What evidence would work?

and yet they have a notion of what they can say is true or not when it takes access and experience in order to do so?
Where are people claiming that what they say is true, rather than just, to them, more likely (with reasoning given), or that evidence that one may find compelling is insufficient for them (with reasoning given)?
" Do you not comprehend that whether one considers a claim supported is a subjective matter? "-- my god how retarded are you-- do you not comprehend that this has been my main point from the very beginning?
Then why do you raise such a stink when people ask for their own standard of support before they will consider a matter supported (to them)? Baffling.
" If you've supported them to your employers, whoop-di-do. "-- my god--you truly have no clue of what has been stated--as obvious as you have made it just now with this line-- i had enough of your pathetic, want-to-be- intellect nonsense. at least comprehend the actual conversation.
Bye, then.
sarkus-- if you ask me why i bother, then ask yourself why are you in this conversation at this moment?--why bother?
A short while ago I was hoping you'd be giving some examples of science that was 40 years ahead, and what you consider "real science" to be (examples of, not just some waffle you can hide behind).
" Us! The people you are in conversation with! Why do you need to even ask?! "--please enlighten me, whom the fuck are you and why does it matter if the " US " knows the reality? again it appears that the whole argument is nothing more than if the public is unsure of the reality, then the reality must not exist.
Who has ever said that?? It's a case that if the public are unsure of reality then they adopt a practical approach that works for them, up to the point that it ceases to work. Then they learn and adapt to their knew experience and understanding.
But ultimately it doesn't matter to anyone if we know the reality or not. But you have raised/hinted at knowing differently to others. Some of us are therefore curious, even genuinely interested. But it seems you have no intention of sharing. You're really just a big soft tease at heart, aren't you Krash. Aw, need a hug?
sarkus :) (shrugs)
" again it appears that the whole argument is nothing more than if the public is unsure of the reality, then the reality must not exist. "

i seriously have no interest in your pathetic, want-to-be-intellect, argumentative shenanigans. which is, obviously, all you are attempting here.
i am saying quit your pathetic attempts and become serious with this conversation if you want me to continue.
How can I be more serious than ask you for examples of what you say, for purposes of clarification?
Yes, it's somewhat of a sidetrack from the topic in hand, but I'm intrigued.
You threw out the line, and I took the bait.
Now what?
instead of sitting here and attempting your pathetic argumentative shenanigans, why not do your own homework, or at least cease the pathetic pretending of you not knowing of what i am referring to.
You appear to be referring to "secret government research", but you also claim this is all around. That is a paradox I cannot resolve without your input. So, please before I feel compelled to report your failure to follow forum rules, please provide the examples as requested.
How can I be more serious than ask you for examples of what you say, for purposes of clarification?
Yes, it's somewhat of a sidetrack from the topic in hand, but I'm intrigued.
You threw out the line, and I took the bait.
Now what?
simply because you are pretending that you do not know of what the public has been talking about for the last ten years. i have no interest in your pathetic shenanigans.
You appear to be referring to "secret government research", but you also claim this is all around. That is a paradox I cannot resolve without your input. So, please before I feel compelled to report your failure to follow forum rules, please provide the examples as requested.
no--no paradox, just an ignoramus(you)continuing with their shenanigans.
" I feel compelled to report your failure to follow forum rules, "-- comical :) (shrugs)
once again, " instead of sitting here and attempting your pathetic argumentative shenanigans, why not do your own homework, or at least cease the pathetic pretending of you not knowing of what i am referring to. "
again, i have been reading these two conversations for days-- i understand what has been occurring and whom had said what and what has been said. cease the pathetic attempts of pretending of not knowing your own words or conduct over the last few days.
Cease being an asshole and provide the requested examples.
Cease being an asshole and provide the requested examples.
" or at least cease the pathetic pretending of you not knowing of what i am referring to. "

i am a tier one government scientist and i work on black projects with high levels of security clearances and other such-es that the public has been talking about for a decade now.. now you have all of the examples you are requesting.
Mod Note

Posting the contents of PM's without the consent of the other party(s) to the private conversation is strictly against this site's rules and has resulted in permanent bans in the past on several occasions. Two posts were struck (removed from public view), which included the contents of a PM which Krash661 made public and answered them in public. As a result of this breach of site's rules, as well as other breaches in this thread, krash661 has received an infraction which has tipped him over into ban territory due to accrued points.
... I'm just dismissing Earth as "boring andg mundane" as a reason for what would be their absence in poking Earth research-wise (if such beings / robots were available).
In post 124, I did not say earth would be boring to aliens. I said:
"(2) With millions of stars more interesting, than our very ordinary and small sun, why would the aliens (or their robots) come to inspect this boring, common-place, little star with a million or more better choices, many much closer to them?"

Yes if they got close enough to our boring, very common place little star (the sun) perhaps passing by it on the way to a more interesting star, they might note it had a planet on which water could be liquid and deviate their path for a closer look. That assumes, without foundation, that they might think liquid water was of some significance.
Mod Note

Posting the contents of PM's without the consent of the other party(s) to the private conversation is strictly against this site's rules and has resulted in permanent bans in the past on several occasions. Two posts were struck (removed from public view), which included the contents of a PM which Krash661 made public and answered them in public. As a result of this breach of site's rules, as well as other breaches in this thread, krash661 has received an infraction which has tipped him over into ban territory due to accrued points.

Yep...mods always find some obscure loophole in the rules to ban the believers on. Pathetic...I guess this means that unsolicited PM flames are acceptable now...
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Yep...mods always find some obscure loophole in the rules to ban the believers on. Pathetic...I guess this means that unsolicited PM flames are acceptable now...
More whinging and claiming victim status?
X-Files and Millenium certainly have much to answer for, in the effect they have had on these so called "gullible believers" and conspiracy adherents.
Our self proclaimed Alien friend krash got what was coming.
More whinging and claiming victim status?
X-Files and Millenium certainly have much to answer for, in the effect they have had on these so called "gullible believers" and conspiracy adherents.
Hey hey! Don't knock the X-Files. That show, along with the West Wing and Frasier are the best shows ever made.

Our self proclaimed Alien friend krash got what was coming.
Huh? I thought Krash661 was a female reptile?


As you could see with your own eyes, I’m not a human being like you and to be honest I’m no real mammal (despite my partly mammal-like body features, which are a result of evolution.) I’m a female reptile being, belonging to a very old reptilian race. We are the native terrans and we live on that planet since millions of years. We are mentioned in your religious writings like your Christian Bible and many of the ancient human tribes were aware of our presence and worshipped us as gods, for example the Egyptians and the Inca and many other old tribes. Your Christian religion has misunderstood our role in your creation, so we are mentioned as "evil serpent" in your writings. This is wrong. Your race was genetically engineered by aliens and we were just the more or less passive visitors of this accelerated evolution process. You must know (some of your scientists have already supposed this) that your species had evolved in a naturally completely impossible speed within just 2 – 3 millions of years. This is absolutely impossible, because evolution is a much slower process if it’s natural but you have not understood this. Your creation was artificial and done by genetic engineering, but not by us but by an alien species. If you ask me, if I’m an extraterrestrial, I must answer no. We are native terrans. We had and have some colonies in the solar system, but we originate on this planet. It’s in fact our planet and not yours – it was never yours.


Which would make us the aliens.
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In post 124, I did not say earth would be boring to aliens. I said:
"(2) With millions of stars more interesting, than our very ordinary and small sun, why would the aliens (or their robots) come to inspect this boring, common-place, little star with a million or more better choices, many much closer to them?"

Two (if not three) earlier replies appeared to take it in a light manner that reference to Sol would include its planetary system or be referring at a narrower level to Earth. My own similar assumption can be attributed to the extrasolar planet research mentioned below. In case of misinterpretation, I inserted "[while acknowledging in fairness that you may only be glancingly / indirectly touching upon what I'm addressing here]". Kind of apologizing in advance if there was too much conflation with the circulating platitudes over the years about Earth being an uninteresting place for other civilizations to scrutinize or visit.

Yes if they got close enough to our boring, very common place little star (the sun) perhaps passing by it on the way to a more interesting star, they might note it had a planet on which water could be liquid and deviate their path for a closer look. That assumes, without foundation, that they might think liquid water was of some significance.

Our own growing data about extrasolar planets around other stars has astronomers intermittently speculating about this or that one having the potential to be amenable to life. Which does not guarantee that alien civilizations would develop similar techniques for discovering and limitedly studying extrasolar planets without / before venturing there. But it would seem an unusual technological blindspot if they later achieved or advanced onward to interstellar exploration (of whatever "slow" stripe).
Hey hey! Don't knock the X-Files. That show, along with the West Wing and Frasier are the best shows ever made.
:) I also loved the X-Files and their two main stars, David and Gillian.
It should though have had a warning label similar to the "for general exhibition": In the X-Files case, it should have been "Not suitable for gullible Impressionable public"

Huh? I thought Krash661 was a female reptile?
:) My mistake! Actually I was not even aware he was Alien. :rolleyes:
Mods defaming and mocking banned members with "not found" pages? Nice...
The links work fine for me. The link to a post where krash661 was asked about that interview also contains a link that might work. Krash661 admitted that she (he?) was the one being interviewed in that article. How is it defamation if it is true? No one is mocking. If Krash661 identifies as a female reptile, more power to her.
:) I also loved the X-Files and their two main stars, David and Gillian.
It should though have had a warning label similar to the "for general exhibition": In the X-Files case, it should have been "Not suitable for gullible Impressionable public"

Gillian Anderson made a series in the last few years called The Fall.. Season 2 ended on the absolute worst cliffhanger known to mankind but they have said they are going to make a third season. It is brilliant and well worth the watch.

Gillian Anderson made a series in the last few years called The Fall.. Season 2 ended on the absolute worst cliffhanger known to mankind but they have said they are going to make a third season. It is brilliant and well worth the watch.
I hate bloody cliff hangers! ;) Being the impatient bugger that I am.
I have not seen "The Fall" but will start watching this Sunday after I drop the Mrs to church.
My young bloke has just installed this amazing "box" in our TV system, which virtually allows you to access any movie ever made and also TV series.
The first thing I watched on it was the 1950's movie, "The Thing from another world" It was actually the first movie that ever scared the living daylights out of me [I was about 6 years old] and I had dreams/nightmares for months!
After watching it a few weeks ago, I am amazed at the effect it had on me!
James Arness was the actual "Thing" and his first movie roll.