Well Documented UFO Case

When I investigate a UFO case, I tend to observe the shape of the craft, it's speed, trajectory, it's brightness in the sky, it's altitude, you know, the general details then weigh that up to whether it can be fitted into any of the known types of aircraft we have.

Has anyone yet done this?

Many of those things need a frame of reference, otherwise it can be very misleading and based on the opinion of the observer. That's why testimony without other complimenting data is not worth a lot. Reviewing the video, it's clear that everyone saw something related. That's about as much as there is. Bright light, seeming to move quickly, no sound. About as useful as any other Youtube case.
Many of those things need a frame of reference, otherwise it can be very misleading and based on the opinion of the observer. That's why testimony without other complimenting data is not worth a lot. Reviewing the video, it's clear that everyone saw something related. That's about as much as there is. Bright light, seeming to move quickly, no sound. About as useful as any other Youtube case.

Of course, explaining this to the kooks doesn't get you anywhere, but God bless you for trying anyway.

Reiku would never let those facts get in the way of his "investigations."
It's clear you will never convince people like Reiku and Ripley because they both believe they have personally seen ET forms of UFOs.
It's clear you will never convince people like Reiku and Ripley because they both believe they have personally seen ET forms of UFOs.

I don't think it's as noble as that. I think they simply want to believe they saw alien spacecraft, and no amount of evidence (or lack thereof) will convince them otherwise.
Ah, who cares what the military may or may not be doing, but it's a real farce when they come crawling out of their "non-civilian" caves only to "explain" something away. Obviously, those "explanations" are targeted for the likes of our Read-Onlies, and then the Read-Onlies do the rest.

I must admit, I find it very worrying measuring the level of intelligence most skeptics must possess, to believe otherwise mundane and mediocre explanations which never fit the bill.
It's clear you will never convince people like Reiku and Ripley because they both believe they have personally seen ET forms of UFOs.

I have seen something which cannot be explained away in terrestrial terms, so one must only wonder.

You may think it is stupid of me to think it could have been ET - I openly admit that it is a possibility, but it shows me you do not have an ounce of respect for those who do get to observe these bonafide objects whilst you sit and wallow with no experience at all, or if you do, you have not opened your mind to the possibility. That's your fault. Not mine, or anyone elses.
Many of those things need a frame of reference, otherwise it can be very misleading and based on the opinion of the observer.

Could you elaborate on what you mean? Any scientific facts usually don't require different frames of reference.

They are what they are. If you mean interpretations, then so be it. I would like to see some explanations of some famous mass-sighting cases. I am yet to see some real person here give a good reason for UFO's in the traditional and scientific sense.
I have seen something which cannot be explained away in terrestrial terms, so one must only wonder.

Your lack of ability to identify what you see is not my problem.

You may think it is stupid of me to think it could have been ET -

No, I think it's stupid to not first consider other, much more simple explanations.

But you already are convinced that it can't be explained "in terrestrial terms"

So what you are saying is that in a 1 in a many Billion chance (like winning two Megabuck lotteries in a row) these ETs came to the earth, and then in another act of extreme luck, they exposed themselves to you alone.

Yeah, that's believable.
Your lack of ability to identify what you see is not my problem.

I can't identify what I saw because it defies all known kinds of aircraft, not to mention they defied normal aerodynamical capabilities.

Tell me, if you saw something in the sky which fitted what I have said above, what would your explanation be? Could you find one? Isn't that the whole point of a proper bonafide UFO case, that it is seriously outside of the explainable?

Do you even know about what I saw?
No, I think it's stupid to not first consider other, much more simple explanations.

Presumptuous much?

I very much went through all possibilities. I didn't like an eager school kid, come up with the whim of an ET explanation because of a lack of maturity of knowledge on the subject.

Seriously, your arguements are rubbish and as usual, skeptical enough to put this down to the observer who, ''hasn't investigated all possibilities.''

Quite frankly, I have, nearly any time I recollect these memories.
I have seen something which cannot be explained away in terrestrial terms, so one must only wonder.

You may think it is stupid of me to think it could have been ET - I openly admit that it is a possibility, but it shows me you do not have an ounce of respect for those who do get to observe these bonafide objects whilst you sit and wallow with no experience at all, or if you do, you have not opened your mind to the possibility. That's your fault. Not mine, or anyone elses.
Precisely, and I've been making the same conclusions: it's in their approach that betrays the skeptic's true spirit—it's downright rude. They remind me of Christians chasing heretics with a stick: their claim of insanity is akin to a Christian's accusation of being possessed. What is it they fear?? I mean, it doesn't involve them personally, so why the passive anger and repressed excitement? Is it envy—like the Christian's envy?

Okay, now I really got to go.

Oh, that beautiful sighting I had: firstly, I thought it was a shooting star, sketching a rapid silent stroke across the late night sky, as shooting stars do. Then it sideslipped sharply but smoothly to its right without loosing its shooting-star-momentum, only to instantly return to, and resume its original path.
Yup, I'm sure you both saw alien spacecraft.

That's the ONLY possible explanation.

You've totally convinced me with your compelling stories.
Yup, I'm sure you both saw alien spacecraft.

That's the ONLY possible explanation.

You've totally convinced me with your compelling stories.

I wasn't trying to convince anyone, Adoucette. I was merely enjoying the memory.
I wasn't trying to convince anyone, Adoucette. I was merely enjoying the memory.

Oh BS.

You've now claimed you've had MANY sightings of aliens over a long period of time.

Now that I think of it, it's almost of an uncanny coincidence that the sightings I had from childhood—when smart phones were a thing of fantasy—were events that persisted for longer periods of time than those of my more recent sightings that lasted for mere seconds. One could conjecture (not conclude, JDawg) that ET is bashful and doesn't wish to be snapshot.

You really need to get a grip.
religious pseudoskeptics...

Bright light, seeming to move quickly, no sound.

Of course, explaining this to the kooks doesn't get you anywhere, but God bless you for trying anyway.

something else......
Officer Ed Barton, with the Lebanon, Illinois Police Department was contacted by the St.Clair County dispatcher, CENCOM, at 4:12am that morning and was told to look for a UFO. Officer Barton thought the dispatcher was joking until it was made clear that the call was serious. Officer Barton then proceeded to look for the UFO and spotted it in the direction of Summerfield, Illinois. He turned on his emergency overhead lights and proceeded south on Rt. 4 and then east on Rt. 50, toward the small town of Summerfield.

While Officer Barton traveled eastbound on Illinois Rt. 50, another witness, a resident of Summerfield, observed the object for about 2 minutes at an approximate altitude of 900 feet and 800 feet distance. He reported the object to be at least twice the size of a C-5 cargo plane (222 foot wingspan). The witness said there were bright lights around the perimeter and the shape (triangular) could be likened to a boomerang, very wide. He saw no light at the rear. It moved very slowly (about the speed of a C-5 landing) and he could hear a slight sound; likened to a well-tuned V-8 engine at about 40 feet distance. The object moved westerly (toward Lebanon).

Officer Barton drove his squad car toward the UFO and pulled off the road to shut down his engine and overhead emergency lights in an effort to hear a sound from the UFO, which was still approaching him. Officer Barton filed a police report with sketches that described a very large triangular-shaped aircraft.

The lighting on board the UFO was remarkable, as it was blinding white, (brighter than typical aircraft landing lights) with a white light at each corner of the craft. On bottom center just past the half way mark, was a red blinking light. The forward white light shot a shaft of light toward the ground, without actually lighting the ground as you expect from a spotlight. The UFO hovered at approximately 1000 feet and no sound could be heard from the object as it approached, hovered, and departed. Before its departure, the object made a stunning flat pivoting turn and then began to move slowly away.

Officer Barton could see the rear of the object which displayed a full array of white light across the aft side of the craft, with a thin strip of blended, multicolored lights that ran horizontally and centered across the surface. Officer Barton reached into his squad car to radio CENCOM and tell them what he was seeing, and when he emerged from the car, a duration described as 3 to 4 seconds, he saw that the brightly lit UFO had somehow relocated to an area some 6 miles away, near the town of Shiloh, Illinois, without making a sound. Officer Barton’s communications could be monitored on the CENCOM radio channel by any others tuned to that frequency and thus a police officer in Shiloh picked up the chatter.​

barton, even in death, gets trolled

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Precisely, and I've been making the same conclusions: it's in their approach that betrays the skeptic's true spirit—it's downright rude. They remind me of Christians chasing heretics with a stick: their claim of insanity is akin to a Christian's accusation of being possessed. What is it they fear?? I mean, it doesn't involve them personally, so why the passive anger and repressed excitement? Is it envy—like the Christian's envy?

Okay, now I really got to go.

Oh, that beautiful sighting I had: firstly, I thought it was a shooting star, sketching a rapid silent stroke across the late night sky, as shooting stars do. Then it sideslipped sharply but smoothly to its right without loosing its shooting-star-momentum, only to instantly return to, and resume its original path.

Exactly. Precisely, in fact. I don't understand this nature skeptics have adopted. Is it easier to believe that all these people who have seen these things and testify to their existences as being just a bunch of retarded, uneducated delusional irrationals? Can there be no acceptance that these objects being observed are being given the full attention they deserve at the time from otherwise, believable witnesses?

As for your sighting, it sounds like the object took a directionality that normally would defy physics. I am sitting here thinking of possible explanations, but immediately from your description I can tell that if anything had deflected the path of an object in such a way, it would have immediately lost momentum or would have continued side-streaking.

Could you elaborate on what you mean? Any scientific facts usually don't require different frames of reference.

They are what they are. If you mean interpretations, then so be it. I would like to see some explanations of some famous mass-sighting cases. I am yet to see some real person here give a good reason for UFO's in the traditional and scientific sense.

A frame of reference means something to compare with something else. A light in the sky can't be accurately measured in its distance, velocity, etc if you don't have something else to gauge it with. Certainly not to a point of being sure of what it is. That's why zoomed in shaky video of lights is useless. You can note its unusually behavior or appearance, but can't extrapolate from that anything beyond what is actually detected. Even a shape you see could be misleading, depending on the angle and depth field.

The best disguise aliens could take would be the shape of a plane with appropriate sound. Not perfect, since some UFO hunters have videoed planes and called them space craft.
Yup, I'm sure you both saw alien spacecraft.

That's the ONLY possible explanation.

You've totally convinced me with your compelling stories.

I don't need to convince you.
An official report went into my sighting, with around several witnesses, four of them independant of the remaining. The police were involved and the investigation went as far to the (kinda local) Faslane, a Naval Base just at the left hand side of the Clyde unto which I reside.

I don't need to convince you. You can choose not to believe me. That is your choice. My specific sighting holds more merit than most sightings I must admit myself, simply because of the official reports and investigation.

The investigation turned up negative in identifying these objects above Innellan.