We want to take off our shirts too!

I can only imagine ( I'm a man and don't even have manboobs) that floating in the pool or the ocean with said big ( voluptuous) breasts free from the effects of gravity and free from all other encumbrances must feel bloody wonderful. Umm, not to mention the invigorating cool water.

it does feal bloody wonderful actually, and EmmZ women with bigger breasts can go topless for a long time, it is such a fealing to be free of clothes
Big deal :yawn:


Lets see you dance.
Why, would it bring on the ATTACK OF THE NAKED NAGAS?

(which is a redundant phrase since naga means naked).

Its really strange how dissonant people can be.

Nudity means different things in different context.

i have no problem with nudity! i think that men and women shoudl eb able to walk around topless if they want to, but what gets me is, women hardly see the mans naked chest has a sexual organ, but men see breasts has sexual organs all the time"

doesnt make sense to me!
The difference between a mans breasts and a womans is enormous. I dont see mens breasts as that big of a deal and neither do women. Yet if a man walk around with his P out are you trying to tell me women wont stare?:eek:

Not only that but believe it or not biologically the difference between a males weenie and a females breasts is pretty close. First and foremost, they are both external, they both excreet fluid, and they both change dimension when aroused. Case closed.
oh yeah, we hear about it all the time but if you ask me it's all BS. If i ever get banned i will come back here as a woman.
Hold on for a moment:

oh god. I saw that in real life when i was around 17. An old man in a rain coat opened it up in front of me and my friend once and he had female sized breasts. It was creepy and i still get chills thinking about it.