what defines marriage?

So, what defines marriage?

in the bible, marriage is described as a communion between a man and a woman, described as "the two become one in the flesh". it is a covenant between the man, woman, and god. and that covenant is consummated, and even defined by sexual intercourse. the laws regarding marriage in the bible are driven by, and centered around, mating.
in the bible, marriage is described as a communion between a man and a woman, described as "the two become one in the flesh". it is a covenant between the man, woman, and god. and that covenant is consummated, and even defined by sexual intercourse. the laws regarding marriage in the bible are driven by, and centered around, mating.

I think most cultures around the world recognise consummation as the be all and end all of a marriage ritual. Without consummation, marriages can be annulled as if they never occured. So thats one definition. Its also the legal definition in most countries since impotence is also a criteria for annulment. I am not certain if prior sexual history of either party is a confounding variable here. But I am pretty sure that if either party can prove that sexual intercourse did not take place following the marriage ritual the marriage can be legally dissolved.

Another one I can see is the definition of marriage as a social institution, ie commitment to a relationship for the purpose of a stable family unit as a couple and/or children.

Marriage is of course, more than just sex since in any society, there are more responsibilities associated with marriage than just the purpose of intercourse for sex or reproduction. Land, power and communities are built and sustained through marriage [saloons in the wild west for example may have come before mail order brides, but settlements invariably followed the arrival of "decent" church going women]
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No. I said that believing in God means a person is religious. I made no statement about the converse relation whatsoever.
this is where we will disagree..as i see religion as mans attempt to use god to control ppl.

Do you think it's in there, because it's divinely inspired, or just a common sense approach when living in society?
ahh..but that brings up the question about how much more common sense stuff is in the bible and hence does not make the bible invalid or full of lies..
lol..you just validated the bible...
Thats not just Lori's definition, its quite common across the world - if you don't believe me read the romances which flood the market

Sorry, are you making an argument for or against the hypocrisy of believers?
ahh..but that brings up the question about how much more common sense stuff is in the bible

What common sense stuff is in the Babble that we already couldn't figure out on our own? Further to that, how does it support the other insane and hypocritical stuff there?
in the bible, marriage is described as a communion between a man and a woman, described as "the two become one in the flesh". it is a covenant between the man, woman, and god. and that covenant is consummated, and even defined by sexual intercourse. the laws regarding marriage in the bible are driven by, and centered around, mating.

Well sure, what better way to justify having sex with other men and then deciding that one particular sexual relationship has nothing to do with your god while another does, thus attempting to conclude in the delusion that your marriage isn't a sham.
this is where we will disagree..as i see religion as mans attempt to use god to control ppl.

i just watched the movie "book of eli" for the second time. if you haven't seen it, it is an AWESOME movie. what you guys are discussing is the basis for the story. the last bible on earth is desirable to two very different men. it's desirable because it's powerful. one man is being led by the spirit to do something good with it. the other man wants to steal it, so he can use it to control the masses.

ahh..but that brings up the question about how much more common sense stuff is in the bible and hence does not make the bible invalid or full of lies..
lol..you just validated the bible...

and i wonder why, if it's common sense, so many people have a hard time doing it, or don't think it makes sense at all?
in the bible, marriage is described as a communion between a man and a woman, described as "the two become one in the flesh". it is a covenant between the man, woman, and god. and that covenant is consummated, and even defined by sexual intercourse. the laws regarding marriage in the bible are driven by, and centered around, mating.

Lori, we already debunked this shit.

It got debunked by Heart, with a scriptural reference from your own bible.

If marriage is sex, how come Mary was Joseph's wife, but still a virgin?

Lori, we already debunked this shit.

It got debunked by Heart, with a scriptural reference from your own bible.

If marriage is sex, how come Mary was Joseph's wife, but still a virgin?


IT'S A COVENANT. the bible says mary and joseph had CHILDREN, not a ceremony.
IT'S A COVENANT. the bible says mary and joseph had CHILDREN, not a ceremony.

LIAR. The Bible does not say that!

The Bible describes Mary and Joseph as being married BEFORE they had sexual intercourse, because Mary is clearly described as being a virgin.

She's a VIRGIN AND A WIFE, so clearly, marriage does not hinge on sex.

Also, there's nothing in the bible that says Mary and Joseph didn't have a marriage ceremony. It is not detailed, but it's omission doesn't mean it didn't happen. Like I have stated already, the bible doesn't mention Jesus using the lavatory, but I suspect he needed to take a shit like regular folks, so it's completely fallacious to infer that because something isn't written in the bible, it didn't happen. Each chapter doesnt start with 'the Sun rose' does it? But I think we can assume it did. So it's also safe to assume that Mary and Joseph, being described as 'married' had a marriage ceremony.

But you again are telling lies and twisting the Bible to suit your viewpoint. You'll probably go to hell for that. This voice you hear, it's probably Satan, corrupting you. Seems to be working so far, you've deviated from the word of God by some margin, sinner.
LIAR. The Bible does not say that!

The Bible describes Mary and Joseph as being married BEFORE they had sexual intercourse, because Mary is clearly described as being a virgin.

She's a VIRGIN AND A WIFE, so clearly, marriage does not hinge on sex.

yes it does say that. they made a covenant with GOD, not a priest, or a minister, or a judge about SEX, parenting, and mating. a covenant with GOD, that actually had some really specific instructions about SEX. and went on to have CHILDREN.

Also, there's nothing in the bible that says Mary and Joseph didn't have a marriage ceremony.

and you think that means they did? that's ridiculous.

It is not detailed,

it's actually not even mentioned.

but it's omission doesn't mean it didn't happen.

along with every other possible circumstance that's omitted. what it means is, it isn't important.

Like I have stated already, the bible doesn't mention Jesus using the lavatory, but I suspect he needed to take a shit like regular folks, so it's completely fallacious to infer that because something isn't written in the bible, it didn't happen. Each chapter doesnt start with 'the Sun rose' does it? But I think we can assume it did.

i didn't say it didn't happen. i said the bible doesn't say it happened, therefore it is unimportant...obviously.

as opposed to your stance "it doesn't say it didn't happen, so it did, and is important".

i think mine is more logical.

So it's also safe to assume that Mary and Joseph, being described as 'married' had a marriage ceremony.

But you again are telling lies and twisting the Bible to suit your viewpoint.

it's hard to believe you put these two statements one after the other, but look, there it is in black and white.

You'll probably go to hell for that. This voice you hear, it's probably Satan, corrupting you. Seems to be working so far, you've deviated from the word of God by some margin, sinner.

this is repugnant.
But you again are telling lies and twisting the Bible to suit your viewpoint. You'll probably go to hell for that. This voice you hear, it's probably Satan, corrupting you. Seems to be working so far, you've deviated from the word of God by some margin, sinner.

this is repugnant.

Yes, it is, but we get to hear all the time from good Christians like yourself. It is your god given right to repeat it as many times as you can. And, we must respect it, too. :D
Yes, it is, but we get to hear all the time from good Christians like yourself. It is your god given right to repeat it as many times as you can. And, we must respect it, too. :D

i hear it more from the atheists on this forum than the religious folk. actually, now that sandy's gone, you guys have us beat by a long shot.
The Bible describes Mary and Joseph as being married BEFORE they had sexual intercourse, because Mary is clearly described as being a virgin.]
Luke 1:26-27
26In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary.

She's a VIRGIN AND A WIFE, so clearly, marriage does not hinge on sex.
Matthew 1:18-25
24When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.

Also, there's nothing in the bible that says Mary and Joseph didn't have a marriage ceremony.....So it's also safe to assume that Mary and Joseph, being described as 'married' had a marriage ceremony.
but that does not mean there was a ceremony..

You'll probably go to hell for that.
did that make you feel better phlo?

This voice you hear, it's probably Satan, corrupting you.
satan does like to pretend he is god..
Seems to be working so far, you've deviated from the word of God by some margin,
lol..like any one has ever gotten it right..

we all are..
but that does not mean there was a ceremony..

It doesn't say there wasn't, BUT it does totally blow Lori's assertion that marriage=sex.

Mary and Joseph were married, but she was still a virgin. That totally blows Lori's assertion that sex is the covenant of marriage.
It doesn't say there wasn't, BUT it does totally blow Lori's assertion that marriage=sex.

Mary and Joseph were married, but she was still a virgin. That totally blows Lori's assertion that sex is the covenant of marriage.

Does the Bible actually claim they were husband and wife? Were there any other children apart from Jesus?

If I am not mistaken, he was 90 when he took charge of his niece who was then 12 years old. Were they ever married?