same. If we go back before the big bang...we where all at the same point, place, and time...as one nothing. The relative universe is double that...26 dimensions.
But I don't have the mind of Micheal Greene to do math like this. I didn't even intend to perceive what I have. I was expirementing with geomety...spinning spirals with information in them. Remember 1910 when our great grandparents went to a movie theatre and saw a flash of coka-cola and popcorn while waiting for the movie to begin? Not one in million could say 'did you see that' but all of a sudden most of them got hungry and thirsty? Why? because the subconscious mind is much more alert then the conscious. Keening in on this awareness I figured that if you compound information into a geometric format and spin it..the same principal might apply...we'd see more then we saw and something would happen. As a result I began to 'see' the absolute Universe clearly...I don't need math to do the geometry, I need a clear mind.

The problem with the 10 dimension theory is it completely overlooks thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We cannot describe thoughts by using a 3 dimensional coordinate...PERIOD!!!!! If anyone thinks otherwise...let them prove me the wiser! Indeed, most scientist seem to completely overlook the dimension of thought as if it were not even worth looking at...these are the one's that are seriously stuck. Thought combines form with color and emotion...so what are the coordinates when I think 'that is such an ugly shade of red that I must barf..' or 'that Rosy-Pink is a sexy Color on that lady- it makes me FEEL a sorting way'...? How can we say that are feelings are nothng more then 3 dimensional. There is a big difference between emotional pain and physical pain!!!!

Heres a trick question...What color do Red and Green make? And what about Red and Cyan? I already know the answer...I'll give a big hint!

There are at least 5 different ways to mix color!
The first 2 are the best known...because we have the most experience with them...Light Waves and Paints. The other 3 are more subtle and much more difficult to balance out. There is the mixture of chemical reactions...such as Hydrochloric Acid and Baking Soda...put the two together and you get a foul yellow. Then there is the non-reactive pigmentation of molecules...paints and water colors that mix without changing their atomic form. Then there is the spinning of two colors....put red and green on a wheel and spin. Then there is the mixture of light...baby easy to calculate!!! Last and most difficult is the most subtle colors of ether and astral...because we don't normally see them nor do we have a means of scientificly detecting them...so they don't exist officially. An example of this sort of mixture is when two people stand next to each other and their auras interlope- this kind of mixture does not obey the rules like any other...and is itself sub-divided into even more regions- making it a brain breaker to solve and predict...(you have to percieve them first).
The fun part is this...we cannot find a symetrical system if we use any of these color wheels alone... there is always some area uneven! But when we imposed these wheels together we get symmetry!!! It appears as a spiral!!!

I have gathered enough information about color to proceed with my Emperiment and magnify the results. The pallete I have is a multi-set describing what to expect and where. It is not perfect...but it will have to do. In the future with the right equipment I can improve it dramatically...but we do not have the technonolgy on earth to make a perfect palette. So when it goes from 90% to 98% to 99% then I will have to except this limit.

It appears that I must be going deeper into the portal this time...because strange things are occuring already...I'm beginning to see what normally cannot be seen...and I haven't even started yet. This happened before as well...I suspect that they are time ripples the spread out like a stone dropped in water...going back and forth and not in the classical linear sense we normally think. In other words...what I'm about to do is so intense its effects are trickling back through time. this normally isn't the case because people normally don't do anything so intense regarding DNA and Perceptive modification...in this case unlocking potential. At least I'll know in the future if I'm right about this now!!!

Best Regards,
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