What has god done for you

Celpha Fiael: Read the Bible, there are MANY messages there on how to respect God.

As you may have accumulated from my other responses to you, I HAVE read the bible, for many years in fact. Even if I did see an overarching reason to respect the God presented in this (which I don't), to blindly follow what it says in an ancient text that was written by men ("but it's the Word of God!") is dangerous to say the least.
ashura: oh, im sorry..well, God is important...but He is humble...wait, by saying 'ego' does that mean, boastful??

fishtail:well, it's good that you give more than you can take...but i myself don't know about stuffs like that...i admiit that i am not that intelligent in Theology to know about that conditions...my knowledge and understanding about stuffs like that is very limited since im not old enough to have wisdom..
As you may have accumulated from my other responses to you, I HAVE read the bible, for many years in fact. Even if I did see an overarching reason to respect the God presented in this (which I don't), to blindly follow what it says in an ancient text that was written by men ("but it's the Word of God!") is dangerous to say the least.

well, for me, in order to understand fully the bible, you must read between the lines (and i haven't mastered it). but to easily understand what the bible says, i simply go to mass and listen to what the priest will say at his homily.
wait, what do you mean "blindly follow the bible?"
well, for me, in order to understand fully the bible, you must read between the lines (and i haven't mastered it). but to easily understand what the bible says, i simply go to mass and listen to what the priest will say at his homily.
wait, what do you mean "blindly follow the bible?"

I mean what you just demonstrated in your response; you don't apply your critical thinking to the bible, so you listen to others' opinions and personal interpretations resulting from their critical thinking (if it can be called that), and then believe everything they say without question.
i don't believe in everything everybody would say..for instance, just like now, i don't believe in people saying that God does not exist...i trust our parish priest so, i believe in what he says...i'm not an idiot to believe in everything people say...
Fair enough, but for your sake (and the sake of any others reading this), let's ask on what grounds you don't listen to those who say God doesn't exist, while you do listen to those who say God does exist. It has nothing to do with critical thinking as--you admitted even yourself--you aren't very capable of doing extensively right now. It simply has to do with what you are accustomed to hearing. In other words, it's because you've been brought up in the religion you are in now. You're used to hearing "God exists," and so when you hear "God doesn't exist," your brain rejects it on the ground of unfamiliarity. By the same token, if you had been brought up in a society that told you "God doesn't exist," then if you heard someone say "God does exist,", you would have the same reaction to it as you are having now towards me.

It's this crucial point on which I encourage you to apply your critical thinking skills, however incipient you or others see it to be, to both sides.
i grew up to a loving family who taught me that God exist..it's true...
me and my family have a strong faith in God...
we had enough proof that God exist...

and if God does not exist, how will you explain miracles/miraculous healings done by praying and being devout to God or to Jesus??
i grew up to a loving family who taught me that God exist..it's true...
me and my family have a strong faith in God...
we had enough proof that God exist...

and if God does not exist, how will you explain miracles/miraculous healings done by praying and being devout to God or to Jesus??

I am growing very weary of your extremely naive questions, sorry to say. But okay, here we go.

First, note that just because you grew up being taught that God exists, this is not sufficient evidence for his existence. Until a certian age, you were taught that Santa Claus exists, but greater reasoning caught up with you. Needless to say, you certainly think it would be foolish to worship him.

While we're at it, my whole family could believe that santa claus exists, but does that make it so?

We all like the idea of what we were told is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This is easily explained scientifically, but that is beyond the scope of your question, so I won't go there now. But of all the different beliefs parents tell their children, all of them can't be right. Somebody has got to be wrong. How do we go about finding this out? Well, we investigate using the only tools you can use; logic and evidence. In return, it is only fair to investigate ourselves as well, to learn to ask questions and think unbaisedly and turn them introspectively. I suggest you do so.

The prayer is easily explained, it is nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you don't know what that is, look it up and read about it.

I take it you've never actually seen a miracle. And by miracle, I mean something that cannot possibly be described scientifically. Am I wrong?
i don't if it was god but some enity is responsible for me being alive right now and personally i feel god is insulted by alot of these chriastians that seem almost over come with zeal and i do think sandy is one of that group but she is a borderline case. when you that sure in that belief that god loves you you start to stop acting in a chriastian manner its happened to me before which is why i'm of a scientific and logical mind to make sure i'm not overcome by zeal and to have twist me into something that is insulting god rather than joyfull for him/she/it
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um, yes, i agree that i am naive...for now...but santa claus and God are far different from each other...

santa claus has no proof...but God has...the bible for instance is a proof[to me]..i've never seen a miracle but what happened to the case of my father made my faith stronger...

and i think that the thought of me forgetting God is the work of Satan...
and if i will eventually be an atheist, it's like i have fallen to satan's trap...
but these things are just my opinions...
The only difference between Santa Claus and God is that God is commonly worshipped and Santa is not.
i just thought of something..maybe Santa clause is real..but not that he's just one human..i think that everyone of us is a santa clause..we might never really realize because it has been covered with the world's evilness...
as what the nun in our recollection said:
human beings are basically good. this goodness, however was just covered by something bad.
Why do 17,000 children die each day from starvation? Why does your god allow that and why doesn't he fix it?
because there is interference - mostly from humans - and mostly from humans disobeying god's instructions (at the very least its not like the universe has inherent flaws of production)
Guys, help me out here.

There is a room and in the middle of the room there's a big ancient package wrapped up so beautifully. In the room are two good friends. Let's call them Tom and Jerry.

This ancient package will not be opened till the appointed time has come.

Tom and Jerry began to have an argument. Jerry claims that there is something in the package and by faith there's diamond inside the box according to what has been passed on to him throughout generations.

Tom contradicts Jerry by telling him that how can he possibly know what is inside the box? You only have fairy tales from ancient time telling you that there is diamond inside the box. You have no evidence at all, so why do you assume then? For all I care, there's nothing inside the box since time immemorial. You have no evidence at all to support your claim.

But Jerry says, I believe what has been entrusted to me. I trust what has been passed on to me. And when the time comes to open the box, I will be holding the diamond in my hands.

And the two argued and argued endlessly.

Tom says there is nothing inside, Jerry says with certainty that there is diamond inside the box. One doubts, one believes. But, they cannot open the box till the appointed time has come.

So, as an outside observer, how do you correctly judge this?
Guys, help me out here.

There is a room and in the middle of the room there's a big ancient package wrapped up so beautifully. In the room are two good friends. Let's call them Tom and Jerry.

This ancient package will not be opened till the appointed time has come.

Tom and Jerry began to have an argument. Jerry claims that there is something in the package and by faith there's diamond inside the box according to what has been passed on to him throughout generations.

Tom contradicts Jerry by telling him that how can he possibly know what is inside the box? You only have fairy tales from ancient time telling you that there is diamond inside the box. You have no evidence at all, so why do you assume then? For all I care, there's nothing inside the box since time immemorial. You have no evidence at all to support your claim.

But Jerry says, I believe what has been entrusted to me. I trust what has been passed on to me. And when the time comes to open the box, I will be holding the diamond in my hands.

And the two argued and argued endlessly.

Tom says there is nothing inside, Jerry says with certainty that there is diamond inside the box. One doubts, one believes. But, they cannot open the box till the appointed time has come.

So, as an outside observer, how do you correctly judge this?

Tom was doing fine till he said there's nothing in the box. He doesn't know that any more than Jerry knows there's a diamond in the box.