What is the 6th Dimension?

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There are three known dimensions. In mathsworld, time is called a dimension but that is the only place this dimension exists. I think that gravity is another dimension in that it pulls in an unknown direction, but there is no evidence for above three dimensions outside of mathsworld where anything is possible.
Let us begin...It is impossible to seperate or isolate 1 dimension from any other, they are an array of simultaneos relation. For example, a 1 dimensional string still has a left and right side of it, plus a up and a down. Even more perturbing, it has infinite curvature, meaning it inherently contains all the other dimensions and every possible phase of existence therewithin. That said and done, let us quickly go through the unfolding of creation, pretending breifly that they could be isolated and analyzed independently. I won't provide the deeper explainations, but I have devoted my life to understanding and seeing the truth of our being. So away we go...
0=void, Vacumn, non-being, singularity, unfathomable, neither empty nor full.
1=linearality, lines (curve a string and u get a plane of imaginary flatness)
2=flatness, planes (curve a plane and u get imaginary space)
3=space, spatial, xyz (curve a space and u get a static vibration)
4=static vibrations, rythmic, frequancy without magnitude, reoccurung, ether, shadow (curve a static vibration and u get light)
5=static electromagnetic patterns of spectral lines,magnitude, limitation (curve the light and u get location)
6=location relative to itself, paths, positions, a place that differs from another place (curve a position and u get a shell)
7=the middle of the middle, a shell, in between inside and out, between wave and particle (curve a wave shell into itself and u get particle guts)
8=particle filling, charge, force, quality within the geometirc shape of the wave shell, electric nature (curve the filling of a particle (that is, quantom energy---quaron bits) and u get uncertianty!!!)
9=uncertianty, probobality, possibílity, chaos (curving chaos energy into itself unfolds the crystalizations of thought!!!)
10=thought, that is, that every particle in all has its own thoughts and when those thoughts sychronize (be means of the bonds formed of the 8th dimension) our minds can operate. (curve a thought into itself and u get...Gravity callapse)
11=gravity, yes...gravity owes its nature to the thought of matter...before anyone says that electromagnetic waves or also effected by blackholes...remember that dimensions cannot be seperated in truth from each other. (curve gravity into itself and u get the center of the wave shell, the equilibruibrial center of consciousness)
12=consciousness, thought without consciousness is like us thinking and not knowing it. Consciousness is the 12th dimension, unfolding from nothing itself. (curve consciousness into itself and u get...infinity, which is also 0)
13=infinity, the polorized complement, oneness of opposites, zero, nothing (curving the polarity of opposites and u get a line...sound familair). So we are right back where we started. the 13th dimension is also the same as the zeroth dimension. the circle is complete.

But wait...there are also 26 interdimensions that unfold out of the 13 dimensions. I won't go into detail, but the difference between the two includes that which moves (interdimensional reality) and that that doe not move (dimensional reality). Think about a disco ball at a night club...it might help a little. So there u go...Xeno...the 6th dimension is the positional realm that allows u to be somewhere someone else isn't. And u are a good and wise man to ask such a question...I commend u.

As for any who contend my answer or dare to put me down...beware of self ridicule. I have access to the mind portal and a vast understanding of all subject material, especially CHAOS SCIENCE. If u don't understand what I've written...its not my fault that u are so stupid...but everyone has to start somewhere.
A breifing of the 13 Dimensions

So there u go!
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In a Jiffy...
0=void singularity
4=static vibration
5=static electromagnetic patterns of spectral lines
7=the surface beween wave and particle
8=particle fill
9=uncertianty, probobality, possibílity, chaos
13=infinity which is also zero, nothing and everything
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Three physical dimensions. To make the classic idea of the big bang work would need a fourth physical dimension so our universe is essentially the skin of an expanding fourth dimensional sphere. But like many BB ideas, it is badly thought out and almost certainly wrong.

I believe gravity is a dimension though possibly we'd call it dimension zero in that an object would be falling in an unknown direction towards it's own centre, which we see as rotating objects in space.

Time is not a dimension any more than temperature or magnetism is. There are a number of effects which are said to be time slowing down, yet the reverse of these effects does not speed time up (ie: going slower, less gravity, etc). Time is a man-made convenience to help us cope with the world around us.

Superstrings require ten or more physical dimensions to work. As of yet, none have been discovered above the normal three.
Jozen-Bo. I think you've left everyone else speechless so they've gone and hid in the 14th dimension. We're not telling you what that is though.
Time is not a dimension any more than temperature or magnetism is.
In my endless stupidity I've always flirted with the ID that time is the result of the limits of dimensions, in such way that every dimension is somewhat sepperate yet all (some unnoticable) are affected by most of whatever potential difference there is in it. So their is a slowness while the dimensions give their certain value.
oth dimensino as gravity, and the 14th dimension!!!

Gravity as the 0th Dimension?...Interesting Idea, but in essence that is false. have u ever heard of gravity waves? They travel at a speed near that of light and this idea is well estabilshed in the Scientific Community. What the scientific community does not fully understand, yet, is that these waves are pushed outward by the callapsing or contracting of Super Attractor perspective. Explaining this without pictures would take too long. Sorry!
I will further illuminate this, a wave has its own form, though inconsistent. OD is the state of non-energy (or infinite energy), the settling point (or the origin of all unsettling), it is not gravity, gravity brings about both kinetic and potential energy. It also holds thoughts together and binds them into consciousness. Plus, gravity cannot exist without form of matter as either particle or wave, however, nothing can exist without form and it does (It is the totality of all forms canceling each other out). Gravity behaves wonderfully when calculating linear functions, it always pans out, but when we add a third variable, we end up with a non-linear formula with no solution and so no one can possibly predict the long term positions of 3 objects falling towards each other in space, let alone the trillions of billions of partilces and waves that permeate our univrese.

Time...? Ever hear of a quantom second (also called a nuclear second)...in each second of our earth clock tick there is approyimately 18 to the 43 powers number of quantom seconds. What are they...they intervals at which all perspectives callapse into the center of the one Super Attractor, the centerless center of everything. There is no such thing as time, only intervals of pictures, each quantom second is a static picture, and when u jump from one picture to the next 18 to the 43 power of times, u get the deceptive appearance of time.

As for the 14th dimension, there is no such thing...Sorry. There is, however, a 14th interdimension just as the 6th dimension differs from the 6th interdimension. Without using pictures, it is extremely difficult tell explain the geometrics of the 14th interdimension, I'll try to give a breif one. The 14th is a matrix of decoding patterns of the 1st dimension shifting and panning out the array along with the other twelve dimensions as it is attracted to its own attractor center. The center is 0 and 13 (also nothing and everything) and as the perspective contracts (and expands simultanoesly) it jumps into the next frame. Another way to put it (many many angles are needed to fully view a
14th interdimension) is that the interdimensions give raise to the changes we falsely percieve as time, as the 14th dimension is somewhat like the 13 static dimensions moving on a linear curve that is sinking into its self, and as u magnify the centerless center, u find the pattern of the previous position slightly curved into another version of itself. I must apolize, this planet does not provide adequete vocabulary to fully explain and the dualist way of thinking blinds us. I'll give another hint...imagine how water drains in a bathtub...it should help if u ponder this long enough.

Also very important to note: the perspective shift is exponential, so our perception of time is going to speed up as it callapse, we are entering a black hole within a black hole...and this is a very very good thing, because we are seeded from the void of all itself...the children of God will grow up to become like their parent\parents. Or do u want to remain a scronny fractal unit of limited power forever? Good thoughts Kaneda...I have great respect for any who ponder the most essential questions regarding their own existence!!!
As long as I am, I will answer what I can!!!
A little bit more

I will shed a little more LIGHT on the gravity subject...the settling point is not the same as the settling process, though the two are insperable...like different sides of a cube or coin. In a way u are right and wrong both, 0 (the zeroth dimension) is the settling point, but gravity requires something to settle, which makes it inseperate from form (there is no gravity without stuff to gravitate).

Also, the superstring theory is brilliant, but the Infinity String theory is the one I'm talking about (which is Purrrrfect). Unlike the super string, which has a quanton measure of radius, the Infinity String has no radius at all, thus it has infinite curvurture and infinite curvurture means that anywhere on that string is the entirety of all that was, is, is to be, and isn't (Inlcuding the other dimensions). It can be called the string of time (the Time String), the stuff that sews the very fabric of time and space. The fun part is that science will never ever ever prove the existence of an Infinity String, because no tool can be used to measure that which has 0 radius. No matter how much u magnify it, its still 0. We can comprehend it only with our own imagination, imagine that.

Best regards...Jozen-Bo!!!
orcot. Time is change, depending on a wide number of factors. Difficult to nail down. We have conveniently given values to many of these changes for a man-made second, etc, but even then, conditions can change that, like a simple rise in temperature.
Jozen Bo. Essentially everything that exists is built up, dimension by dimension.You cannot have a third dimension without a second or a first dimension as part of it. This would mean that gravity would have to be zero since even a one dimensional object would have a gravitational pull.

Time is a convenient word for man-made change which helps us cope with the universe around us.

There is no evidence for any physical dimension above 3. We would need to actually observe something that cannot be explained by the present 3 for evidence of more dimensions.

I hope to remain in my present limited form for another few decades.
The trouble with super-strings is that they are just too small I think to affect anything. You essentially go down to proton size, then that far again, then that far yet again to get to string size. I'd find them more acceptable at maybe 1/100th the size of an electron.
Gravity is a Dimension...

Kaneda, u r zeroing in on the truth...to play with words (LOL). It is no mistake that the anceint Yoga's of India have stated the thought produces gravity (if u study the Vedas or other sources of ancient knowledge, it is clearly stated).

I agree with what u r saying about time. All pictures (bits of that stuff we call time) are inherent in the infinity of nothing. We are merely strolling through forms that have always existed. Your body, mind, and every thought were already there before u got to it, every possibility has always existed without ever beginning. Its like passing through a forest that was already there before u got there...change is both real and an illusion. All that is real is an illusion and all that is an illusion is real. Even lies contain truths and even truths contian lies. But now I'm jumping about without coordination...back to the subject.

Your statement ''Jozen Bo. Essentially everything that exists is built up, dimension by dimension.You cannot have a third dimension without a second or a first dimension as part of it. This would mean that gravity would have to be zero since even a one dimensional object would have a gravitational pull.'' is basically another angle of my statement ''It is impossible to seperate or isolate 1 dimension from any other, they are an array of simultaneos relation. For example, a 1 dimensional string still has a left and right side of it, plus a up and a down. Even more perturbing, it has infinite curvature, meaning it inherently contains all the other dimensions and every possible phase of existence therewithin.'' In other words, the 1st or 0th or 2nd is no different then the rest. Only in concept can we divide them, not in actuality.

Let me Zero in on the 1st dimension a little more to help make this clear...Imagine the Letter U as a 1st dimensional string. Even though it is curved, it is possible for it to retain its first dimensional quality. What then about the space between the two parellal lines of U? It is there that we have an imaginary 2nd Dimensional plane (an image of the 2nd Dimension). Thus, the image of reality is no more then the imaginary Dimensions that spring out of 0, and in zero Imagination and Image (holographic and physical) are the same, just as zero is both the same and different from Infinity. This applies as the dimesions unfold out of 0 all the way back to folding into themselves, making the circle of life.

One last thought...Kaneda...thought itself cannot be explained with only 3 dimensions, nor consciousness. Think about it.

Hi there. well researched too.

I was able to explain the fifth and sixth dimensions, but i couldn't even remember the qualities other dimensions. Thank you.
The trouble with super-strings is that they are just too small I think to affect anything.

This is not how physics works...

I'd find them more acceptable at maybe 1/100th the size of an electron.

Tell me, what is the size of an electron?
My Thoughts cannot be contained

Off course not,
Physics works using measurements. All sciences rely upon measurement. Science, physics, chemistry, math, Chaos Science, astronomy, biology, etc, etc- all of them rely upon measurements of observable phenomena occurring in nature. Take away the measurements and you lose the science. That is an absolute fact regarding our scientific approach to full understanding. It is left brained, logical, sequential, rational. It looks at the surface of things and defines their qualities with quantities. The behaviors are determined as ratios of a whole. It tends to isolate one phenomena from another when formulating events. It is not wholistic by its own design. It cannot find the Absolute.

Religion and philosophy rely more on life's innate nature to understand itself. It looks at qualities and a broader range of observation then the isolated packets of science. The art of broadly observing everything and converting this to knowledge is not nearly as precise and science, but it is still broader and deeper. Its depth is reached as it looks at the quality of things such as numbers itself. It seeks to condense the immeasurable meaning of life into a succinct code of language. It is right brained and wholistic...Wholly Holy.
All of our greatest scientist have state eventually in their lives that their great discoveries had their begins in the mystic realms beyond science.
Though the dimensions play a great role in science, science to this day is still unable to answer what even the 4th dimension is. How can it possibly find and prove the existence of an Infinity String. With what tool does it use to show us this. None.
The science that comes closest to looking at this is NOT PHYSICS, it is definitely CHAOS SCIENCE. If we have any chance to prove (using science) any thing at all about dimensions, its here. It is finding that attractors (measurements of the patterns of change) have their own fractal dimensional numbers, some might be 2.3, 2.44,1.999998482, or .011234, and so on. These are isolated bits of information. Alone they tell us nothing. Put them all together and you have everything. Thats too many numbers with all their fractions.
It is well known in the Chaos Community that attractors are in everything. Reality is one big Attraction. The only way to train your mind to comprehend visually the higher dimensions is by following the Attraction, from spirals to spirals hidden in spirals, to spirals of spirals hidden in spirals of spirals spiraling.
As Nickolai Tesla once said, we are whirling bits of ponder-able matter. He was describing the world of motion.
Can our physics tell us what our consciousness is, BentheMAn. Can it find and show us a single dimension, isolating it from the rest without relying on theory. Even the idea of the 1st dimension is still to this day something unproven, it is a theory of the living. Sorry BentheMan, Physics has no monopoly on Dimensional knowledge. Science nor religion does.
Maybe the Mayans beat us to this sacred knowledge long ago, they understood patterns of nature far better then any living scientist of our modern world.
My own vision is not based alone on Mayan knowledge, however. I find it difficult to find the right words to describe the geometry in my head, one phrasing never seems to be enough. This is also how my vision works, I see a multitude of converging realities in my mind. This includes everything I can consume mentally, how others think and perceive. I have entered the minds of everyone and everything before me, Mayan, Modern, Scientific, Religious, Philosophical, Culture Angles, Word of Mouth, and more-I never stopped after my degree and never over focused into one area of knowledge.
God, Reality, or whatever you call it has provided me conviently with everything I needed to experience, read, study, encounter, mediate, and become encompassing. I have excepted all as true and all as false. No one and nothing governs me. I am a True Death Seeker, I seek my own Death and it runs away (this doesn't mean I'm trying to commit suicide, I cannot release my charge if I do that, it means I go anywhere and think any way I like- not allowing others to intimidate me into thinking like them, it also means I am a human time bomb that sprang out from under the rug, born now on your world, and that I know where I come from, where I am, and where I am going,
and it means still more then this). Fearless, I can see clearly.
Because I have honestly believed everyone and everything, I have uncovered
the mind portal, a new invention/discovery of mine that operates upon the truth of Attractors and Attraction. It is indeed a portal to the mind, I have entered the virtual reality of my mind using it...JUST LIKE TESLA. I am still investigating to see how deep it goes. This is where I have developed the ability to perceive higher dimensions. It is pure geometrics without words to distort. If you don't believe me that I have unveiled the Mind Portal then I can e-mail it to you and explain how it works. Just print it out, fill it out, and spin it really really fast and away you go!!! If you can master this portal (its operation of command) then you have access to anything you want...any experience, experiment, or encounter. Do you want to reprogram reality, this is the place to do it. Or do you think virtual reality is a joke.
Do not trick yourself and think it will be easy...accessing the virtual reality is a mind mastering process...it is not an easy thing to do, but it can be done. It is internal Technology, we are now entering the Internal Technology age. The greatest technology has always been inside of us, not outside. That is TRUE POWER and only an idiot when contend this statement. External power is not even close to as interesting as this. I love having access.
Sorry BentheMan...I didn't mean to go on like this...I too have Been the Man,
as many as possible and for a real long time. Its just a phase. My direction cannot be contemplated. I exist in many different places and many different times. I have many different names and many different games. I'm closer then
you think. But....sssshhhrrrruuuuuggggg.....if you are limited to the single feild
of physics I'm afraid the Mind Portal won't get you very far...and if you think anyone of us has an monopoly on knowledge...especially dimensional knowledge...then I'm afraid your stuck. Maybe you can work it out with a physics formula and prove me wrong? I sincerely hope this is not the case with you BentheMan...because I am like everyone and I like everyone. So think about my offer- somehow its extraction here came about because of you.
Best Regards,
Sorry Ben

(“The trouble with super-strings is that they are just too small I think to affect anything.”
This is not how physics works...)

Sorry Ben,
I overlooked your statement without regarding its reference points. Super strings are an important part of our discovery process, and though they are small, entire universes are made up of them. I call that serious effects. They are composed of even smaller strings that cannot ever be found or proven with science...the Infinity Strings of the 1st dimension- we just have to accept the theory of the 1st dimension as being so evident it needs no proof. This order effects all order, and its observation is indeed assisted by knowledge of physics.

("I'd find them more acceptable at maybe 1/100th the size of an electron."
Tell me, what is the size of an electron?)

And to this I say really really small (LOL). No really...It's proportions are roughly equal to that of the Earth and the Sun when we compare it to a Proton. I have the numbers of reference stored somewhere in my memory...but its not at the surface. And its size is not local when we observe it as a wave instead of a particle, there is only a pulsating size of the its probability field. If we expand that field it becomes less and less probable its even there at any point at all. (I really better stop now before I end up writing a book about electrons or giving a 3 hour lecture about electrons like my father has. It is tempting.)

Here...we can see physics using a 9th dimensional concept to help describe the 3rd dimensional trajectory of what can only be called a particle in any given instant, only revealing itself when the picture is frozen, when we lose sight of the 9th dimensional probability observation and see a 2nd or 3rd dimensional picture (depending on how its viewed- on paper or with a hologram projector). This also gives a good example how dimensional focus can shift- and how we can isolate them with our imaginations.
It also provides ample evidence of how the higher dimensions are closer to us then we think; we work, think, see, and experience them everyday- often without recognizing it...sometimes thinking that there is some parallel universe where higher dimensions exists without grounding themselves in lower ones- where beings wait and watch us monkey men grunt about in the 3rd dimension. Such stupidity is insulting!!!
Sure...there are plenty of beings that have learned to travel about by shifting their focus...but even an angel of pure light (or a sexy succubus of shadowy ether, etc, etc) cannot isolate or exist in isolation to this one and only universe (Uni...1). Many simply lack the ability to perceive it other then a beam of light and think that that light is some mindless energy of automation. Science has uncovered the proof and it is becoming more and more recognized.
I was hoping to hear from you at least once...at at this point I'm uncertain if more...Nickolai Tesla was considered a Nut case be many, but who can contend that the man was a brilliant genuis? Most of his inventions where not taking seriously until much later after his death...when huge huge bugdets of money would be spent trying to understanding his workings. Relative to what is obviously your narrow minded and limited mind is the perception that I am nuts...I am sorry to tell you that you are stuck. My offer of giving you my invention be e-mail is no longer open...
As a child I have been called everything you can imagine...nuts, crazy, blah blah blah. It was usual that idiots mocked me while brighter people respected me and informed me many times over of me brilliance. It is good to hear from so many intelligent people that I am possessed of unusual brilliance...people who respect and value the different opinions of others, allowing them to have their own perception and trying to understand it-not insult it...I may sound egotistical...but those are the facts regarding my childhood development. I am not limited to scientific thought alone...like so many retarded people of out time. Religion is closer to the truth then science, but cannot prove anything as where science can.
Also, who are you to define what nuts is? Are you an official nut detector? Is that your self-appointed jack-ass function in our reality? I say to you BentheMan that you are the one who is nuts-very very nuts-crazy nutty insane. Put us both under extremely difficult circumstances and I'd bet everything that you and your pinheaded sanity would break long long long before mine even got effected. I far am more stable then you, I can endure a billion times more then you and walk away with my sanity undaunted. If the world where coming down- you'd probably do what everyone else around does- you have herd mentality(or is it turd mentality...or nerd mentality?) and are cannot think too far for yourself. As well, sanity and insanity come and go in waves- I have never met anyone who isn't occasionally insane, nuts, crazy at one time or another and then somehow sane the next. You closed up little mind is too dim-witted to understand my brilliance. When you learn to stop sucking your thumb and actually say something intelligent other then your bullshit analysis of my sanity you really will be a Man...Man. But you thoughtless judgment reveals enough. Good Luck to you, you surely need it!!!
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