We would never wish anything so horrible on anyone.

Its the basic knowledge of a creator.
Ah, that's where you're wrong. Again. You don't have any knowledge of a creator, merely belief.

Its what I take as fact that leads me down the path of a descent human being.
According to your view of "decent human being" anyway... (Which apparently includes blatant hypocrisy).
@spidergoat --

Oops, my bad. Thanks for the correction. That should teach me not to post when my three triple espressos are wearing off.
They would, and do, wish that on anyone different. Their smugness is evident, but pride is a sin and hell will await them instead.
Oh the irony.
Pfft, I'm looking for a pure heroine!

I suggest that Wonder Woman might fit that billing, and her new wardrobe is more apropos for this thread. ;)

Are you talking to me? If Anne Frank was a bad person then she is in hell. The only way into Heaven is to be a good person. When I say use common sense im not referring to the book. I don't need to justify my belief, it is pure, I will defend it however.

Do you know who Anne Frank is ?
I suggest that Wonder Woman might fit that billing, and her new wardrobe is more apropos for this thread. ;)


I know your secret ? Yeah you can't hide it anymore.

Your wonder woman in disguise. I know you are but what am I . Don't touch me . You got Cooties. Wonder Cooties or is that super cooties
I know your secret ? Yeah you can't hide it anymore.

Your wonder woman in disguise. I know you are but what am I . Don't touch me . You got Cooties. Wonder Cooties or is that super cooties


We would never wish anything so horrible on anyone, lol....

I'll just truss you up with the lasso of truth to keep you out of harm's way. :D
Still, better an eternity in hell than an eternity in heaven, all of the greatest thinkers of all time will be down there. I can't wait to discuss cosmology with Sagan, quantum mechanics with Feynman, cryptography with Turing....I can stand a little heat for that.
That is what they like to project yes. But the need to proselytize and even control the morality of others which is common to most theists in this world speaks of an underlying and deep-seated insecurity, both in how they're perceived by others and in their own faith. The entire concept of blasphemy and sacrilege speak to this perfectly.

There may be cultural or individual differences in how the desire to control others is perceived.

Some people have a tendency to interpret it as an act of weakness, insecurity.
Others, as an act of strength and certainty.
Then why do you believe in a god who will torture the majority of people in hell for all eternity, with no chance of redemption?
God gave humans immortal souls that survive the separation of body and soul, which is what death is.

Hell was not created by God. Hell was created when angels freely chose to eternally separate themselves from God. Because angels and human beings were given free will, God allowed for the possibility of hell, but he did not directly create it.

Hell is the eternal separation of creatures from their Creator. The angels who fell did this by one irrevocable choice. Humans' choice for heaven or hell is settled irrevocably at their deaths. The punishments of hell are entirely self-inflicted, so we cannot say that hell is an "external motivation" created by God to inspire humans to be good. At most, God may allow human fear of hell to work as such an "external motivator."

Some Christians, such as Seventh-day Adventists, think that it is unmerciful for a loving God to torture fallen humans for all eternity and so they imagine it more in keeping with God's loving nature for him to annihilate unrepentant evildoers. They are right that a loving God does not eternally torture people, but they are wrong in their understanding of the nature of hell.
God gave humans immortal souls that survive the separation of body and soul, which is what death is.

Hell was not created by God. Hell was created when angels freely chose to eternally separate themselves from God. Because angels and human beings were given free will, God allowed for the possibility of hell, but he did not directly create it.

Hell is the eternal separation of creatures from their Creator. The angels who fell did this by one irrevocable choice. Humans' choice for heaven or hell is settled irrevocably at their deaths. The punishments of hell are entirely self-inflicted, so we cannot say that hell is an "external motivation" created by God to inspire humans to be good. At most, God may allow human fear of hell to work as such an "external motivator."

Some Christians, such as Seventh-day Adventists, think that it is unmerciful for a loving God to torture fallen humans for all eternity and so they imagine it more in keeping with God's loving nature for him to annihilate unrepentant evildoers. They are right that a loving God does not eternally torture people, but they are wrong in their understanding of the nature of hell.

Do you know this, or do you merely have faith that it is so?