What caused you to turn away from your faith?

ba ha ha ha ha

go ahead. let me have it. I always knew atheism doesnt exist. how can it? hey, look at it this way:

'i dont believe in (insert something here) but i am anti(insert something here).'

see how smart i am?:bravo:

woo hoo, john ftw.
By its own definition....

IT CANNOT exist.

It's definition is someone who doesn't believe in God. I don't believe in God, so I'm an atheist. Where's the contradiction? Atheism is just a label, not an absolute thing that exists or doesn't exist.
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Come on now. What do the tenets of atheism have to do with why you no longer follow your childhood faith? Please move this discussion to an appropriate thread instead of highjacking this one. Thank you.
And how do you reach the standard of proof to warren the label 'Atheist'?


Dont get me wrong, i am not advocating a belief or affirming any belief in God just making the point that Atheism cannot exist.

I don't have to prove anything, just assert my position on the God issue. God could be real or imaginary, it makes no difference from the point of view of labelling my position.

I still think Christians exist, and it has nothing to do with whether God exists.
You obviously got carried away; I did not say or claim anything about agnostics or agnosticism. Find whoever made these claims not Baftan.... Plus, I did not claim that atheists have a "belief" that God does not exist. Quite the opposite: I brought all these dictionary definitions in order to show that only some perspectives (such as Oxford dictionary) do claim that atheism is a belief system. But you obviously didn't accuse me with that, you had someone else in your mental agenda, not Baftan...
Perhaps I did get carried way from responding to you later in my post 58, but initially I was responding to your citing of dictionary definitions in post 56. You were responding to:

Stateofmind's "Atheism is the belief that there is no god ..."

and showing only some dictionaries described Atheism as a "belief." I try to avoid talking about beliefs as they are not observables. (and often even when professed verbally may not be the full "belief") So I started by giving my two "belief free" definitions and claimed they were facts.

The "agenda" I had was mainly to show that, outside of the field of math, very little, if anything, can be proven to not exist. Thus, if you want to have a POV founded on evidence (instead of faith in someone's doctrine) you should be an agnostic -one who admits he does no know -rather than an atheist who claims to know (that God does not exist.)

As the old saying goes: "Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence."
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