We want to take off our shirts too!

Breasts can be sexually attractive ...............;)

So can a nice butt in Levis jeans ....... what is your point ??
Is there anything wrong in being sexually attracted to anyone ,as long as both you and the other person can handle it ????
Or are you secretly worried that you and other people can NOT handle it .....??? :rolleyes:
Believe me , we men in Denmark can handle it .... we are used to it ......:m:
I don't find breasts sexual though. That would be weird. I only look at crotches. If a woman has a pretty crotch, I sniff it. If it smells nice, then I'll grind on her in a seductive manner and display my engorged manhood to demonstrate that I am ready to go.

lol, don't you bother to ask before sniffing because what I read sounded like a one way ticket to jail.

For the Idiots, breasts are sexual to men because they represent womanhood,fertility and the like but an actual sex organ? No.

It's what, from a distance, tells you if you want to "sniff her crotch" .
Sputnik, the point is where do you draw the line? I can only accomplish my goal here by getting graohic, suffice it to say that thare are nerve endings in the nipple which respond to stimulation that make them SEXUAL.
But there are also nerve endings in the male nipple that respond to stimulation. Fuck man, there are nerve endings in the scalp that respond to stimulation!
I normally would frown at anybody showing their copulation organs in public (penis, vagina ) ... so keep your pants on ....unless you are trying to get a suntan on one of the " special beaches" ...........for me, being topless at a beach, public pool or a public park is NOTHING ..........

Women can speak soft and sexy with their voice ..... the look of love or lust in someones eye .... flushing of the cheeks ...hmmm...hmmm.... nipples can be hard from coldness and sexual arousing ....in both sexes .....

Being sexually attracted is great !!! .... but doing something about it , is ONLY great if both agree !!!
I've heard of women having orgasms just by having their knickers touched. I think it's pretty rare,though.
I don't see why women have to cover up their boobs. If men don't have to cover up their chests, I mean many women find shirtless men very sexually appealing why do you think they always appear that way in magazines? Its just that most men don't find it appealing so its okay. I walk around topless a lot and my dog nor my boyfriend cares all that much.
i think the habit of women covering themselves up a lot more than men comes from the fact that when men become sexualy aroused, it's visible

so women must cover to avoid such embarassing situations as an erection poping out at an inappropriate time
I love my boobs give me an oppurtunity to not wear a shirt and I will probably take it. I went to a topless party at school once I thought everyone was going to be all weird about it, but nobody was even prudish people showed up and had a good time. See men can control themselves if they want to. No one got raped it was great.
Can you please explain how breasts are physically used to transfer sperm to the egg?

I see you never fucked a titty...

Now only good looking tits should be allowed to be shown in public. OK, OK, I will volunteer to head the comittee who decides which titty is public -worthy...


Now do you really want to see these girls topless???