What caused you to turn away from your faith?

I was raised a Quaker (Society of Friends) & had a Catholic mother. Her family baptized me as an infant & tried to make me a Catholic. I did not spend enough time with her family to do more than learn a lot about Catholicism without accepting it as a belief system.

I attended Quaker Sunday school & went to a Quaker elementary school. I went on to a Quaker boarding school for grades 9-12 & graduated from a Quaker college. I probably have a better knowledge of theology & various religious beliefs than many church/synagogue going believers.

When I was about 7 or 8, Job was the Sunday school subject. My reaction to it was very negative. I felt that Job was mistreated by god even though he was incredibly faithful & one of god’s very best believers.

I considered god’s treatment of Job to be unfair. I argued with the Sunday school teacher who was not able to convince me that I should focus on Job’s faith and accept anything that god did as okay.

The Job story & the view of the teacher started me questioning religious beliefs.

By the time I was 15-16, I called myself an agnostic. In college, I read the following witticism: “An agnostic is a cowardly atheist.” It made me realize that I was really an atheist who was not willing to admit to that view considered so extreme by classmates, teachers, family, et cetera.

I have been an atheist for well over 60 years. I avoided letting it be known to my mother because she was a very devout Catholic & I knew my belief system would cause her real grief. While I do not go out of my way to state that I am an atheist, most of my friends & associates know my views.

My path to atheism started with the story of Job.

I do not look for arguments with theists & tend to avoid discussion of theology & arguments on that subject with them.

In some circumstances I make my anti-theist views well known. I express contempt for & advocate criminal charges for those who deny medical care for children. I will make disparaging remarks when theology is presented as an equal alternative to a scientific view of reality. I express doubt when miracles are described. I defend the ethics of atheists against theist claims that atheists are liars, cheats, lacking in integrity, cannot be trusted to keep their promises, are willing to steal, kill, et cetera.
The day my dad told me "God is just another name for that which we don't understand", it all made perfect sense.
no fetist is a embryo but then again i am english.

No fetus is an embryo.

Fetishism, the attribution of religious or mystical qualities to inanimate objects

   /ˈfɛtɪʃ, ˈfitɪʃ/ Show Spelled[fet-ish, fee-tish] Show IPA
an object regarded with awe as being the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit or as having magical potency.
any object, idea, etc., eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion: to make a fetish of high grades.
Psychology. any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.
Weird, that's what drove me to faith. :worship:
When one is lead to believe in something with no demonstrable evidence to it being true, such as the Pope can not make errors in matters of faith as he is guided by God, or any of the conflicting different creeds about means to salvation (Usually including: "My POV is correct and those who differ are damned to hell." etc.) I do not call that "education" but "indoctrination." I had considerable indoctrination as a youth as I was raised in the Missouri synod of the Lutheran Church. (They think even less strict Lutherans are in danger of damnation, at least many years ago - perhaps it is only Catholics that will go straight to hell now.)
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When one is lead to believe in something with no demonstrable evidence to it being true, such as the Pope can not make errors in matters of faith as he is guided by God, or any of the conflicting different creeds about means to salvation (Usually including: "My POV is correct and those who differ are damned to hell." etc.) I do not call that "education" but "indoctrination."

Agreed. I don't see any way education as it is normally defined could lead anyone to believe in things without proof. All statistics agree.
... The OP asks three questions. Could you please elaborate?

(1) Missouri synod Lutheran
(2) I had considerable indoctrination as a youth as I was raised in the Missouri synod of the Lutheran Church. (They think even less strict Lutherans are in danger of damnation, at least many years ago - perhaps now it is only Catholics that will go straight to hell.) Becoming able to think for myself, use my powers of reason* etc. is what changed my POV and education aided that development.
(3) Agnostic now, if must chose some label.

*One result of reasoning is that if God and life eternal with him/her/it exists for a select few then one should think about (not be indoctrinated in one of the mutually conflicting beliefs) what is likely to be God’s selection criteria.

If we assume that God is intelligent and self confident then God surely does not need to be surrounded for all eternity with parrots who only repeat back to God what they were told. Surely God is self sufficient and not needing adoration of creatures like humans. Some humans do need adoration and buy dogs etc. to receive it, but God is not so psychologically weak.

Thus, I would assume God would prefer to be surrounded by spirits that are capable of thinking for themselves, spirits who could engage God in interesting discussions, even challenge God’s opinions and beliefs etc. rather than “Yes Man” sprits who only can said : “Yes God that is correct. You never cease to amaze me in your knowledge and wisdom!” Eternity is a long time – even God can get bored during eternity if God only has “Yes Men” to talk with.

Thus, it seems more probable that God’s selection criteria would reject all who blindly follow some dogma they have been indoctrinated in. I.e. God, if existing, probably prefers us doubters (mainly agnostics), who are always questioning and wanting evidence.

When I get to heaven, if it exist, I am looking forward to long discussions with St Thomas, a great doubter, who did not have the benefit of what science has discovered in the last 2000 years. I wonder if he will believe me when I tell him matter is not indivisible, Earth is not at the center of the universe, etc.
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M*W: I know a lot of delusional people who are "ridiculously happy." Many of them are on much needed psychiatric meds.Are you sure your "on-fire-for-Jesus" church was non-demon?Don't worry. Be happy. Go ahead and drink the Kool-Aid.

Millions of born-again Christians are ridiculously happy. We have Jesus, are going to Heaven when we die, have no fear, and love life. Sometimes Satan sends bitter shrews to try to steal our joy. We NEVER let that happen.
Millions of born-again Christians are ridiculously happy. We have Jesus, are going to Heaven when we die, have no fear, and love life. Sometimes Satan sends bitter shrews to try to steal our joy. We NEVER let that happen.

Just out of curiosity, do you look both ways before crossing the street? If so, why?
Sometimes Satan sends bitter shrews to try to steal our joy.

Would that be nagging women or any of various small, chiefly insectivorous mammals of the family Soricidae, resembling a mouse but having a long pointed snout and small eyes and ears.

Either way, Satan's got to step it up and do better than that.
Would that be nagging women or any of various small, chiefly insectivorous mammals of the family Soricidae, resembling a mouse but having a long pointed snout and small eyes and ears.
Either way, Satan's got to step it up and do better than that.

:D He uses nasty men, too. Anything he can to try to steal our joy.:(
Raised Catholic sort of, went to christian elementary school from 1st to 5th grade. At that time I was not really practicing, but was a believer. From 6th to 7th grade I went to a Mennonite brethern school and became a devout Christian. Religion was everything to me. In 8th grade my faith began to waiver, but being so devout I didn't want to let go so I ignored my thoughts and feelings about it. My freshman year of high school my Latin teacher made an off handed comment about the ancient Greeks' faith and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I tried to ignore it a little longer even though I knew already in my heart that I didn't believe in God anymore. However it wasn't until I turned 15 when I was finally able to admit that to myself that I was an atheist.
Millions of born-again Christians are ridiculously happy. We have Jesus, are going to Heaven when we die, have no fear, and love life. Sometimes Satan sends bitter shrews to try to steal our joy. We NEVER let that happen.
M*W: I'm a frayed knot. No one can "steal your joy" unless you let them. Your religious "joy" only exists in your head and not in reality. Just because two or more of you believe in the same old crap you believe in, that doesn't make it true. That makes two or more of you delusional.

Just so you know, Satan didn't send Medicine*Woman to steal your joy. Medicine*Woman doesn't need your joy, and since Satan exists only in your head, he must be dancing a jig on your frontal lobe.
i think you are confusing high school with college. potatae tomato its and american / english thing.
M*W: No, it's neither American nor English.

"Potato - tomato" aren't comparable.

"Poe-tay-toe" -- "poe-tah-toe"
"toe-may-toe" -- "toe-mah-toe"

It's the vowel sounds, stupid!

like our football is your soccer.
M*W: Again close, but no cigar.

i did all basic subjects at high school but i am taking muultimedia course schalship.
M*W: Good luck with that.