We would never wish anything so horrible on anyone.

@Knowledge --

It's not that he wouldn't help the Hebrews against the plainsmen, he promised that he would, it says explicitly that he couldn't stop their iron chariots because they were made of iron(so apparently god is Fey). That is, to put it bluntly, quite pathetic. Give the the right equipment and I could stop an army of iron chariots, hell, I could even build something which could outright destroy them. For god not to be able to do this signifies both a lack of power and a lack of knowledge, which is exactly what we would expect if these were stories written by ignorant people living thousands of years ago.

He meant, they were iron, they are of Earth. God will not interfere with events on Earth, unless it is dire, at which point he angels go forth. God has more knowledge than your mind can fathom. Some written by prophets, some written by the ignoranus
Matthew,Mark,Luke and John..tells what jesus DID in particular situations.

This is not enough to claim that you know what Jesus would do right now,
in this situation of us communicating, for example.

and several times it mentions 'true christian', so your argument does not consider what one thinks of as a 'true christian' VS what the bible says is a 'true christian'
(IOW is the person using it in a 'i'm right/your wrong' context or a 'this is what the bible says it is' context..

The Bible says all kinds of things, and can be quoted to support even mutually exclusive propositions.
For example, one can quote the Bible to support capital punishment, or to be against it.
This is not enough to claim that you know what Jesus would do right now,
in this situation of us communicating, for example.

The Bible says all kinds of things, and can be quoted to support even mutually exclusive propositions.
For example, one can quote the Bible to support capital punishment, or to be against it.

This is to appease to multiple nations and people.
We have no evidence that free will even exists.
It's self evident, just like the fact that you exist. You are simply not honest enough to admit it to yourself.

Empirical testability is irrelevant to whether or not you know of your own existence. I know that I exist, I don't need a scientific test, because its within my immediate knowledge. Its pre-scientific knowledge; just like the fact that we have general knowledge of physical existence before we apply science to it, although self knowledge is more certain. To attempt to ignore this fact, by creating the further illusion that science must have a say first before I can know or express the certain fact that I exist, is a ridiculous joke, and you should know better.
@NM --

If you accept their writings, which I don't for many reasons. For one thing, we have no idea who actually wrote them. For another thing, they weren't written until decades after the supposed events took place, making them second hand accounts at best. Third, regardless of who wrote them, we know that they were human and thus subject to human flaws like wishful thinking and dishonesty.
i am not citing the bible as an unerring source.....

I think you're full of shit. I can't find a single passage in the bible where it gives the definition of a "true christian". I've found places where it says that Jesus' followers will live by the word of god, but that means that anything other than atheism is allowed as god commanded murder, rape, genocide, slavery, and numerous other atrocious acts.
not sure where it is but my point was to distinguish the difference between a person stating 'true christian' as a personal perspective vs a predefined definition.

Regardless, as I've already said, all of this falls by the wayside if you don't consider the bible to be an accurate text, and given the enormous number of times it's been edited(the bible is the most heavily edited text in all of human history) I don't see how we could possibly consider it accurate.
i do not believe the bible as a literal unerring word of God.
i view it as a guide book, with stories to communicate certain problems that have been around for ages..