What evidence would work?

In post 124, I did not say earth would be boring to aliens. I said:
"(2) With millions of stars more interesting, than our very ordinary and small sun, why would the aliens (or their robots) come to inspect this boring, common-place, little star with a million or more better choices, many much closer to them?"

Yes if they got close enough to our boring, very common place little star (the sun) perhaps passing by it on the way to a more interesting star, they might note it had a planet on which water could be liquid and deviate their path for a closer look. That assumes, without foundation, that they might think liquid water was of some significance.

Yes but ; Billy T ; you have no idea how unique this planet is ; in the bigger picture of our galaxy.

And even if this planet of ours is " common place " an intelligent being is still drawn towards our planet just out of simple curiosity.
Yes but ; Billy T ; you have no idea how unique this planet is ; in the bigger picture of our galaxy.

And even if this planet of ours is " common place " an intelligent being is still drawn towards our planet just out of simple curiosity.
We once believed the Earth was the center of the Universe, then at least our Sun was the center, and when that was found to be faulty, we could take comfort in the hypothesis that we were the center of the galaxy, but alas, eventually we discovered we were situated in the outer suburbs of one spiral arm, but again we sought comfort in pretending the galaxy was the center, then lo and behold it was revealed that we were just one of billions of galaxies, and that was just within the observable universe.
So much for being unique.

And of course no conclusive evidence exists to indicate that any ETI have visited us.
We once believed the Earth was the center of the Universe, then at least our Sun was the center, and when that was found to be faulty, we could take comfort in the hypothesis that we were the center of the galaxy, but alas, eventually we discovered we were situated in the outer suburbs of one spiral arm, but again we sought comfort in pretending the galaxy was the center, then lo and behold it was revealed that we were just one of billions of galaxies, and that was just within the observable universe.
So much for being unique.

And of course no conclusive evidence exists to indicate that any ETI have visited us.

This planet is unique pad .
This planet is unique pad .
Other than the knowledge of life on this planet, and as yet no conclusive evidence of it not existing elsewhere, our planet certainly is not unique.
Unless of course you know something that our professional scientists/cosmologists/Astronomers/Astrophysicists do not know.:rolleyes:
But I would hazard a guess and say you are once again trolling.
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Other than the knowledge of life on this planet, and as yet no conclusive evidence of it existing elsewhere, our planet certainly is not unique.
Unless of course you know something that our professional scientists/cosmologists/Astronomers/Astrophysicists do not know.:rolleyes:
But I would hazard a guess and say you are once again trolling.

You missed my point pad .

This planet is unique because it is OUR place of Human existence .
You missed my point pad .

This planet is unique because it is OUR place of Human existence .
I missed nothing my friend.
Like I said, unless it is shown conclusively that this planet is the only one with advanced beings [relatively speaking] then we are just one more planet among the many billions that probably exist.
Humanity may just be one of many results of 13.83 billion years of evolution.
I missed nothing my friend.
Like I said, unless it is shown conclusively that this planet is the only one with advanced beings [relatively speaking] then we are just one more planet among the many billions that probably exist.
Humanity may just be one of many results of 13.83 billion years of evolution.


Humanity ; it's existence is what makes this planet unique.

Humanity ; it's existence is what makes this planet unique.
Who ever said humanity was anything special?
How do you know?
This is similar to the Ptolemy belief of an earth centered universe.
Billions of planets out there, maybe trillions, and you suggest humanity is unique? Or that Earth is unique because it has humanity?
If it could be shown that this planet was and is the only planet in the whole Universe, that had evolved life to the peak of what humanity supposedly is, then yes, it may then be classed as unique.
Otherwise saying it is unique is just wrong.
Who ever said humanity was anything special?
How do you know?
This is similar to the Ptolemy belief of an earth centered universe.
Billions of planets out there, maybe trillions, and you suggest humanity is unique? Or that Earth is unique because it has humanity?

Don't you understand pad ?

Have you lost your sense of Humanity ; have many of us done this ?

Many have .

I have not .

Yep...mods always find some obscure loophole in the rules to ban the believers on. Pathetic...I guess this means that unsolicited PM flames are acceptable now...
If Krash had an issue with the PM then there is a "report" button for that on the PM. But posting that PM in public without permission is a pretty key rule, I'd have thought? I think the clue is in the title, right? Private messaging, not Public messaging.
If Krash had an issue with the PM then there is a "report" button for that on the PM. But posting that PM in public without permission is a pretty key rule, I'd have thought? I think the clue is in the title, right? Private messaging, not Public messaging.

Not exactly private once you hit the report button. Guess he'd be banned for that too.
Mod Note

Not exactly private once you hit the report button. Guess he'd be banned for that too.
Reports are private in that they are not available for public viewing by members.

To wit, no, reporting a PM will not see you banned for breach of privacy in regards to a PM.

Posting the content of a Private Message in the public forum without consent from the other party(s) to that private conversation is an extreme breach of privacy and is strictly frowned upon by staff and members alike. And yes, people have been banned permanently when they have done it.

There are very few occasions when even moderators and administrators share the contents of Private Messages in the private moderator's forum and those occasions are exceptionally rare and usually involve a situation where a huge problem has arisen and moderator(s) involved in said situation want to make sure that all staff members and admin and the site's owners are aware of what is going on and what is being said at all times.
You missed my point pad .

This planet is unique because it is OUR place of Human existence .

I missed nothing my friend.
Like I said, unless it is shown conclusively that this planet is the only one with advanced beings [relatively speaking] then we are just one more planet among the many billions that probably exist.
Humanity may just be one of many results of 13.83 billion years of evolution.

If we went back to the origin of life on Earth and replayed the whole history of evolution over again, we almost certainly wouldn't end up with human beings like ourselves a second time. I don't think that most people realize quite how contingent the history of evolution has been. Imagined abstractly, life expands like a tree outward into an unbounded and almost infinite possibility-space, where every point, the tip of every branch, is a different result, a different kind of organism, a different manner of life. The precise shape of the tree is the result of all kinds of conditions, environmental, ecological, competition between different species, the developments of diseases and disease resistance and countless other variables.

Run evolution a second time, and we almost certainly would end up with a different evolutionary tree. We might end up with different kinds of cells, with different chemical pathways, membranes, genetic code and so on. If whatever killed off the dinosaurs didn't happen, mammals might not have enjoyed their subsequent success. The dominant form of dry land animal life might not even be tetrapod chordates if things with different body plans emerged from the oceans long ago and established themselves on land.

And that's right here on Earth. Imagine another planet where conditions are significantly different.


Humanity ; it's existence is what makes this planet unique.

There's unlikely to be anything quite like it or us anywhere else in the universe.

Who ever said humanity was anything special?

Human beings understand each other. We can talk to each other. We have an applicable innate 'theory of mind' and can attribute thoughts, intentions and emotions to others of our kind. We love each other. There are things we share, like a sense of beauty. That's all stuff that emerges from our evolutionary history, it's things that our ancestors evolved to do in their social groups.

If we ever encounter space-aliens, it's unlikely that we will be able to communicate. Maybe simple mathematics, but not much beyond that. Their innate communicative instincts will have taken very different form than ours. We probably won't have much of a clue what they are thinking. Imagine a nest of intelligent social insects bustling around like ants. Are the insects distinct psychological individuals or do they function more like a group mind? What if they communicate chemically, with very subtle pheremones that they detect with their antennae? What if they/it thinks and conceptualizes abstract ideas in terms of smells? We might be able to form hypotheses about what their intentions were from looking at the results of their labors, but probably not by talking to them.

How do you know?
This is similar to the Ptolemy belief of an earth centered universe.
Billions of planets out there, maybe trillions, and you suggest humanity is unique? Or that Earth is unique because it has humanity?

I don't think that anyone has to deny the possibility of space-aliens to say that human beings are probably unique. Each species of space aliens will be unique too. Just... different.
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More whinging and claiming victim status?
X-Files and Millenium certainly have much to answer for, in the effect they have had on these so called "gullible believers" and conspiracy adherents.
Our self proclaimed Alien friend krash got what was coming.
MY god-- comical.
:) I also loved the X-Files and their two main stars, David and Gillian.
It should though have had a warning label similar to the "for general exhibition": In the X-Files case, it should have been "Not suitable for gullible Impressionable public"

:) My mistake! Actually I was not even aware he was Alien. :rolleyes:
ahh--yes-yes, more rules violation from bells and the pathetic pad, how typical.
:) (shakes head)--whatever. then it is a wonder why this place is simply, only, a cesspool.
Who ever said humanity was anything special?
existence-- simple.
Billions of planets out there, maybe trillions, and you suggest humanity is unique? Or that Earth is unique because it has humanity?
does this not ,in a sense, contradict the whole " there is no evidence for aliens " stance?--simply because since there is no evidence, then that implies that humans are the only, which then makes humanity " unique."

This is similar to the Ptolemy belief of an earth centered universe.
simply because this has nothing to do with rivers comments, this is irrelevant and does not make any sense, please explain how it is similar.