what do women get out of islam?

This question is way too broad and is an overwhelming generalization. There were probably thousands of wars and skirmishes, so for me to say the whole ordeal was 'aggressive' or 'justified' is a bit outlandish.
If you don’t think they’d mind, ask your Iranian buddies what they think. They’d probably think it wasn’t so much a generalization at all. I'm 100% positive they'd have an opinion on it.

Interesting the two different sides a idea can land on huh?
Back on topic:

Should a Muslim woman living in a Muslim land be able to decide for herself that she no longer wants to be Muslim and change her religion to Buddhism or become Jewish or an Atheist?

Oh, I see this homosexual debate went on for quite some time. I'd have to say, Sam has two good points that a) if the Qur'an is quite specific about what is and is not acceptable then it would have been very clear on the topic of two men being gay and b) yes what about women (I've heard this argument before)

I'd also like to point out that as part of the animal kingdom humans are born XX XY XXY XXXY XO YO XYY ect... not to mention receptor deletions and phenotypes that do not match with genotypes. Not that long ago at the Uni a girl found out she was XY and missing the the receptor for testosterone. the policy now is that Ss don't do genetic typing on themselves anymore.

Lastly, many scientific psychological tests have found that men who have the most hatred of homosexuality also show up as having the most physical responce to naked pictures of men combined with a conservative religious view that having these urges is evil. Very straight men tend to care less because they don't feel anything towards naked male bodies regardless of whether they are very religiously conservative or not.

Interesting huh?
By Islamic law, you cannot allow something just because it is someone's choice. People do make their own choices and decisions in life, and a lot of the times, they're wrong.

These are poorly informed choices and shouldn't be allowed just because I formed them. There are rules and laws that are in place for a reason. Homosexuality, for instance, could be outlawed for a number of reasons.
Of course all societies accept that such is the case. Many societies, Western and Eastern, ect.. prohibit some drugs, full nudity or obscenity at some level.

I suppose the difference is who makes the choice of what people are allowed to do and not do. To me it seems the best option would be to allow the people themselves to vote. This allows rules to progress and change together with society. However, some religous person's interpretation of what they happen to think is correct for society would IMHO be the absolute last person I'd want deciding for society. Especially if his idea was based on a 2000 year old book.

Very religous people people by their nature tend towards very conservative. This, I think, stunts the growth of society based on Religion. Just look at the time when the rule of Xianity in Europe was at it's greatest - it's called the dark ages. When the Church losses it's power over the people we have the Renaissance.

I am sure that the extremely religous devote in Iran, KSA, Afghanistan, Pakistan, ect... are the reason why women in those societies are not treated fairly. It's not the liberal homosexual Muslim men making the rules, it's not the liberal ex-Muslim Atheists, it's not the Muslim scientists or Muslim play writes or Muslim artists and painters - it's the Muslims who are very religiously devote. The people that dedicate their lives to Allah. They are the ones making these crazy discriminatory rules against women and they are the reason why these societies think it's OK to discriminate against women.

I think we can at least agree on THAT much???

Very religous people people by their nature tend towards very conservative. This, I think, stunts the growth of society based on Religion. Just look at the time when the rule of Xianity in Europe was at it's greatest - it's called the dark ages. When the Church losses it's power over the people we have the Renaissance.

I think you have your history mixed up, the dark ages were multi-causal;
1) barbarian german tribes everywhere; Franks, Goths, Burgundians, Lombards, Visigoths, Saxons, etc...
2) fall of the Roman Empire, & therefore civ as they knew it
3) establishment of new kingdoms in former Roman provinces
4) continued raids by Huns
5) black death
6) saracen pirates, invaders
7) vikings raids, invasions
8) amid the upheavals; poor education, sanitation, trade, etc...

I would say that Christianity saved the West; ancient lit, knowledge, ideas & ideals

which united it for the next 4 phases
1) Crusades
2) Renaissance
3) Exploration
4) Conquest

see these:
http://www.teach12.com/ttcx/coursedesclong2.aspx?cid=367&id=367&pc=History - Ancient and Medieval
We'll have to agree to disagree. Please define what you mean when you say women are equal. What I mean is that women are treated equal under the law. That there is no distinction between women and men legally.

What is there to say? Women are equal to men. Women can get the same education, get jobs/make money, etc. It has so many definitions.

Just that it's possible for you to explain something you fond enlightening in the Qur'an that was novel. You're the one that said the book was "perfect".

And it is. Perhaps you would find the Qur'an enlightening if you actually read it. Why don't you give it a try?

I accept that Muslims condone polygamy for men, but I'm not sure if the argument has been made that this is a good thing for women? As women are born at about 50% of the population if anything it seems kind of stupid.

Even back in the days when all men were able to/practiced polygamy, no portion of the population was affected by a lack of a certain gender. Nowadays, only few men can afford it, so it has virtually zero affect on making an uneven population amongst the genders.

1) The choice of men having many wives and women not having many husbands is discriminatory. There is no two ways about it. To that we must agree purely on grounds of logic.

Purpose of marriage is to have kids. One man for four women can have four kids. One woman with four men cannot get them all to have children. This is why.

2) The choice of 4 wives is completely arbitrary. Why not 2 or why not 6? To that we must also agree (unless you have a logical reason for the number 4).

Why four wives? Well then, why not? Four is a pretty sturdy number.

3) You argument that the reason why Mohammad took more than the proscribed 4 wives is not convincing.

I have posted the whole argument, and if you don't find it convincing, then too bad. I did my part. I'm still waiting for you to dissect it and say what's wrong. I already told you that all of his wives had a huge impact socially, morally, and legislatively.

For example: IMHO I think that we would both agree that if we saw a 50+ year old man having an adult relationship with a teenage girl we would think it wrong. Maybe even call the police. Imagine your teenage sister or daughter bringing home her 55 year old teacher and I'm sure you'd want to set her down and have a long talk with her. So, with this in mind, a good example (aka lesson) would have been one where say Aisha was adopted and loved as a daughter . In my mind a much better lesson, one that I would appreciate right now and an example that Mohammad could have set which would have been a good precedent for future generations.

On average, a healthy man/woman 1400 years ago in Arabia would be happy to reach sixty years of living. Nowadays, we're up to 75 years for healthy men/women (80+ in countries like Japan). If you think a woman marrying at the age of 22 (will have finished an average college by then), then there is a 13 year difference in her and Aisha. However, on average, Aisha is to die 16 years earlier than today's woman. If you die 'X' years earlier, then it's only reasonable (and unbelievably common in those days) to marry 'X' years earlier.

Also, marriages 1400 years ago often had a primary political purpose. You could marry to strengthen bonds with the woman's father, you know, things of that sort.

Finally, Muhammad had his share of critics 1400 years ago. They criticized Muhamad's beliefs/actions on a numerous amount of things. However, they never criticized him for marrying Aisha. It was considered perfectly normal.

Firstly your first example harms others. We agreed that such was not that case for homosexuals. Your second example can not be stopped if the person truly intends to harm themselves and so you couldn’t do anything about it if they were truly intent about killing themselves (they’d just jump off a bride or take a mouth full of sleeping pills). Two adult men having a relationship does not harm anyone including themselves.

It does harm themselves and others. Read below.

So we’re left with what I said. You think homosexuality is wrong and think polygamy is right because a book to you so.

I think homosexuality is wrong because they: a) cannot reproduce; b) have a very high rate for spreading deadly STDs and AIDS; c) hurt and embarrass their family members with their decisions. I think polygamy is perfectly okay because it harms nobody. Tell me, what is wrong with polygamy if all the men and women agree?

Then if the war was a just one you would be in favor of Muslims being pressed into Slavery? I find that hard to believe.

If Muslims initiated the war, then they brought this on to themselves. I'd have no problem with Muslims being used as slaves temporarily and not getting hurt in the process, being fed/clothed, and being paid. Much better than being six feet under.

Make peace with them. Ensure that their land will be theirs. Let them retain their values and ensure they understand they will be free and that the war was one they waged and they lost.

Some people ruin it for others. If you defeated the Assyrians way back in the day, every single member of their city would fight you savagely with whatever they had, so long as they had their chance. Some groups of people have a different mindset, and it is harmful to you unless you take matters (peacefully) into your own hands.

Using you’re notion the USA should have enslaved the Japanese or the Germans. I think you’d agree it is better we didn’t.

If it's after a war, then those are the consequences. If people can accept the hundreds of millions slaughtered from a war, I don't see how they can't accept some restricted slavery afterwards.

s I agree it is unfair and wrong. If the Qur’an is perfect, how is it that all of these Islamic States keep reading it and coming up with societies that discriminate against women or women having the same rights as men.

Because they run for a political purpose - not a religious one.

P.S.: Michael, keep all your arguments to one post. I'm not responding to six different ones.
You can use
to respond to many posts together
Oh, I see this homosexual debate went on for quite some time. I'd have to say, Sam has two good points that a) if the Qur'an is quite specific about what is and is not acceptable then it would have been very clear on the topic of two men being gay and b) yes what about women (I've heard this argument before)


There is actually a Quranic verse with a list of people whom you cannot marry (ie have sex with) and it doesn't include people of the same sex.
SAM, feel free to actually answer my question if you're ready. I'm sure you have the time, what with your 18,340 posts (and steadily growing).
SAM, feel free to actually answer my question if you're ready. I'm sure you have the time, what with your 18,340 posts (and steadily growing).

What question is that? Can't keep track of inconsequentials with so many posts y'know ;)
I said:

My main question to you: how does practicing lust on men instead of women mean robbery/rape/murder, and NOT homosexuality?

You said (essentially):

If animals can, we can.

I said:

Animals practice cannibalism/eat their own feces/do ample things that we would vehemently disagree with morally, legally, and religiously.

So...how does practicing lust for men over women not mean homosexuality? How does preferring, choosing, wanting, men over women not mean homosexuality? There is no other feasible solution.
I said:

My main question to you: how does practicing lust on men instead of women mean robbery/rape/murder, and NOT homosexuality?

I did not say if animals can we can. I said it is found in animals so it is fitrah, not a choice. Sexuality is pretty clearly dealt with in the Quran and there are clear verses as to what is forbidden, who you can marry, consent, mehr, etc

As for practising lust, is that different from practising love? Do you practise lust on the person you love? To me the incident where straight (married) men rape strangers (who are guests) is an indication that that verse is about intent, rather than choice.
I did not say if animals can we can. I said it is found in animals so it is fitrah, not a choice. Sexuality is pretty clearly dealt with in the Quran and there are clear verses as to what is forbidden, who you can marry, consent, mehr, etc

And I disproved this bogus argument. Essentially, animals do a lot of things. You can call their behaviour natural, but I call cannibalism and such horrific things repulsive. Allah says he sent Lot as a messenger to the lands so he could tell them that practicing lust with men instead of women is forbidden. It is crystal clear in the Quran.

As for practising lust, is that different from practising love? Do you practise lust on the person you love? To me the incident where straight (married) men rape strangers (who are guests) is an indication that that verse is about intent, rather than choice.

Where are you getting 'don't rape strangers' from 'do not practice your lust for men over women'?

Man, I hate it when people disagree with me...
And I disproved this bogus argument. Essentially, animals do a lot of things. You can call their behaviour natural, but I call cannibalism and such horrific things repulsive. Allah says he sent Lot as a messenger to the lands so he could tell them that practicing lust with men instead of women is forbidden. It is crystal clear in the Quran.

Where are you getting 'don't rape strangers' from 'do not practice your lust for men over women'?

Man, I hate it when people disagree with me...

Maybe you should read Michaels post on homophobic men.:D

Animal behaviour has biologic reasons which we can define and explain. But sexuality is innate.

There are lots of things that the Byzantinians passed on to us Muslims, unfortunately we are more attached to their interpretations than to the Quran. :(
I just don't see how anybody can agree with homosexuality. Whether we were created/were evolved, I don't see how anybody sees this practice normal. Men have penises, and women have vaginas. The penis goes in the vagina, and bam, there's new life. Why would you match two men, or two women? It just doesn't work. It accomplishes nothing (well, except for rapid increase STDs/AIDS).

Do you see a battery with + at both ends? A battery with - at both ends? Nope. Kind of a silly analogy, but it gets the point across.
I just don't see how anybody can agree with homosexuality. Whether we were created/were evolved, I don't see how anybody sees this practice normal. Men have penises, and women have vaginas. The penis goes in the vagina, and bam, there's new life. Why would you match two men, or two women? It just doesn't work. It accomplishes nothing (well, except for rapid increase STDs/AIDS).

Do you see a battery with + at both ends? A battery with - at both ends? Nope. Kind of a silly analogy, but it gets the point across.

You can take it up with God

42:49 "To Allah belongs the dominion over the heavens and the earth. It creates what It wills. It prepares for whom It wills females, and It prepares for whom It wills males. 50 Or It marries together the males and the females, and It makes those whom It wills to be ineffectual. Indeed It is the Knowing, the Powerful."

See any indication of heterosexuality?

"Allah's is the kingdom of the heaven and the earth. He creates what He pleases. He grants females to whom He pleases and grants males to whom He pleases. Or He grants them both males and females, and He makes whom He pleases, barren. Surely He is Knower, Powerful" (42:49-50)

42:49 in the Qur'an refers to offspring! Allah gives females to whom he pleases, and Allah gives males to whom he pleases. If Allah wants, he gives them males and females. And to some people, Allah will make sterile.

"Allah's is the kingdom of the heaven and the earth. He creates what He pleases. He grants females to whom He pleases and grants males to whom He pleases. Or He grants them both males and females, and He makes whom He pleases, barren. Surely He is Knower, Powerful" (42:49-50)

42:49 in the Qur'an refers to offspring! Allah gives females to whom he pleases, and Allah gives males to whom he pleases. If Allah wants, he gives them males and females. And to some people, Allah will make sterile.

I read the Arabic; the translation I have given is the most accurate.:)

Frankly it makes no sense how marrying together the male and female can refer to offspring.

The offspring are added by translaters, they are not present in the Arabic.

On my part and to your defense, I will say that I only started understanding how much translators affect our understanding of Islam after I learned Arabic.
And the translators who change the Qur'an from Arabic to English somehow don't know Arabic? This verse says Allah gives females to the married couples if he wishes, Allah gives males to the married couples, or Allah gives both males and females to the married couples. If Allah wanted, he could make them sterile and have no males or females.

The marriage is referenced because that is what is needed to produce offspring in Islam.
And the translators who change the Qur'an from Arabic to English somehow don't know Arabic? This verse says Allah gives females to the married couples if he wishes, Allah gives males to the married couples, or Allah gives both males and females to the married couples. If Allah wanted, he could make them sterile and have no males or females.

The marriage is referenced because that is what is needed to produce offspring in Islam.

If you say so, but the verse reads exactly as the translation I have given. You can show it to any imam who speaks and reads Arabic.